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Example output image


This is a component of CompreFace. CompreFace is a service for face recognition: upload images with faces of known people, then upload a new image, and the service will recognize faces in it.

Setup environment

Not needed if only running containers:

$ python -m pip install -r requirements.txt -e srcext/insightface/python-package
$ imageio_download_bin freeimage

Only needed if using tools:

$ make tools/tmp
$ chmod +x tools/

Run service


$ export FLASK_ENV=development
$ python -m


Images on DockerHub

There are some pre-build images on To use it run:

$ docker run -p 3000:3000 exadel/compreface-core:latest
DockerHub tags
Tag Scanner Build arguments Comment
:0.5.1 :latest Facenet2018
:0.5.1-insightface InsightFace FACE_DETECTION_PLUGIN=insightface.FaceDetector
:0.5.1-insightface-gpu InsightFace FACE_DETECTION_PLUGIN=insightface.FaceDetector
CORE_GPU_IDX - index of GPU-device

Builds container (also runs main tests during the build):

$ docker build -t embedding-calculator .

To skip tests during build, use:

$ docker build -t embedding-calculator --build-arg SKIP_TESTS=true .
$ docker run -p 3000:3000 embedding-calculator

Run tests

Unit tests

$ pytest -m "not integration and not performance" src tools

Integration tests

$ pytest -m integration src tools

Performance tests

$ pytest -m performance src tools

Lint checks

$ python -m pylama --options pylama.ini src tools


If DockerHub images is not enough, build an image with only the necessary set of plugins.
For changing default plugins pass needed plugin names in build arguments and build your own image.

Face detection and calculation plugins

Set plugins by build arguments FACE_DETECTION_PLUGIN and CALCULATION_PLUGIN

Plugin name Slug Backend Framework GPU support
facenet.FaceDetector detector MTCNN Tensorflow
facenet.Calculator calculator Facenet Tensorflow
insightface.FaceDetector detector insightface MXNet +
insightface.Calculator calculator insightface MXNet +
Extra plugins

Pass to EXTRA_PLUGINS comma-separated names of plugins.

Plugin name Slug Backend Framework GPU support
agegender.AgeDetector age agegender Tensorflow
agegender.GenderDetector gender agegender Tensorflow
insightface.AgeDetector age insightface MXNet +
insightface.GenderDetector gender insightface MXNet +
facenet.LandmarksDetector landmarks Facenet Tensorflow +
insightface.LandmarksDetector landmarks insightface MXNet +
insightface.Landmarks2d106Detector landmarks2d106 insightface MXNet +
facenet.facemask.MaskDetector mask facemask Tensorflow +
insightface.facemask.MaskDetector mask facemask MXNet +


  • facenet.LandmarksDetector and insightface.LandmarksDetector extract landmarks from results of FaceDetector plugin without additional processing. Returns 5 points of eyes, nose and mouth.
  • insightface.Landmarks2d106Detector detects 106 points of facial landmark. Points mark-up
Default build arguments:

Pre-trained models

Some plugins have several pre-trained models.
To use an additional model pass a name of the model after a plugin name with a separator @. For example:


List of pre-trained models:

  • facenet.Calculator

    • 20180402-114759 (default)
    • 20180408-102900
  • insightface.FaceDetector

    • retinaface_r50_v1 (default)
    • retinaface_mnet025_v1
    • retinaface_mnet025_v2
  • insightface.Calculator

  • facenet.facemask.MaskDetector

    • inception_v3_on_mafa_kaggle123 (default)
    • mobilenet_v2_on_mafa_kaggle123
  • insightface.facemask.MaskDetector

    • mobilenet_v2_on_mafa_kaggle123 (default)
    • resnet18_on_mafa_kaggle123


There are two build arguments for optimization:

  • GPU_IDX - id of NVIDIA GPU device, starts from 0 (empty or -1 for disable)
  • INTEL_OPTIMIZATION - enable Intel MKL optimization (true/false)
NVIDIA Runtime

Install the nvidia-docker2 package and dependencies on the host machine:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y nvidia-docker2
sudo systemctl restart docker

Build and run with enabled gpu

docker build . -t embedding-calculator-cuda -f gpu.Dockerfile
docker build . -t embedding-calculator-gpu --build-arg GPU_IDX=0 --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=embedding-calculator-cuda
docker run -p 3000:3000 --gpus all embedding-calculator-gpu


Finds faces in a given image, puts bounding boxes and saves the resulting image.

$ export IMG_NAMES=015_6.jpg
$ python -m tools.scan

Tests the accuracy of face detection.

$ make tools/benchmark_detection/tmp
$ python -m tools.benchmark_detection

Tests whether service crashes with various parameters under given RAM constraints.

$ docker build -t embedding-calculator .
$ tools/ $(pwd)/sample_images

Optimizes face detection library parameters with a given annotated image dataset.

$ mkdir tmp
$ python -m tools.optimize_detection_params


Perform the following steps:

  1. Build and run embedding-calculator with the needed scanner backend and CPU/GPU supports
  2. Run a benchmark:
    1. inside the container docker exec embedding-calculator ./benchmark
    2. or locally cd .embedding-calculator && ./ (require exposing API at localhost:3000)



While building container, crashes with error : invalid option

CRLF file endings may cause this. To fix, run $ dos2unix *.

Installing packages requirements.txt in a local environment crashes

Package uWSGI is not supported on Windows. Workaround is to temporarily delete the line with the package name from requirements.txt and install without it.


Check that the component is in valid state: run tests, build container, start it

$ make
$ make up

Get project line counts per file type

$ which tokei >/dev/null || conda install -y -c conda-forge tokei && tokei --exclude srcext/