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234 lines (137 loc) · 9.27 KB

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234 lines (137 loc) · 9.27 KB


  • Start dual distribution. Every module is now distributed both as part of 'mini.nvim' library and as standalone plugin (in separate git repository).


Introduction of new module.


  • BREAKING: MiniCompletion.config.window_dimensions is renamed to MiniCompletion.config.window to be able to handle more general configuration.
  • FEATURE: Add and MiniCompletion.config.window.signature.border which can be used to define border of info and signature floating windows respectively.


  • BREAKING: MiniIndentscopePrefix is now not used (deprecated). It was initially introduced as a way to properly show scope indicator on empty lines. It had a drawback of overshadowing 'listchars' symbols (see #125) and vertical guides from 'lukas-reineke/indent-blankline.nvim'. As the other implementation approach was found by @mivort (see #161), MiniIndentscopePrefix is no longer needed and no overshadowing is done.
  • BREAKING: MiniIndentscope.gen_animation is now a table (for consistency with other gen_* functions in 'mini.nvim'). See "Migrate from function type" section of :h MiniIndentscope.gen_animation. Calling it as function will be available until next release.


  • FEATURE: Add MiniMisc.setup_auto_root() and MiniMisc.find_root() for root finding functionality. NOTE: requires Neovim>=0.8.


Introduction of new module.

Version 0.6.0

  • Stop official support of Neovim 0.5.
  • Make all messages use colors and not cause hit-enter-prompt.


Introduction of new module.


  • FEATURE: Add support for many plugin integrations.
  • FEATURE: Implement MiniBase16.config.plugins for configuring plugin integrations.
  • BREAKING: Change some 'mini.nvim' highlights:
    • MiniCompletionActiveParameter now highlights with background instead of underline.
    • MiniJump2dSpot now explicitly defined to use plugin's palette.
    • MiniStarterItemPrefix and MiniStarterQuery are now bold for better visibility.
  • BREAKING: Update highlight for changed git diff to be more visible and to comply more with general guidelines.


  • BREAKING: Allow cursor to be positioned past the end of previous/current line (#113).

Introduction of new module.


  • Item evaluation is now prepended with query reset, as it is rarely needed any more (#105).
  • All hooks are now called with (content, buf_id) signature allowing them properly use current window layout.


  • BREAKING FEATURE: update 'mini.surround' to share as much with '' as possible. This provides more integrated experience while enabling more useful features. Details:
    • Custom surrounding specification for input action has changed. Instead of { find = <string>, extract = <string> } it is now { <function or composed pattern> }. Previous format will work until the next release. See more in help file.
    • Algorithm for finding surrounding is now more powerful. It allows searching for more complex surroundings (via composed patterns or array of region pairs) and respects v:count.
    • Multiline input and output surroundings are now supported.
    • Opening brackets ((, [, {, <) now include whitespace in surrounding: input surrounding selects all inner edge whitespace, output surrounding is padded with single space.
    • Surrounding identifier i ("interactive") is soft deprecated in favor of ? ("user prompt").
    • New surrounding aliases:
      • b for "brackets". Input - any of balanced (), [] {}. Output - ().
      • q for "quotes". Input - any of ", ', `. Output - "".
    • Three new search methods 'prev', 'next', and 'nearest' for finding non-covering previous and next surrounding.
  • BREAKING FEATURE: Implement "last"/"next" extended mappings which force 'prev' or 'next' search method. Controlled with config.mappings.suffix_last and config.mappings.suffix_nextrespectively. This also means that custom surroundings with identifier equal to "last"/"next" mappings suffixes (defaults to 'l' and 'n') will work only with long enough delay after typing action mapping.
  • FEATURE: Implement MiniSurround.gen_spec with generators of common surrounding specifications (like MiniSurround.gen_spec.input.treesitter for tree-sitter based input surrounding).

Version 0.5.0

  • Update all tests to use new 'mini.test' module.
  • FEATURE: Implement buffer local configuration. This is done with*_config buffer variables.
  • Add new minicyan color scheme.

Introduction of new module.


  • FEATURE: Now hooks can be used to terminate further actions by returning false (#108).


  • BREAKING: Soft deprecate vim.b.miniindentscope_options in favor of using options field of miniindentscope_config.


  • FEATURE: Hooks are now called with active session data as argument.


  • FEATURE: Now it is possible to open multiple Starter buffers at the same time (#82). This comes with several changes which won't affect most users:
    • BREAKING: MiniStarter.content is deprecated. Use MiniStarter.get_content().
    • All functions dealing with Starter buffer now have buf_id as argument (no breaking behavior).


  • FEATURE: Implement config.use_icons which controls whether to use icons by default.


Introduction of new module.


  • FEATURE: Implement MiniTrailspace.trim_last_lines().

Version 0.4.0

  • Update all modules to supply mapping description for Neovim>=0.7.
  • Add new module 'mini.jump2d'.
  • Cover all modules with extensive tests.


  • FEATURE: Implement config.hooks with pre and post hooks (executed before and after successful commenting). Fixes #50, #59.


  • Implement support for additionalTextEdits (issue #61).


  • FEATURE: Implement idle timeout to stop jumping automatically (@annenpolka, #56).
  • FEATURE: Implement MiniJump.state: table with useful model-related information.
  • BREAKING: Soft deprecate config.highlight_delay in favor of config.delay.highlight.
  • Update process of querying target symbol: show help message after delay, allow <C-c> to stop selecting target.


Introduction of new module.


  • Create mappings for <BS> and <CR> in certain mode only after some pair is registered in that mode.


  • FEATURE: Implement to select session interactively and perform action on it.
  • FEATURE: Implement config.hooks to execute hook functions before and after successful action.
  • BREAKING: All feedback about incorrect behavior is now an error instead of message notifications.


  • Allow config.header and config.footer be any value, which will be converted to string via tostring().
  • Update query logic to not allow queries which result into no items.
  • Add <C-n> and <C-p> to default mappings.


  • BREAKING: change default icon for MiniStatusline.section_diagnostics() from ﯭ to  due to former having issues in some terminal emulators.


  • FEATURE: Implement config.search_method.
  • FEATURE: Implement custom surroundings via config.custom_surroundings.
  • FEATURE: Implement MiniSurround.user_input().
  • BREAKING: Deprecate config.funname_pattern option in favor of manually modifying f surrounding.
  • BREAKING: Always move cursor to the right of left surrounding in add(), delete(), and replace() (instead of moving only if it was on the same line as left surrounding).
  • Update process of getting user input: allow <C-c> to cancel and make empty string a valid input.


  • FEATURE: Implement config.tabpage_section.
  • BREAKING: Show listed buffers also in case of multiple tabpages (instead of using builtin behavior).
  • Show quickfix/loclist buffers with special *quickfix* label.

Version 0.3.0

  • Update all modules to have annotations formatted for 'mini.doc'.


  • Current word under cursor now can be highlighted differently.


Introduction of new module.


Introduction of new module.


  • Implement MiniStarter.set_query() and make <Esc> mapping for resetting query.

Version 0.2.0


  • Use new Diagnostic* highlight groups in Neovim 0.6.0.


  • Respect tab indentation (#20).


Introduction of new module.


  • Implement pair registration with custom mapping functions. More detailed:
    • Implement, MiniPairs.map_buf(), MiniPairs.unmap(), MiniPairs.unmap_buf() to (un)make mappings for pairs which automatically register them for <BS> and <CR>. Note, that this has a minor break of previous behavior: now and don't have any input argument. But default behavior didn't change.
    • Allow setting global pair mappings inside config of MiniPairs.setup().


Introduction of new module.


Introduction of new module.


  • Implement new section MiniStatusline.section_searchcount().
  • Update section_diagnostics to use vim.diagnostic in Neovim 0.6.0.

Version 0.1.0

  • Initial stable version.