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55 lines (39 loc) · 2.9 KB

File metadata and controls

55 lines (39 loc) · 2.9 KB
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Feed Parser Deployment


FeedParser is a PHP application designed to run as a microservice in a kubernetes cluster. It imports an XML feed(s) and parses them into JSON format, uploading the resulting JSON files into an Amazon S3 bucket, in a folder /feed-parser where the file(s) can be hosted as a URL.

The hosted s3 JSON file can then be used by WordPress, using a plugin called Feed Importer. This plugin converts the JSON data into data used by the WordPress database.

Feed Parser architectural overview


  • Access to the k8s namespace you want to run the parser in

Update this image

Raise a PR to merge new code into the main branch. This triggers a GitAction that pushes an image of the FeedParser to all Hale Platform environment namespaces, prod, staging, dev and demo. Each environment has its own ECR repository, ie, jotw-content-devs/hale-platform-dev-feed-parser-ecr.

Troubleshooting - check new ECR image is in the repository

To check if the image has been pushed into the ECR repo first shell into the service module. First make sure your terminal is in the right namespace. If it is not, run worm switch <env>. Then run kubectrl get all and look for the service pod. The name should look something like pod/cloud-platform-d2fcc98e23c3e68c-service-pod-58488bb5d7-w22sw. Once found copy the whole name and run kubectrl exec -it pod/cloud-platform-d2fcc98e23c3e68c-service-pod-58488bb5d7-w22sw -- bin/sh (swap your pod name in). Then you can run aws ecr list-images --repository-name jotw-content-devs/hale-platform-dev-feed-parser-ecr. The one tagged latest will be the one used.


We are currently running this application in kubernetes using a cron manifest file that periodically runs depending on the cron schedule.

Everytime it runs, it will produce a JSON file(s) for each feed it is parsing, plus a tracker JSON called feeds.json, and upload these to the namespace's s3 bucket in a folder called /feed-parser.

Local development

To run locally:

  1. In this repo root directory run make build.
  2. Run make run

To stop run make down .

Files will be exported to the /output folder rather then exported to s3.