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jakarta-jaxrs-resource-server: JAX-RS Resource Server

Level: Beginner Technologies: Jakarta EE Summary: A JAX-RS resource server protected with Wildfly Elytron OIDC Target Product: Keycloak, WildFly

What is it?

This quickstart demonstrates how to write a RESTful service with Jakarta RESTful Web Service that is secured with Keycloak.

The endpoints are very simple and will only return a simple message stating what endpoint was invoked.

System Requirements

To compile and run this quickstart you will need:

  • JDK 17
  • Apache Maven 3.8.6
  • Wildfly 28+
  • Keycloak 21+
  • Docker 20+

Starting and Configuring the Keycloak Server

To start a Keycloak Server you can use OpenJDK on Bare Metal, Docker, Openshift or any other option described in [Keycloak Getting Started guides] For example when using Docker just run the following command in the root directory of this quickstart:

docker run --name keycloak \
  -e KEYCLOAK_ADMIN=admin \
  --network=host \{KC_VERSION} \
  start-dev \

where KC_VERSION should be set to 21.0.0 or higher.

You should be able to access your Keycloak Server at http://localhost:8180.

Log in as the admin user to access the Keycloak Administration Console. Username should be admin and password admin.

Import the realm configuration file to create a new realm called quickstart. For more details, see the Keycloak documentation about how to create a new realm.

Starting the Wildfly Server

In order to deploy the example application, you need a Wildfly Server up and running. For more details, see the Wildfly documentation about how to install the server.

Make sure the server is accessible from localhost and listening on port 8080.

Build and Deploy the Quickstart

  1. Open a terminal and navigate to the root directory of this quickstart.

  2. The following shows the command to deploy the quickstart:

    mvn -Djakarta clean wildfly:deploy

Access the Quickstart

There are 3 endpoints exposed by the service:

You can open the public endpoint directly in the browser to test the service. The two other endpoints are protected and require invoking them with a bearer token.

To invoke the protected endpoints using a bearer token, your client needs to obtain an OAuth2 access token from a Keycloak server. In this example, we are going to obtain tokens using the resource owner password grant type so that the client can act on behalf of any user available from the realm.

You should be able to obtain tokens for any of these users:

Username Password Roles
alice alice user
admin admin admin

To obtain the bearer token, run for instance the following command when on Linux (please make sure to have curl and jq packages available in your linux distribution):

export access_token=$(\
curl -X POST http://localhost:8180/realms/quickstart/protocol/openid-connect/token \
-H 'content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
-d 'client_id=jakarta-jaxrs-resource-server&client_secret=secret' \
-d 'username=alice&password=alice&grant_type=password' | jq --raw-output '.access_token' \

You can use the same command to obtain tokens on behalf of user admin, just make sure to change both username and password request parameters.

After running the command above, you can now access the http://localhost:8080/jakarta-jaxrs-resource-server/secured endpoint because the user alice has the user role.

curl http://localhost:8080/jakarta-jaxrs-resource-server/secured \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer "$access_token

As a result, you will see the following response from the service:


You may also want to enable CORS for the service if you want to allow invocations from HTML5 applications deployed to a different host. To do this edit oidc.json file and add:

   "enable-cors": true

Undeploy the Quickstart

  1. Open a terminal and navigate to the root directory of this quickstart.

  2. The following shows the command to deploy the quickstart:

    mvn -Djakarta clean wildfly:undeploy

Running tests

Make sure Keycloak is running.

You don't need Wildfly running because a temporary server is started during test execution.

  1. Open a terminal and navigate to the root directory of this quickstart.

  2. Run the following command to build and run tests:

    mvn -Djakarta clean verify
