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Help with Prison Visits (HwPV) Internal/Staff

ministryofjustice JavaScript Style Guide

Help With Prison Visits internal, staff facing web application. This app sits behind HMPPS Auth and users and roles need to be added in order to run this application.


  • Docker (Including Docker Compose)
  • Node 12 (Including NPM) - If running locally



The application uses dotenv to pick up a local file containing settings for environment variables called .env. This file will not be checked into Git. Speak to a member of the PVB dev team (#prison-visit-booking-dev on Slack) to populate.


It is possible to use the dev instance of the database which can then be used to set some of the above environment variables. This can be achieved by setting up a port-forwarding pod in Kubernetes so that the dev database can be forwarded to a local port. i.e. kubectl run port-forward-pod --image=ministryofjustice/port-forward --port=1433 --env="REMOTE_HOST=<RDS_DB>" --env="LOCAL_PORT=1433" --env="REMOTE_PORT=1433" followed by setting up the port forward itself kubectl port-forward pod/port-forward-pod 1433:1433

Then install dependencies and run on port 3000.

npm install
npm start

Docker Compose

This enables the application to run as a docker image locally and also contains setup to allow local instances of both redis and oauth to run to allow the app to work locally.

docker-compose build
docker-compose up


Testing is currently being looked at. Local unit tests can currently be run using npm run test

Integration tests are being setup to be able to run locally.

e2e tests will be converted to use Cypress which is the current studio standard.

Run accessibility tests with pa11y

npm install -g pa11y
# requires existing claim data in local running environment so screens load correctly
# will generate a number of HTML reports with WCAG2AAA accessibility issues for pages
# usage: ./run-pa11y encryptedReferenceId claimId encryptedReference submittedDob submittedEncryptedReference submittedClaimId
./ 3d431e08aea55ea70faa 17 49411309bdb15b 1975-11-22 4e410d0bcda059 16


The application requires a MS SQL database instance, configured with an internal web user.

## Security


We are using csurf for CSRF protection. All POST requests must have a valid CSRF token, which is added as a hidden input on HTML forms.

Use the following partial to add the hidden input:

{% include "partials/csrf-hidden-input.html" %}

Reference/Reference ID encryption

In all instances where the Reference or Reference ID is used in the URL, it will be encrypted using AES encryption via the standard Node Crypto package.

Functions for encrypting/decrypting these values have been implemented in app/services/helpers directory.


Redis is used as a session store so the app works correctly across multiple k8s pods. This can be setup locally as previously described using Docker Compose.

HMPPS Auth / OAuth

HMPPS Auth is used to authenticate users to the system. This can be setup locally as previously described using Docker Compose.

Maintenance page

You can start the application in maintenance mode, this requires the APVS_MAINTENANCE_MODE setting to true and starting the node app normally. This will then display the maintenance page at /app/views/includes/maintenance.html



As a GOV.UK service this application should support Welsh.

Localisation is provided via the i18n node module which populates localisation strings for the supported locales into app/locales. Near the end of the Beta the localisation files will be sent for translation and populated.