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Assignment Operator =

When we don't overload the assignment operator then,by default our compiler gives the overloaded assignment operator.

  • Member Functions are compulsory for assignment
  • Both operands should be the same class objects
  • Member function takes right operation of operation as argumnet
  • Check state of both L.H.S and R.H.S objects data members carefully.
    • If they are pointers address issues, due to different constructors, nullptr or valid memory address.
    • Dynamic arrays size mismatch issues.
    • Self assignment issue with pointer data members

For STATIC-MEMORY, we can do assigment of values. Our all data-members are on the stack. So we just copy one varible to other. our data-members are as follows:

    int x, y;

For Pointers,Check L.H.S AND R.H.S objects as;

Left Operand Right operand
nullptr nullptr
nullptr address
address nullptr
address(single variable) address(single variable)
address (Array Size Check) address (Array Size Check)


Subscript Operator []

  • Member function is compulsory for subscript operator.
  • Left operand should be class object and right should be int.
  • Member function takes right operand of operation as argument and calls on left operand.
  • It provides access to elements of arrays defined inside objects as private data members.
  • For example: a class myArray is defined here

understand Setp by step in the code,See the code Example

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class myArray
    int size; // Array size
    int *ptr; // Pointer for dynamic 1-D Array
        size = 0;
        ptr = nullptr;
    myArray(int size)
        this->size = size;
        if (size > 0)
            ptr = new int[size];
            for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                ptr[i] = i + 1;
            ptr = nullptr;
    int &operator[](const int i);
    const int &operator[](const int i) const;
// implementation for Normal object
int &myArray::operator[](const int i)
    // check if index i is in range
    if (i >= 0 && i < size)
        return ptr[i];
    // return element by reference as lvalue
// implementation accessor for Constant object
const int &myArray::operator[](const int i) const
    // check if index i is in range
    if (i >= 0 && i < size)
        return ptr[i];
    // return element by reference as constant rvalue
int main()
    myArray a1(5); // creates array inside object
    a1[0] = 100;   // return reference to int element 1 of array
    // store 100 in element 1
    a1[1] = a1[0];       // copy element 1 to element 2
    cout << a1[1];       // print value of element 2
    const myArray a2(3); // creates array of size 3 inside constant object
    cout << a2[1];
    // return constant reference (read only) to int
    // a2[1] = 10;                     // wrong as constant reference is returned for constant object
    // • Not work on pointers to objects directly
    myArray *aptr = new myArray(5); // creates array inside object
    aptr[3] = 100;                  // wrong as aptr is pointer
    (*aptr)[3] = 100;               // first dereference the pointer then access data
    aptr[0][3] = 100;