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Handles the migration of data related to prisoners in NOMIS to the new services

Currently one service is supported: Visit a Prisoner Service

The purpose of this service to bulk update a new service with data from NOMIS. This will handle the reading of data, possibly transformation of that data and pushing data to the new service. Since migration is a typically a process that takes many hours, this service relies heavily on SQS messaging to guarantee that the migration is completed, where any transient errors are automatically retried. Any persistent errors can be inspected and are retained in a SQS dead letter queue.

Running the service

Running locally

For running locally against docker instances of the following services:

  • hmpps-auth
  • hmpps-nomis-prisoner-api
  • visit-scheduler
  • hmpps-nomis-mapping-service
  • localstack
  • run this application independently e.g. in IntelliJ

docker compose up --scale hmpps-prisoner-from-nomis-migration=0


docker-compose up --scale hmpps-prisoner-from-nomis-migration=0

Running all services including this service

docker compose up


docker-compose up

Running locally against T3 test services

Though it is possible to run this service against both the test services deployed in the cloud and the SQS queue in AWS this is not recommended while the deployed version of this service is running in the Cloud Platform since there is no guarantee this local instance will read an incoming HMPPS domain event since other pods are also reading from the same queue.

However, if you do wish to do that the steps would be:

  • Set all environment variables to match those in values-dev.yaml e.g. API_BASE_URL_HMPPS_AUTH=
  • Set additional environment variables for personal client credentials you have that have the correct roles required to access the remotes services, the env names can be found in values.yaml
  • Set additional environment variables for the SQS Queue secrets that can be found in the hmpps-prisoner-from-nomis-migration-dev namespace, again the env names can be found in values.yaml

A better hybrid solution which gives better control messaging would be similar to above but using the dev profile and therefore localstack.

The first 2 of the 3 steps is required but instead of step 3

  • docker-compose up localstack migration-db or docker compose up localstack migration-db (there is also docker-compose-local.yaml with just localstack and postgres defined )

Then run any of the bash scripts at the root of this project to send events to the local topic

Generating API client models

For some of our external API calls we use openapi-generator to generate the models used in the API clients. The Open API specifications used can be found in directory openapi-specs.

Updating the Open API specs

Run the following commands to take a copy of the latest specs:

curl | jq . > openapi-specs/nomis-sync-api-docs.json
curl | jq . > openapi-specs/nomis-mapping-service-api-docs.json
curl | jq . > openapi-specs/activities-api-docs.json
curl | jq . > openapi-specs/adjudications-api-docs.json
curl | jq . > openapi-specs/sentencing-adjustments-api-docs.json
curl | jq . > openapi-specs/incidents-api-docs.json
curl | jq . > openapi-specs/csip-api-docs.json
curl | jq . > openapi-specs/alerts-api-docs.json
curl | jq . > openapi-specs/court-sentencing-api-docs.json
curl | jq . > openapi-specs/prison-person-api-docs.json

Go into the specs and reformat so they and the diffs are easier for humans to read.

Then run another command to regenerate the models in the build/generated/src directory:

./gradlew clean compileKotlin

Now build the project and deal with any compile errors caused by changes to the generated models.

Finally run the tests and fix any issues caused by changes to the models.

Adding new Open API specs

Add the instructions for the curl command above but obviously with a different file name

In the build.gradle add a new task similar to the buildActivityApiModel task In the build.gradle add dependencies in the appropriate tasks e.g. in withType<KotlinCompile> for the new task

Mock services

There a circumstances where you want to run this service end to end but without the consuming service being available, for example the consuming service has not be written yet. To emulate the publishing service we may provide a mock, for instance MockVisitsResource which consumes migrated data. Details of the configuration follows:



Queue Dead letter queue maintenance

Since this services uses the HMPPS SQS library with defaults this has all the default endpoints for queue maintenance as documented in the SQS library.

For purging queues the queue name can be found in the health check and the required role is the default ROLE_QUEUE_ADMIN.

Visit a Person in Prison (VSIP)

With the kubernetes pods scaled to around 12, around 200,000 visits can be migrated per hour.

A migration can be started by calling the migration end point using a HMPPS Auth token with the role MIGRATE_VISITS

POST /migrate/visits

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <token with MIGRATE_VISITS>' \
--data-raw '{
"prisonIds": ["HEI"],
"visitTypes": ["SCON"]

POST body to optionally contain:

  • prisonIds - a list of prison ids to migrate
  • visitTypes - a list of visit types to migrate. It will default to SCON if not provided.
  • fromDateTime - only include visits created after this date. NB this is creation date not the actual visit date.
  • endDateTime - only include visits created before this date. NB this is creation date not the actual visit date.
  • ignoreMissingRoom - When true exclude visits without an associated room (visits created during the VSIP synchronisation process), defaults to false. Only required during testing when mapping records are manually deleted.

The from and end times are primarily used to ensure that only visits created after the last migration are migrated. This is a performance optimisation since visits will never be migrated twice. Once it is marked as migrated it can only be migrated again by resetting the visit mapping table.

The response from this call will be an information JSON structure which echos the filter used but also includes:

  • migrationId - the id of the migration that groups Application Insights events and is also written to the visit mapping table
  • estimatedCount - the estimated number of visits that will be migrated. Since the last page of visits may include new visits created in NOMIS while the migration is running this number might change.

Given the health check page reports the number of messages in the main queue and DLQ, it is possible to see at a glance how far the migration has progressed from the /health endpoint.

Application Insights Events

| where AppRoleName == 'hmpps-prisoner-from-nomis-migration' 
| where Name startswith "nomis-migration" 
| summarize count() by Name

will show all significant visit migration events

  • nomis-migration-visits-started - the single event for a migration which will contain the estimate count and the migration id
  • nomis-migration-visit-migrated - the event for each visit migrated. It will contain the visit ids and basic information about the visit
  • nomis-migration-visit-mapping-failed- indicates the visit was migrated but the mapping record could not be created. These events require manual intervention; see below.
  • nomis-migration-visit-no-room-mapping - indicates a visit was not migrated because the room it was in could not be mapped. These events require room mapping change and a rerun of the migration.

nomis-migration-visit-mapping-failed requires the 2 IDs are extracted from application insights and manually added to the mapping table via the API

| where AppRoleName == 'hmpps-prisoner-from-nomis-migration' 
| where Name == 'nomis-migration-visit-mapping-failed'
| extend migrationId_ = tostring(customDimensions.migrationId)
| extend nomisVisitId_ = tostring(customDimensions.nomisVisitId)
| extend vsipVisitId_ = tostring(customDimensions.vsipVisitId)

For each failure the mapping endpoint should be called to create the mapping record. e.g.

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <token with ADMIN_NOMIS >' \
--data-raw '{
    "mappingType": "MIGRATED",
    "nomisId": 624145,
    "vsipId": "6b111f4c-6593-412e-8ec1-685486962e09",
    "label": "2022-02-14T09:58:45"

Sentencing Adjustments

Synchronisation Duplicate handling

When a From NOMIS synchronisation duplicate adjustment detected alert is fired in the Alerts Slack channel manual steps are required to correct the data.

The alert happens when the check to see if an Adjustment already exists in DPS happens in two threads before either one has created an Adjustment in DPS yet. This can happen either multiple NOMIS events arrive at the same time or the creation of the DPS adjustment or mapping record hangs and succeeds at the same time.

Find the duplicate DPS adjustment ID from the AppInights query related to the Slack alert. This will be the duplicateAdjustmentId Property from the from-nomis-synch-adjustment-duplicate AppEvent.

With this ID (which is a UUID string) call the DPS DELETE endpoint, e.g.

curl --location --request DELETE{dpsDuplicateAdjustmentId} \
--header 'Content-Type: application/vnd.nomis-offence+json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <token with role SENTENCE_ADJUSTMENTS_SYNCHRONISATION >' 


Architecture decision records start here


Handles prisoner-related NOMIS migrations




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