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Tools and Libraries:

Gradle plugins are used for including libraries and tools.


Files with extension .proto get compiled into classes used for serializing and deserializing data, which can be used to save data locally, or send data over a channel.


Used to perform remote procedure calls. Tightly coupled to Protobufs. Protobufs define the remote procedure calls (rpcs within services), the gRPC layer implements the client and server code for connecting clients and servers via channels. Hedera extends the gRPC server code to perform the RPC, and the SDK extends the gRPC client code to call the RPC.


Encryption stuff.


Time stuff. We use it because Instants aren't natively supported in Java 7.


Can compile Java 9+ code (our code) into Java 8 executables.

Jupiter (Junit):

Unit testing framework.


Reports code coverage (how much code actually gets tested by tests).


Augments the Java compiler to output more comprehensive errors and warnings.



This is the wallet app's connection to the network. It has a Network, a MirrorNetwork, maxTransactionFee, maxQueryPayment, an ExecutorService, an Operator, and requestTimeout.

An Operator is an inner class of Client, and has an AccountId, a PublicKey, and a transaction signer (a function that does the signing of transactions). The transactionSigner defaults to privateKey::sign.

A Client can be initialized from a config file (json). A Client can be initialized for previewnet, testnet, or mainnet, or a custom network, where a custom network is a list of <"ipAddress:portNumber", AccountID> pairs (in the form of a hashtable). If initialized for previewnet, testnet, or mainnet, the Client just uses a hard-coded list of <"ipAddress:portNumber", AccountID> pairs.

executor will be used to initialize the gRPC ManagedChannel, and in the event that an RPC fails and needs to be retried after a delay, executor will be used to schedule that delayed retry.


This represents a network of nodes, a Client connects to a Network.

It has these members:

  • network, which is a list of <"ipAddress:portNumber", AccountID> pairs.

  • networkNodes, which maps AccountIds to Node objects.

  • nodes, which is a list of Node objects which gets sorted with the most preferred nodes at the start of the list (the Node class has a custom compare method), and this is done to facilitate client-side load balancing of the network.

  • executor, a reference to the executor which will be used to create channels for the Nodes (in practice, this is always the Client's executor).

  • lock, used to make the Network object thread safe.

setNetwork() will update this Network to the given list. It will close a Node and remove it from this network if:

  • It is not in the given list, or...
  • In the given list the same AccountId is mapped to a different "ipAddress:portNumber".

setNetwork() will then add nodes from the list.

getNodeAccountIdsForExecute() gets a list of the AccountIds for the first (sorted) 1/3rd (rounded up) of healthy nodes in this Network. This is used by Query and Transaction to populate their nodeAccountIds, lists containing the AccountIds of Nodes that the Query or Transaction will be attempted with.


This is a connection to one node in the network. Inherits from ManagedNode (which is where much of the meat is).

Node has increaseDelay() and decreaseDelay() methods. increaseDelay() gets called whenever the node fails, and decreaseDelay() gets called when it succeeds. The delay starts at 250 millisecs, and doubles on each increaseDelay() up to a limit of 8000. It halves down to a limit of 250 on each decreaseDelay(). Whenever increaseDelay() is called, the node gets marked as unhealthy for the duration of the delay.

Node has a custom compareTo() method. If one Node is healthy and the other is not, the healthy one is preferred. Otherwise, the Node that's been used the least times is preferred. If they've been used the same number of times, the one that was used longest ago is preferred.


Has an address, a channel, an executor (ultimately from Client), lastUsed and useCount.

ManagedNode is inherited by Node and MirrorNode.

ManagedNode keeps track of stats about how this node has been used, and it constructs its channel on demand, which is a grpc.ManagedChannel, and which is built as a plaintext channel, using the executor, and using the user agent from getUserAgent().

channel is a grpc.ManagedChannel instead of a normal grpc.Channel so that we can customize how it is set up (for example, we can give it the specified executor, and we can shut it down in the desired manner).

ManagedNode has the methods inUse(), which causes the ManagedNode to record that it is being used, getChannel(), close(), and getUserAgent().

The user agent is a string that is used to identify the client to the server. In this case, it's "hedera-sdk-java/v{NUMBER}".


An Executable object represents a request to the server.

Query and Transaction both extend Executable, and then other classes in turn extend Query and Transaction.

The code for using any Executable subclass object should look something like this:

AccountBalance accountBalanceNew = new AccountBalanceQuery()

execute() is a method of Executable, and how execute() actually behaves is determined by a handful of abstract methods that are overridden by Executable's subclasses.

The methods that are meant to be overridden by the subclasses are:

  • onExecuteAsync() sets up and returns an initial future to be completed before executeAsync()'s future.
  • makeRequest() generates the desired request proto message for the rpc.
  • mapResponse() turns the response from the rpc into the desired return type.
  • mapResponseStatus() turns the response from the rpc into a Status.
  • getMethodDescriptor() returns a grpc.MethodDescriptor, which is an object that describes the rpc to be called. MethodDescriptors are fetched from the grpc-generated "*Service*.java" classes.
  • getTransactionId() is the unique ID for this transaction.

The Executable class doesn't implement the execute() method directly, instead it implements the executeAsync() method, and then the execute() method (which uses the executeAsync() method to do its heavy lifting) gets generated by the FunctionalExecutableProcessor during the build process. The @FunctionalExecutable annotation triggers this code generation. This pattern also appears in ChunkedTransaction, Transaction, and Query.

Executable has a public executeAsync() method that calls onExecuteAsync() and then chains onto that future a call to the private executeAsync() method, which sets up and makes the rpc with grpc.ClientCalls.futureUnaryCall(), and then chains to that future a handler which handles the result of the rpc. Depending on the result of the rpc, the handler may complete the future that was returned by executeAsync(), or it may chain onto that future another, recursive call to the internal executeAsync() method, and this is how executeAsync() loops through multiple attempts to execute with different nodes, up to maxAttempts.

Before the inner executeAsync() method will work, nodeAccountIds, which is a member of the Executable object, needs to be filled. This is implicitly done by the onExecuteAsync() method that is implemented by the subclasses. On each attempt nextNodeIndex is incremented, looping through all of the nodeAccountIds.

It should also be noted that the future returned by grpc.ClientCalls.futureUnaryCall() is a guava ListenableFuture, and in order to return the right kind of future (CompletableFuture), executeAsync() uses some black magic from the FutureConverter class to convert the guava ListenableFuture into a CompletableFuture.


The Query class extends Executable.

It has a builder, a headerBuilder, a paymentTransactionId, a list of paymentTransactions (more on this in a moment), and then queryPayment and maxQueryPayment are Hbar amounts set by the user for the query fee.

A Query proto message is basically a union (oneof) of all the different kinds of query messages that can be sent. Every one of these query proto messages has a QueryHeader message nested in it.

The Query class implements most of the abstract methods from Executable, except for mapResponse() and getMethodDescriptor(), which Query leaves to be overridden by its subclasses.

Query also adds some abstract methods of its own:

  • RequestT onMakeRequest(queryBuilder, queryHeader): because every type of Query proto message has a QueryHeader inside of it, this method has to place the QueryHeader inside of the internal Query message in addition to generally preparing the builder to build the request message.

  • ResponseHeader mapResponseHeader(Response): the same nested-header pattern is repeated here for the Response proto message. This method fetches the ResponseHeader message from the the particular query response message. This method seems to be used for Query's implementation of mapResponseStatus to check the precheckStatus. It doesn't look like it's used for anything else.

  • QueryHeader mapRequestHeader(proto.Query): this actually fetches the header from this request. I see it used for toString(), but nothing else.

Query has an inner class, QueryCostQuery (a query for the cost of querying). This is basically a fake query to the network, not actually intended to be successful, that is made in order to get the cost from the response header. We then assume that the cost for our real query will be the same as the cost for our fake query.

onExecuteAsync() seems to be where most of the action is in Query. It first makes sure that nodeAccountIds is filled, then it chains a few futures together, first to fetch the queryPayment amount (via QueryCostQuery) if one hasn't been set, then to generate the payment transactions for paying the query fee. The paymentTransactions list is a parallel array to nodeAccountIds. The Query proto message includes a Transaction proto message inside of it for paying the query fee, and onExecuteAsync() just goes ahead and builds a parallel array of Transaction messages which are to be used in the event that we attempt to send our query to that node.


The Transaction class extends Executable.

A transaction is used like this:

  • Instantiate a subclass of Transaction.
  • Call methods to configure it.
    • Freeze the transaction.
    • Add more signatures.
  • Execute the transaction (it will be frozen if not already frozen, and will be signed with client operator).
  • execute() returns (or in the case of executeAsync(), returns in future) a TransactionResponse.
  • OPTIONAL: use the resulting TransactionResponse to get the TransactionReceipt for free, or pay a fee to get the TransactionRecord. Fetching either of these is itself a query.

The Transaction class is greatly complicated by three factors: A) A Transaction object can correspond to one of three proto messages: 1) TransactionList 2) Transaction with signedTransactionBytes set 3) Transaction without signedTransactionBytes set (this form is deprecated) B) Transaction's relationship to ChunkedTransaction. C) Transaction's relationships to ScheduleCreateTransaction and ScheduleInfo

Before we delve in, let's discuss signatures.

The SignatureMap proto message is defined in BasicTypes.proto and has a repeated SignaturePair field. A SignaturePair contains a public key and a signature, which combined can be used to confirm whether some data was signed by a party who holds a copy of the private key associated with that public key.

Protobuf does not guarantee that all implementations of protobuf will serialize the same message the same way, it only guarantees that any implementation will be able to parse messages that were serialized by any other implementation. As such, for the purposes of signing or hashing a message, the message must be serialized into bytes before it can be signed or hashed, and the signature or hash verification must be performed on that same serialized bytes form of the message.

Let's tackle factor A:

We must first clarify that TransactionList is a proto message type that's only used internally by the SDK. It is not used in any Hedera network. The fromBytes() and toBytes() methods in the SDK are not used for serializing or deserializing Transactions into or from any proto messages that are sent to or from any Hedera network.

The fromBytes() method tries to parse the input bytes to a TransactionList proto message, and to a Transaction proto message. The protoc-generated methods fail silently if the bytes do not encode the message type in question, so fromBytes() simply looks at the fields of the objects outputted by the parse methods to see if the bytes encoded either of those messages.

The fromBytes() method then stores the results to an odd type: Map<TransactionId, Map<AccountId, proto.Transaction>>, typically referred to as txs in the code ("transactions"). The accountId is the ID of the node that the transaction is addressed to. This type will begin to make sense as I address factor B. Finally fromBytes() detects the type of Transaction with dataCase(), and it passes the txs to the constructor for the correct Transaction subclass.

Let's now discuss how the Transaction proto message is structured. In its deprecated form, Transaction would have two fields, bodyBytes and sigMap. bodyBytes contains the serialized bytes form of a TransactionBody proto message which contains the actual meat of the transaction.

In its non-deprecated form, the Transaction message just contains a signedTransactionBytes field, which is the bytes form of a SignedTransaction proto message (defined in TransactionContents.proto), which contains the bodyBytes and the sigMap.

The bodyBytes are what need to be signed, but then on Hedera's end, they hash the signedTransactionBytes for some purpose. So the TransactionBody needs to be serialized before it can be signed, and then the SignedTransaction needs to be serialized before it can be hashed.

TransactionBody contains a transactionID, a nodeAccountID, a transactionFee (which is the client's maximum tolerated fee), transactionValidDuration (the window of time for the network to process the transaction), a memo, and a oneof called data with the internal data for all the various transaction types.

The toBytes() method always serializes the contents of this Transaction as a TransactionList, and internally, we basically always think of a Transaction object as a TransactionList.

Now factor B, Transaction's relationship to ChunkedTransaction:

I've mentioned that we internally think of a Transaction object as representing a TransactionList. There are two reasons for this:

  1. As covered in Executable, we make multiple attempts, trying different nodes, cycling through NodeAccountIds, until we've reached maxAttempts. Similarly to Query, we need to create the Transaction proto messages for each Node, and so we keep around a List of Transaction proto messages which are basically the same transaction, but addressed to different nodes.
  2. In the ChunkedTransaction subclass, we break one transaction into a series of transactions. For example, to append to a file,we have to break the data we want to append to the file into multiple chunks, because one FileAppendTransaction can only append a small amount of data. So in ChunkedTransaction, we need to keep a list of transactions that really do represent different transactions, not just the same Transaction addressed to different nodes.

So at the end of the day, it's best to think of a Transaction as containing something like a 2D array of Transaction proto messages. Here each row represents a transaction, and each column represents a node, and at the intersections I have put the indices of the associated Transaction and SignedTransaction proto messages in the this.transactions and this.signedTransactions lists:

   N0 N1 N2 N3
T0 0  1  2  3
T1 4  5  6  7
T2 8  9  10 11
T3 12 13 14 15

This is the best way to think about the members of the Transaction class. Even if your transaction will not be chunked, internally, the Transaction object will be set up like a chunked transaction with only one chunk, and the methods of Transaction are generally written to be compatible with the behavior of a chunked transaction. ChunkedTransaction overrides the freezeWith() method to create multiple rows in the 2D array.

There is a nextTransactionIndex, which operates similarly to the nextNodeIndex in Executable. Together, they specify the coordinate of an element in the 2D array.

Now we can discuss the various parallel arrays in a Transaction object and how they're related. T = transaction count, N = node count:

  • List<TransactionId> transactionIds[T]
  • List<proto.SignatureMap.Builder> signatures[T*N]
  • List<proto.SignedTransaction> signedTransactions[T*N]
  • List<proto.Transaction> transactions[T*N]

A TransactionId is used to uniquely identify each transaction, so that when the same transaction is submitted to multiple nodes, only one transaction with the same ID will be permitted. It consists of the AccountId of the account who originated the transaction, and the timestamp.

You may naively assume that the transactions list is filled first, and then the signedTransactions list is filled with the signed versions of the transactions, but that's incorrect. Remember that the name of the proto message that's ultimately sent is Transaction, and that signedTransactionBytes is a field in the Transaction proto message. So signedTransactions gets populated first, and then transactions.

Also be sure to keep in mind that a SignatureMap is itself a list of signature pairs, so each element of signatures is not a single signature as the name implies, it is instead a list of signatures. SignatureMaps permit for a transaction to be signed by multiple accounts.

Factor C, Scheduled Transactions:

Scheduled transactions would be more accurately described as pending transactions. A ScheduleCreateTransaction proto message is sent to the network to indicate that you would like to open a scheduled transaction, and then the scheduled transaction will live on the network for up to a half hour. During that window, other accounts may sign the scheduled transaction with ScheduleSignTransaction, and they can refer to it by its ScheduleId.

On the proto side of things, the ScheduleCreate proto message contains a SchedulableTransactionBody, which in turn contains a oneof of all of the transaction bodies that are schedulable (not all transactions are schedulable).

Because the schedulable transaction types are, well, already existing transaction types, the SDK user who wants to create a scheduled transaction first instantiates a normal Transaction subclass, and then derives a ScheduleCreateTransaction from that transaction, and then they execute that ScheduleCreateTransaction to actually create the scheduled transaction on the network.

The Transaction class has a couple of methods that interact with scheduled transactions: schedule() and fromScheduledTransaction().

schedule() is the method that turns this Transaction (whatever subclass it is) into a ScheduleCreateTransaction. It uses the onScheduled() abstract method that is implemented by the subclass to fill the SchedulableTransactionBody proto message in the new ScheduleCreateTransaction object before returning it.

fromScheduledTransaction() is a static constructor method that instantiates an appropriate Transaction subclass from a SchedulableTransactionBody proto message. It's used by ScheduleInfo (which is the response from ScheduleInfoQuery) to create an SDK representation of the scheduled transaction that was queried about. For example, if you query about a scheduled transaction, and it's a CryptoTransfer transaction, then when you call scheduleInfo.getSceduledTransaction(), it will use Transaction.fromScheduledTransaction(transactionBody) to create and return a new CryptoTransferTransaction object that contains all the info about the scheduled transaction.


All methods that modify the transaction (including those of subclasses) are guarded with requireNotFrozen(). isFrozen() returns true if the signedTransactions list is not empty.

The Transaction is not immediately sent after freezing. Instead, the user of the SDK has an opportunity to add signatures. In onExecuteAsync(), The Transaction will be frozen if it is not already frozen, and it will be signed by the client's operator, but if any additional signatures are desired, they should be added after freezing and before executing.

this.signedTransactions is populated by freezeWith(). freezeWith() creates only a single row of signedTransactions. ChunkedTransaction overrides freezeWith() to create an actual 2D array of SignedTransactions. this.transactions, however, is not populated until makeRequest() or some other, similar method that requires Transaction proto messages builds them using buildTransaction().

TODO: some details may change in future versions of the SDK, particularly to do with how and when transactions are signed.

Abstract methods:

Transaction overrides getTransactionId() to get the current transaction id.

Transaction overrides makeRequest() to produce the Transaction request message. It also uses buildTransactions() to populate the this.transactions list.

Transaction overrides mapResponse() to create a transactionResponse and advance nextTransactionIndex to the next transaction.

Transaction overrides mapResponseStatus().

Transaction adds the overridable abstract methods onFreeze() and onScheduled()

onFreeze() takes a transaction body builder as an input, and should build out the body of the transaction.

onScheduled() does something similar with the schedulable body.


Unlike most classes in the Hedera SDK, this is not a query to a Hedera Hashgraph network, it is a query to a mirror network. As such, it is not a subclass of Query, despite its name.

To use a TopicMessageQuery, instantiate one, configure it to specify which messages you want to receive, add any custom handlers you want, and then call its MakeStreamingCall() method. The user must pass an onNext() handler to handle each response message. The mirror network of the given Client will be used. MakeStreamingCall() will make an asynchronous streaming rpc to one node in the mirror network.

The proto messages used under the hood are defined in "proto/mirror/ConsensusService.proto", and response messages are parsed into TopicMessages before being handed over to the onNext() handler. The ConsensusTopicResponse proto message contains a chunkInfo field of type ConsensusMessageChunkInfo , which is defined in ConsensusSubmitMessage.proto. ConsensusTopicResponse also has a message field, which is of type bytes, and these bytes are what the user is really querying for. The SDK does not do anything to parse these bytes. The meaning and parsing of these bytes is left to the user.

The responses may be chunked. If they are, TopicMessageQuery will collect all of the chunks into one TopicMessage before passing it to the onNext() handler. The initialTransactionID field of each responses' chunkInfo field is used to identify which pending message this response is a chunk of and store it appropriately. chunkInfo's total field is used to identify whether we've collected all of the chunks of a pending message, and if we have, we construct the TopicMessage and dispatch it to the onNext() handler. Because grpc works over HTTP, we're guaranteed to receive all of the chunks, and in the correct order (unless an error occurs, obviously), though chunks from different topic messages may be interleaved.

In addition to the onNext() handler, there are several optional handlers which can be set with setCompletionHandler(), setErrorhandler(), and setRetryHandler(). The retry handler returns a boolean to indicate whether the query should be retried.

This document is not comprehensive. There are classes I have not yet documented, or which I have only documented in passing, like ChunkedTransaction.