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776 lines (544 loc) · 27.4 KB


All notable changes to Oban are documented in this file.

2.5.0 — 2021-02-26

Top of the Minute Cron

Rather than scheduling cron evaluation 60 seconds after the server starts, evaluation is now scheduled at the top of the next minute. This yields several improvements:

  • More predictable timing for cron jobs now that they are inserted at the top of the minute. Note that jobs may execute later depending on how busy queues are.
  • Minimize contention between servers inserting jobs, thanks to the transaction lock acquired by each plugin.
  • Prevent duplicate inserts for jobs that omit the completed state (when server start time is staggered the transaction lock has no effect)

Repeater Plugin for Transaction Pooled Databases

Environments that can't make use of PG notifications, i.e. because they use PgBouncer with transaction pooling, won't process available jobs reliably. The new Repeater plugin provides a workaround that simulates polling functionality for producers.

Simply include the Repeater in your plugin list:

config :my_app, Oban,
  plugins: [

Include Perform Result in Job Telemetry Metadata

The metadata for [:oban, :job, :stop] telemetry events now include the job's perform/1 return value. That makes it possible to extract job output from other processes:

def handle_event([:oban, :job, :stop], _timing, meta, _opts) do
  IO.inspect(meta.result, label: "return from #{meta.job.worker}")



  • [Oban] Support a changeset function in addition to a changeset in insert_all/4. Inserting jobs within a multi is even more powerful.

  • [Oban.Queue.Executor] Stash a timed job's pid to enable inner process messaging, notably via telemetry events.


  • [Oban] Upgrade minimum Elixir version from 1.8 to 1.9.

  • [Oban.Plugins.Cron] Individually validate crontab workers and options, providing more descriptive errors at the collection and entry level.

  • [Oban] Simplify the job cancelling flow for consistency. Due to race conditions it was always possible for a job to complete before it was cancelled, now that flow is much simpler.

  • [Oban.Queue.Producer] Replace dispatch cooldown with a simpler debounce mechanism.

  • [Oban.Plugins.Stager] Limit the number of notify events to one per queue, rather than one per available job.


  • [Oban.Queue.Producer] Handle unclean exits without an error and stack, which prevents "zombie" jobs. This would occur after multiple hot upgrades when the worker module changed, as the VM would forcibly terminate any processes running the old modules.

  • [Oban] Specify that the changeset_wrapper type allows keys other than :changesets, fixing a dialyzer type mismatch.


  • [Oban] Remove the undocumented version/0 function in favor of using the standard Application.spec/2

2.4.3 — 2021-02-07


  • [Oban.Telemetry] Use conf rather than config in meta for :job and :circuit telemtry events.

2.4.2 — 2021-01-28


  • [Oban.Plugins.Stager] Notify queues of all available jobs, not only jobs that were most recently staged. In some circumstances, such as reboot or retries, jobs are available without previously being scheduled.

2.4.1 — 2021-01-27


  • [Oban.Migrations] Correctly migrate up between sequential versions. The V10 migration adds check constraints, which can't be re-run safely. An attempted work-around prevented re-runs, but broke sequential upgrades like 9->10.

  • [Oban.Queue.Producer] Kick off an initial dispatch to start processing available jobs on startup, to compensate for a lack of incoming jobs or scheduling.

  • [Oban.Plugins.Stager] Keep rescheduling staging messages after the initial run.

2.4.0 — 2021-01-26

Centralized Stager Plugin

Queue producers no longer poll every second to stage scheduled jobs. Instead, the new Oban.Plugins.Stager plugin efficiently handles staging from a single location. This reduces overall load on the BEAM and PostgreSQL, allowing apps to easily run hundreds of queues simultaneously with little additional overhead.

In a test with a single Ecto connection and 512 queues the CPU load went from 60.0% BEAM / 21.5% PostgreSQL in v2.3.4 to 0.5% BEAM / 0.0% PostgreSQL.

The stager plugin is automatically injected into Oban instances and there isn't any additional configuration necessary. However, if you've set a poll_interval for Oban or an individual queue you can safely remove it.

Overhauled Cron

The CRON parser is entirely rewritten to be simpler and dramatically smaller. The previous parser was built on nimble_parsec and while it was fast, the compiled parser added ~5,500LOC to the code base. Thanks to a suite of property tests we can be confident that the new parser behaves identically to the previous one, and has much clearer error messages when parsing fails.

Along with a new parser the crontab functionality is extracted into the Oban.Plugins.Cron plugin. For backward compatibility, top-level crontab and timezone options are transformed into a plugin declaration. If you'd like to start configuring the plugin directly change your config from:

config :my_app, Oban,
  crontab: [{"* * * * *", MyApp.Worker}],
  timezone: "America/Chicago"

To this:

config :my_app, Oban,
  plugins: [
     crontab: [{"* * * * *", MyApp.Worker}],
     timezone: "America/Chicago"}

The plugin brings a cleaner implementation, simplified supervision tree, and eliminates the need to set crontab: false in test configuration.

Improved Indexes for Unique Jobs

Applications may have thousands to millions of completed jobs in storage. As the table grows the performance of inserting unique jobs can slow drastically. A new V10 migration adds necessary indexes, and paired with improved query logic it alleviates insert slowdown entirely.

For comparison, a local benchmark showed that in v2.3.4 inserting a unique job into a table of 1 million jobs runs around 4.81 IPS. In v2.4.0 it runs at 925.34 IPS, nearly 200x faster.

The V10 migration is optional. If you decide to migrate, first create a new migration:

mix ecto.gen.migration upgrade_oban_jobs_to_v10

Next, call Oban.Migrations in the generated migration:

defmodule MyApp.Repo.Migrations.UpdateObanJobsToV10 do
  use Ecto.Migration

  def up do
    Oban.Migrations.up(version: 10)

  def down do
    Oban.Migrations.down(version: 10)


  • [Oban] Add [:oban, :supervisor, :init] event emitted when an Oban supervisor starts.

  • [Oban.Telemetry] Wrap built-in plugins with telemetry spans and consistently include conf in all telemetry events.

  • [Oban.Config] Improve the error messages raised during initial validation. Also, the Config module is now public with light documentation.

  • [Oban.Testing] Support specifying a default prefix for all test assertions. This comes with improved assertion messages that now include the prefix.

  • [Oban.Repo] Add delete/3 as a convenient wrapper around c:Ecto.Repo.delete/2.

  • [Oban.Job] New check constraints prevent inserting jobs with an invalid priority, negative max_attempts or an attempt number beyond the maximum.


  • [Oban.Telemetry] Deprecate and replace span/3 usage in favor of the official :telemetry.span/3, which wasn't available when span/3 was implemented.


  • [Oban] Inspect the error reason for a failed insert!/2 call before it is raised as an error. When insert!/2 was called in a transaction the error could be :rollback, which wasn't a valid error.

2.3.4 — 2020-12-02


  • [Oban.Worker] Update from_string/1 to correctly work with modules that weren't loaded.

2.3.3 — 2020-11-10


  • [Oban.Migration] Conditionally skip altering oban_job_state if the cancelled state is already present. This allows for a smoother upgrade path for users running PG < 12. See the notes for v2.3.0 for more details.

2.3.2 — 2020-11-06


  • [Oban.Migration] Restore indexes possibly removed by changing oban_job_state. This only applies to PG older than version 12.

  • [Oban.Plugins.Pruner] Prune cancelled jobs along with completed or discarded.

2.3.1 — 2020-11-06


  • [Oban.Migration] Conditionally alter oban_job_state if the PG version is 12 or greater. This is vastly faster than the renaming, adding and dropping required for older PG versions.

2.3.0 — 2020-11-06

Migration Required (V9)

Migration V9 brings the new cancelled state, a cancelled_at column, and job meta.

Older versions of PostgreSQL, prior to version 12, don't allow altering an enum within a transaction. If you're running an older version and want to prevent a table rewrite you can add the new cancelled at state before running the V9 migration.

Create a migration with @disable_ddl_transaction true declared and run the command ALTER TYPE oban_job_state ADD VALUE IF NOT EXISTS 'cancelled'. The V9 migration will see that the cancelled value exists and won't attempt to modify the enum.

After you've sorted adding the cancelled state (or ignored the issue, because you're either running PG >= 12 or don't have many jobs retained), generate a new migration:

mix ecto.gen.migration upgrade_oban_jobs_to_v9

Next, call Oban.Migrations in the generated migration:

defmodule MyApp.Repo.Migrations.UpdateObanJobsToV9 do
  use Ecto.Migration

  def up do
    Oban.Migrations.up(version: 9)

  def down do
    Oban.Migrations.down(version: 9)

Oban will manage upgrading to V9 regardless of the version your application is currently using, and it will roll back a single version.


  • [Oban.Job] Add new meta field for storing arbitrary job data that isn't appropriate as args.

  • [Oban.Job] Introduce a cancelled state, along with a new cancelled_at timestamp field. Cancelling a job via Oban.cancel_job (or via Oban Web) now marks the job as cancelled rather than discarded.

  • [Oban.Worker] Add from_string/1 for improved worker module resolution.

  • [Oban.Telemetry] Pass the full job schema in telemetry metadata, not only select fields. Individual fields such as args, worker, etc. are still passed for backward compatibility. However, their use is deprecated and they are no longer documented.


  • [Oban.Notifier] Fix resolution of Oban.Notifier child process in Oban.Notifier.listen/2.

  • [Oban.Queue.Producer] Fix cancelling jobs without a supervised process. In some circumstances, namely a hot code upgrade, the job's process could terminate without the producer tracking it and leave the job un-killable.

  • [Oban] Only convert invalid changesets into ChangesetError from insert!. This prevents unexpected errors when insert! is called within a transaction after the transaction has rolled back.

2.2.0 — 2020-10-12


  • [Oban] Replace local dynamically composed names with a registry. This dramatically simplifies locating nested children, avoids unnecessary atom creation at runtime and improves the performance of config lookups.

  • [Oban.Repo] The new Oban.Repo module wraps interactions with underlying Ecto repos. This ensures consistent prefix and log level handling, while also adding full dynamic repo support.

    The Oban.Repo wrapper should be used when authoring plugins.

  • [Oban.Job] Augment the unique keys option with replace_args, which allows enqueuing a unique job and replacing the args subsequently. For example, given a job with these args:

    %{some_value: 1, id: 123}

    Attempting to insert a new job:

    %{some_value: 2, id: 123}
    |> 10, replace_args: true unique: [keys: [:id]])
    |> Oban.insert()

    Will result in a single job with the args:

    %{some_value: 2, id: 123}
  • [Oban] Add Oban.check_queue/1,2 for runtime introspection of a queue's state. It displays a compactly formatted breakdown of the queue's configuration, a list of running jobs, and static identity information.

  • [Oban] Add Oban.retry_job/1,2, used to manually retry a discarded or retryable job.

  • [Oban.Telemetry] Include tags as part of the metadata for job events.


  • [Oban.Worker] The default backoff algorithm now includes a small amount of jitter. The jitter helps prevent jobs that fail simultaneously from repeatedly retrying together.


  • [Oban.Job] Don't include discarded state by default when accounting for uniqueness.

  • [Oban.Cron] Fully support weekeday ranges in crontab expressions. Previously, given a weekday range like MON-WED the parser would only retain the MON.

2.1.0 — 2020-08-21


  • [Oban.Testing] Modify the behaviour checking in perform_job/3 so that it considers all behaviours.

  • [Oban.Plugins.Pruner] Use distinct names when running multiple Oban instances in the same application.


  • [Oban] In addition to the standard queue-name / limit keyword syntax it is now possible to define per-queue options such as :poll_interval, :dispatch_cooldown, :paused, and even override the :producer module.

  • [Oban] Cancelling a running job now records an error on the job if it was running at the time it was cancelled.

  • [Oban.Job] Allow using :discarded as a unique state and expose all possible states through Oban.Job.states/0.

  • [Oban.Worker] Allow returning {:discard, reason} from perform/1, where the reason is recorded in the job's errors array. If no reason is provided then a default of "None" is used. All discarded jobs will have an error now, whether discarded manually or automatically.

  • [Oban.Job] Add support for uniqueness across sub-args with the :keys attribute. This makes it possible to only use a few values from a job to determine uniqueness. For example, a job that includes a lot of metadata but must be considered unique based on a :url field can specify keys: [:url].


  • [Oban.Worker] Wrap {:error, reason} and {:discard, reason} in a proper Oban.PerformError exception with a customized message. This ensures that the :error value passed to telemetry handlers is an exception and not a raw term.

  • [Oban.Worker] Wrap job timeouts in Oban.TimeoutError with a customized message indicating the worker and timeout value. This replaces the raw :timeout atom that was reported before.

  • [Oban.Worker] Wrap caught exits and throws in Oban.CrashError with a formatted message. This means the :error value passed to telemetry is always a proper exception and easier to report.

  • [Oban.Worker] Stop reporting internal stacktraces for timeouts, discards or error tuples. The stacktrace was useless and potentially misleading as it appeared that the error originated from Oban rather than the worker module.

2.0.0 — 2020-07-10

No changes from 2.0.0-rc.3.

2.0.0-rc.3 — 2020-07-01


  • [Oban.Crontab.Cron] Do not raise an ArgumentError exception when the crontab configuration includes a step of 1, which is a valid step value.

  • [Oban.Telemetry] Correctly record duration and queue_time using native time units, but log them using microseconds. Previously they used a mixture of native and microseconds, which yielded inconsistent values.


  • [Oban.Telemetry] Include job queue_time in the default logger output.


  • [Oban.Plugins.Pruner] The FixedPruner is renamed to Pruner and allows users to configure the max_age value. This partially reverses the breaking change imposed by the move from prune to the FixedPruner plugin, though there isn't any support for max_len or dynamic pruning.

2.0.0-rc.2 — 2020-06-23

Breaking Changes

  • [Oban] The interface for pause_queue/2, resume_queue/2 and scale_queue/3 now matches the recently changed start_queue/2 and stop_queue/2. All queue manipulation functions now have a consistent interface, including the ability to work in :local_only mode. See the notes around start_queue/2 and stop_queue/2 in 2.0.0-rc.1 for help upgrading.

  • [Oban] Replace drain_queue/3 with drain_queue/2, which now has an interface consistent with the other *_queue/2 operations.

    Where you previously called drain_queue/2,3 like this:

    Oban.drain_queue(:myqueue, with_safety: false)

    You'll now it with options, like this:

    Oban.drain_queue(queue: :myqueue, with_safety: false)


  • [Oban.Breaker] Prevent connection bomb when the Notifier experiences repeated disconnections.

  • [Oban.Queue.Executor] Fix error reporting when a worker fails to resolve.

  • [Oban.Telemetry] Stop logging the :error value for circuit trip events. The error is a struct that isn't JSON encodable. We include the normalized Postgrex / DBConnection message already, so the error is redundant.


  • [Oban.Crontab] Add @reboot special case to crontab scheduling

  • [Oban.Telemetry] Add new :producer events for descheduling and dispatching jobs from queue producers.


  • [Oban] Removed kill_job/2, which wasn't as flexible as Oban.cancel_job/2.

    Use Oban.cancel_job/2 instead to safely discard scheduled jobs or killing executing jobs.

2.0.0-rc.1 — 2020-06-12

Breaking Changes

  • [Oban.Config] The :verbose setting is renamed to :log. The setting started off as a simple boolean, but it has morphed to align with the log values accepted by calls to Ecto.Repo.

    To migrate, replace any :verbose declarations:

    config :my_app, Oban,
      verbose: false,

    With use of :log instead:

    config :my_app, Oban,
      log: false,
  • [Oban] The interface for start_queue/3 is replaced with start_queue/2 and stop_queue/2 no longer accepts a queue name as the second argument. Instead, both functions now accept a keyword list of options. This enables the new local_only flag, which allows you to dynamically start and stop queues only for the local node.

    Where you previously called start_queue/2,3 or stop_queue/2 like this:

    :ok = Oban.start_queue(:myqueue, 10)
    :ok = Oban.stop_queue(:myqueue)

    You'll now call them with options, like this:

    :ok = Oban.start_queue(queue: :myqueue, limit: 10)
    :ok = Oban.stop_queue(queue: :myqueue)

    Or, to only control the queue locally:

    :ok = Oban.start_queue(queue: :myqueue, limit: 10, local_only: true)
    :ok = Oban.stop_queue(queue: :myqueue, local_only: true)

2.0.0-rc.0 — 2020-06-03

Breaking Changes

  • [Oban.Worker] The perform/2 callback is replaced with perform/1, where the only argument is an Oban.Job struct. This unifies the interface for all Oban.Worker callbacks and helps to eliminate confusion around pattern matching on arguments.

    To migrate change all worker definitions from accepting an args map and a job struct:

    def perform(%{"id" => id}, _job), do: IO.inspect(id)

    To accept a single job struct and match on the args key directly:

    def perform(%Job{args: %{"id" => id}}), do: IO.inspect(id)
  • [Oban.Worker] The backoff/1 callback now expects a job struct instead of an integer. That allows applications to finely control backoff based on more than just the current attempt number. Use of backoff/1 with an integer is no longer supported.

    To migrate change any worker definitions that used a raw attempt like this:

    def backoff(attempt), do: attempt * 60

    To match on a job struct instead, like this:

    def backoff(%Job{attempt: attempt}), do: attempt * 60
  • [Oban.Telemetry] The format for telemetry events has changed to match the new telemetry span convention. This listing maps the old event to the new one:

    • [:oban, :started] -> [:oban, :job, :start]
    • [:oban, :success] -> [:oban, :job, :stop]
    • [:oban, :failure] -> [:oban, :job, :exception]
    • [:oban, :trip_circuit] -> [:oban, :circuit, :trip]
    • [:oban, :open_circuit] -> [:oban, :circuit, :open]

    In addition, for exceptions the stacktrace meta key has changed from :stack to the standardized :stacktrace.

  • [Oban.Prune] Configurable pruning is no longer available. Instead, pruning is handled by the new plugin system. A fixed period pruning module is enabled as a default plugin. The plugin always retains "prunable" (discarded or complete) jobs for 60 seconds.

    Remove any :prune, :prune_interval or prune_limit settings from your config. To disable the pruning plugin in test mode set plugins: false instead.

  • [Oban.Beat] Pulse tracking and periodic job rescue are no longer available. Pulse tracking and rescuing will be handled by an external plugin. This is primarily an implementation detail, but it means that jobs may be left in the executing state after a crash or forced shutdown.

    Remove any :beats_maxage, :rescue_after or :rescue_interval settings from your config.


  • [Oban.Scheduler] Ensure isolation between transaction locks in different prefixes. A node with multiple prefix-isolated instances (i.e. "public" and "private") would always attempt to schedule cron jobs at the same moment. The first scheduler would acquire a lock and block out the second, preventing the second scheduler from ever scheduling jobs.

  • [Oban.Query] Correctly prefix unprepared unique queries. Unique queries always targeted the "public" prefix, which either caused incorrect results when there were both "public" and an alternate prefix. In situations where there wasn't a public oban_jobs table at all it would cause cryptic transaction errors.

  • [Oban.Query] Wrap all job fetching in an explicit transaction to enforce FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED semantics. Prior to this it was possible to run the same job at the same time on multiple nodes.

  • [Oban.Crontab] Fix weekday matching for Sunday, which is represented as 0 in crontabs.


  • [Oban] Bubble up errors and exits when draining queues by passing with_safety: false as an option to Oban.drain_queue/2.

  • [Oban] Add Oban.cancel_job/2 for safely discarding scheduled jobs or killing executing jobs. This deprecates kill_job/2, which isn't as flexible.

  • [Oban.Worker] Support returning {:snooze, seconds} from perform/1 to re-schedule a job some number of seconds in the future. This is useful for recycling jobs that aren't ready to run yet, e.g. because of rate limiting.

  • [Oban.Worker] Support returning :discard from perform/1 to immediately discard a job. This is useful when a job encounters an error that won't resolve with time, e.g. invalid arguments or a missing record.

  • [Oban.Job] Introduce a virtual unsaved_error field, which is populated with an error map after failed execution. The unsaved_error field is set before any calls to the worker's backoff/1 callback, allowing workers to calculate a custom backoff depending on the error that failed the job.

  • [Oban.Worker] Add :infinity option for unique period.

  • [Oban.Telemetry] Add span/3 for reporting normalized :start, :stop and :exception events with timing information.

  • [Oban.Telemetry] Include the configured prefix in all event metadata. This makes it possible to identify which schema prefix a job ran with, which is useful for differentiating errors in a multi-tenant system.

  • [Oban.Telemetry] Include queue_time as a measurement with stop and exception events. This is a measurement in milliseconds of the amount of time between when a job was scheduled to run and when it was last attempted.

  • [Oban.Testing] Add perform_job/2,3 helper to automate validating, normalizing and performing jobs while unit testing. This is now the preferred way to unit test workers.

    To update your tests replace any calls to perform/1,2 with the new Oban.Testing.perform_job/2,3 helper:

    defmodule MyApp.WorkerTest do
      use MyApp.DataCase, async: true
      use Oban.Testing, repo: MyApp.Repo
      alias MyApp.Worker
      test "doing business in my worker" do
        assert :ok = perform_job(Worker, %{id: 1})

    The perform_job/2,3 helper will verify the worker, the arguments and any provided options. It will then verify that your worker returns a valid result and return the value for you to assert on.

  • [Oban.Crontab] Add support for non-standard expressions such as @daily, @hourly, @midnight, etc.

  • [Oban.Crontab] Add support for using step values in conjunction with ranges, enabling expressions like 10-30/2, 15-45/3, etc.


  • [Oban.Notifier] Make the module public and clean up the primary function interfaces. Listening for and delivering notifications is simplified and no longer requires macros for pattern matching.

    Notifier dispatching performance is slightly improved as well. It is now a no-op if no processes are listening to a notification's channel.

  • [Oban.Query] The completed_at timestamp is no longer set for failed jobs, whether they are put in the discarded or retryable state. However, the information is still available and is recorded in the errors array as the at value with the error for that attempt.

    This corrects a long standing inconsistency between discarding a job manually or automatically when it exhausts retries.

  • [Oban.Producer] Stop dispatching jobs immediately on queue startup. Instead, only dispatch on the first poll. This makes it possible to send the producer a message or allow sandboxed connection access before the initial dispatch.

  • [Oban.Worker] Limit default backoff calculations to 20 attempts, or roughly 24 days. The change addresses an issue with snoozing, which can increase a job's attempts into the hundreds or thousands. In this situation the algorithm calculates the backoff using a ratio of attempts to max attempts, but is still limited to roughly 24 days.

For changes prior to 2.0 see the 1.2 branch