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Deployment Notes


  • Ensure you have helm v3 client installed.
$ helm version
version.BuildInfo{Version:"v3.0.1", GitCommit:"7c22ef9ce89e0ebeb7125ba2ebf7d421f3e82ffa", GitTreeState:"clean", GoVersion:"go1.13.4"}
  • Ensure a TLS cert for your intended hostname is configured and ready, see section below.

Useful helm (v3) commands:

Test chart template rendering:

This will out the fully rendered kubernetes resources in raw yaml.

helm template [path to chart] --values=values-dev.yaml

List releases:

helm --namespace [namespace] list

List current and previously installed application versions:

helm --namespace [namespace] history [release name]

Rollback to previous version:

helm --namespace [namespace] rollback [release name] [revision number] --wait

Note: replace revision number with one from listed in the history command)

Example deploy command:

The following example is --dry-run mode - which will allow for testing. CircleCI normally runs this command with actual secret values (from AWS secret manager), and also updated the chart's application version to match the release version:

helm upgrade [release name] [path to chart]. \
  --install --wait --force --reset-values --timeout 5m --history-max 10 \
  --dry-run \
  --namespace [namespace] \
  --values values-dev.yaml \
  --values example-secrets.yaml

Ingress TLS certificate

Ensure a certificate definition exists in the cloud-platform-environments repo under the relevant namespaces folder:


cloud-platform-environments/namespaces/[INSERT NAMESPACE NAME]/05-certificate.yaml

Ensure the certificate is created and ready for use.

The name of the kubernetes secret where the certificate is stored is used as a value to the helm chart - this is used to configured the ingress.