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Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Code structure
  3. Constants
  4. File:
  5. File: src/
  6. File: src/
  7. File: src/simulation/
  8. File: src/simulation/
  9. File: src/simulation/
  10. File: src/simulation/
  11. File: src/simulation/
  12. File: src/simulation/
  13. File: src/simulation/
  14. File: src/simulation/
  15. File: src/simulation/
  16. File: src/aircraft/
  17. File: src/aircraft/
  18. File: src/aircraft/
  19. Contribution Guidelines
  20. License
  21. References


This documentation provides a detailed overview of the classes defined in the UAV Collision Avoidance project. Each class is described with its purpose, attributes, and methods.

The classes are organized into the following categories:

  • main: Entry point of the application.
  • simulation: Classes responsible for conducting simulations.
  • aircraft: Classes representing UAVs.

All classes make use of Python's properties and setters utilizing mutexes and mutex locks to ensure encapsulation and data integrity.

Remark: The src directory is located in uav_collision_avoidance subdirectory.

Code structure

The code structure is as follows:

├── CITATION.cff
├── compile.ps1
├── data
│   ├──
│   ├── ...
└── docs
    ├── en
    │   ├──
    ├── pl
    │   ├──
├── path-visual
│   ├──
│   ├── ...
├── pyproject.toml
├── pyrightconfig.json
├── requirements.txt
├── tests
│   ├──
│   └──
└── uav_collision_avoidance
    ├── src
    │   ├── aircraft
    │   │   ├──
    │   │   ├──
    │   │   └──
    │   └── simulation
    │       ├──
    │       ├──
    │       ├──
    │       ├──
    │       ├──
    │       ├──
    │       ├──
    │       ├──
    │       └──


  • Gravitational acceleration: 9.81 m/s^2
  • Simulation frequency for realtime and headless types: 100 Hz
  • Simulation frequency while conducting tests: 10 Hz
  • Simulation render GUI frequency: 100 Hz
  • ADS-B system frequency: 1 Hz
  • Aircraft roll angle change delay: 1000 ms
  • Aircraft pitch angle change delay: 2000 ms
  • Maximum instantaneous aircraft acceleration: 2 m/s^2


Function: main()

Description: Entry point of the application. Acts as outer runner for the app.

File: src/

Function: main()

Description: Proper entry point of the application. Begins QtApplication. Parses arguments and starts the appropriate simulation mode.


  • run_simulation_tests(test_number : int): Handles concurrent test running.

File: src/

Function: get_version()

Description: Parses current app version from pyproject.toml file.

File: src/simulation/

Class: Simulation

Description: The primary class responsible for conducting simulations. It can operate in two basic modes:

  • realtime: Creates a user interface and conducts a simulation that mimics real-time conditions.
  • headless: Conducts a simulation without real-time imitation.

The Simulation class is responsible for generating test cases, conducting series of tests, creating and exporting data sets, as well as plotting the paths of UAVs. Derived Simulation- classes are created within the object of this class using composition.


  • simulation_id: Identifier of the simulation.
  • hash: Unique hash string for the simulation.
  • headless: Flag representing if the simulation does not contain user interface.
  • tests: Flag representing if the simulation will run tests.
  • simulation_time: Time that should be simulated [s].
  • aircrafts: List of simulated aircrafts.
  • state: State of the simulation.
  • imported_from_data: Flag representing if the simulation was loaded from file.
  • simulation_data: Contains simulation data structure if loaded from file.
  • simulation_physics: Simulation physics object.
  • simulation_adsb: Simulation ADS-B object.
  • simulation_widget: Simulation widget object.
  • simulation_render: Simulation render object.
  • simulation_fps: Simulation FPS object.


  • __init__(headless : bool, tests : bool, simulation_time : int) -> None: Initializes a new simulation instance without initializing state and aircrafts.
  • obtain_simulation_id() -> int: Obtains identifier for the simulation.
  • obtain_simulation_hash() -> str: Obtains unique hash for the simulation.
  • run() -> None: Starts appropriate type of simulation.
  • run_gui(avoid_collisions : bool, load_latest_data_file : bool) -> None: Explicitly runs simulation with graphical user interface (GUI).
  • run_headless(avoid_collisions : bool, aircrafts : List[Aircraft], test_index : int, aircraft_angle : float) -> SimulationData: Explicitly runs simulation headless. Returns simulation data structure for performing checks.
  • generate_test_aircrafts() -> List[Tuple[List[Aircraft], float]]: Generates random list of lists of Aircrafts (paired with start angle between them) ready to be iterated through and used in test simulation.
  • generate_consistent_list_of_aircraft_lists() -> List[Tuple[List[Aircraft], float]]: Returns predefined set of aircrafts
  • run_tests(begin_with_default_set : bool, test_number : int): Runs headless simulation sequentially using test cases generation. Exports simulation data.
  • load_latest_simulation_data_file() -> bool: Tries to load the latest found data file (can be overridden with using simulation.csv file name). Returns true if successful.
  • load_simulation_data_from_file(file_path : str, test_id : int, avoid_collisions : bool) -> bool: Tries to load data file of the given name. Returns true if successful.
  • stop(): Stops running simulation by trying to use appropriate stop method.
  • stop_realtime_simulation() -> None: Stops simulation that was running real-time (with GUI).
  • stop_headless_simulation() -> None: Stops simulation that was running headless (no GUI).
  • add_aircraft(aircraft : Aircraft) -> None: Appends given aircraft to initialized aircraft list.
  • remove_aircraft(aircraft : Aircraft) -> None: Tries to remove given aircraft from aircraft list.
  • setup_aircrafts(self, aircrafts : List[Aircraft]) -> None: Initializes new aircraft list using given aircraft list.
  • setup_debug_aircrafts(self, test_case : int) -> None: Overrides aircraft list with predefined aircraft set.
  • import_simulation_data(data : SimulationData) -> None: Attempts to load simulation data from given data structure.
  • check_simulation_data_correctness() -> bool: Runs check of current simulation state with loaded, expected simulation data. Returns true if correct.
  • export_visited_locations(simulation_data : SimulationData, test_index : int): Exports locations marked as visited from aircrafts' FCCs. Attempts to create visual representations of aircraft paths.

File: src/simulation/

Class: SimulationPhysics

Description: Enables the creation of a thread responsible for simulating physics, tracking vehicle locations, and performing operations on them over time. It imitates physical laws affecting physical bodies through the use of differentiation.


  • aircrafts: List of simulated aircrafts.
  • aircraft_vehicles: List of simulated aircraft vehicles.
  • aircraft_fccs: List of simulated aircraft FCCs.
  • simulation_state: State of the simulation.
  • cycles: Number of counted cycles.


  • __init__(aircrafts : List[Aircraft], simulation_state : SimulationState) -> None: Initializes a new physics simulation instance.
  • count_cycles() -> None: Increments the number of counted cycles and updates simulation state.
  • run() -> None: Starts the physics simulation.
  • mark_start_time() -> None: Marks the start time of the simulation.
  • mark_stop_time() -> None: Marks the end time of the simulation.
  • cycle(elapsed_time : float) -> None: Performs a single cycle of the simulation.
  • reset_aircrafts() -> None: Resets the positions of all aircrafts.
  • update_aircrafts_positions() -> bool: Updates the positions of all aircrafts. Returns true if any of the aircrafts have collided.
  • update_aircrafts_speed_angles() -> None: Updates the speed and angle of all aircrafts.
  • test_speed() -> None: Tests the correctness of the speed of all aircrafts.

File: src/simulation/

Class: SimulationADSB

Description: Enables the creation of a thread responsible for simulating the ADS-B (Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast) system. Manages the onboard computers (FCC) of UAVs to send collision avoidance data when necessary.


  • aircrafts: List of simulated aircrafts.
  • aircraft_vehicles: List of simulated aircraft vehicles.
  • aircraft_fccs: List of simulated aircraft FCCs.
  • simulation_state: State of the simulation.
  • adsb_cycles: Number of counted ADS-B system cycles.
  • minimal_relative_distance: Minimal known relative distance between two aircrafts.
  • silent: Flag representing if the ADS-B system is silent and provides no command-line output.


  • __init__(aircrafts : List[Aircraft], simulation_state : SimulationState) -> None: Initializes a new ADS-B simulation instance.
  • count_adsb_cycles() -> None: Increments the number of counted ADS-B system cycles.
  • run() -> None: Starts the ADS-B simulation.
  • cycle() -> None: Performs a single cycle of the ADS-B simulation.
  • print_adsb_report() -> None: Prints the ADS-B data of all aircrafts.
  • reset_destinations() -> None: Resets the destinations of all aircrafts to initial state.

File: src/simulation/

Class: SimulationState

Description: Stores the current state of the simulation - variables accessible to all components of the program. It supports both realtime and headless simulations.


  • simulation_settings: Simulation settings.
  • is_realtime: Flag representing if the simulation is running in real-time.
  • avoid_collisions: Flag representing if the simulation should avoid collisions.
  • override_avoid_collisions: Flag representing if the collision avoidance should be overridden.
  • minimum_separation: Minimum separation between aircrafts.
  • physics_cycles: Number of counted physics cycles.
  • is_paused: Flag representing if the simulation is paused.
  • is_running: Flag representing if the simulation is running.
  • reset_demanded: Flag representing if the simulation should be reset.
  • pause_start_timestamp: Time when the simulation was paused.
  • time_paused: Time the simulation was paused.
  • adsb_report: Flag representing if the ADS-B report should be printed.
  • collision: Flag representing if a collision has occurred.
  • first_cause_collision: Flag representing if the first aircraft caused a collision.
  • second_cause_collision: Flag representing if the second aircraft caused a collision.
  • fps: Number of frames per second (if GUI is initialized).


  • __init__(simulation_settings : SimulationSettings, is_realtime : bool, avoid_collisions : bool) -> None: Initializes a new simulation state instance.
  • toggle_avoid_collisions() -> None: Toggles the collision avoidance flag.
  • toggle_pause() -> None: Toggles the pause flag.
  • reset() -> None: Sets the reset demanded flag true.
  • apply_reset() -> None: Sets the reset demanded flag false.
  • append_time_paused() -> None: Appends the time paused to the total time paused.
  • toggle_adsb_report() -> None: Toggles the ADS-B report flag.
  • register_collision() -> None: Registers a collision.
  • toggle_first_cause_collision() -> None: Toggles the first cause collision flag.
  • toggle_second_cause_collision() -> None: Toggles the second cause collision flag.
  • toggle_draw_fps() -> None: Toggles the FPS drawing flag.
  • toggle_draw_aircraft() -> None: Toggles the aircraft drawing flag.
  • toggle_draw_grid() -> None: Toggles the grid drawing flag.
  • toggle_draw_path() -> None: Toggles the paths drawing flag.
  • toggle_draw_speed_vectors() -> None: Toggles the speed vectors drawing flag.
  • toggle_draw_safe_zones() -> None: Toggles the safe zones drawing flag.
  • toggle_draw_collision_detection() -> None: Toggles the collision detection drawing flag.
  • toggle_optimize_drawing() -> None: Toggles the drawing optimization flag.
  • toggle_follow_aircraft() -> None: Toggles the follow aircraft flag.
  • toggle_focus_aircraft() -> None: Toggles the focus aircraft flag.
  • update_settings() -> None: Updates all state settings.
  • update_render_settings() -> None: Updates simulation render state settings
  • update_simulation_settings() -> None: Updates simulation physics state settings
  • update_adsb_settings() -> None: Updates simulation ADS-B state settings

File: src/simulation/

Class: SimulationSettings

Description: A static class that stores constants used in the program and the initial simulation data.

Static members:

  • screen_resolution: Screen resolution (QSize).
  • resolution: Resolution of the simulation (tuple).
  • g_acceleration: Gravitational acceleration (float = 9.81).
  • simulation_frequency: Frequency of the simulation (float = 100.0).
  • simulation_threshold: Threshold of the simulation (float = 1000 / 100.0).
  • gui_render_frequency: Frequency of the GUI render (float = 100.0).
  • gui_render_threshold: Threshold of the GUI render (float = 1000 / 100.0).
  • adsb_threshold : Threshold of the ADS-B system (float = 1000.0).


  • __init__() : Initializes a new simulation settings instance.

File: src/simulation/

Class: SimulationWidget

Description: Enables the creation of a user interface - an interactive window that visualizes the simulation process, allowing the tracking of a selected vehicle and modification of its flight plan.


  • aircrafts: List of simulated aircrafts.
  • aircraft_vehicles: List of simulated aircraft vehicles.
  • aircraft_fccs: List of simulated aircraft FCCs.
  • simulation_fps: FPS tracking object.
  • simulation_state: State of the simulation.
  • window_width: Width of the simulation window.
  • window_height: Height of the simulation window.
  • screen_offset_x: Offset of the screen in the x-axis.
  • screen_offset_y: Offset of the screen in the y-axis.
  • icon: Icon of the simulation.
  • moving_view_up: Flag representing if the view is moving up.
  • moving_view_down: Flag representing if the view is moving down.
  • moving_view_left: Flag representing if the view is moving left.
  • moving_view_right: Flag representing if the view is moving right.
  • steering_up: Flag representing if the steering is up.
  • steering_down: Flag representing if the steering is down.
  • steering_left: Flag representing if the steering is left.
  • steering_right: Flag representing if the steering is right.


  • __init__(aircrafts : List[Aircraft], simulation_state : SimulationState) -> None: Initializes a new simulation widget instance.
  • generate_icon() -> None: Generates the icon of the simulation.
  • draw_aircraft(aircraft : AircraftVehicle, scale : float) -> None: Draws the aircraft on the simulation window.
  • draw_destinations(aircraft : AircraftVehicle, scale : float) -> None: Draws the destinations of the aircraft on the simulation window.
  • draw_text(point : QVector3D, scale : float, text : str, color : QColor) -> None: Draws the text on the simulation window.
  • draw_circle(point : QVector3D, size : float, scale : float, color : QColor) -> None: Draws the circle on the simulation window.
  • draw_disk(point : QVector3D, size : float, scale : float, color : QColor) -> None: Draws the disk (full circle) on the simulation window.
  • draw_line(start : QVector3D, end : QVector3D, scale : float, color : QColor) -> None: Draws the line on the simulation window.
  • draw_vector(start : QVector3D, vector : QVector3D, scale : float, color : QColor) -> None: Draws the vector on the simulation window.
  • draw_collision_detection(scale : float) -> None: Draws the collision detection on the simulation window.
  • draw_grid(scale : float, x_offset : float, y_offset : float) -> None: Draws the grid on the simulation window.
  • update_moving_offsets() -> None: Updates the moving offsets of the simulation window.
  • update_steering() -> None: Updates the steering of the simulation window.
  • center_offsets() -> None: Centers the offsets of the simulation window.
  • update_resolutions() -> None: Updates the resolution of the simulation window.
  • zoom(factor : float) -> None: Zooms the simulation window.
  • paintEvent(event : QPaintEvent) -> None: Paints the simulation window.
  • mousePressEvent(event : QMouseEvent) -> None: Handles mouse press events.
  • mouseReleaseEvent(event : QMouseEvent) -> None: Handles mouse release events.
  • mouseDoubleClickEvent(event : QMouseEvent) -> None: Handles mouse double click events.
  • wheelEvent(event : QWheelEvent) -> None: Handles mouse wheel events.
  • keyPressEvent(event : QKeyEvent) -> None: Handles key press events.
  • keyReleaseEvent(event : QKeyEvent) -> None: Handles key release events.
  • resizeEvent(event : QResizeEvent) -> None: Handles resize events.
  • closeEvent(event : QCloseEvent) -> None: Handles close events.

File: src/simulation/

Class: SimulationRender

Description: Enables the creation of a thread responsible for refreshing the simulation window in the SimulationWidget.


  • simulation_widget: Simulation widget.
  • simulation_state: State of the simulation.


  • __init__(simulation_widget : SimulationWidget, simulation_state : SimulationState) -> None: Initializes a new simulation render instance.
  • run() -> None: Starts the simulation render.

File: src/simulation/

Class: SimulationFPS

Description: Provides an interface for counting and displaying the number of frames generated per second during a realtime simulation.


  • simulation_state: State of the simulation.
  • counted_frames: Number of counted frames.
  • previous_timestamp: Previous timestamp of run cycle.


  • __init__(simulation_state : SimulationState) -> None: Initializes a new simulation FPS instance.
  • run() -> None: Starts the FPS counting.
  • count_frame() -> None: Increments the number of counted frames.
  • reset_frames() -> None: Resets the number of counted frames.
  • counted_frames -> int: Returns the number of counted frames.

File: src/simulation/

Class: SimulationData

Description: Allows tracking of data related to the simulation, which is necessary for loading and generating tests.


  • aircraft_angle: Angle between the two aircrafts.
  • aircraft_1_initial_position: Initial position of the first aircraft.
  • aircraft_2_initial_position: Initial position of the second aircraft.
  • aircraft_1_final_position: Final position of the first aircraft.
  • aircraft_2_final_position: Final position of the second aircraft.
  • aircraft_1_initial_speed: Initial speed of the first aircraft.
  • aircraft_2_initial_speed: Initial speed of the second aircraft.
  • aircraft_1_final_speed: Final speed of the first aircraft.
  • aircraft_2_final_speed: Final speed of the second aircraft.
  • aircraft_1_initial_target: Initial target of the first aircraft.
  • aircraft_2_initial_target: Initial target of the second aircraft.
  • aircraft_1_initial_roll_angle: Initial roll angle of the first aircraft.
  • aircraft_2_initial_roll_angle: Initial roll angle of the second aircraft.
  • collision: Flag representing if a collision has occurred.
  • minimal_relative_distance: Minimal known relative distance between two aircrafts.


  • __init__() -> None: Initializes a new simulation data instance.
  • reset() -> None: Resets the simulation data.

File: src/aircraft/

Class: Aircraft

Description: Represents a simulated UAV. It creates its members using composition - objects of the AircraftFCC and AircraftVehicle classes.


  • aircraft_id: Identifier of the aircraft.
  • vehicle: Physical representation of the aircraft.
  • fcc: Onboard computer of the aircraft.
  • initial_position: Initial position of the aircraft.
  • initial_target: Initial target of the aircraft.
  • initial_speed: Initial speed of the aircraft.
  • initial_roll_angle: Initial roll angle of the aircraft.


  • __init__(aircraft_id : int, position : QVector3D, speed : float, initial_target : QVector3D, initial_roll_angle : float) -> None: Initializes a new aircraft instance.
  • reset() -> None: Resets the aircraft to its initial state.

File: src/aircraft/

Class: AircraftFCC

Description: Represents the onboard computer of a UAV. Tracks its planned route and sets the appropriate flight parameters.


  • aircraft_id: Identifier of the aircraft.
  • aircraft: Parent aircraft object.
  • destinations: Dequeue of destinations.
  • destinations_history: List of previous destinations.
  • visited: List of visited locations.
  • autopilot: Flag representing if the autopilot is enabled.
  • ignore_destinations: Flag representing if the destinations should be ignored.
  • initial_target: Initial target of the aircraft.
  • target_yaw_angle: Target yaw angle of the aircraft.
  • target_roll_angle: Target roll/bank angle of the aircraft.
  • target_pitch_angle: Target pitch angle of the aircraft.
  • target_speed: Target speed of the aircraft.
  • is_turning_right: Flag representing if the aircraft is turning right.
  • is_turning_left: Flag representing if the aircraft is turning left.
  • safe_zone_occupied: Flag representing if the safe zone is occupied.
  • evade_maneuver: Flag representing if the aircraft is performing an evade maneuver.
  • vector_sharing_resolution: Resolution of the vector sharing.


  • __init__(aircraft_id : int, initial_target : QVector3D) -> None: Initializes a new aircraft FCC instance.
  • toggle_autopilot() -> None: Toggles the autopilot flag.
  • accelerate(acceleration : float) -> None: Accelerates/decelerates the target speed.
  • check_new_destination(destination : QVector3D, first : bool) -> QVector3D: Checks if the new destination is valid and returns it/corrects it.
  • add_last_destination(destination : QVector3D) -> None: Adds new destination to the end of the destinations list.
  • add_first_destination(destination : QVector3D) -> None: Adds new destination to the beginning of the destinations list.
  • append_visited() -> None: Appends the current position to the visited locations list.
  • normalize_angle(angle : float) -> float: Normalizes the angle to the range [0, 360].
  • format_yaw_angle(angle : float) -> float: Formats the yaw angle to the range [-180, 180].
  • apply_evade_maneuver(opponent_speed : QVector3D, miss_distance_vector : QVector3D, unresolved_region : float, time_to_closest_approach : float) -> None: Applies the evade maneuver using geometrical approach.
  • reset_evade_maneuver() -> None: Resets the evade maneuver.
  • find_best_roll_angle(current_yaw_angle : float, target_yaw_angle : float) -> float: Finds the best roll angle for the aircraft.
  • find_best_yaw_angle(position : QVector3D, destination : QVector3D) -> float: Finds the best yaw angle for the aircraft.
  • find_best_pitch_angle(position : QVector3D, destination : QVector3D) -> float: Finds the best pitch angle for the aircraft.
  • update_target_yaw_pitch_angles() -> None: Updates the target yaw and pitch angles.
  • update_target_roll_angle() -> None: Updates the target roll angle.
  • update() -> None: Updates all aircraft angles.
  • update_target(target : QVector3D) -> None: Updates the target of the aircraft.
  • reset() -> None: Resets the aircraft FCC to its initial state.
  • load_initial_destination() -> None: Loads the initial target as the first destination of the aircraft.

File: src/aircraft/

Class: AircraftVehicle

Description: Represents the UAV as a physical object. Stores information about its position in space and speed, as well as the size of the UAV and its inertia.

Static properties:

  • roll_dynamic_delay: Delay of the roll/bank dynamic [ms].
  • pitch_dynamic_delay: Delay of the pitch dynamic [ms].
  • max_acceleration: Maximum acceleration of the aircraft [m/s^2].


  • aircraft_id: Identifier of the aircraft.
  • position: Position of the aircraft.
  • speed: Speed of the aircraft.
  • size: Size of the aircraft.
  • roll_angle: Roll angle of the aircraft.
  • initial_roll_angle: Initial roll angle of the aircraft.
  • distance_covered: Distance covered by the aircraft.


  • __init__(aircraft_id : int, position : QVector3D, speed : float, size : float, roll_angle : float) -> None: Initializes a new aircraft vehicle instance.
  • reset_distance_covered() -> None: Resets the distance covered by the aircraft.
  • move(dx : float, dy : float, dz : float) -> None: Moves the aircraft by the given distances.
  • roll(d_angle : float): Rolls the aircraft by the given angle delta.

Contribution Guidelines

Before contributing, please check

Contributions to the project are welcome. Please follow these steps:

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create a new branch for your feature or bugfix.
  3. Submit a pull request with a clear description of your changes using


This project is licensed under the CC0-1.0. See the LICENSE file for more details.

For more information, visit the GitHub repository.


All used references are listed below.