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Gatus Helm Chart

CI Status Artifact HUB License: MIT

Installs the automated service health dashboard Gatus

Get Repo Info

helm repo add gatus
helm repo update

See helm repo for command documentation.

Install Chart

helm install --name [RELEASE_NAME] gatus/gatus

See configuration below. See helm install for command documentation.

Uninstall Chart

helm delete --purge [RELEASE_NAME]

This removes all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart and deletes the release. See helm uninstall for command documentation.

Upgrading an existing Release to a new major version

To 2.0.0

This version requires Helm >= 3 Gatus version is upgraded from 2 to 3. Gatus 3 deprecates memory type of storage, supports sqlite and postgres. storage is not part of persistence anymore and is part of config now. Check the example below.


Parameter Description Default
deploymentStrategy Deployment strategy RollingUpdate
readinessProbe.enabled Enable readiness probe true
livenessProbe.enabled Enable liveness probe true
image.repository Image repository twinproduction/gatus
image.tag Image tag v3.7.0
image.pullPolicy Image pull policy IfNotPresent
image.pullSecrets Image pull secrets {}
hostNetwork.enabled Enable host network mode false
annotations Deployment annotations {}
labels Deployment labels {}
podAnnotations Pod annotations {}
podLabels Pod labels {}
extraLabels Extra labels for all manifests {}
serviceAccount.create Create service account false Service account name to use ``
serviceAccount.annotations ServiceAccount annotations {}
serviceAccount.autoMount Automount the service account token in the pod false
podSecurityContext.fsGroup Pod volume's ownership GID 65534
securityContext.runAsNonRoot Container runs as a non-root user true
securityContext.runAsUser Container processes' UID to run the entrypoint 65534
securityContext.runAsGroup Container processes' GID to run the entrypoint 65534
securityContext.readOnlyRootFilesystem Container's root filesystem is read-only true
service.type Type of service ClusterIP
service.port Port for kubernetes service 80
service.annotations Service annotations {}
service.labels Custom labels {}
ingress.enabled Enables Ingress false
ingress.annotations Ingress annotations (values are templated) {}
ingress.labels Custom labels {}
ingress.path Ingress accepted path /
ingress.pathType Ingress type of path Prefix
ingress.extraPaths Ingress extra paths to prepend to every host []
ingress.hosts Ingress accepted hostnames ["chart-example.local"]
ingress.tls Ingress TLS configuration []
env Extra environment variables passed to pods {}
extraVolumeMounts Extra volume mounts []
secrets Include secret's content in pod environment false
resources CPU/Memory resource requests/limits {}
nodeSelector Node labels for pod assignment {}
persistence.enabled Use persistent volume to store data false
persistence.size Size of persistent volume claim 200Mi
persistence.mounthPath Persistent data volume's mount path /data
persistence.subPath Mount a sub dir of the persistent volume nil
persistence.accessModes Persistence access modes [ReadWriteOnce]
persistence.finalizers PersistentVolumeClaim finalizers [""]
persistence.annotations PersistentVolumeClaim annotations {}
persistence.selectorLabels PersistentVolumeClaim selector labels {}
persistence.existingClaim Use an existing PVC to persist data nil
persistence.storageClassName Type of persistent volume claim nil
serviceMonitor.enabled Use servicemonitor from prometheus operator false
serviceMonitor.namespace Namespace this servicemonitor is installed in ``
serviceMonitor.interval How frequently Prometheus should scrape 1m
serviceMonitor.path Path to scrape /metrics
serviceMonitor.scheme Scheme to use for metrics scraping http
serviceMonitor.tlsConfig TLS configuration block for the endpoint {}
serviceMonitor.labels Labels for the servicemonitor object {}
serviceMonitor.scrapeTimeout Timeout after which the scrape is ended 30s
serviceMonitor.relabelings RelabelConfigs for samples before ingestion []
config Gatus configuration {}

See Customizing the Chart Before Installing.

To see all configurable options with detailed comments, visit the chart's values.yaml, or run

helm inspect values gatus/gatus

helmfile.yaml example

  - name: gatus

  - name: gatus
    namespace: gatus
    chart: gatus/gatus
    version: 2.2.1
      - persistence:
          enabled: true
      - config:
            type: sqlite
            file: /data/data.db
            - name: Example
                - '[STATUS] == 200'


gatus-chart is licensed under MIT license. (see LICENSE)