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Extension Framework Usage


The Extension Framework facilitates the seamless integration of standalone code with TiDB. This framework is useful when:

  • You aim to extend TiDB functionality but prefer to encapsulate new code within a standalone package, minimizing deep integration.
  • Considering confidentiality, you wish to extend TiDB without exposing the code publicly.

Usage Guidelines

A Simple Example

The subsequent example demonstrates how to log information when a new connection is established:

// pkg/extension/example/example.go

package example

import (

func createSessionHandler() *extension.SessionHandler {
	return &extension.SessionHandler{
		OnConnectionEvent: func(tp extension.ConnEventTp, info *extension.ConnEventInfo) {
			if tp == extension.ConnConnected {
				logutil.BgLogger().Info("new connection connected", zap.String("client IP", info.ClientIP))

func init() {
	err := extension.Register(
// pkg/extension/_import/import_example.go

package extensionimport

import (
	_ ""

Incorporate these files into your TiDB file structure, rebuild, and run the TiDB server. Observe the enhanced logging when a new connection attempts to connect to TiDB:

[2023/11/14 16:22:26.854 +08:00] [INFO] [example.go:28] ["new connection connected"] ["client IP"=]

Let's delve into a step-by-step explanation of how this works:

In the primary file, example.go, a new function named createSessionHandler is introduced. This function acts as a factory and is intended to be invoked when a new connection is established. It returns an object of type extension.SessionHandler to guide the framework on handling the connection. The SessionHandler type provides various customizable fields. In the provided example, we utilize the OnConnectionEvent field to manage the extension.ConnConnected event for connections, logging the client's IP address.

The custom code is registered using extension.Register. In the init function of the example.go file, the first parameter passed to extension.Register is the extension name. Any string can be used as the name, with the only constraint being its uniqueness across all extensions. Following the extension name, an arbitrary number of options can be passed to extension.Register. In our example, we employ the extension.WithSessionHandlerFactory option to convey the createSessionHandler function to the previously defined framework.

It's essential to note that example.go resides in a newly created package. If this package is not imported by other packages, the init function will not be called. To address this, a new file, example_import.go, is created within an existing package, specifically pkg/extension/_import. This file imports pkg/extension/example, ensuring that the extension is registered when TiDB starts.

Further Explanation about Session Handler

The SessionHandler is designed to manage session events and is declared as follows:

// SessionHandler is used to listen session events
type SessionHandler struct {
	OnConnectionEvent func(ConnEventTp, *ConnEventInfo)
	OnStmtEvent       func(StmtEventTp, StmtEventInfo)

SessionHandler offers several customizable fields. These fields default to empty, implying that if left unset, the framework will not perform any actions when corresponding events occur.


The OnConnectionEvent function is used to observe all connection events. The types of connection events are defined by ConnEventTp, with key types including:

  • ConnConnected: the creation of a new connection that is not yet authenticated.
  • ConnHandshakeAccepted: successful authentication of a connection.
  • ConnHandshakeRejected: rejection due to authentication failure.
  • ConnClose: the close of a connection.

It is important to note that OnConnectionEvent does not return errors; it is designed as a listener, and any encountered errors in custom code must be managed before the function concludes. In essence, OnConnectionEvent does not disrupt the connection flow but merely observes.


OnStmtEvent serves to monitor events related to statements. Similar to OnConnectionEvent, it functions as a listener without influencing the statement flow. Statement event types, defined by StmtEventTp, include:

  • StmtError: Denoting the completion of a statement with an error.
  • StmtSuccess: Indicating the successful completion of a statement.

Registering Extensions with Options

In addition to extension.WithSessionHandlerFactory, various options are available for extension customization. All options can be registered using the extension.Register function. For instance:

	err := extension.Register(
		extension.WithBootstrapSQL("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS mysql.example(a int)"),
		// ...

Alternatively, use extension.RegisterFactory for dynamic registration of extension options. This proves beneficial when global configurations influence the selection of options. For example:

	err := extension.RegisterFactory("example", func() ([]extension.Option, error) {
		cfg := config.GetGlobalConfig()
		var factory func() *extension.SessionHandler
		if cfg.SomeFlag {
			factory = createSessionHandler1
		} else {
			factory = createSessionHandler2

		return []extension.Option{
		}, nil

Key Extension Options

Several important extension options are outlined below:


The WithCustomSysVariables option registers custom system variables, accepting a slice of variable.SysVar for addition.


Use WithCustomDynPrivs to register custom dynamic privileges.


The WithCustomFunctions option registers custom functions.


The AccessCheckFunc option customizes the access check logic, enabling additional checks for table access.


This option is instrumental in handling session events.


WithBootstrap customizes the bootstrap logic, receiving a function invoked during TiDB bootstrap. Note that WithBootstrapSQL and WithBootstrap are mutually exclusive, allowing the use of only one.


WithBootstrapSQL customizes the bootstrap logic with a string containing SQL statements for bootstrapping. Note that WithBootstrapSQL and WithBootstrap are mutually exclusive, allowing the use of only one.

Authentication Plugin

It is possible to implement authentication plugins for TiDB using the extension framework. The framework allows TiDB users to create their own authentication and privilege verification schemes. See docs/design/ for design.

See below for a basic example:

import (


func createAuthPlugin() *extension.AuthPlugin {
	return &extension.AuthPlugin{
		// Name of the plugin: `CREATE USER <username> IDENTIFIED WITH my_auth_plugin AS <pwd>`
		Name: "my_auth_plugin",
		// MySQL clients will use the `mysql_native_password` plugin
		RequiredClientSidePlugin: "mysql_native_password",
		AuthenticateUser: func(request extension.AuthenticateRequest) error {
			// Allow login as long as there is an input password
			if len(request.InputAuthString) > 0 {
				return nil
			return errors.New("no password")
		GenerateAuthString: func(pwd string) (string, bool) {
			// As long as password is not empty, allow it
			return pwd, pwd != ""
		ValidateAuthString: func(pwdHash string) bool {
			// As long as password is not empty, allow it
			return pwdHash != ""

func init() {
	plugin := createAuthPlugin()
	// Can load a list of auth plugins
	authPlugins := []*extension.AuthPlugin{plugin}
	err := extension.Register(
		// Register the plugin name as a system variable
				Scope: variable.ScopeGlobal,
				Name:  "extension_authentication_plugin",
				Value: mysql.AuthNativePassword,
				Type:  variable.TypeEnum,
				// Add `my_auth_plugin` and the names of other auth plugins here
				PossibleValues: []string{plugin.Name},

Once this auth plugin is loaded, users can run statements such as:

CREATE USER u1 IDENTIFIED WITH my_auth_plugin AS <pwd>;
CREATE USER u2 IDENTIFIED WITH my_auth_plugin BY <pwd>;

where the authentication and privilege checks of u1 and u2 will be done by the logic in my_auth_plugin.

For other attributes of extension.AuthPlugin, refer to extension/auth.go.