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Put some Forth in it!

Enforth was designed from the start as an embeddable, small-footprint Forth for small devices. Enforth embraces existing ecosystems and libraries and makes it easy to call existing code from within the Forth environment. Full support for Harvard architectures makes Enforth especially well suited to Arduino-style devices.


Provided as an Arduino Library with a small handful of entry points. Two key entry points are KEY and EMIT. Using these, Technomancy could have KEY receive input from the keyboard matrix and EMIT send characters out to the USB host. This way you could program the device by firing up Notepad and then typing into your keyboard! No need for a serial console or anything like that.

Design Goals

  1. Minimize RAM usage. When faced with a design decision, the option that minimizes RAM usage is almost always the one that was taken.
  2. Minimize ROM usage. Enforth is a complete environment on its own, but its real value is exposed through interfaces to existing C/C++ libraries. To that end, Enforth itself is as small as possible in order to make room for those companion libraries. Many of Enforth's definitions are coded in Forth, which makes those definitions smaller than if they were coded in C, but also slower. Whether to code a definition in C or Forth was based on the expected frequency of use for that definition in embedded environments: definitions involved in the text interpreter and interactive experimentation are almost always in Forth as are routines involved in text input/output.
  3. Ensure that the entire dictionary and all values therein are relocatable without requiring values to be rewritten. This allows us to copy the dictionary as-is back and forth between RAM, EEPROM, and flash. In addition to supporting on-device development -- build up your code and then copy it to EEPROM for a turn-key app -- this may allow us to dump the contents of the dictionary as a C-style (PROGMEM) array and then compile that into flash. Note that there are subtleties here: XTs must also be relocatable since you could get the XT for a word and then store that in a CONSTANT or array in the dictionary.
  4. Write everything in C, but with an eye towards fast assembly. C provides the most portable way to get Enforth on a variety of platforms, but ideally we would like to keep assembly-level performance if possible. Enforth accomplishes this goal in two ways: data is organized in such a way as to leverage common CPU instructions and a large number of definitions are coded in Forth in order to simplify the assignment of code to registers. Enforth stacks grown downward, for example, because CPUs like the AVR provide load-and-pre-decrement and load-and-post-increment instructions and those are common operations in a Forth VM (pushing a new item onto the stack and popping an item from the stack).

Memory Layout

One plan was to use a single block of memory for the entire Enforth VM (similar to what is done for MF100) and put things like the DP, HERE, etc. globals into that block. The problem there is that those addresses are absolute and would not be valid after a persistence operation. We have to deal with that anyway, but I question if making the problem worse with more variables makes sense. Similarly, there is no reason to persist TIB, which was going to exist in the VM block as well.

The new proposal is to stick with the original design where we only have a dictionary block and then all of the other pointers are transient pointers stored in the C++ object itself. We can then deal with persisting those (by making them relative) on an individual basis as necessary. Similarly, some fields will just not be persisted -- those for the text interpreter.


  • Flash contains your Arduino sketch, which includes the Enforth "kernel" (just another Arduino Library), any linked-in libraries, and all of your predefined words. The flash dictionary is stored here.
  • RAM contains your interactive words and a runtime dictionary.
    • Obviously the RAM used by your libraries and stuff is here as well.
    • The size of the Enforth RAM dictionary space is controlled by an Enforth #define and can vary by platform.
  • EEPROM contains your load-at-boot words and a checksum to verify that we should actually load the EEPROM dictionary into RAM.
  • At any time you can copy an existing definition from RAM to EEPROM. A GO definition in RAM after boot (copied from EEPROM or already in the flash) will cause that word to be executed.
    • You can provide a boot-time hook for bypassing the automatic GO word, probably by detecting a low/high signal on an input pin, but it's up to you.


  • 16-bit Forth on AVR, 32-bit Forth on ARM, x86
  • Token-threaded Forth with 8-bit tokens.
  • Tokens reference primitive words; user-defined words are invoked with DO* tokens that get the PFA of the callee from the instruction stream (in the same manner as how LIT works).

Primitives vs. Definitions

Primitives are part of the Enforth kernel and are Forth words written in C or Forth. C-based words can block if necessary (for I/O, although that would not be ideal if we ever implement multitasking), but they cannot reenter the Enforth kernel. That is because the kernel needs a thread of words to follow and that thread effectively stops at the point where a C word has been invoked. Reentrant primitives must be written in Forth and are then dispatched by way of the DOPRIM primitive, which tells the inner interpreter that the IP points into ROM, for those processors (AVR) that must use different instructions to access ROM and RAM.

User-defined words are Forth words written by the user and are executed from RAM. These words can reenter the interpreter, change between interpretation and compilation states, etc.

Instruction Pointer and Harvard Architectures

Option 1

The Instruction Pointer (IP) takes one of two forms depending on where it is being used: in the Inner Interpreter the IP is the address of the next token in either program space or data space (and a boolean is used to differentiate between the two); on the return stack -- the only other place where an absolute IP can exist -- the low bit of the IP is used to differentiate between program space and data space.

This means that IP values must be converted on their way to/from the return stack. The benefit to this approach (instead of using the flag-encumbered IP) is that the IP is a numeric value inside of the Inner Interpreter and can be manipulated with standard math functions. Only the pushing or popping of an IP on the return stack requires any encoding or decoding of the value. Meanwhile, things like branch operations can operate on the unencumbered IP.

Note that this approach means that words cannot use the full range of the processor's address space since we will be shifting the real IP by one bit in order to make room for the flag bit. This should be fine on all of the processors that we are using though (RAM is under the 2GB barrier on ARM processors and AVR processors cannot access more than 24 bits of address space).

Option 2

The Instruction Pointer (IP) always contains an absolute address, but on Harvard architectures the address in question may refer to either data space (for user-defined words) or program space (for primitive words written in Forth). The Inner Interpreter maintains a state variable that tracks the current address space.

This state variable must be paired with the IP at all times, specifically in the case where the IP is being pushed onto the Return Stack. Execution can move back and forth between program and data space in words like INTERPRET, which eventually call EXECUTE and could thus go from a program space word (EXECUTE) into a data space word (a user-defined word in the dictionary).

A third stack is used to store these state variables and the stack is manipulated whenever the return stack is manipulated. Ideally this value would be part of the IP that is pushed onto the return stack, but then we run into a problem where we need the full range of the IP -- AVR processors can have more than 64KB of flash -- and so there is no place to put a flag bit that would not be needed by the IP itself.

Option 3

This problem (no available space for the flag bit) goes away if we can keep all of the primitive Forth definitions together. That could be done by putting all of those definitions in a single block in program space and then using relative offsets (with the high bit set in order to indicate program space) on the return stack. The downside is additional math involved to calculate the real IP, but it's always the addition/subtraction of a constant, so it's probably fine.

Meanwhile the IP in the Inner Interpreter remains a C pointer and thus uses whatever native instructions work best for that (such as the ELPM instruction to access more than 64KB of flash).

This avoids the extra stack that Option 2 requires at the expense of a small amount of arithmetic when calling from program space into user space (perhaps only in EXECUTE?).

Option 3.5

Now that we know Option 3 is possible, for now we'll just use absolute IP addresses and assume that we won't need the high bit for the address. This will simplify development since we can just use inline static arrays, but with the knowledge that later on we can move all of those into a single block of program data.

Execution Tokens

Execution Tokens (XT) in Enforth are not the same thing as the contents of the Parameter Field in a definition. The latter always consists of a series of tokens that reference ROM-based primitives. XTs, on the other hand, are only ever seen on the stack (although they could be stored in constants or arrays as well).

An XT can point to one of two things: a ROM-based primitive or a user-defined word. The high bit of the XT indicates the type of thing that is being referenced: ROM-based primitives have a clear high bit and user-defined words have the high bit set.

XTs are used by EXECUTE and COMPILE,, which must be able to determine the type of XT -- primitive or user-defined -- and then invoke the appropriate DO* primitive If the XT references a user-defined word. This creates additional work for EXECUTE and COMPILE,, but the benefit to Enforth is that the inner interpreter only ever needs to deal with tokens and so its register usage can be optimized for that operation.


I believe that this will change once we go to the new model? i.e., XTs are XTs, regardless of where they show up. This change occurs because of the fact that XTs now point indirectly to a code word (via the jumptable), a ROM-based primitive ($C000-prefixed value) or a user-defined word in RAM ($8000-prefixed value). Previously, every 8-bit token in the definition was always a pointer into the jumptable. Stack XTs, on the other hand, could refer either to a jumptable entry (clear high bit) or a user-defined word (high bit offset from the start of the dictionary). The old mechanism required the P* words as well as the different variants of EXECUTE and the >TOKEN and >[TOKEN]. All of that should go away now and unify XTs everywhere.

Note that this doesn't change the way that the return stack works. The return stack contains instruction pointers and we still need to differentiate between ROM-based pointers and RAM-based pointers on Harvard architectures. There, the high bit indicates ROM vs. RAM and has nothing to do with the type of XT (since these are not XTs, but IPs).

Additionally note that stack-based XTs are converted into VM tokens, which are the entry in the jump table for what is effectively the CFA for that word. This is the reason that calling a user definition requires three bytes: one byte for the "CFA" token and two bytes for the definition offset. In the new model we can store the CFA token in the definition (just like a "real" Forth definition with a CFA field) and then the compiled XT is just the definition offset.

As mentioned above and in, this should eliminate the need for ever putting tokens on the stack and for the two variants of to-token and EXECUTE.

An additional change here is noted in, which is that "NEXT", which in our case is the small bit of code at the beginning of the for loop that dereferences and advances the IP, needs to set W to the PFA address of the definition that is being called (unless this is a code primitive, of course) before dispatching the XT. This change is subtle, because the code does set W, but it sets it by reading the XT from the IP. That is not the same as what we are saying here, which is that W needs to be set to the executing CFA, which is in the target word and not the word that made the call. This value will not be set for Code Primitives, but when calling a Definition the address interpreter will need to store the CFA address into W as part of reading the CFA.

The format of the dictionary has to change as well. Currently we use the following layout: LFA, 3-bit CFA token + 5-bit length, NFA, PFA. That works because we run the CFA token through a lookup table in order to get the actual CFA that is being executed. The new model requires an actual CFA field, and the ability to quickly skip from that field to the PFA at runtime. This means that we need a layout like the following: LFA, flags, NFA, CFA, PFA. >BODY et al already know how to skip over the NFA at compile time. Smudged and immediate definitions become a problem as well, because we can no longer use the CFA token to indicate those things. Instead, we'll need to go with the immediate+smudged+NFAlen thing that is standard to other Forths. We could go with reverse-names like MFORTH... Maybe later.

Why can't we use a tokenized CFA in the new model? We could, but then we would have to -- at runtime and on every execution of the word -- read that token, convert it to the actual VM token, then jump to that VM token. Putting a real VM token into the CFA (just like how a direct-threaded Forth has an assembly language JMP instruction in the CFA) means that we can just load the CFA and jump right to that token (which is an indirect-threaded Forth, because we have an address in the CFA and not the actual JMP instruction). Basically Enforth is now an indirect-threaded Forth on top of a virtual machine.

The ROM Definition Block looks different now as well. Previously it was just a huge concatenation of definitions without any separation between definitions. That worked because we could calculate the offset to a definition given the token for that definition. We can no longer do that and now need a different way of looking up ROM definitions by name. enforth_names.h will only be for Code Primitives. We will go with a standard dictionary format for the ROM Definition Block so that it looks identical to the RAM-based User Definition header. User definitions can then chain through to the ROM block just like MFORTH. Note that we will need to differentiate between RAM and ROM LFAs and can use the high bit for that.

In general, we are saying that pointers (not XTs) can refer to RAM or ROM and the high bit decides which one. This is true of values on the return stack as well as LFA pointers. We could potentially make this a general concept that works with @, !, etc. Not sure about that though; feels like I-prefixed words might be better/clearer/more deterministic.

XT Formats

Code Primitive (7-bit entry in the ROM jumptable):


ROM Definition (11-bit offset from the start of the ROM definition block):


User Definition (14-bit offset from the start of the dictionary):


New DefGen Logic

This is basically a two-pass assembler.

  1. Load all primitive definitions.
  2. Sort Code Primitives first by hidden flag, then alphabetically.
  3. Build Code Primitive jump table.
  4. Sort ROM Definitions alphabetically.
  5. Calculate the size of each ROM Definition: keywords that point to Code Primitives have a length of 1, keywords that point to other ROM Definitions have a length of 2. ROM Definitions also have a header: LFA (2 byte offset from the start of the ROM Definition Block), name (1+length; 1 is imm+smudge+isffi+5bit length), and CFA (1).
  6. Determine start addresses of each ROM Definition.
  7. Compile the ROM Definition Block by going through the sorted ROM Definition list and outputting each definition now that we have the address of all of the other definitions.


  1. Change the user dictionary layout: from "LFA, 5-bit length + 3-bit CFA type, NFA, PFA" to "LFA, PSF+5bit-namelen, NFA, CFA, PFA". Needs to happen for Code Primitives (in DefGen) as well.
  • This works, along with all interactive interpretation and even some kinds of compilation. What does not work is a compiling a call to another user definition. Those are being written out as deftype+LFA, which doesn't work. Compiling calls to ROM definitions still works, because those look like tokens.
  • We can probably fix this by just fixing how user definitions are compiled (since ROM definitions look like tokens and tokens are working fine). Note that this is a short-term fix, since W is still being read from the IP when in fact it needs to be set as part of reading the instruction itself. In other words, we're going to patch up the current code by reading the contents of the CFA field from the user definition and then writing that and the PFA to the instruction stream, just like how the code previously worked. Eventually we will need to change the address interpreter to not expect the CFA+PFA and instead to just see the XT ($8000-prefixed address of the CFA).
  • Apparently eliminates >[TOKEN], which feels like a surprise. >TOKEN used to return the paren variant of the CFA DO* token and so compilation had to convert that into the standard (non-paren) variant. That is no longer needed, because we just always return the CFA variant and that variant works everywhere. I think that we didn't ever need the paren variant, since the only thing that did was not set W, but the extra call to set W doesn't seem to matter. I wonder if this fails in some sort of weird way when chaining back and forth between words? Apparently not, because all of the tests pass! I really didn't expect that. I think that the whole >[TOKEN] thing was never required. Yep, it was never required. See change 88db6e6 for more information.
  1. Fix FFIs (USE:, FFI?, etc). Write FFI unit tests as well.
  2. Modify DefGen to use the final logic: two-pass compilation, no entry in the names file, real headers, chaining of LFAs, etc. The inner interpreter now needs to know about the single-byte tokens vs. two-byte XTs and set the Word Pointer when XTs are seen in the instruction stream. At this point code primitives will work, but ROM Definitions (and things that depend on ROM Definitions such as compilation) will not work due to things like FIND-DEF not knowing about the new ROM Definition layout.
  3. Modify the inner interpreter, EXECUTE, (EXECUTE), FIND-PRIM, >TOKEN, ,XT, etc. to find, write, and use $C000-prefixed XTs for calling ROM definitions.

More Notes

  • This change means that we can put constants in ROM (since we'll have a CFA now).
  • Every ibranch and izbranch has to change now that calls to ROM Definitions take two bytes. Previously, every call in a ROM Definition was a one-byte token, but now that is only true for ROM Primitives; ROM Definitions are two bytes and none of the branch values account for that! Ugh. Really need to modify DefGen to know about looping constructs and stuff (which is I guess why people build Forth Metacompilers instead of doing this stuff by hand). Maybe we can smarten up DefGen to rewrite ibranch and izbranch values to account for this extra length... That feels better (?) than trying to do all of that manually, especially since we'll have to constantly remember/get right which tokens refer to Code Primitives and which tokens refer to ROM Definitions.

Next Update

The ITC refactor is done, but the results are kind of a mess from an XT perspective. XTs sometimes point at the LFA, other times at the PFA, and even the new sometimes want the CFA. This is annoying and requires lots of logic and special handling throughout the code.

A better solution is to go to the MFORTH dictionary layout, which means that the XT can always point to the flags field and then basic math (XT + 2 + 1) gets you to the CFA. Compiling/Comparing names is more annoying, but that only happens rarely, whereas all of this XT-shuffling is very annoying and error-prone.

NextNext Update

This is now done -- XTs are used everywhere, including for the things that were previously called Code Primitives. Those are now just standard ROM Definitions, but with the CFA set to their token value. This is basically the same as any other ITC where the CFA contains code to be executed. It's unclear if this is an ITC or DTC at this point; maybe there is no real name for this.

Anyway, the big change here is that XTs are seen everywhere, including for things that are tokens. You can execute the XT for a Code Primitive and we just execute the CFA like you would for any other definition. COMPILE, is smart enough to take that XT and turn it into a token when the CFA points at a token instead of a definition (which it determines using the redefined TOKEN?).

Dictionary Header:

The Enforth dictionary uses the layout described by Robert L. Smith in his Forth Dimensions I/5 article titled "A Modest Proposal for Dictionary Headers".

The 00h byte is called the Name Field Address in Enforth, even though it only points to the name count and flags. The Link Field Address points to the Name Field Address of the preceding definition.

The header below is for the word DUP; note that the word name is stored in reverse order in memory.

+--------------------------------+ -03h | 1 | 'P' | +--------------------------------+ -02h | 0 | 'U' | +--------------------------------+ -01h | 0 | 'D' | +--------------------------------+ 00h | P | S | F | Count | +--------------------------------+ 01h | Link | | Field | +--------------------------------+ 03h | Code Field (Token) | +--------------------------------+ 04h . Parameter . . Field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Enforth programs are created interactively. The program manifests itself as a dictionary image. The dictionary image can be copied verbatim into EEPROM for turnkey applications and is then copied back into RAM to execute the turnkey application.

This works for the following reasons:

  • Branch addresses are 8-bit relative offsets and so relocate with the word, even if the word was to change its starting location (which doesn't happen).
  • References to user-defined words are relative offsets from the start of the dictionary and so the entire dictionary is relocatable.
  • XTs are also relative references from the start of the dictionary and so are relocatable as well.


RAM is the most precious resource in the system and so a handful of optimizations/decisions have been made in order to conserve that resource:

  • We do not implement WORD or FIND since those require a separate word buffer. Instead, we use Enforth's PARSE-WORD and FIND-WORD functions, which expect c-addr u and thus can point directly at the terminal input buffer.
  • The hidden definitions (EVALUATE, INTERPRET, and QUIT) are stored in flash and a dedicated CFA is used to switch the interpreter into PROGMEM threading mode on the AVR. This slows down the inner interpreter since it has to know which mode it is in, but the benefit is that we do not need so spend 100 or so bytes on these hidden definitions.


Enforth is initialized with an array. Enforth takes over that array and uses it for the dictionary and stacks (the latter which are configurable in the constructor). The stacks start at the end of the array and the dictionary at the beginning.

go() takes the name of the word to find and execute and, by default, that word is COLD. COLD initializes the system and then calls ABORT (which calls QUIT). The caller could also specify WARM-EEPROM which copies the dictionary from EEPROM to RAM and then calls ABORT (since the EEPROM would already have to contain EVALUATE and QUIT).

Later, we will allow people to specify WARM-EEPROM which loads and verifies the EEPROM and then calls ABORT. Finally, people will eventually be able to specify their own turnkey word (which of course also requires the EEPROM to be loaded).

Dictionary Header

Each entry contains a 16-bit link field (comes first in case we need to word-align these things), an 8-bit flag field, a Name Field, and the Parameter Field. We don't need to bother with the reverse-dictionary stuff that MFORTH used because Enforth is a token-threaded Forth and we take the hit of skipping over the NFA during compilation (at which point the PFA address is compiled into the new word). This slows down compilation, but I am not concerned about that given how infrequent it will be in this environment.

Note that getting the name of an FFI definition is much slower, because we have to traverse the entire FFI list as well.

Flag layout:

  • 5 bits for the length of the name (:NONAME words have a zero-length name). DOFFI trampolines still have their name length here (copied over from the FFI definition) in order to simplify string comparisons and because FFI definitions use NUL-terminated strings instead of length-prefixed strings. Storing the length makes it possible to put c-addr u on the stack even with these definitions (although c-addr will be in code space...).
  • 3 bits for the type of definition (DOCOLON, DOIMMEDIATE, DOVARIABLE, DOFFI, etc.). Note that "immediate" and "smudged" are both variants of DOCOLON since we have some unused enum values here anyway and we don't want to waste flag bits. This value is a calculated index into the jump table and effectively forms the CFA for the word. EXECUTE and COMPILE, turn DOFFI definition types are into tokens by reading the number of args from the FFI definition.

Definition types:

  1. DOFFI

User-defined words then have their NFA string, which is a series of 8-bit characters whose length is specified by the upper 5 bits of the flag field.

Instead of a string-based NFA, FFI trampolines have a 16/24/32-bit reference to the FFI linked list entry in program space.


  • LFA: Link Field Address (16 bits)
  • Flags: Flags (8 bits)
  • NFA: Name Field Address (n 8-bit characters)
  • PFA: Parameter Field Address


  • >TOKEN: Given an XT, return the token used to execute the definition for that XT. Note that the PFA will also be needed by (EXECUTE) as part of executing the definition. This can be obtained with >BODY. Note that XTs may refer to tokens (instead of definitions) and so this word returns its input in that situation. XTs that point to FFI definitions will force >TOKEN to introspect the FFI definition order to pick the appropriate DOFFI* primitive.
  • >[TOKEN]: Given an XT, return the compilation token for that definition (which may be different than the execution token). Note that XTs may refer to tokens (instead of definitions) and so this word returns its input in that situation. XTs that point to FFI definitions will force >TOKEN to introspect the FFI definition order to pick the appropriate DOFFI* primitive.
  • >LFA: Given an XT, return the LFA (which is an address in RAM).
  • >BODY: Given an XT, return the PFA (which is an address in RAM). Note that XTs may refer to tokens (instead of definitions) and tokens do not have a PFA; in that case zero will be returned (which is then ignored by (EXECUTE) anyway).
  • >DEF-TYPE: Given an XT, return the type of definition.
  • NFA-LENGTH: Given an XT, return the length of the NFA.


  • Rules:
    • No alignment words; you know your platform.
    • No pictured numeric output.
    • Immediate kernel words don't need a token.
  • Possible Rules:
    • Get rid of string input and dictionary searches? ACCEPT, FIND, WORD, >NUMBER
      • This really focuses Enforth on embedded systems (no text input)...
    • Eliminate unlikely helpers: SPACE, SPACES
    • Drop HEX and DECIMAL and put BASE back in there
    • Consider eliminating advanced concepts -- immediate, >BODY, etc.
  • Note:
    • Things like BEGIN, AGAIN, REPEAT, etc. are actually immediate words and don't require tokens.
    • Same thing with HERE (no token).
    • Can probably relax some of these things now that we can reference 256 primitives.

CORE (implemented)

!                   '                   *

*/                  */MOD               +                   +!
+LOOP               ,                   -                   .
."                  /                   /MOD                0<

0=                  1+                  1-                  2!
2*                  2/                  2@                  2DROP
2DUP                2OVER               2SWAP               :
;                   <                   =                   >

>BODY               >NUMBER             >R                  ?DUP
@                   ABORT               ABORT"              ABS
ACCEPT              ALLOT               AND                 BEGIN
BL                  C!                  C,                  C@

CHAR                CONSTANT            COUNT               CR
CREATE              DECIMAL             DO                  DOES>
DROP                DUP                 ELSE                EMIT
EXECUTE             EXIT                FILL                FIND

HERE                I                   IF                  IMMEDIATE
INVERT              J                   KEY                 LEAVE
LITERAL             LOOP                LSHIFT              M*
MAX                 MIN                 MOD                 MOVE

NEGATE              OR                  OVER                QUIT
R>                  R@                  RECURSE             REPEAT
ROT                 RSHIFT              S"                  S>D
SPACE               SPACES              SWAP

THEN                TYPE                U.                  U<
UM*                 UM/MOD              UNLOOP              UNTIL
VARIABLE            WHILE               WORD                XOR


0>                  0<>                 2>R                 2R>
2R@                 <>                  AGAIN               HEX
NIP                 TUCK

CORE (removed looping constructs if we go with Machineforth-style recursion)

+LOOP               DO                  I                   J
LEAVE               LOOP                RECURSE             REPEAT
UNLOOP              UNTIL               WHILE

CORE (immediate)

POSTPONE            [                   [']                 [CHAR]

CORE (not implemented)


#                   #>                  #S                  <#
>IN                 ALIGN               ALIGNED             BASE
CELL+               CELLS               CHAR+               CHARS
DEPTH               ENVIRONMENT?        EVALUATE            FM/MOD
HOLD                SM/REM              SOURCE              STATE

CORE (maybe don't need?)

UM/MOD              S>D                 U.                  U<
UM*                 M*

CORE (questions)

  • Do we need , and its like? We can't copy data space to EEPROM, so it seems like , doesn't make sense. Instead you should name data (CREATE hdr 8 ALLOT) and then provide an initializer in your GO word..?
    • That doesn't work either, because we have no way of knowing how much space should get copied to EEPROM.
    • I think that CREATE (and DOES> and , and ..?) need to go away and be replaced with some other thing that creates a "buffer" word. Such a word just dumps a literal on the stack of its own address and then does an EXIT, with the remainder of the body of the word containing the buffer. Copying the word to EEPROM also copies the data.
    • We need something here, because if you just want a scratch buffer then we can't screw you by making you materialize that whole thing in EEPROM.
      • Maybe there is no CREATE (or ALLOT or , or ..?) and instead you just call a word at GO time that creates a buffer you using ALLOCATE which you then store in a VARIABLE. That uses standard malloc, just like how our dictionary used malloc.
    • Now, what about constant data? That's the other thing that CREATE and , are for.
      • I guess we do need CREATE and , (and might as well do ALLOT) and will just have to figure out how long the word is either by looking at HERE or the start of the next word.
      • Definitely need ALLOCATE as well though.

Interesting Pivots

9-bit tokens

  • Use "9"-bit tokens -- 64 for RAM and 256 for flash -- by storing "extension bits" in the dictionary header for the word. So when the word is executing you augment each token in order to determine if you should lookup from RAM or flash. If you eliminate loops then you can just shift this token as you go through the word, refilling when you get to empty.

Token+Indirect Threading

  • Use 7-bit tokens to identify (CORE+other) Forth words in the kernel.
  • Use a clear high-bit to indicate a 16-bit indirect threaded word located in RAM (which you then just shift-left one and jump to in the 16-bit RAM address space).

Eliminates the need for the RAM-based lookup table at the expense of 2x-sized RAM words. But you probably won't have very many RAM words, so this probably ends up as a net win.

Also, makes store/load of RAM words to/from EEPROM and Flash easier, because you can just rewrite the jumps as you store/load the words. Contrast this with tokens, which completely change depending on which words have been stored. Probably not actually that different, but feels better for some reason...

Downside is you only have 128 words total in Flash, which is only going to be enough for Forth and not enough for Arduino Libraries. Possible solution there is to compile trampoline words into RAM as you reference them during interactive development. In other words, hundreds of Library words are available in the Flash dictionary, but do not have tokens. Then if you reference one interactively we create a trampoline word that can be referenced using the 16-bit indirect-threaded address. The trampoline word just issues a jump directly to the Flash routine. This lets us offer hundreds of Library words without any runtime cost until/unless individual words are actually used. Also, this should make it possible to create "*_enforth.h" headers that you can include after the library which then just do:

ENFORTH_LIBRARY_WORD("eepromRead",, 1);
ENFORTH_LIBRARY_WORD("eepromWrite", EEPROM.write, 2);

etc. Those macros add something to the compiled Enforth dictionary, again, on the theory that we have tons of flash and should blow it on making things available interactively.

Another nice thing about this approach is that the trampoline words can easily be stored in Flash/EEPROM as well, because they just look like normal, runtime-added words. i.e., they get referenced through indirect-threading, are added as dependencies, etc.

Hybrid Dictionary

Dictionary information is normally stored in the definition, but this seems wasteful for things like Library Word Trampolines, which only exist to provide an indirect reference, and yet still need a dictionary entry since they are inserted at runtime during interactive development. These are going to be words with long names as well.

I feel like we could do something weird where our dictionary header (the NFA and stuff) is a pointer to the name instead of the name itself. Then this name could exist in Flash for Library Word Trampolines (thus reusing the extant string in Flash) or to a location in RAM if this is a user-defined word.

In fact, this can get us the benefit of the reverse-word thing that we do in MFORTH, but without reverse words! The NFA can point to HERE-n, where n is the length of the word. This way we can always jump to the name in constant time while still being able to have everything be fixed relative to the CFA. Yes, getting to the name is an extra jump, but who cares? We rarely need the name and only ever during compilation or interactive dumping.

In fact, this can get us the benefit of the reverse-word thing that we do in MFORTH, but without reverse words! The NFA can be either a high-bit set negative offset into RAM or a high-bit clear absolute address in Program Memory. This way we can always jump to the name in constant time while still being able to have everything be fixed relative to the CFA. Yes, getting to the name is an extra jump, but who cares? We rarely need the name and only ever during compilation or interactive dumping.

Sample dictionary entry for a user-defined word:

| 'F' | 'O' | 'O' | %10000011 | $1400 | ... |

Here, NFA is a -3 offset (and so the high bit is set, indicating a relative NFA). Absolute value of offset is also the length.

And for a Library Word Trampoline ($001234 is address of NUL-terminated name in program memory, $00 is the Call Native/FFI token, $012486 is address of library function in program memory, #args is the number of args to the native function, $7F is the token for EXIT):

| $001234 | $1408 | $00 | $012486 | #args | $7F |

Here the high bit is clear and NFA is a 24-bit absolute address into Program Memory. Presumably we could use #defines to limit this to 16-bit on smaller platforms (such as the ATMega328P with only 32KB of Flash).

FFI primitive reads the address of the function, the number of args, sets up the registers (per, I think...), calls the function, pushes the result (r25:r24) onto the stack, then executes the next word. More/Better info:

Interesting note: this could essentially be the only primitive, because you could just access every Forth kernel word this way... The other primitives are just for efficiency (no trampoline needed). I guess we need $7F EXIT to pop the return stack into the Forth IP.

We should think about having a series of primitives, one for each number of args (0..10) for rapid conversion of the Forth stack into an FFI call.

References for adding assembly code to Arduino libraries:

NOTE significantly changes the Workflow described below, because you just include the \*\_enforth.h files for whichever libraries you want to make available. You don't actually have to write the FFI word yourself, in other words.

Jump Table

It's pretty hard (impossible?) to get gcc-avr to automatically generate a jump table from a switch statement (as in This is probably due to the fact that the AVR is a Harvard architecture and so accessing Program Memory requires special instructions (LPM). Even doing the GCC goto-label trick ( doesn't seem to work since avr-gcc is apparently copying that into RAM as initialized data.

Ah! The combination is to use the goto-label trick combined with the PGMSPACE macro and then pgm_read_word. This causes our jump table to be stored in Program Space.

There are still a couple of unnecessary instructions here though, because GCC doesn't know that we can just blow away Z, for example. Instead, it tries to retain Z across jumps. We could probably reduce the number of instructions at use if we create an assembly version of enforthInnerInterpreter that has careful knowledge of which registers are being used and then just blows away Z as part of the IJMP, issuing a dedicated JMP back to the top of the loop.

Here is what is currently being done (R30:R31/Z contains the token):

;; Get Z to point at the jump table + token.
LDI R31,0x00	Load immediate
LSL R30		    Logical Shift Left
ROL R31		    Rotate Left Through Carry
SUBI R30,0x98	Subtract immediate
SBCI R31,0xFF	Subtract immediate with carry

;; Load R24:R25 with the address of the label.
LPM R24,Z+		(3) Load program memory and postincrement
LPM R25,Z		(3) Load program memory

;; Push the label onto the stack and then 'return' to that label.
PUSH R24		(2) Push register on stack
PUSH R25		(2) Push register on stack
RET 		    (4) Subroutine return

PUSH + PUSH + RET is 8 instructions, but instead we could do MOVW and ICALL which is 4 instructions. That's a 2x improvement, although probably in the grand scheme of things it doesn't matter, given everything else that is happening here.

The best (?) speed up is likely to be an assembly version of enforthInnerInterpreter. Then we could store a bunch of stuff in registers -- R2-R17 are call-saved -- and minimize the overall number of instructions here. The jump table could stay in R2:R3, for example, and so then jumping to a primitive becomes very efficient:

;; R2:R3 contains jump table base.
;; R4:R5 contains current token.

LSL R4:R5       ;; token * 2
MOVW Z,R2:R3    ;; get jump table base in Z
ADD Z,R4:R5     ;; add token to Z
LPM R24,Z+      ;; get label in Zlo
LPM R25,Z       ;; and Zhi
ICALL           ;; jump to label

This is incomplete, because we can't LSL the token as a word. That's why the original code clears R31 and then LSLs through carry to R31. The only optimization we can really make here would be to avoid the subtract-immediate thing by storing the jump table in a register. We might be able to do that anyway though, which we'll try shortly.

Okay, you can load program memory a single time, store that in a register, and then do math on the register. That looks like this:

;; ... more or less the same; ADDs vs. SUBs

;; Load Z with the address of the label.
LD R0,Z+		(2) Load indirect and postincrement
LDD R31,Z+0		(2) Load indirect with displacement
MOV R30,R0		(1) Copy register

;; Jump to the label.
IJMP 		    (2) Indirect jump to (Z)

That is 14 vs. 7 instructions, which is a pretty big win for this loop.

This doesn't work, because we need to LPM as part of decoding, otherwise we're just back in RAM again. Maybe we can put the table into a register and save a few instructions there at least...

What we want is this:

;; ... exact same as original; Z points at jump table offset

;; Load Z with the address of the label.
LPM R0,Z+		(3) Load program memory and postincrement
LPM R31,Z		(3) Load program memory
MOV R30,R0      (1) Copy register

;; Jump to the label.
IJMP 		    (2) Indirect jump to (Z)

That only saves 5 instructions though and doesn't feel worth us hand-coding stuff. I just wish we could get gcc to blow away Z! Let's think, what does Z contain... It contains the token. Then it contains the offset. Then we use it for loading. We never need the offset again in the loop, so why is gcc not reusing the register? It must be that gcc's goto-label just isn't smart enough to assemble that code. I guess we could do some inline assembly here..? Maybe as a TODO for later.

Probably not worth optimizing this right now. Let's just build out the rest of everything now that we know we are using the jump table instead of the switch. We should try and get this working enough that we can call it on the Arduino, just to make sure that we aren't building something unusable in that environment...

Threading Model and Tokens

Enforth is indirect-threaded because the CFA contains the token that runs the word: DOCOLON, DOCREATE, DOVARIABLE, etc.

Words look like this:

=================HEADER=============== ====CFA==== =======PFA...
| 'F' | 'O' | 'O' | %10000011 | $1400 | opDOCOLON | opx | opy | $13F0 | ... | opPARENSEMI |

Blink tutorial:

  1. Create basic blink Arduino sketch with our Enforth library.
  2. We'll need to reference that assembly serial sample thing so that we can have .cpp and .h and .S code.
  3. Need the basic layout: NEXT (token loop through a table, really), EXIT, the stack, maybe a couple of basic tokens for testing.
  4. Add the single zero-op FFI token ($00) and EXIT ($7F).
  5. Define a "blink" function that does LED high, delay, low, delay.
  6. Write some startup code that builds a dictionary in RAM with the right FFI and EXIT calls and stuff.
  7. Execute that and see if it blinks.
  8. Add the single-op FFI token and use it for delay (creating ledOn and ledOff FFIs).
  9. Same thing for two-op FFI tokens so that the entire thing can be in Enforth.

Thoughts: No loop constructs, just tail recursion.

Technically we could go for a simpler approach, just to get something working at all:

  1. Basic blink sketch with Enforth library.
  2. enforth.cpp, enforth.h, enforth.S files.
  3. NEXT, EXIT, the stack, dictionary traversal.
  4. Zero-op FFI token ($00) that just calls the "blink" function and doesn't actually do any FFI.
  5. Startup code with hardcoded dictionary.
  6. Execute that.


  • Create sketch, bring in Enforth and other Arduino Libraries.
  • Define precompiled Enforth words.
    • Words for accessing library functions (FFI word; requires writing Arduino functions).
    • App-specific words -- can be written in Wiring (FFI word) or Forth (which then needs some sort of metacompiler).
  • Flash the new code.
  • Interactively try out your words, define new words, etc. Dump your words to the metacompiler output when you're ready to build a new bootloader.
  • Ideally it should be possible to write your words to EEPROM without having to reflash (for small projects). This would let people provide a "batteries included" flash that you can then work with entirely from the device itself.

Arduino Restrictions

  • Flash is always bigger than RAM and RAM is always bigger than EEPROM. Presumably RAM is fastest.
    • 32KB of Flash is the minimum that we will have, then 2KB RAM, then 1KB EEPROM.
  • However EEPROM is never very big! 2KB at the most, whereas RAM is 8KB starting on the Teensy++ 2.0 and then goes up to 16KB and 64KB.
    • This means that RAM is ultimately the best place to store the interactive dictionary.
    • Also, we can't really execute out of EEPROM given how slow that is likely to be.
  • Ideally should run most programs from Flash, which means that we need a meta-compiler or, perhaps even better, a way for Enforth to output its own turnkey source. i.e., you run some command and it spams out a C-style string, #define, whatever that you can then just copy/paste back into your sketch in order to provide your turnkey code.
  • Otherwise programs can be typed in and then run from RAM, with