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Manage your dotfiles across multiple machines, securely.


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Manage your dotfiles securely across multiple machines.


  • Declarative: you declare the desired state of files, directories, and symbolic links in your home directory and chezmoi updates your home directory to match that state.

  • Flexible: your dotfiles can be templates (using text/template syntax). Predefined variables allow you to change behaviour depending on operating system, architecture, and hostname.

  • Secure: chezmoi can retreive secrets from Bitwarden, LastPass, your Keychain (on macOS), and GNOME Keyring (on Linux).

  • Robust: chezmoi updates all files and symbolic links atomically (using google/renameio) so you are never left with incomplete files that could lock you out, even if the update process is interrupted.

  • Portable: chezmoi's configuration uses only visible, regular files and directories and so is portable across version control systems and operating systems.

  • Transparent: chezmoi includes verbose and dry run modes so you can review exactly what changes it will make to your home directory before making them.

  • Fast, easy to use, and familiar: chezmoi runs in fractions of a second and includes commands to make most operations trivial. You can use the version control system of your choice to manage your configuration, and many different formats (e.g. JSON, YAML, TOML, etc.) are supported for the configuration file.


Binaries and packages for multiple platforms, including RedHat, Debian, FreeBSD, and OpenBSD, are available on the releases page.

On macOS you can install chezmoi with Homebrew:

$ brew install twpayne/taps/chezmoi

If you have Go installed you can install the latest version from HEAD:

$ go get -u

Quick start

Manage an existing file with chezmoi:

$ chezmoi add ~/.bashrc

This will create a directory called ~/.local/share/chezmoi with permissions 0600 where chezmoi will store its state, if it does not already exist, and copy ~/.bashrc to ~/.local/share/chezmoi/dot_bashrc.

You should manage your ~/.local/share/chezmoi directory with the version control system of your choice. chezmoi will ignore all files and directories beginning with a . in this directory, so directories like .git and .hg will not pollute your home directory.

Edit the desired state:

$ chezmoi edit ~/.bashrc

This will open ~/.local/share/chezmoi/dot_bashrc in your $EDITOR. Make some changes and save them.

See what changes chezmoi would make:

$ chezmoi diff

Apply the changes:

$ chezmoi -v apply

All chezmoi commands accept the -v (verbose) flag to print out exactly what changes they will make to the file system, and the -n (dry run) flag to not make any actual changes. The combination -n -v is very useful if you want to see exactly what changes would be made.

For a full list of commands run:

$ chezmoi help

Using templates to manage files that vary from machine to machine

The primary goal of chezmoi is to manage configuration files across multiple machines, for example your personal macOS laptop, your work Ubuntu desktop, and your work Linux laptop. You will want to keep much configuration the same across these, but also need machine-specific configurations for email addresses, credentials, etc. chezmoi achieves this functionality by using text/template for the source configuration files where needed.

For example, your home ~/.gitconfig on your personal machine might look like:

    name = John Smith
    email =

Whereas at work it might be:

    name = John Smith
    email =

To handle this, on each machine create a file called ~/.config/chezmoi/chezmoi.yaml defining what might change. For your home machine:

  name: John Smith

If you intend to store private data (e.g. access tokens) in ~/.config/chezmoi/chezmoi.yaml, make sure it has permissions 0600. See "Keeping data private" below for more discussion on this.

If you prefer, you can use any format supported by Viper for your configuration file. This includes JSON, YAML, TOML, and more.

Then, add ~/.gitconfig to chezmoi using the -T flag to automatically turn it in to a template:

$ chezmoi add -T ~/.gitconfig

You can then open the template (which will be saved in the file ~/.local/share/chezmoi/dot_gitconfig.tmpl):

$ chezmoi edit ~/.gitconfig

The file should look something like:

    name = {{ .name }}
    email = {{ .email }}

chezmoi will substitute the variables from the data section of your ~/.config/chezmoi/chezmoi.yaml file when calculating the desired state of .gitconfig.

For more advanced usage, you can use the full power of the text/template language to include or exclude sections of file. chezmoi provides the following automatically populated variables:

Variable Value
chezmoi.arch Architecture, e.g. amd64, arm, etc. as returned by runtime.GOARCH. The group of the user running chezmoi.
chezmoi.homedir The home directory of the user running chezmoi.
chezmoi.hostname The hostname of the machine chezmoi is running on.
chezmoi.os Operating system, e.g. darwin, linux, etc. as returned by runtime.GOOS.
chezmoi.username The username of the user running chezmoi.

For example, in your ~/.local/share/chezmoi/dot_bashrc.tmpl you might have:

# common config
export EDITOR=vi

# machine-specific configuration
{{- if eq .chezmoi.hostname "work-laptop" }}
# this will only be included in ~/.bashrc on work-laptop
{{- end }}

If, after executing the template, the file contents are empty, the target file will be removed. This can be used to ensure that files are only present on certain machines. If you want an empty file to be created anyway, you will need to give it an empty_ prefix. See "Under the hood" below.

Keeping data private

chezmoi automatically detects when files and directories are private when adding them by inspecting their permissions. Private files and directories are stored in ~/.local/share/chezmoi as regular, public files with permissions 0644 and the name prefix private_. For example:

$ chezmoi add ~/.netrc

will create ~/.local/share/chezmoi/private_dot_netrc (assuming ~/.netrc is not world- or group- readable, as it should be). This file is still private because ~/.local/share/chezmoi is not group- or world- readable or executable. chezmoi checks that the permissions of ~/.local/share/chezmoi are 0700 on every run and will print a warning if they are not.

It is common that you need to store access tokens in config files, e.g. a Github access token. There are several ways to keep these tokens secure, and to prevent them leaving your machine.

Using templates variables

Typically, ~/.config/chezmoi/chezmoi.yaml is not checked in to version control and has permissions 0600. You can store tokens as template values in the data section. For example, if your ~/.config/chezmoi/chezmoi.yaml contains:

    user: <github-username>
    token: <github-token>

Your ~/.local/share/chezmoi/private_dot_gitconfig.tmpl can then contain:

{{- if .github }}
    user = {{ .github.user }}
    token = {{ .github.token }}
{{- end }}

Any config files containing tokens in plain text should be private (permissions 0600).

Using Bitwarden

chezmoi includes support for Bitwarden using the Bitwarden CLI to expose data as a template function.

Log in to Bitwarden using:

$ bw login <bitwarden-email>

Unlock your Bitwarden vault:

$ bw unlock

Set the BW_SESSION environment variable, as instructed. You can also pass the session directly to chezmoi using the --bitwarden-session flag.

The structured data from bw get is available as the bitwarden template function in your config files, for example:

username = {{ (bitwarden "item" "").login.username }}
password = {{ (bitwarden "item" "").login.password }}

Using LastPass

chezmoi includes support for LastPass using the LastPass CLI to expose data as a template function.

Log in to LastPass using:

$ lpass login <lastpass-username>

Check that lpass is working correctly by showing password data:

$ lpass show -j <lastpass-entry-id>

where <lastpass-entry-id> is a LastPass Entry Specification.

The structured data from lpass show -j id is available as the lastpass template function. The value will be an array of objects. You can use the index function and .Field syntax of the text/template language to extract the field you want. For example, to extract the password field from first the "Github" entry, use:

githubPassword = {{ (index (lastpass "Github") 0).password }}

chezmoi automatically parses the note value of the Lastpass entry, so, for example, you can extract a private SSH key like this:

{{ (index (lastpass "SSH") 0).note.privateKey }}

Keys in the note section written as CamelCase Words are converted to camelCaseWords.

Using keyring

chezmoi includes support for Keychain (on macOS), GNOME Keyring (on Linux), and Windows Credentials Manager (on Windows) via the zalando/go-keyring library.

Set passwords with:

$ chezmoi keyring set --service=<service> --user=<user>
Password: xxxxxxxx

The password can then be used in templates using the keyring function which takes the service and user as arguments.

For example, save a Github access token in keyring with:

$ chezmoi keyring set --service=github --user=$GITHUB_USERNAME
Password: xxxxxxxx

and then include it in your ~/.gitconfig file with:

    user = {{ .github.user }}
    token = {{ keyring "github" .github.user }}

You can query the keyring from the command line:

$ chezmoi keyring get --service=github --user=$GITHUB_USERNAME

Using encrypted config files

chezmoi takes a -c flag specifying the file to read its configuration from. You can encrypt your configuration and then only decrypt it when needed:

$ gpg -d ~/.config/chezmoi/chezmoi.yaml.gpg | chezmoi -c /dev/stdin apply

Managing your ~/.chezmoi directory with version control

chezmoi has some helper commands to assist managing your source directory with version control. The default version control system is git but you can change this by setting sourceVCSCommand in your ~/.config/chezmoi/chezmoi.yaml file, for example, if you want to use Mercurial:

sourceVCSCommand: hg

chezmoi source is then a shortcut to running sourceVCSCommand in your ~/.local/share/chezmoi directory. For example you can push the current branch with:

$ chezmoi source push

Extra arguments are passed along unchanged, although you'll need to use -- stop chezmoi from interpreting extra flags. For example:

$ chezmoi source pull -- --rebase

The source command accepts the usual -n and -v flags, so you can see exactly what it will run without executing it.

As a shortcut,

$ chezmoi cd

starts a shell in your source directory, which can be very useful when performing multiple VCS operations.

Importing archives

It is occasionally useful to import entire archives of configuration into your home directory. The import command does this. For example, to import the latest version to your ~/.oh-my-zsh directory, run:

$ curl -s -L -o oh-my-zsh-master.tar.gz
$ chezmoi import --strip-components 1 --destination ~/.oh-my-zsh oh-my-zsh-master.tar.gz

Note that this only updates the source state. You will need to run

$ chezmoi apply

to update your home directory.

Exporting archives

chezmoi can create an archive containing the target state. This can be useful for generating target state on a different machine or for simply inspecting the target state. A particularly useful command is:

$ chezmoi archive | tar tvf -

which lists all the files in the target state.

Under the hood

For an example of how chezmoi stores its state, see

chezmoi stores the desired state of files, symbolic links, and directories in regular files and directories in ~/.local/share/chezmoi. This location can be overridden with the -s flag or by giving a value for sourceDir in ~/.config/chezmoi/chezmoi.yaml. Some state is encoded in the source names. chezmoi ignores all files and directories in the source directory that begin with a .. The following prefixes and suffixes are special.

Prefix/suffix Effect
private_ prefix Remove all group and world permissions from the target file or directory.
empty_ prefix Ensure the file exists, even if is empty. By default, empty files are removed.
exact_ prefix Remove anything not managed by chezmoi.
executable_ prefix Add executable permissions to the target file.
symlink_ prefix Create a symlink instead of a regular file.
dot_ prefix Rename to use a leading dot, e.g. dot_foo becomes .foo.
.tmpl suffix Treat the contents of the source file as a template.

Order is important, the order is exact_, private_, empty_, executable_, symlink_, dot_, .tmpl.

Different target types allow different prefixes and suffixes:

Target type Allowed prefixes and suffixes
Directory exact_, private_, dot_
Regular file private_, empty_, executable_, dot_, .tmpl
Symbolic link symlink_, dot_, .tmpl

Using chezmoi outside your home directory

chezmoi, by default, operates on your home directory, but this can be overridden with the --target command line flag or by specifying targetDir in your ~/.config/chezmoi/chezmoi.yaml. In theory, you could use chezmoi to manage any aspect of your filesystem. That said, although you can do this, you probably shouldn't. Existing configuration management tools like Puppet, Chef, Ansible, and Salt are much better suited to whole system configuration management.

chezmoi was inspired by Puppet, but created because Puppet is a slow overkill for managing your personal configuration files. The focus of chezmoi will always be personal home directory management. If your needs grow beyond that, switch to a whole system configuration management tool.

Release Management

Releases are managed with goreleaser.

To create a new release, push a tag, eg:

$ git tag -a v0.1.0 -m "First release"
$ git push origin v0.1.0

To run a local "snapshot" build without publishing:

$ TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER=1 goreleaser --snapshot --rm-dist --debug


The MIT License (MIT)

Copyright (c) 2018 Tom Payne

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.



Manage your dotfiles across multiple machines, securely.







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  • Go 99.2%
  • Shell 0.8%