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62 lines (46 loc) · 2.95 KB

File metadata and controls

62 lines (46 loc) · 2.95 KB

Web tail


Web application to view lines from file on local system or on remote server built with Svelte


Download and unpack web-tail-x.x.x-[platform].zip from latest release


In unpacked folder edit web-tail.config.toml file

  • port - Port that Web tail will run on. Defaults value is 4444
  • openBrowserOnStart - automatically open tab with Web tail in your default browser on start. Default value is false
  • servers - reusable servers configuration
    • name - name of server to use in sources configs
    • host - host of remote server. Mandatory field for source types ssh:*
    • port - port of remote server. Mandatory field for source types ssh:*
    • username - username for ssh connection to remote server. Mandatory for source types ssh:*
    • password - password to authenticate on remote server. Either this or privateKeyPath is mandatory for source types ssh:*
    • privateKeyPath - path to file with private key to authenticate on remote server. Either this or password is mandatory for source types ssh:*
  • sources - list of sources to tail lines from
    • name - name of source. Mandatory field
    • type - type of source. Possible values: local:file, local:docker, ssh:file, ssh:docker. Mandatory field
    • path - path to file. Mandatory field for source types *:file
    • serverName - name of a server from servers list
    • containerId - Docker container ID. Mandatory field for source types *:docker
    • host - host of remote server. Mandatory field for source types ssh:*
    • port - port of remote server. Mandatory field for source types ssh:*
    • username - username for ssh connection to remote server. Mandatory for source types ssh:*
    • password - password to authenticate on remote server. Either this or privateKeyPath is mandatory for source types ssh:*
    • privateKeyPath - path to file with private key to authenticate on remote server. Either this or password is mandatory for source types ssh:*


Launch executable for your platform: macOS, Windows or Linux

Or you can download source code and run commands

npm install
npm run build
npm run start


Options from left to right:

  • Dropdown to select one of sources from web-tail.config.toml
  • Search field. Matching results will be selected. Search is case insensitive by default
  • Filter toggle. If enabled only lines with matching results are shown
  • .* toggle. If enabled treats text in search field as regular expression
  • Aa toggle. If enabled makes search case sensitive
  • Reverse toggle. If enabled latest lines shown on top
  • Max lines field. How much lines will be shown