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There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.

PR: Merge on Monday-Wednesday
PR: Merge on Monday-Wednesday
PRs which should be merged after the Sunday beta build
PR: Not Ready
PR: Not Ready
This PR is not ready. Do. Not. Merge.
PR: Ready for Review
PR: Ready for Review
This PR is ready for a review
PR: Schematics
PR: Schematics
This PR is adding new schematics to the jar or updating existing ones
This issue pertains to a question about the mod
Related: Blockout
Related: Blockout
Related: Structurize
Related: Structurize
System: GUI
System: GUI
This PR or issue is related to GUI(s).
System: Pathfinding
System: Pathfinding
This PR or issue is related to pathfinding.
System: Request System
System: Request System
This PR or issue is related to the request system, AKA Orion's Baby