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Database refresh - Prod to Preprod

This folder contains the following kubernetes config:

  • 01-configmap-refresh-script.yaml Defines the bash script used to perform the db dump and restore
  • 02-cronjob.yaml Defines the cronjob which launches the job on a weekly basis.
  • 03-prometheus-alert.yaml Define alert which will tell us if the refresh job failed, alert sent to #dps_alerts

If setting this up for the first time use extreme caution - this job connects to production databases.

Ensure that all environment variables are named and setup correctly.

Also check that the rule defined in 03-prometheus-alert.yaml has the correct namespace specified, update the the rule if needed.

### Prerequisite:

For this job to work the preprod database credentials need to be available production namespace. This is achieved by having terraform export the preprod credentials, which is an output of the terraform rds module, to a secret in the production namespace. See this example:


The refresh job performs a pg_dump using the existing production credentials, already setup in in the production namespace of the application. The job then uses the preprod credentials (see prerequisite) for the pg_restore.

In sync with the main oracle database refreshes this cronjob runs every other Sunday (odd weeks). Slight caveat is that is it difficult to define a cron schedule that runs every other week. So this cron is scheduled for every week however the executed script checks if the week is an odd or even number and only executes the refresh on odd numbered weeks.

Installation of cronjob

kubectl -n licences-prod apply -f 01-configmap-refresh-script.yaml
kubectl -n licences-prod apply -f 02-cronjob.yaml
kubectl -n licences-prod apply -f 03-prometheus-alert.yaml

Run an adhoc database refresh

adhoc-db-refresh-job.yaml contains config similar to the cronjob above - however it is a one off job that will run immediately. Please look carefully at it before executing.

Create the job:

kubectl -n licences-prod apply -f adhoc-db-refresh-job.yaml

Check the job is running, and see what pods have been created:

kubectl -n licences-prod describe jobs db-refresh-script-adhoc

Get the logs from the pod:

kubectl -n licences-prod logs [pod name]

When finished, delete the job:

kubectl -n licences-prod delete jobs.batch db-refresh-script-adhoc


Get or Describe cron job:

kubectl -n licences-prod get cronjobs.batch
kubectl -n licences-prod describe cronjobs.batch db-refresh-job

List of previously run jobs:

kubectl -n licences-prod get jobs

View details of job and find pod names:

kubectl -n licences-prod describe jobs [name of job]

Get logs from last run:

kubectl -n licences-prod logs [name of pod]