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A CLI tool to import/export records to/from kintone.


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License: MIT

A CLI tool to import/export records to/from Kintone.


  1. Jump to the Releases page.
  2. Download a ZIP file for your platform from "Assets".
    • Windows:
    • Linux:
    • macOS:
  3. Extract the downloaded zip file
  4. Run the extracted file as follows and confirm that the command is available.
    • Windows: cli-kintone.exe on command prompt
    • Linux & macOS: ./cli-kintone on terminal


To run the cli-kintone command from any directory, do one of the following:

  • Run the command while specifying the absolute path
  • Set the PATH environment
  • Move the cli-kintone file to the /usr/local/bin directory (for Linux & macOS)



The import command allows you to import record data into a specified Kintone app.

$ cli-kintone record import \
--base-url https://${yourDomain} \
--api-token ${apiToken} \
--app ${kintoneAppId} \
--file-path ${filepath}


Some options use environment variables starting with KINTONE_ as default values.

      --version              Show version number                       [boolean]
      --help                 Show help                                 [boolean]
      --base-url             Kintone Base Url
                                 [string] [required] [default: KINTONE_BASE_URL]
  -u, --username             Kintone Username
                                            [string] [default: KINTONE_USERNAME]
  -p, --password             Kintone Password
                                            [string] [default: KINTONE_PASSWORD]
      --api-token            App's API token[array] [default: KINTONE_API_TOKEN]
      --basic-auth-username  Kintone Basic Auth Username
                                 [string] [default: KINTONE_BASIC_AUTH_USERNAME]
      --basic-auth-password  Kintone Basic Auth Password
                                 [string] [default: KINTONE_BASIC_AUTH_PASSWORD]
      --app                  The ID of the app               [string] [required]
      --guest-space-id       The ID of guest space
                                      [string] [default: KINTONE_GUEST_SPACE_ID]
      --attachments-dir      Attachment file directory                  [string]
      --file-path            The path to the source file.
                             The file extension should be ".csv"
                                                             [string] [required]
      --encoding             Character encoding
                                     [choices: "utf8", "sjis"] [default: "utf8"]
      --update-key           The key to Bulk Update                     [string]
      --fields               The fields to be imported in comma-separated
      --pfx-file-path        The path to the client certificate file        [string]
      --pfx-file-password    The password of the client certificate file    [string]
      --proxy                The URL of a proxy server
                                                 [string] [default: HTTPS_PROXY]
      --log-level            The log config level
                                     [choices: "debug", "info", "warn", "error", "fatal", "none"] [default: "info"]
      --verbose              Set the log config level to "debug"            [boolean]
  • A field within a Table cannot be specified to the fields option.

Import Attachment field

The --attachments-dir option is required if records contain an Attachment field.

  • The local file path in the record is treated as a relative path from --attachments-dir.
    • Upload the file there.
  • The file names on Kintone will be the same as the local.

Upsert records

When the --update-key option is set, the option value is used as "Key to Bulk Update" to import (upsert) records.

"Upsert" means updating and/or inserting records simultaneously. Data containing keys that match existing record values are used to update those records accordingly, and the remaining data is added to the specified app as new records.

The field specified as "Key to Bulk Update" must meet one of the following requirements:

  • Be the Record Number field.
  • Be one of the following field types with the "Prohibit duplicate values" option enabled:
    • Text
    • Number
  • When the Record Number field is specified as the "Key to Bulk Update", the field's value may have the target app's code.
  • A Record Number field is only evaluated for records to be updated when it is specified as "Key to Bulk Update".
  • The following fields in records to be updated are ignored.
    • Created by
    • Created datetime
    • Updated by
    • Updated datetime


The export command allows you to export record data from a specified Kintone app.

$ cli-kintone record export \
--base-url https://${yourDomain} \
--api-token ${apiToken} \
--app ${kintoneAppId} \
> ${filepath}


Some options use environment variables starting with KINTONE_ as default values.

      --version              Show version number                       [boolean]
      --help                 Show help                                 [boolean]
      --base-url             Kintone Base Url
                                 [string] [required] [default: KINTONE_BASE_URL]
  -u, --username             Kintone Username
                                            [string] [default: KINTONE_USERNAME]
  -p, --password             Kintone Password
                                            [string] [default: KINTONE_PASSWORD]
      --api-token            App's API token[array] [default: KINTONE_API_TOKEN]
      --basic-auth-username  Kintone Basic Auth Username
                                 [string] [default: KINTONE_BASIC_AUTH_USERNAME]
      --basic-auth-password  Kintone Basic Auth Password
                                 [string] [default: KINTONE_BASIC_AUTH_PASSWORD]
      --app                  The ID of the app               [string] [required]
      --guest-space-id       The ID of guest space
                                      [string] [default: KINTONE_GUEST_SPACE_ID]
      --attachments-dir      Attachment file directory                  [string]
      --encoding             Character encoding
                                     [choices: "utf8", "sjis"] [default: "utf8"]
  -c, --condition            The query string                           [string]
      --order-by             The sort order as a query                  [string]
      --fields               The fields to be exported in comma-separated
      --pfx-file-path        The path to the client certificate file        [string]
      --pfx-file-password    The password of the client certificate file    [string]
      --proxy                The URL of a proxy server
                                                 [string] [default: HTTPS_PROXY]
      --log-level            The log config level
                                     [choices: "debug", "info", "warn", "error", "fatal", "none"] [default: "info"]
      --verbose              Set the log config level to "debug"                                   [boolean]
  • A field within a Table cannot be specified to the fields option.

--condition and --order-by options

You can filter and reorder records with --condition and --order-by options.

These options are passed to getAllRecords() of @kintone/rest-api-client.

Refer to the getAllRecords() document for more information.

Download attachment files

If the --attachments-dir option is set, attachment files will be downloaded to the local directory.

  • The file path is <attachmentsDir>/<fieldCode>-<recordId>/<filename>.
    • For attachment fields in a Table, the file path is <attachmentsDir>/<fieldCode>-<recordId>-<tableRowIndex>/<filename>.
  • For files with the same name in the same Attachment field, the files will be renamed to <filename> (<index>).<ext>.


The delete command allows you to delete records of a specified Kintone app.


  • This command only supports API token authentication.
  • This action cannot be rollback.
$ cli-kintone record delete \
--base-url https://${yourDomain} \
--api-token ${apiToken} \
--app ${kintoneAppId} \
--file-path ${filepath}

You can bypass the confirmation step by using the options --yes or -y.


Some options use environment variables starting with KINTONE_ as default values.

      --version              Show version number                       [boolean]
      --help                 Show help                                 [boolean]
      --base-url             Kintone Base Url
                                 [string] [required] [default: KINTONE_BASE_URL]
      --api-token            App's API token[array] [default: KINTONE_API_TOKEN]
      --basic-auth-username  Kintone Basic Auth Username
                                 [string] [default: KINTONE_BASIC_AUTH_USERNAME]
      --basic-auth-password  Kintone Basic Auth Password
                                 [string] [default: KINTONE_BASIC_AUTH_PASSWORD]
      --app                  The ID of the app               [string] [required]
      --file-path            The path to the source file.
                             The file extension should be ".csv"        [string]
      --encoding             Character encoding
                                     [choices: "utf8", "sjis"] [default: "utf8"]
      --guest-space-id       The ID of guest space
                                      [string] [default: KINTONE_GUEST_SPACE_ID]
      --pfx-file-path        The path to the client certificate file        [string]
      --pfx-file-password    The password of the client certificate file    [string]
      --proxy                The URL of a proxy server
                                                 [string] [default: HTTPS_PROXY]
  -y, --yes                  Force to delete records                   [boolean]
      --log-level            The log config level
                                     [choices: "debug", "info", "warn", "error", "fatal", "none"] [default: "info"]
      --verbose              Set the log config level to "debug"                                   [boolean]

Delete all records

All records of the target app will be deleted if the option --file-path is not specified.

Delete specific records

Specific records can be deleted by specifying the option --file-path.

The value of the --file-path must be the path to the CSV file and should meet the following requirements:

  • The file extension should be ".csv".
  • The header row of the record number column must be the record number field code which is defined in the target app.
  • If using the app code in the record number:
    • Every row should contain the same app code (not mixed).
    • The app code is equal to the target app's one.

Proxy Authentication

cli-kintone supports proxy authentication via proxy url by the following format:


Supported file formats

cli-kintone supports the following formats for both import & export commands.

  • CSV

When importing, it automatically determines the format by the file extension (specified by the --file-path option).

More information regarding the formats is as follows:

CSV format

The first row (header row) lists the field codes of each field.
Each subsequent row corresponds to a record. Each value represents the value of the field.


Here are considerations for some field types:

Text area

If the value contains a line break, enclose the value in double quotes.


Check box, Multi-choice

Specify multiple values by separating them with line breaks (\n).


User Selection, Department Selection, Group Selection

If multiple values are selected, they will be separated with a line break (\n) (equivalent to value.code in REST API).

Bob","Development Div","Administrators"

Created by, Updated by

Specify the user's login name (equivalent to value.code in REST API).



Files in the same Attachment field (in the same Table row) are separated with line breaks (\n).

file-9/test (1).txt"
fileInTable-1-0/test (1).txt"

When exporting, only the file name will be outputted if the --attachments-dir option is NOT set.


If running on Windows environment and the filename contains Windows prohibited characters, replace them with _ .


  • The row where a record begins has a PRIMARY_MARK(*) on the "*" field.
  • The data of fields outside the Table are specified in the row with PRIMARY_MARK(*).
    • The data of fields outside the Table in other rows will be ignored.
  • The data of fields inside the Table are specified with one or more rows.
    • If there is no data about the Table in the row, the row is ignored.
"*","first","<row id>","alice"
,"first","<row id>","bob"

with multiple Table fields

"*","first","<row id>","alice",,
,"first","<row id>","bob",,
,"first",,,"<row id>","10"
,"first",,,"<row id>","20"

Command completion

cli-kintone provides a command-completion feature that lets you use the Tab key to complete a partially entered command.

cli-kintone command completion is now supported for bash and zsh shells.


To enable it in zsh, cd to the directory that contains the cli-kintone executable file, then run the following commands:

# 1. Set PATH environment variables
echo "export PATH=$(pwd):\$PATH" >> ~/.zshrc

# 2. Create and configure a directory to store the completion scripts
mkdir -p ~/.zsh_completion.d/
echo 'fpath=(~/.zsh_completion.d $fpath)' >> ~/.zshrc

# 3. Enable bash-autocomplete feature
echo 'autoload bashcompinit && bashcompinit' >> ~/.zshrc
echo 'autoload -Uz compinit && compinit' >> ~/.zshrc

# 4. Create command completion script
./cli-kintone completion >> ~/.zsh_completion.d/_cli-kintone

# 5. Reload zsh
source ~/.zshrc


To enable it in bash, cd to the directory that contains the cli-kintone executable file, then run the following commands:

# 1. Create command completion script
mkdir -p ~/.bash_completion.d
./cli-kintone completion >> ~/.bash_completion.d/_cli-kintone

# 2. Add command completion script to bash

# For login shell
echo "export PATH=$(pwd):\$PATH" >> ~/.bash_profile
echo 'source ~/.bash_completion.d/_cli-kintone' >> ~/.bash_profile
source ~/.bash_profile

# For non-login shell
echo "export PATH=$(pwd):\$PATH" >> ~/.bashrc
echo 'source ~/.bash_completion.d/_cli-kintone' >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc

For Windows OS

For Windows OS, you can use cli-kintone command completion via bash on WSL2


  1. Install Linux on Windows with WSL. Ref: WSL2.
  2. Open a new Linux Terminal.
  3. Download and extract executables from the Linux package.
  4. Run the same commands as the bash section.