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The brave-jaxrs2 module provides JAX-RS 2.x compatible client and server support which will allow Brave to be used with any existing JAX-RS 2.x application with minimal configuration.

The module contains 4 filters:

  • BraveContainerRequestFilter - Intercepts incoming container requests and extracts any trace information from the request header. Also sends sr annotations.
  • BraveContainerResponseFilter - Intercepts outgoing container responses and sends ss annotations.
  • BraveClientRequestFilter - Intercepts JAX-RS 2.x client requests and adds or forwards tracing information in the header. Also sends cs annotations.
  • BraveClientResponseFilter - Intercepts JAX-RS 2.x client responses and sends cr annotations. Also submits the completed span.

For convenience there is also a JAX-RS Feature BraveTracingFeature that can be added to clients as well as services.


Dependency Injection

If using Resteasy 3 with Spring, see [../brave-resteasy3-spring/]. If using Jersey 2 with Spring, see [../brave-jersey2/].

Tracing always needs instances of type Brave and SpanNameProvider configured. Make sure these are in place before proceeding.

Then, use your dependency injection library to configure BraveTracingFeature. this will setup filters automatically.


For server side setup, an Application class could look like this:

public class MyApplication extends Application {

  public Set<Object> getSingletons() {
    Brave brave = new Brave.Builder().build();
    BraveTracingFeature tracingFeature = BraveTracingFeature.create(brave);
    return new LinkedHashSet<>(Arrays.asList(tracingFeature));


For client side setup, you just have to register the BraveTracingFeature with your JAX-RS 2 client before you make your request:

client = ClientBuilder.newBuilder()

Exception handling

ContainerResponseFilter has no means to handle uncaught exceptions. Unless you provide a catch-all exception mapper, requests that result in unhandled exceptions will leak until they are eventually flushed.

Besides using framework-specific code, the only approach is to make a custom ExceptionMapper, similar to below, which ensures a request is sent back even when something unexpected happens.

public static class CatchAllExceptions implements ExceptionMapper<Exception> {

  @Override public Response toResponse(Exception e) {
    if (e instanceof WebApplicationException) {
      return ((WebApplicationException) e).getResponse();

    return Response.status(Response.Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)
        .entity("Internal error")