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Enphase Binding

This is the binding for the Enphase Envoy Solar Panel gateway. The binding uses the local API of the Envoy gateway. Some calls can be made without authentication and some use a user name and password. The default user name is envoy and the default password is the last 6 numbers of the serial number. The Envoy gateway updates the data every 5 minutes. Therefore using a refresh rate shorter doesn't provide more information.

Supported Things

The follow things are supported:

  • envoy The Envoy gateway thing, which is a bridge thing.
  • inverter An Enphase micro inverter connected to a solar panel.
  • relay An Enphase relay.

Not all Envoy gateways support all channels and things. Therefore some data on inverters and the relay may not be available. The binding auto detects which data is available and will report this in the log on initialization of the gateway bridge.


The binding can discover Envoy gateways, micro inverters and relays. If login access is needed the Bridge envoy needs to be configured after discovering and adding before other things can be discovered. In that case, after configuring the login, run discovery again.

Thing Configuration

Bridge configuration

Depending on the software version of the Envoy gateway thing envoy there are different configuration options needed. Newer versions of the Envoy software (> version 7) require a different authentication method. Because the configuration is different, different bridge things are available.

The following options are relevant for all envoy versions:

parameter required description
serialNumber yes The serial number of the Envoy gateway which can be found on the gateway
hostname no The host name/ip address of the Envoy gateway. Leave empty to auto detect
refresh no Period between data updates. The default is the same 5 minutes the data is actually refreshed on the Envoy

Envoy below version 7

For Envoy versions below 7 has the following authentication configuration options are relevant:

parameter required description
username no The user name to the Envoy gateway. Leave empty when using the default user name
password no The password to the Envoy gateway. Leave empty when using the default password

Envoy from version 7

For Envoy versions 7 and newer has the following authentication configuration options are relevant:

parameter required description
autoJwt yes Specify if the JWT access token should be obtained by logging in or if the jwt is provided manually
username yes/no The user name to the Entrez server. Required if auto Jwt is true
password yes/no The password to the Entrez server. Required if auto Jwt is true
siteName yes/no The name of the site. Can be found above the Site Id in the Enphase app. Required when autoJwt is true
jwt yes/no The jwt is required if autoJWT is false, if it's true jwt is not used

Thing configuration

The micro inverter inverter and relay things have only 1 parameter:

parameter required description
serialNumber yes The serial number of the inverter


The envoy thing has can show both production as well as consumption data. There are channel groups for production and consumption data. The consumption data is only available if the gateway reports this. An example of a production channel name is: production#wattsNow.

channel type description
wattHoursToday Number:Energy Watt hours produced today
wattHoursSevenDays Number:Energy Watt hours produced the last 7 days
wattHoursLifetime Number:Energy Watt hours produced over the lifetime
wattsNow Number:Power Latest watts produced

The inverter thing has the following channels:

channel type description
lastReportWatts Number:Power Last reported power delivery
maxReportWatts Number:Power Maximum reported power
lastReportDate DateTime Date of last reported power delivery

The following channels are only available if supported by the Envoy gateway:

The relay thing has the following channels:

channel type description
relay Contact Status of the relay.
line1Connected Contact If power line 1 is connected. If closed it's connected
line2Connected Contact If power line 2 is connected. If closed it's connected
line2Connected Contact If power line 3 is connected. If closed it's connected

The inverter and relay have the following additional advanced channels:

channel type description
producing Switch (Read Only) If the device is producing
communicating Switch (Read Only) If the device is communicating
provisioned Switch (Read Only) If the device is provisioned
operating Switch (Read Only) If the device is operating

Full Example

Things example:

Bridge enphase:envoy:789012 "Envoy" [ serialNumber="12345789012" ] {
    inverter 123456 "Enphase Inverter 123456" [ serialNumber="789012123456" ]
    inverter 223456 "Enphase Inverter 223456" [ serialNumber="789012223456" ]

Items example:

Number:Power  envoyWattsNow          "Watts Now [%d %unit%]"          { channel="enphase:envoy:789012:production#wattsNow" }
Number:Energy envoyWattHoursToday    "Watt Hours Today [%d %unit%]"   { channel="enphase:envoy:789012:production#wattHoursToday" }
Number:Energy envoyWattHours7Days    "Watt Hours 7 Days [%.1f kWh]"   { channel="enphase:envoy:789012:production#wattHoursSevenDays" }
Number:Energy envoyWattHoursLifetime "Watt Hours Lifetime [%.1f kWh]" { channel="enphase:envoy:789012:production#wattHoursLifetime" }

Number:Power i1LastReportWatts "Last Report [%d %unit%]"                          { channel="enphase:inverter:789012:123456:lastReportWatts" }
Number:Power i1MaxReportWatts  "Max Report [%d %unit%]"                           { channel="enphase:inverter:789012:123456:maxReportWatts" }
DateTime     i1LastReportDate  "Last Report Date [%1$tY-%1$tm-%1$td %1$tH:%1$tM]" { channel="enphase:inverter:789012:123456:lastReportDate" }

Number:Power i2LastReportWatts "Last Report [%d %unit%]"                          { channel="enphase:inverter:789012:223456:lastReportWatts" }
Number:Power i21MaxReportWatts "Max Report [%d %unit%]"                           { channel="enphase:inverter:789012:223456:maxReportWatts" }
DateTime     i2LastReportDate  "Last Report Date [%1$tY-%1$tm-%1$td %1$tH:%1$tM]" { channel="enphase:inverter:789012:223456:lastReportDate" }