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The Symfony MakerBundle

Symfony Maker helps you create empty commands, controllers, form classes, tests and more so you can forget about writing boilerplate code. This bundle is an alternative to SensioGeneratorBundle for modern Symfony applications and requires using Symfony 3.4 or newer and Symfony Flex.


Run this command to install and enable this bundle in your application:

$ composer require maker


This bundle provides several commands under the make: namespace. List them all executing this command:

$ php bin/console list make

 make:command            Creates a new console command class
 make:controller         Creates a new controller class
 make:entity             Creates a new Doctrine entity class


 make:validator          Creates a new validator and constraint class
 make:voter              Creates a new security voter class

The names of the commands are self-explanatory, but some of them include optional arguments and options. Check them out with the --help option:

$ php bin/console make:controller --help

Creating your Own Makers

In case your applications need to generate custom boilerplate code, you can create your own make:... command reusing the tools provided by this bundle. Imagine that you need to create a make:report command. First, create a class that implements :class:`Symfony\\Bundle\\MakerBundle\\MakerInterface`:

// src/Maker/ReportMaker.php namespace AppMaker;

use SymfonyBundleMakerBundleConsoleStyle; use SymfonyBundleMakerBundleDependencyBuilder; use SymfonyBundleMakerBundleInputConfiguration; use SymfonyBundleMakerBundleMakerInterface; use SymfonyBundleMakerBundleStr; use SymfonyBundleMakerBundleValidator; use SymfonyComponentConsoleCommandCommand; use SymfonyComponentConsoleInputInputArgument; use SymfonyComponentConsoleInputInputInterface;

class ReportMaker implements MakerInterface {

public static function getCommandName(): string {

return 'make:report';


public function configureCommand(Command $command, InputConfiguration $inputConf): void {

->setDescription('Creates a new console command class') ->addArgument('name', InputArgument::OPTIONAL, sprintf('Choose a command name (e.g. <fg=yellow>app:%s</>)', Str::asCommand(Str::getRandomTerm())))



public function interact(InputInterface $input, ConsoleStyle $io, Command $command): void { }

public function getParameters(InputInterface $input): array {

return array();


public function getFiles(array $params): array {

return array();


public function writeNextStepsMessage(array $params, ConsoleStyle $io): void { }

public function configureDependencies(DependencyBuilder $dependencies): void { }


For examples of how to complete this class, see the core maker commands. Make sure your class is registered as a service and tagged with maker.command. If you're using the standard Symfony services.yaml configuration, this will be done automatically.