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220 lines (127 loc) · 7.57 KB

File metadata and controls

220 lines (127 loc) · 7.57 KB


1.11.2 (2024-04-18)

Bug Fixes

  • better support for polymorphic inputs (#87) (f29f835)

1.11.1 (2024-04-17)

Bug Fixes

  • correctly serialize input array as array (#84) (37becd6)

1.11.0 (2024-04-08)


1.10.1 (2024-04-06)

Bug Fixes

1.10.0 (2024-03-21)


1.9.1 (2023-10-11)

Bug Fixes

  • fix logic where nested includes were not calculated correctly. Fixes #68 (#69) (701a7e6)

1.9.0 (2023-09-04)


1.8.1 (2023-08-10)

Bug Fixes

  • allow relator serializer to be a getter (#63) (a55b4e9)

1.8.0 (2022-09-30)


  • implement support for the include spec (#53) (fe4f276)

1.7.0 (2022-08-05)

Bug Fixes

  • ignore relationships if they're not set to support optional relations (#49) (7bd7d53)


Patch Changes

  • c5a8201: Add customisable relationship names


Patch Changes

  • d5cd4d1: Updated dependencies


Minor Changes

  • bd4c358: Add relatorDataCache in serialize method to avoid duplicate lookups during recurseRelators call


Patch Changes

  • e81d1b1: Adds assertions to issue-23 test (testing depth > 1)
  • Fixes #24


Minor Changes


Minor Changes

  • 3dc7c4c: Allow null for empty to-one relationships

[1.3.0] - 2020-06-23


  • Added an isErrorDocument function to detect JSON:API Error documents. This function allows you to treat the argument as if it were an error document (there is obviously no way to know if it really is a JSON:API error document at runtime).
  • Added an isLikeJapiError function to detect JSON:API Error. This function allows you to treat the argument as if it were an JSON:API error (there is obviously no way to know if it really is a JSON:API error at runtime).


  • Exported a isPlainObject and isObjectObject functions from internal.

[1.2.7] - 2020-06-22

  • Fix for #10
  • Fix for #11

[1.2.6] - 2020-06-19


  • Changed user-level repo to org-level repo.
    • Links have been fixed in docs and README

[1.2.5] - 2020-06-19


  • Exported interfaces related to JSON:API.
    • The Error and Data document interfaces now require the "errors" and "data" properties respectively.
    • The Base document interface has been abstracted further by removing the "meta" property.
    • A new Meta document interface is now available for type-checking.

[1.2.4] - 2020-06-19


  • Smaller packaging

[1.2.3] - 2020-06-06


  • Updated license to Apache 2.0
  • Fixed some grammatical errors in README

[1.2.2] - 2020-05-27


  • A new Cache class is now available to use for caching. You can set this in the cache option for a Serializer (use true if you want the built in cache).
  • With caching, there is a ~586% speed improvement (412,768 ops/sec over the previous 70,435 ops/sec). Without-caching rates have stayed the same.

[1.2.1] - 2020-05-27


  • More keywords to package.json to help user search for this package.

[1.2.0] - 2020-05-26

So, ts-japi has only been released a few days, but after some significant use in my APIs, I have realized a few things:

  1. Linkers and certain classes should be allowed to parse nullish data (nullish meaning undefined or null).
  2. The relationships object should be allowed to have custom keys, not dependent on the relators options
    • Relators should always have a Serializer; otherwise, they wouldn't relate to any resource per se.
  3. Projections should be "choose included" or "choose excluded" similar to MongoDB's.
  4. The code can be faster.

With this in mind, here are the changes.


  • [Breaking Change] Every relator must define a Serializer as the second argument in its constructor (as opposed to the relator's options. Options can go in the third argument.
    • It may be subtle, but the reason for this lies in the fact relationships object must be keyed by the related object. If the relator has no serializer, then the relator has no related name, hence there is no canonical way to key the relationship.
    • We will now allow objects of relators to be defined as an option for relators on Serializers. By using objects, the key for the relationship generated by the relator will correspond to the same key for that of the relator's.
  • Several functional options now allow for nullish (null or undefined) arguments:
    • Resource Linkers can now type-safely use nullish arguments.
    • Resource Metaizers can now type-safely use nullish arguments.
  • Several plain options now allow for nullish (null or undefined):
    • Serializer projection option has changed significantly (see the option itself) with nullish values.
  • There is a ~33% speed improvement. (70,435 ops/sec over 52,843 ops/sec on a low-end Macbook Pro 15")


  • Started a CHANGELOG to keep users updated.

Important Note

I want to say this IS unusual to have a breaking change without depreciation, but given the fact this package is only a few days old, I want to apologize if you are bothered by the above break. However, I will guarantee that API changes will go through depreciation before removal, so happy coding :)