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Repository files navigation

Neovim Developer Configuration

     )         )          (       *
   ( /(      ( /(          )\ )  (  `
   )\()) (   )\()) (   (  (()/(  )\))(
  ((_)\  )\ ((_)\  )\  )\  /(_))((_)()\
   _((_)((_)  ((_)((_)((_)(_))  (_()((_)
  | \| || __|/ _ \\ \ / / |_ _| |  \/  |
  | .` || _|| (_) |\ V /   | |  | |\/| |
  |_|\_||___|\___/  \_/   |___| |_|  |_|

  • Q: What is it?

  • A: My personal configuration for NeoVIM

  • Q: It's better than a paid IDE?

  • A: Sure bro!



  • NeoVIM
  • Nodejs >= 12. Please prefer NVM
  • Python >2.7 Please prefer 3.5+


Leader key: '\'


  • Fuzzy find files: <Control-p>
  • Find by text content (Must have Ag command)
  • Show who made last modification like Gitlens from vscode
  • Align text using a token as a reference
  • Markdown preview
  • Snippets for many languages
  • Tagbar: view your variables and classes on the right side <Control-tt>
  • Comments
  • Git integration for commits, conflicts, diffs, etc.
  • ASCII art and ASCII diagrams
  • Toggle words to it opposite: on-off, true-false, etc
  • Intuitive navigation using [ and ]
  • Intellisense for python, js, c#, vuejs, django, vimfiles, json, css, html, Dockerfile, yaml, sql and more
  • Spelling check
  • Refactoring
  • Renaming
  • Smart suggestions


Most useful shortcuts

  • <Control-space> - display code actions like refactoring and fix errors
  • <Control-p> - quickly find file
  • <Leader>l - code indenting
  • :Ag - fuzzy find anything
  • K/J - move a code block up/down
  • <Leader>~ - swap a word to it opposite
  • [g and ]g - go to prev/next git modification

Code action Control + space calls code action!


  • <Leader>gs - git status
  • <Leader>gc - git commit (type "commit" to use Conventional Commits)
  • <Leader>gca - git commit --ammend
  • <Leader>gd - git diff(useful for merge conflicts)
  • <Leader>gl - accepts diff from right
  • <Leader>gh - accepts diff from left
  • <Leader>gv - Show file history
  • <Leader>gg - preview git modification
  • <Leader>gu - undo git modification
  • <Leader>gb - browse code in repository
  • <Leader>gr - revert uncommited file to last commit state
  • <Leader>gr! - revert all uncommited file to last commit state
  • ]g - go to next modification in your source code
  • [g - go to previous modification in your source code

Git conflict solver Solving merge conflicts

Code navigation

  • ]e - go to next error
  • [e - go to previous error
  • ]w - go to next warning
  • [w - go to previous warning
  • ]s - go to next spelling error
  • [s - go to previous spelling error
  • ]c - go to next git conflict
  • [c - go to previous git conflict
  • ]z - go to next folding
  • [z - go to previous folding
  • ]' - go to next mark
  • [' - go to previous mark
  • ]g - go to next git modification
  • [g - go to previous git modification
  • gd - go do definition
  • :Ag - Find anything with AG command

Ag find Ag find anything!

Window and tab navigation

  • <Control-Right> - go to right window
  • <Control-Left> - go to left window
  • <Control-Up> - go to up window
  • <Control-Down> - go to down window
  • <Control-j> - go to bottom window
  • <Control-h> - go to left window
  • <Control-k> - go to up window
  • <Control-l> - go to right window
  • <Leader>1 - go to first tab
  • <Leader>2 - go to second tab and so on...
  • <Leader>> - vertical resize +
  • <Leader>< - vertical resize -
  • <Leader>+ - horizontal resize +
  • <Leader>- - horizontal resize -
  • <Leader>= - all splits equal Window splits Easy navigation on window splits


Assuming that your code is well indented, you can quickly hide and show methods/classes

  • zo/zc - open/close fold
  • zk/zj - to go up/down in folds
  • z1 - set foldlevel = 0
  • z2 - set foldlevel = 1
  • zn - set foldlevel = n-1

Folding Folding example using z1 key