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Microk8s Mutli-Data Center Deployment

Create Five Linux VMs

  • name hosts respectively such as
sudo hostnamectl set-hostname dc1.vm
sudo hostnamectl set-hostname dc1-yb.vm
sudo hostnamectl set-hostname dc2.vm
sudo hostnamectl set-hostname dc2-yb.vm
sudo hostnamectl set-hostname dc3-yb.vm

Note: recommend capturing all hosts IPs above and adding to your hosts /etc/hosts file for ease of use from your terminal windows.

Install Microk8s and enable Microk8s Add-ons on DC1 & DC2 (dc1.vm & dc2.vm)

Enable Microk8s addons

microk8s enable community
microk8s enable dns
microk8s enable helm3
microk8s enable rbac
microk8s enable registry
microk8s enable hostpath-storage
microk8s enable ingress
microk8s enable traefik

Create microk8s aliases

nano ~/.bash_aliases

Add the following to the file:

alias kubectl='microk8s kubectl'
alias k='microk8s kubectl'
alias helm='microk8s helm3'
alias cf='microk8s kubectl cloudflow'

Apply the change

source ~/.bash_aliases

Test the alias by issuing the following command:

k get po -A

Create a Yugabyte three node universe

  1. Install Yugabyte on three VMs with names dc#-yb. Recommend version For example,
  1. Capture the IPs of each vm, and add hostnames to /etc/hosts. For example,
<ip> dc1-yb.vm
<ip> dc2-yb.vm
<ip> dc3-yb.vm

  1. Run Post Install on three VMs
  2. Run the following on one of each of the respective VMs:
./bin/yugabyted start --listen=dc1-yb.vm
./bin/yugabyted start --listen=dc2-yb.vm --join=dc1-yb.vm
./bin/yugabyted start --listen=dc3-yb.vm --join=dc1-yb.vm
  1. on dc1-yb.vm connect using ysql: Start the YSQL client:
bin/ysqlsh -h dc1-yb.vm  -U yugabyte -d yugabyte
  1. Create the "akka" schema:
yugabyte=# CREATE SCHEMA akka;

Set the default schema:

yugabyte=# SET search_path=akka;
  1. Copy and paste the schemas from the [Yugabyte] tab from here, and paste into ysql.

Build Docker Image and Push to the Registry

  1. Build the image to your local Docker registry.
sbt docker:publishLocal
  1. Tag the image, for transfer to dc1.vm, and dc2.vm. For example,
docker tag <container id> dc1.vm:32000/akka-typed-blog-distributed-state/cluster:latest
docker tag <container id> dc2.vm:32000/akka-typed-blog-distributed-state/cluster:latest
  1. Push the respective images
docker push dc1.vm:32000/akka-typed-blog-distributed-state/cluster:latest
docker push dc2.vm:32000/akka-typed-blog-distributed-state/cluster:latest

Pushing to this insecure registry may fail in some versions of Docker unless the daemon is explicitly configured to trust this registry. To address this we need to edit /etc/docker/daemon.json and add:

"insecure-registries" : ["localhost:32000", "dc1.vm:32000", "dc2.vm:32000"]

The new configuration should be loaded with a Docker daemon restart:

sudo systemctl restart docker

On DC (dc1.vm)!

  1. Copy the microk8s-multi-dc directory to both dc1.vm via sftp (think FileZilla).
  2. Capture the IP address of dc1-yb, and update the dbs-dc1 endpoint yaml.

To install

From the microk8s-multi-dc directory issue the following:

k apply -f dbs-dc1/
k apply -f nodes-dc1/
k apply -f nodes/
k apply -f endpoints/
k apply -f endpoints-dc1/
k apply -f prometheus-operator/

Verify Akka Cluster Formation

curl dc1.vm:8080/cluster/members | python -m json.tool

To delete

k delete -f dbs-dc1/
k delete -f nodes-dc1/
k delete -f nodes/
k delete -f endpoints/
k delete -f endpoints-dc1/
k delete -f prometheus-operator/

On DC2 (dc2.vm)

  1. Copy the microk8s-multi-dc directory to both dc2.vm via sftp (think FileZilla).
  2. Capture the IP address of dc2-yb, and update the dbs-dc2 endpoint yaml

To install

From the microk8s-multi-dc directory issue the following:

k apply -f dbs-dc2/
k apply -f nodes-dc2/
k apply -f nodes/
k apply -f endpoints/
k apply -f endpoints-dc2/
k apply -f prometheus-operator/

Verify Akka Cluster Formation

curl dc2.vm:8080/cluster/members | python -m json.tool

To delete

k delete -f dbs-dc2/
k delete -f nodes-dc2/
k delete -f nodes/
k delete -f endpoints/
k delete -f endpoints-dc2/
k delete -f prometheus-operator/

Sample REST Calls

curl -d '{"artifactId":10, "userId":"Michael"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://dc1.vm:8080/artifactState/setArtifactReadByUser
curl -d '{"artifactId":10, "userId":"Michael"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://dc1.vm:8080/artifactState/isArtifactReadByUser
curl -d '{"artifactId":10, "userId":"Michael"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://dc1.vm:8080/artifactState/setArtifactAddedToUserFeed
curl -d '{"artifactId":10, "userId":"Michael"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://dc1.vm:8080/artifactState/isArtifactInUserFeed
curl -d '{"artifactId":10, "userId":"Michael"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://dc1.vm:8080/artifactState/setArtifactRemovedFromUserFeed
curl -d '{"artifactId":10, "userId":"Michael"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://dc1.vm:8080/artifactState/getAllStates
curl -d '{"artifactId":10, "userId":"Michael"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://dc2.vm:8080/artifactState/setArtifactReadByUser
curl -d '{"artifactId":10, "userId":"Michael"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://dc2.vm:8080/artifactState/isArtifactReadByUser
curl -d '{"artifactId":10, "userId":"Michael"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://dc2.vm:8080/artifactState/setArtifactAddedToUserFeed
curl -d '{"artifactId":10, "userId":"Michael"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://dc2.vm:8080/artifactState/isArtifactInUserFeed
curl -d '{"artifactId":10, "userId":"Michael"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://dc2.vm:8080/artifactState/setArtifactRemovedFromUserFeed
curl -d '{"artifactId":10, "userId":"Michael"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://dc2.vm:8080/artifactState/getAllStates