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Preprocessing and postprocessing tools

This directory contains a collection of helpful preprocessing and postprocessing utilities.

Preprocessing scripts

The python script allows you to convert a Nalu-wind input file to an amr-wind input file. To the best of its ability, it will try to take the parameters from Nalu-wind and map them to amr-wind.

The basic usage is given by:

usage: [-h] [--outfile OUTFILE] yamlfile

Convert Nalu-Wind input file to AMR-wind input file

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
  --outfile OUTFILE  write output to this file

For instance, to convert the Nalu-wind input file naluwind.yaml, run

$ ./ naluwind.yaml

#            SIMULATION STOP            #
time.stop_time                 = 20000.0                        # Max (simulated) time to evolve
time.max_step                  = 40000                          # Max number of time steps

#         TIME STEP COMPUTATION         #
time.fixed_dt                  = 0.5                            # Use this constant dt if > 0
time.cfl                       = 0.95                           # CFL factor

#            INPUT AND OUTPUT           #
time.plot_interval             = 1000                           # Steps between plot files
time.checkpoint_interval       = 1000                           # Steps between checkpoint files
io.KE_int                      = 1                              
io.line_plot_int               = 1                              


Use the --outfile option to write the output to a file instead. Note that the nalu_abl_mesh and nalu_preprocess section should be present in the yaml file for it to correctly extract the geometry and the inversion layer properties.

Postprocessing scripts

The python provides a quick method to time-average and extract data from the line_plot.txt output.

The major functions in this code are:

  • loadfile(filename, t1, t2, headerinfo=[]): Loads the line_plot.txt file given by filename, for all times between t1 and t2.
  • timeaverage(dat, t1, t2, Ncells, Ncomp): Time averages the line_plot data given by dat, between times t1 and t2.
  • avglineplot(filename, t1,t2, headerinfo=[]): Combines loadfile() and timeaverage(), so it loads the line_plot.txt given by filename, and averages it between t1 and t2.
  • extractvars(dat, colheaders, varnames): Returns the variable(s) matching the variables in varnames

A short example of how to use the code is shown below. In this case, we load the line_plot.txt file, average from 0 to 100 seconds, and plot the averaged U velocity versus z.

import postproamrwind
import matplotlib.pylot as plt
avgdat, headers = postproamrwind.avglineplot('line_plot.txt',0,100)
amrvars         = postproamrwind.extractvars(avgdat, headers, ['z','u_avg'])
plt.plot(amrvars['u_avg'], amrvars['z'])