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Vault Helm Chart

This directory contains a Kubernetes chart to deploy a Vault server.

Prerequisites Details

  • Kubernetes 1.6+

Chart Details

This chart will do the following:

  • Implement a Vault deployment
  • Optionally, deploy a consul agent in the pod

Please note that a backend service for Vault (for example, Consul) must be deployed beforehand and configured with the vault.config option. YAML provided under this option will be converted to JSON for the final Vault config.json file.

See for more information.

Installing the Chart

To install the chart, use the following, this backs Vault with a Consul cluster:

$ helm repo add incubator
$ helm install incubator/vault --set --set"myconsul-svc-name:8500","vault"

An alternative example using the Amazon S3 backend can be specified using:

        access_key: "AWS-ACCESS-KEY"
        secret_key: "AWS-SECRET-KEY"
        bucket: "AWS-BUCKET"
        region: "eu-central-1"


The following table lists the configurable parameters of the Vault chart and their default values.

Parameter Description Default
imagePullSecret The name of the secret to use if pulling from a private registry nil
image.pullPolicy Container pull policy IfNotPresent
image.repository Container image to use vault
image.tag Container image tag to deploy .Chart.appVersion
`vault.backendPolicy If custom backend needed {} Use Vault in dev mode true (set to false in production)
vault.extraArgs Additional arguments for vault server command []
vault.extraEnv Extra env vars for Vault pods {}
vault.extraContainers Sidecar containers to add to the vault pod {}
vault.extraInitContainers Init containers to be added to the vault pod {}
vault.extraVolumes Additional volumes to the controller pod {}
vault.extraVolumeMounts Extra volumes to mount to the controller pod {}
vault.existingConfigName Location of existing Vault configuration nil
vault.podApiAddress Set the VAULT_API_ADDR environment variable to the Pod IP Address. This is the address (full URL) to advertise to other Vault servers in the cluster for client redirection. true
vault.config Vault configuration No default backend
replicaCount k8s replicas 3
resources.limits.cpu Container requested CPU nil
resources.limits.memory Container requested memory nil
affinity Affinity settings See values.yaml
nodeSelector Node labels for pod assignment {}
tolerations Tolerations for node taints []
service.loadBalancerIP Assign a static IP to the loadbalancer nil
service.loadBalancerSourceRanges IP whitelist for service type loadbalancer []
service.annotations Annotations for service {}
service.externalPort External port for the service 8200
service.port The API port Vault is using 8200
service.clusterExternalPort External cluster port for the service nil
service.clusterPort The cluster port Vault is using 8201
annotations Annotations for deployment {}
labels Extra labels for deployment {}
ingress.labels Labels for ingress {}
podAnnotations Annotations for pods {}
priorityClassName Priority class name for pods ""
minReadySeconds Minimum number of seconds that newly created replicas must be ready without any containers crashing 0
podLabels Extra labels for pods {}
serviceAccount.create Specifies whether a ServiceAccount should be created true The name of the ServiceAccount to create Generated from fullname template
serviceAccount.annotations Annotations for the created ServiceAccount {}
rbac.create Specifies whether RBAC should be created true
consulAgent.join If set, start start a consul agent nil
consulAgent.repository Container image for consul agent consul
consulAgent.tag Container image tag for consul agent 1.4.0
consulAgent.pullPolicy Container pull policy for consul agent IfNotPresent
consulAgent.gossipKeySecretName k8s secret containing gossip key nil (see values.yaml for details)
consulAgent.HttpPort HTTP port for consul agent API 8500
consulAgent.resources Container resources for consul agent nil
vaultExporter.enabled Enable or disable vault exporter false
vaultExporter.repository Container image for vault exporter grapeshot/vault_exporter
vaultExporter.tag Container image tag for vault exporter v0.1.2
vaultExporter.pullPolicy Image pull policy that sould be used IfNotPresent
vaultExporter.vaultAddress Vault address that exporter should use
vaultExporter.tlsCAFile Vault TLS CA certificate mount path /vault/tls/ca.crt
serviceMonitor.enabled Specifies whether a Prometheus ServiceMonitor should be created false
serviceMonitor.additionalLabels Additional labels for Service Monitor {}
serviceMonitor.podPortName Name of the port of the pod to scrape metrics
serviceMonitor.interval Prometheus scrape interval 10s
serviceMonitor.jobLabel Prometheus job label vault-exporter
prometheusRules.enabled Specifies whether a Prometheus Alert Rule should be created false
prometheusRules.defaultRules.vaultUp Specifies whether the vaultUp rule should be included true
prometheusRules.defaultRules.vaultUninitialized Specifies whether the vaultUninitialized rule should be included true
prometheusRules.defaultRules.vaultSealed Specifies whether the vaulSealed rule should be included true
prometheusRules.defaultRules.vaultStandby Specifies whether the vaultStandy rule should be included false
prometheusRules.extraRules Custom extra rules []

Specify each parameter using the --set key=value[,key=value] argument to helm install.

Optional Consul Agent

If you are using the consul storage for vault, you might want a local consul agent to handle health checks. By setting consulAgent.join to your consul server, an agent will be started in the vault pod. In this case, you should configure vault to connect to consul over localhost. For example:

  dev: False
        address: "localhost:8500"
  join: consul.service.consul

If you are using the stable/consul helm chart, consul communications are encrypted with a gossip key. You can configure a secret with the same format as that chart and specify it in the consulAgent.gossipKeySecretName parameter.

Optional Vault Exporter

If you want to monitor Vault with Prometheus you can simply enable the Vault exporter which then runs as a sidecar container within the same pod as Vault itself. To use the exporter just set vaultExporter.enabled to true and set the other variables according to your needs.

If your Vault is set up with TLS make sure to specify the CA certificate path properly. This is done through the parameter vaultExporter.tlsCAFile.

If you want to use the exporter with the Prometheus Operator you can simply enable the ServiceMonitor with an extraLabel corresponding to your Prometheus scraper label selector. For example:

  enabled: true
    prometheus-scraper: "default"
  interval: 10s
  jobLabel: "vault-exporter"

If you do not want to use the default vaultExporter container, but use your own, you can declare it in the vault.extraContainer part. But you have to expose a named port for the metrics and set this name in the serviceMonitor.podPortName. For exmaple:

  enabled: false

  enabled: true
    prometheus-scraper: "default"
  podPortName: "metricPort"

  - name: my-vault-exporter
    image: my-vault-exporter:latest
    - containerPort: 8080
      name: metricPort

If you want to add Prometheus alerting rules you can simply enable the alerts and disabling/enabling the defaults rules you want to use. You can add as many custom rules as you want. For example:

    enabled: true
      vaultUp: true
      vaultUninitialized: true
      vaultSealed: true
      vaultStandby: false
    - alert: VaultHTTPErrorRateIsHigh
        description: The ingress is failing more than %15 of the requests for 5m
      expr: sum(rate(nginx_ingress_controller_requests{ingress="vault",status!~"[4-5].*"}[2m])) by (ingress) / sum(rate(nginx_ingress_controller_requests{ingress="vault"}[2m])) by (ingress) < 0.85
      for: 5m
        severity: critical

Using Vault

Once the Vault pod is ready, it can be accessed using a kubectl port-forward:

$ kubectl port-forward vault-pod 8200
$ export VAULT_ADDR=
$ vault status

Migrating Custom Secrets

Previous versions of this chart had a configuration option vault.customSecrets. Custom secrets should now be expressed with vault.extraVolumeMounts. For example:

    - secretName: vault-tls
      mountPath: /vault/tls

Would be expressed as:

    - name: vault-tls
        secretName: vault-tls
    - name: vault-tls
      mountPath: /vault/tls
      readOnly: true