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How to run locally

It's pretty straightforward. First of all, make sure you have the right software installed.


You will need to create an .env file. This file will contain any environment variables needed for it to run locally. To make it easier for you, there is already a .env.example file with all the needed values you'll need.

You will need to set up a domain name locally for the app to resolve. To do so, open your hosts file and add this value.   domane.localhost   grafana.domane.localhost     # Optional   prometheus.domane.localhost  # Optional

Be careful: If in the last step you've changed the DOMAIN variable in .env file, you should use that instead of domane.localhost.

Once everything is set, run:

$ docker-compose up -d --build --force-recreate --remove-orphans

// Alternative, for unix with `make` installed:
$ make