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A CLI tool to import/export records to/from kintone.


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A kintone record importer and exporter.


  • use Record ID as Key to Bulk Update to import records

We plan to support them in the future release.


$ npm install -g @kintone/data-loader

You can use also npx instead of installing @kintone/data-loader as global.



import command allows you to import record data into a specified kintone app.

$ kintone-data-loader \
import \
--base-url https://${yourDomain} \
--username ${yourLoginName} \
--password ${yourPassword} \
--app ${kintoneAppId} \
--file-path ${filepath}


Some options use environment variables starting KINTONE_ as default values.

      --version              Show version number                       [boolean]
      --help                 Show help                                 [boolean]
      --base-url             Kintone Base Url
                                 [string] [required] [default: KINTONE_BASE_URL]
  -u, --username             Kintone Username
                                            [string] [default: KINTONE_USERNAME]
  -p, --password             Kintone Password
                                            [string] [default: KINTONE_PASSWORD]
      --api-token            App's API token[array] [default: KINTONE_API_TOKEN]
      --basic-auth-username  Kintone Basic Auth Username
                                 [string] [default: KINTONE_BASIC_AUTH_USERNAME]
      --basic-auth-password  Kintone Basic Auth Password
                                 [string] [default: KINTONE_BASIC_AUTH_PASSWORD]
      --app                  The ID of the app               [string] [required]
      --guest-space-id       The ID of guest space
                                      [string] [default: KINTONE_GUEST_SPACE_ID]
      --attachments-dir      Attachment file directory                  [string]
      --file-path            The path to source file. ".csv" or ".json"
                                                             [string] [required]
      --encoding             Character encoding
                             (available only if the source file format is CSV)
                                     [choices: "utf8", "sjis"] [default: "utf8"]
      --update-key           The key to Bulk Update                     [string]
      --pfx-file-path        The path to client certificate file        [string]
      --pfx-file-password    The password of client certificate file    [string]

Import Attachment field

If records contains Attachment field, --attachments-dir option is required.

  • the local file path in record is treated as relative path from --attachments-dir
    • upload the file there
  • file name on kintone is same as local

Upsert records

When --update-key option is set, the option value is used as “Key to Bulk Update” to import (upsert) records.

"Upsert" means updating and/or inserting records at the same time. Data containing keys that match existing record values is used to update those records accordingly, and the remaining data is added to the specified app as new records.

The field specified as "Key to Bulk Update" should meet the following requirements:

  • be of either type Text or Number
  • must have "Prohibit duplicate values" enabled


export command allows you to export record data from a specified kintone app.

$ kintone-data-loader \
export \
--base-url https://${yourDomain} \
--username ${yourLoginName} \
--password ${yourPassword} \
--app ${kintoneAppId} \
> ${filepath}


Some options use environment variables starting KINTONE_ as default values.

      --version              Show version number                       [boolean]
      --help                 Show help                                 [boolean]
      --base-url             Kintone Base Url
                                 [string] [required] [default: KINTONE_BASE_URL]
  -u, --username             Kintone Username
                                            [string] [default: KINTONE_USERNAME]
  -p, --password             Kintone Password
                                            [string] [default: KINTONE_PASSWORD]
      --api-token            App's API token[array] [default: KINTONE_API_TOKEN]
      --basic-auth-username  Kintone Basic Auth Username
                                 [string] [default: KINTONE_BASIC_AUTH_USERNAME]
      --basic-auth-password  Kintone Basic Auth Password
                                 [string] [default: KINTONE_BASIC_AUTH_PASSWORD]
      --app                  The ID of the app               [string] [required]
      --guest-space-id       The ID of guest space
                                      [string] [default: KINTONE_GUEST_SPACE_ID]
      --attachments-dir      Attachment file directory                  [string]
      --format               Output format. "csv" or "json"
                                      [choices: "csv", "json"] [default: "csv"]
  -c, --condition            The query string                           [string]
      --order-by             The sort order as a query                  [string]
      --pfx-file-path        The path to client certificate file        [string]
      --pfx-file-password    The password of client certificate file    [string]

Download attachment files

If set --attachments-dir option, attachment files will be downloaded to local directory.

  • the file path is <attachmentsDir>/<fieldCode>-<recordId>/<filename>
    • as for attachments in Table, the file path is <attachmentsDir>/<fieldCode>-<recordId>-<tableRowIndex>/<filename>
  • if same name files exist in same Attachment field, renamed to <filename> (<index>).<ext>

Supported file formats

data-loader supports CSV and JSON for both import/export commands.
When import, it determines the format automatically by the extension of the file (specified by --file-path option).
When export, you can specify the format by specifying --format option.

The detailed formats of CSV / JSON files are as follows:

CSV format

The first row (header row) lists the field codes of each field.
Each subsequent row corresponds to a record. Each value represents the value of the field.


Here are considerations for some field types:

Text area

If the value contains line break, enclose the value in double quotes.


Check box, Multi-choice

Specify multiple values divided by line break (\n).


User Selection, Department Selection, Group Selection

If multiple value is selected, separated with line break (\n). (equivalent to value.code in REST API).

Bob","Development Div","Administrators"

Created by, Updated by

Specify the user's login name (equivalent to value.code in REST API).



Files in same Attachment field (in same Table row) are separated with line break (\n).

file-9/test (1).txt"
fileInTable-1-0/test (1).txt"

When export, if NOT set --attachments-dir option, only the file name will be output.


JSON format

The format of JSON file is the same as Get/Add/Update records REST API.

    "FieldCode1": {
      "type": "SINGLE_LINE_TEXT",
      "value": "foo"
    "Created_by": {
      "type": "CREATOR",
      "value": {
        "code": "Administrator",
        "name": "Administrator"

Attachment field

If set --attachments-dir option, the format of Attachment field will be changed to below.
(Attachment field in Table follows the same rule.)

     "$id": {
      "type": "__ID__",
      "value": "1"
    "fileFieldCode": {
      "type": "FILE",
      "value": [
          "contentType": "text/plain",
          "fileKey": "test-file-key",
          "name": "test.txt",
          "localFilePath": "file-1/test.txt"
          "contentType": "text/plain",
          "fileKey": "test-file-key",
          "name": "test.txt",
          "localFilePath": "file-1/test (1).txt"
    "fileFieldCode": {
      "value": [
          "localFilePath": "file-1/test.txt"
          "localFilePath": "file-1/test (1).txt"