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Zero to Advance OOP Course in C++

This course helps you to cover all OBJECT-ORIENTED-PROGRAMMING concepts .By providing proper documentation of example codes with testing portions, attached slides with every topic, external links thats help to get benefit from them without straggling on internet a lot of hours 🤔.The one plus point for you is that every thing is in the complete road-map means you go through step by step without jumping to mixed topics.✨


  1. Dynamic Arrays
  2. One Dimensional Dynamic Arrays
  3. Two Dimensional Dynamic Arrays
  4. Object Oriented Programming Core Concepts
  5. Classes and Static Objects
  6. Dynamic Objects and Access operator(->)
  7. Static and Dynamic Object Function Types
  8. Object Operators
  9. Setters and Getters
  10. This keyword
  11. Scope Resolution operator (::)
  12. Member Functions
  13. Constructors and Destructors
  14. Const in oop
  15. Static Keyword With Classes
  16. Operators Overloading
  17. Array_Class
  18. Object Relationships

Dynamic Arrays

Dynamic memory allocation is the process of changing the size of the memory space during the run-time.

Why we need it ?

Suppose you have building a facebook like accounts creating application.Users can create or delete accounts.In your database all the accounts can be stored in an array of Users.Suppose at morning the users of your application are 5 {'Hamza','Abbas','Ali','Ayesha','Fatima','Mujeeb'}.At evening a boy named Ali want to delete its account due to some reasons.When he deletes its account then at position of ali index becomes empty . like this {'Hamza','Abbas','','Ayesha','Fatima','Mujeeb'}.Till the size of array is 5.Now Ali again wants to creates its account, so we wants to add it on run-time How can we increase the size of arrays?🤔.

Main problem here is that ,when we deletes the account the in our memory, the size of array is till 5 means our memory is wasting . And when we adding an account then how we increase the size of array ?. To resolve such problems we need such a way to increase or decrease dynamiclly change the size of our arrays during run-time.It is not possible with the static arrays which size are always constant.Thats way,DYNAMIC MEMORY ALLOCATION (DMA) is introduced.

Before Starting Something better to know (Heap or Stack):

There are two types of memory in our computers Heap and Stack.During Dynamic Memory Allocation, When we make a pointer of our variable its can be formed at the stack.(storing the address of our varible only) and its value can be stored at the heap.

In static memory, all the varibles and arrays are formed in the memory (stack) at the compile-time so after exection all the variables and arrays are destroyed from the memory (stack) by the compiler itself. But in Dynamic memory, all the variables and arrays values are formed in the memory (heap) at the run-time, so compiler doesn't made them we developers made it during the execuation time. So its our responsibilty to destroyed them from the memory after the completition of their tasks.Otherwise a problem named memory-leakage can be created and our program crashes.

One more important concept about the dynamic memory allocation. In local functions we make a varaible and it goes out from the execuation stack after the calling .So we cannot use its value further more to to store its value we make a varaible on heap and ist pointer on the stack and return the pointer from the function and store its in to the main stack pointer varaible.Now your memory cannot be leakage.The main point is your pointer would never be became the dangling pointer. And your heap value can never be became without its pointer.

Making a dynamic memory is called allocating the memory. Deleting a dynamic memory is called dellocating the memory.

Dangling Pointer

A pointer whose is pointing to such memory in the haep which is not exist .

One Dimensional Dynamic Arrays

Firstly, allocating, we make a pointer of our array at the stack that containes the address of the first element of our array.

Secondly,we make a array at the heap by the new keyword.

Thirdly,perform your tasks.

At last, dellocating, delete the array values at the heap by the delete keyword.And make the pointer of our array nullptr so its pointing to nothing.

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()
    int size = 5;
    int sum=0;

    //Allocating the memory
    int *arr = new int[size]{1,2,3,4,5};

    //sum of array
    for(int i=0;i<size;i++){
    cout<<"The sum of all the elements in the array is = "<<sum<<endl;

    //Delloacting the memory
    delete[] arr;
    arr = nullptr;

    return 0;

How to change the size of our arrays at run-time ? or at execution time? How to increase or decrease the size of our arrays dynamically ? or at execution time?

Firstly, we made our array whose size we want to change dynamically.

Secondly, we create an temp dyanmic 1D-Array.Whose size is the size thats we want after changing meanns size+increaseNum or size+decreaseNum .

Thirdly, copy the array to tempArray.

At Last, delete the array values from heap and mutate the array-pointer to the tempArray-pointer.And now you can mutate the size as size+=num (for-increaing) or size-=num(for-decreaing)

Both our array and tempArray pointers in the stack pointing to the same changed tempArray values in the heap.

Now,You can perform tasks, to the changed sized array ,after performing methods deallocate the aray and program happily finishes😊.(Problem-Solved,Hurray🥳)

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()

    int size = 5;
    int *arr = new int[size]{1, 2, 3, 4, 5};

    int num;
    cout << "Enter the number how much size of array you wnat to cahnge :" << endl;
    cin >> num;

    int *temp = new int[size + num];
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
        temp[i] = arr[i];

    //deleting the previous array
    delete[] arr;

    //giving values to increased indexs
    for(int i=size;i<size+num;i++){

    delete[] arr;

    return 0;

Boosted Material 1

Two Dimensional Dynamic arrays

Firtsly, In Two Dimensional Dynamic arrays ,make an array of pointers (every element of array contaning the address of first element of each row of matrix) which is stored to the pointer in stack ,beacuse this pointer storing the address first pointer of array, so this pointer is the double pointer.

**Secondly**, Make a new array on the heap (column) from the every element(single-pointer) of the pointers array,that conatain the address of the first element of it column on the stack.

Thirdly, Now our 2D-array is allocated.Now perform the all tasks on it.

At Last,Deallocate the firstly all the columns on the heap. Then delete the pointers array. Then make the matrix pointer to null pointing to the nothing.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
    int row = 3;
    int col = 3;

    int **matrix = new int *[row];
    for (int i = 0; i < row; i++)
        matrix[i] = new int[col];

    for (int i = 0; i < row; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < col; j++)
            matrix[i][j] = (rand() % 10) + 1;

    for(int i=0;i<row;i++){
        delete[] matrix[i];
    delete[] matrix;

    return 0;

How to change the size of rows or columns of 2D-arrays at run-time ? How to increase or decrease the size of 2D-arrays dynamically ?

You can understand the one example of how to increase the size of columns and then do others operations by following it.

Steps:(To increase the rows dynamically)

Firstly: Make the new 2D-Dynamic array .

Secondly: Make the temp2D-Dyanmic array.

Thirdly: Copy the pervious 2d-array to temp array.Delete the previous 2D-Array.Give pointer of temp array to previous array.

At Last: Add the new elements in the array .And finally dellocate the array.

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>

using namespace std;

int main()
    int row=3;
    int col=3;

    //Allocating the memory
    int **matrix = new int *[row];
    for (int i = 0; i < row; i++)
        matrix[i] = new int[col];

   cout << "The random elements in the array :" << endl;
    for (int i = 0; i < row; i++)
        // cout<<"Enter the row "<<i+1<<" :"<<endl;
        for (int j = 0; j < col; j++)
            matrix[i][j] = (rand() % 10) + 1;
            // cin>>matrix[i][j];

   int num;
    cout << "Enter the number of rows that you want to increase:" << endl;
    cin >> num;

    //increase the size of the rows
    int **temp = new int *[row + num];
    for (int i = 0; i < row + num; i++)
        temp[i] = new int[col];
    for (int i = 0; i < row; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < col; j++)
            temp[i][j] = matrix[i][j];
    for (int i = 0; i < row; i++)
        delete[] matrix[i];
    delete[] matrix;
    matrix = temp;

    //Entering elemenst in the increased rows
    for (int i = row; i < row + num; i++)
        // cout<<"Enter the row "<<row+1<<" :"<<endl;
        for (int j = 0; j < col; j++)
            matrix[i][j] = (rand() % (100 - 90)) + 1 + 90;
            // cin>>matrix[i][j];
    row += num;

   cout << "The elements in the array :" << endl;
    for (int i = 0; i < row; i++)
        cout << left;
        for (int j = 0; j < col; j++)
            cout << setw(5) << matrix[i][j];
        cout << endl;

    //dellocating the memory
    for (int i = 0; i < row; i++)
        delete[] matrix[i];
    delete[] matrix;
    matrix = nullptr;

    return 0;

Boosted Material:

  • To Practice Questions Like inrease and decrease rows or columns of the 2D-arrays dynamically see 1D-Arrays-Examples
  • To Read more complexities about the dyanmic arrays read book pages from LearnCpp
  • To get slides of dynamic memory Dynamic Memory Allocation

Core Concepts

A langugae which containes these four segments is referrred as Object-Oriented-Programming language.

  • Classes and object :

    Classes have no exixtence in the memeory,its only a blueprint.When we make an object of that class ,then it should having the some memeory.Class is an user defined-data-Type, called as ABSTRACT_DATA_TYPE.
  • Data hiding and Encapsulation:

    Data is hided from every another object is data hiding .All the memebers of a class including data members and member functions are closed in a class like a capsule is referred to as Encapsulation.This feature opens the new term named as Abstraction means all the inner details are completetly ifnored and we focus on the working of the software.
  • Inheritance:

    Do not reinvent the wheel.In programming the term used as : Do not repeat the code⛔.Inheritance has the code reuse-ability.Some features are inherited from the base class and given to the derived class.If any language does not support the inheritance then its not calle the Object oriented programming language its called the *Object-Based-Language.
  • Polymorphism

    Define as : Single interface having multiple functionalities.(same name different behaviour). It has two types :
    • Static Function overloading is done in static polymorphism.It has be achieved on the compile time also called the compile_time_binding.
    • Dynamic Function overriding is done in the dynamic polymorphism.It has be achieved on the run time also called the Run_Time_binding.

Classes and Static Objects

What are classes 👀 ❓

Basic Syntx of class:

Basic Syntx of object:

we cannot access the dataMemebers of the class outside the class .Their members are by default-private.So when we want to access them .The error should come as

so when we want to access them outside the class,we use the access-identifiers.


There are there Access specifiers.

  • Public

    Memebers of public are accessible from anywhere(accissble through the object).
  • Private

    Members declerad as private are only accessible within the class.
  • Protected

    Members are only accessible in child class.



The address of a class is same as the address of the first dataMemeber of the class

Boosted Material 2

Dynamic Objects and Access Operator

Dynamic Objects means the pointer of that objects is on the stack and the whole object is on the heap. The name of the object is actually a pointer so means whenever we use the name of the class actually we refer the address of the object on the heap. So how we can access the data members and member functions of the object ,To refer the data members and the member functions of that class , we use the access-operator -> instead of (.) dot operator .The access operator make a link between the heap and and stack .

Understand by excample:

How we make the dynamic objects of class and how to access their data members of taht dynamic object🙄❓

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class algebra
    int y;
    int x;
    int add;

int main()
    //Alloacting the memory
    algebra *sum = new algebra;

    //Arrow operaters pointing the members on the heap(->)
    sum->x = 3;
    sum->y = 4;
    sum->add = sum->x + sum->y;

    //Derefernce and userd the dot opearter(.)
    cout << "The sum of " << (*sum).x << " and " << (*sum).y << " = " << (*sum).add << endl;

    //delloacting the memory
    delete sum;

    return 0;

Static and Dynamic Object Function Types:

Three type of functions can be implemented on the objects.

  1. By passing object as a value
  2. By passing object as a reference
  3. By return object as a object

1.By passing object as a value

In static Pass objects into functions as an argument and use these parameters as a local object which has a complete access to the data members and member functions of the class same as for the argumentative object.

The object which calls the functions is called the Left_hand_side_object.

We don't need to pass the two objects as the arguments beacuse L.H.S object is already exist ,and accessible to the class functions and we only need to pass the other funtions which is right hand side object.

In Dyanmic the copy of argumentative objects will not be made only the address of these objects will pass and dereferencing these adress and perform operations.

2.By passing object as a reference

In static When passing object as an argument to the function which recieveing it as a refernce parameter, then the copy of that object will not be produce.The address of this object will be use and its means any changing in data members or function members of the parameter object will aslo mutate the original argumentative object. In Dyanmic the copy of argumentative objects will not be made only the address of these objects will pass ,so we will not have to use the refernce operator & , beacause already we pass the address refernce of the objects on the heap to function parameters As a result ,dereferencing these adresses and mutating the data memebers and member functions will mutate the original argumentative objects data members and member functions respectively.

3.By return object as a object

In static Return type of the function is a class name. When you manipulate some data and return a object made inside the function. In Dyanmic,the returing object returns the only address of the making object not the object on the heap. beacuse when the function executes the making pointer will automatically goes out from the execuation stack. but the object on the heap is exixts . So just return the address of the making pointer.

When an object is returned at compile-time it can be stored an anonymous varaible of same returning dataType and then assign it the varible on which the functions call this process is called the RETURN_VALUE_OPTIMIZATION(RVO). And you when you run the program its destructor will be showed in the screen .

### Let understand by 😮 [dynamic-example](/Object%20Oriented%20Programming/Step1_Classes%20and%20objects/Basic%20Concepts%20building%20programs/6_DyanmicObjects_and_acessOperaters.cpp):

For static click here

/*Dynamic Objects when we pass to functions they always should be pass as by refernce
/*This code has three parts by three tests so you can uncommenntg the every test and check the outputs to understand
1:Pass by value  for dynamic objects
2:Pass by refernce for dynamic objects
3:Return value for dynamic objects

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class algebra
    int x;
    int y;

    // setters
    void setX(int X) { x = X; }
    void setY(int Y) { y = Y; }
    void setData(int X, int Y)
        x = X;
        y = Y;

    // getters
    int getX() { return x; }
    int gety() { return y; }
    void getData()
        cout << "x=" << x << endl;
        cout << "y=" << y << endl;

// Functions

// 1:Pass by value
bool passByValue(algebra *A, algebra *B)
    return A->getX() != B->getX() ? true : false;

// 2:Pass by refernce
void update(algebra *A, algebra *B)
    B->setX(B->getX() + 100);
    B->setY(B->gety() + 100);

// 3:Return value
algebra *createCopy(algebra *A)
    algebra *copy = new algebra;


    return copy;
int main()
    algebra *obj1 = new algebra;
    algebra *obj2 = new algebra;

    obj1->setData(1, 2);
    obj2->setData(3, 4);

    // // Test:01
    // cout << passByValue(obj1, obj2);

    // //Test:02
    // cout << "Before passing obj2 as a pointer to update function : " << endl;
    // obj2->getData();
    // update(obj1, obj2);
    // cout << "After passing obj2 as a pointer to update function : " << endl;
    // obj2->getData();

    // //Test:03
    // cout << "The object members :" << endl;
    // algebra *copy=createCopy(obj1);
    // copy->getData();

    /*Results:Object’s data is always
    pass by reference through

    return 0;

Object Operators

These are object opertors:

Object Assignment operater

In generally, the assignment operator can be used to copy one thing into another. The data memebers of one object can be copied to another data members in two ways

Only if member access specifier is public.

1.Member wise data Assignment

2.Aggregate Wise data Assignment

Lets now understand by example 😍:

In C++ how the class data members of one object to be copied to the another object data memebers

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class algebra
int x;
int y;

    void getData()
        cout<<"The value of x ="<<x<<endl;
        cout<<"The value of y ="<<y<<endl;


int main()
algebra obj1;
algebra \*obj2=new algebra;


    cout<<"\t\tMEMEBER WISE COPYING :"<<endl;

    cout<<"The values in object 1 : "<<endl;
    cout<<"The values in object 2 : "<<endl;

    // Aggregate WISE COPYING
    cout<<"\t\tAggregate WISE COPYING :"<<endl;

    cout<<"The values in object 1 : "<<endl;
    cout<<"The values in object 2 : "<<endl;

    delete obj2;

    return 0;


Object Relational Operaters

Relational operators can be applied only on the varaibles that are made in functions. In objects you cannot apply directly these operaters on the object data members. It cannot be possible by Member-Wise or Agreement-Wise.

Example :

Can we compare the reational operaters (==,!=,<=,>=) to compare two object data members ?


using namespace std;

class algebra
    int x;
    int y;

    void setData(int xA,int yA)
    void getData()
        cout<<"The value of  x = "<<x<<endl;
        cout<<"The value of  y = "<<y<<endl;

    int getX(){ return x;}
    int getY(){ return y;}
int main()
    algebra obj1;
    algebra *obj2=new algebra;


    //  //Test:01
    // cout<<obj1.getX()!=obj2->getX();
    // /*error: no match for 'operator!=' (operand types are 'std::basic_ostream<char>' and 'int')
    // cout<<obj1.getX()!=obj2->getX();*/

    //  //Test:02
    // cout<<*(obj2)==obj1;
    // //Compile time error Operation not defined

    // Results:So its mean we will never compare the data member wise or agrement wise
    delete obj2;

    return 0;

Object Arithematic Operators

Arithematic operators (+, -, /, *, %) will be applicable only in member wise

Cannot be applicable directly on the objects agreement wise.

Use Operator_Overloading to apply these arithematic_operators on the objects directly.We will discuss this in later section go_here.

Example :

Can we compare the use the arithematic operaters (+,-,*,/,%) to perform arithematic calculations between two object data members ?


using namespace std;

class algebra
    int x;
    int y;

    void setData(int xA,int yA)
    void getData()
        cout<<"The value of  x = "<<x<<endl;
        cout<<"The value of  y = "<<y<<endl;

    int getX(){ return x;}
    int getY(){ return y;}
int main()
    algebra obj1;
    algebra *obj2=new algebra;


    //  //Test:01
    // //Member Wise
    // cout<<obj1.getX()+obj2->getX()<<endl;
    // cout<<obj1.getY()+obj2->getY()<<endl;

    //  //Test:02
    // //Agremeent Wise
    // cout<<*(obj2)+obj1<<endl;
    // //Compile time error Operation not defined

   //Results:We can perform the matematical opaertions on the object adat memebers only member wise not agremnet wise.

    delete obj2;

    return 0;

Setters and Getters

Why we need setters and getters ? What is the importance of getters and setters in real world? Understand by exapmle ,in mobile phones when we want to increase the brightness of our mobile then can we go to the whole setting of the mobile and change it here *NO** .We only set the value of brightness same when we want to get the phone number of any person , we just search and get it. Getters and setters are the same as , to retrieve the single dataMember or whole data member or to update them.


Used to set or update values of individual data members or a complete object.

Basic Syntax:

  • Void setVariableName (varaibleDataType parameterName){ variableName = ParameterName;}


Used to get values of indiviual or complete object .

Basic Syntax:

  • returnType getVariableName (){ return variableName;}

    SetData and getData

    These are also the member functions of the class.They set the whole class data members and also get the data memebers of the whole class.

/*Write a C++ program how to putData into dataMembers of a class that is private and getData from them
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class algebra
    int x;
    int y;
    float z;

    void putData(int xA, int yA, int zA)
        x = xA;
        y = yA;
        z = zA;
    void getData()
        cout<<"The value of x = "<<x<<endl;
        cout<<"The value of y = "<<y<<endl;
        cout<<"The value of z = "<<z<<endl;

int main()
    algebra equation1;

    //Test 01:
    return 0;

Practice exapmles:

This Pointer or This KeyWord in Cpp

IN C++ ,This is a pointer refer to the insatnce of the class. This is a pointer Single copy of this pointer is maintained at class level accessible in member functions only. This pointer has two main functionalities:

1.When in memeber functions of the class ,the local variables name same as the data-members name.

2.Used to return the whole object from the member function. When you want to use the function chaining in objects. In short,it can be used for the function calls chaining in which the local object returns the refernce of the single object and in function chaining it updates the every previous function value also.

Lets now understand by example 😍:

What is a this key Word in C++? Write a C++ program in which the setter function parameter name is same as the class data member name.What is the this Pointer in the C++ 😧?


using namespace std;

class algebra
    int x;
    int y;
    void setX(int x)
    void setY(int y)
    void setData(int x,int y)

    int getX()
        return x;
    int getY()
        return y;
    void getData()
        cout<<"The value of x = "<<x<<endl;
        cout<<"The value of y = "<<y<<endl;

    //member functions
    algebra &value(int x)
        return *this;
    algebra &incrementValue(int y)
        return *this;


int main()
    algebra obj1;
    algebra *obj2=new algebra;



    obj1.getData();//101,200--->chaining is sequential and the changes made to the object’s data members retains for further chaining calls.

    // obj1.setX(90).setY(900);// error: invalid use of 'void'

    return 0;

Scope Resolution operator


Scope Resolution operater (::) define the scope of anything at any place .Used to access the gloabal varables with the same name ,access the class memeber functions outside the the class ,usedin namespaces and in the inheritance

Suppose we have a class having 1000+ member functions our class size will become too springable 🥴 . And other problem is that suppose in your company your team fellow want to see your code he does't want to see your logics and how you write the code he/she just wnat to see what functionalities your class can do and think that your class has 2000+ member functions of different functionalities.In ecah member function you write the 1000+ lines of code.So showing every functionality name takes too much time🤧 and may be its a chance your team member beacome frustated 😡. As a result, How to resolve these problems ? The first answer involed in your brain is to make prototypes inside the class and make functions outside the class. Okay ! Thats good, lets try it

But the error should become :

- error: invalid use of 'this' in non-member function void setX(int x) { this->x = x; }

Beacuse, we know that all the data members and function members are developed public,private and protected only inside the class only accessible to them is protected or publc. And how can we refer that this function is a member function of that specific class.

How to resolve this error :

+ Use the Scope resolutioon opertor `::`  with the name of the class

Means that this function has scope to that class

Understand by complete Scope-Resolution(::) Example 😎:

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class algebra
   int x;
   int y;

   // setters
   void setX(int);
   void setY(int);
   void setData(int, int);
   void setAlgebra(algebra);

   // getters
   int getX() const;
   int getY() const;
   void getData() const;
   algebra getAlgebra() const;

   // memberFunctions are here

// SETTERS_scope_resolutions
void algebra::setX(int x) { this->x = x; }
void algebra::setY(int y) { this->y = y; }
void algebra::setData(int x, int y)
   this->x = x;
   this->y = y;
void algebra::setAlgebra(algebra obj)
   x = obj.x;
   y = obj.y;

// GETTERS_scope_resolutions
int algebra::getX() const { return x; }
int algebra::getY() const { return y; }
void algebra::getData() const
   cout << "The value of x = " << x << endl;
   cout << "The value of y = " << y << endl;
algebra algebra::getAlgebra() const
   return *this;

int main()
   algebra obj1;
   obj1.setData(1, 2);

   algebra obj2;


   return 0;

Member Functions

You already know that we had already discussed the member functions, then what they are 🤔 ? Every class has such type of member functions :

  • Getters
  • Setters
  • Mutators
  • Accessers
  • Functionaliters
  • Constructors
  • Destructors
  • Iterators
  • Operators
    In all of above we have done getters and setters. Mutators and Accessors are same as getters and setters beacuse by using the setters we can have full access to the data memebers of the class to mutate them directly and sam for the getters we can have directly access to retrieve them. NOW,we will discuss about the Functionaliters( I think thats not make sense 😅, but according to me its very straightForward to understand).Others will be discuss in the coming points.

Functionaliters :

Main functions that perform some operations on the data are called fucntionaliters. Functions that perform some mathematical and other operations on the data memebers and show some output or help in other functions to perform functionalities.

Let understand by example 🙂 :

Write a c++ program in to find distance between two points and take third point and find from where the distance from third point is closest

/*Write a c++ program in to find distance between two points and take third point and find from where the distance from third point is closest*/
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>

using namespace std;

class algebra
    // setters
    void setX(int);
    void setY(int);
    void setData(int, int);
    void setAlgebra(algebra);

    // getters
    int getX() const;
    int getY() const;
    void getData() const;
    algebra getAlgebra() const;

    // memberFunctions
    float calculateDistance(algebra);
    algebra closestPoint(algebra , algebra );

    int x;
    int y;

// SETTERS_scope_resolutions
void algebra::setX(int x) { this->x = x; }
void algebra::setY(int y) { this->y = y; }
void algebra::setData(int x, int y)
    this->x = x;
    this->y = y;
void algebra::setAlgebra(algebra obj)
    x = obj.x;
    y = obj.y;

// GETTERS_scope_resolutions
int algebra::getX() const { return x; }
int algebra::getY() const { return y; }
void algebra::getData() const
    cout << "The value of x = " << x << endl;
    cout << "The value of y = " << y << endl;
algebra algebra::getAlgebra() const
    return *this;

// Member_Functions
float algebra::calculateDistance(algebra point)
    int d1 = point.x - x;
    int d2 = point.y - y;

    int temp = ((d1 * d1) + (d2 * d2));

    return sqrt(temp);

algebra algebra ::closestPoint(algebra p1, algebra p2)
    float d1 = calculateDistance(p1);
    float d2 = calculateDistance(p2);

    return d1 <= d2 ? p1 : p2;

int main()
    algebra point1, point2, point3;

    point1.setData(6, 9);
    point2.setData(12, 3);
    point3.setData(1, 15);

    cout << point1.calculateDistance(point2)<<endl;

    return 0;

Now its Time for Boosted Material 3

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  • See basic concept based questions on setters, getters, this->pointer, object operators and object functions click here
  • To get slides on these topics click here
  • To read about them more briefy visit here

Constructors and Destructors


It is a function.It does not have any return type(like int,void). It has same name as of its class.They can never be called instead(they can be more than two ) are called and executed automaticallu on the time of creation oof object.Their main purpose to initialze the data members of an object being created.

Every object will be called only once in its life by the constructor till it is destroyed.Compiler give us default constructor but ity initliaze the data members with teh garbage values. If any one of the constructor should be written then the compiler does not gives its default constructor Constructor are of three types:

  • Deafult Constructor
  • Parameterized Constructor
  • Copy Constructor

Default Constructor

Its parameters are empty and it can be called on the time of the object creation.



/*Write a C++ program how to write the default constructors*/
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class algebra
   int x;
   int y;
   void setData(int, int);
   void getData();
//Default Constructor
   x = 0;
   y = 0;
   cout << "Deafult Constructor should be called:" << endl;
void algebra ::setData(int x, int y)
   this->x = x;
   this->y = y;
void algebra ::getData()
   cout << "The value of x = " << x << endl;
   cout << "The value of y = " << y << endl;
int main()
   algebra obj1;
   obj1.setData(1, 2);
   algebra obj2;

   return 0;


Paramterized Constructor:

Constructors are overloaded like function-overloading. When there are more than one constructors in a class having different number of parameters are called overloaded or parameterized constructors.

VIP Note:

When we call any constructor on an object.Then only that one constructor should be called the of constructors should be remain and not be called.



/*Write a C++ program how to write the parameterized or overloaded constructors*/
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class algebra
	int x;
	int y;
	void setData(int, int);
	void getData();
//Default Constructor
	x = 0;
	y = 0;
	cout << "Deafult Constructor should be called:" << endl;
//paremterized constructor
algebra::algebra(int x, int y)
    this->x = x;
    this->y = y;
    cout << "Parameterized Constructor should be called:" << endl;
void algebra ::setData(int x, int y)
	this->x = x;
	this->y = y;
void algebra ::getData()
	cout << "The value of x = " << x << endl;
	cout << "The value of y = " << y << endl;
int main()
	algebra obj1(1,2);
	algebra obj2;

    return 0;


Copy constructor

Copy constructor can be used to copy the one object constructor to another object .In copy constructor the paremterized object should be called as a refernce. Otherwise it creates a problem of recursion. To undertsnad this ,suppose we equal the object_2 to object_1 then the copy constructor of object_2 should be called and it takes the object_1 as a parameter and this parameter object makes a copy of the object_1 so to make copy of object_1 again the copy-constructor should be called again and agin and this process comes into the recusrion (infinity) and our program crushes when the stack overflow. But there is another problem here if we pass the arguemtative object as a refence than there is a dangerous chance to mutate the data of this object beacuse we are passing it as reference to avoid these bugs we pass it as a const now its beacame impossible to mutate the original object.


Pass the copying object as a refernce &. Pass the copying object as a constant const. It uses copy data of an object bit-by-bit.


### Example:
/*Write a C++ program how to write the copy constructor constructors*/
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class algebra
	int x;
	int y;
    algebra(const algebra&);
	void setData(int, int);
	void getData();
//Default Constructor
	x = 0;
	y = 0;
	cout << "Deafult Constructor should be called:" << endl;
//paremterized constructor
algebra::algebra(int x, int y)
    this->x = x;
    this->y = y;
    cout << "Parameterized Constructor should be called:" << endl;
//copy constructor
algebra::algebra(const algebra& temp)
    cout<<"Copy constructor should be called:"<<endl;
void algebra ::setData(int x, int y)
	this->x = x;
	this->y = y;
void algebra ::getData()
	cout << "The value of x = " << x << endl;
	cout << "The value of y = " << y << endl;
int main()

	algebra obj2;
	algebra obj1(1,2);
    algebra obj3=obj1;
    algebra obj4(obj2);

    return 0;


Overloaded Constructor :

Overloaded Constrcutor is the sum of the deafult constructor and the parameterized constructor.

Basic Syntax:


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class phoneDetails
    string name;
    int  RAM;
    float processor;
    char battery;
//Overloaded constructor
/*The sum of the
1-deafult constructor
2-Paramterized Constructor
//overloaded Constructor
phoneDetails(string Name="NULL",int ram=0,float process=0.0,char batt=' ')

//Copy constructor

phoneDetails(phoneDetails &mob)

void getData();

//Calling destructor

    cout<<"Destructor has been called:"<<endl;


//Accessing the functions of the class outside the class

void phoneDetails::getData()
   cout<<"The name of the Phone = "<<name<<endl;
   cout<<"The Ram of the Phone = "<<RAM<<endl;
   cout<<"The Processor of the Phone = "<<processor<<endl;
   cout<<"The Battery of the Phone = "<<battery<<endl;

int main()
    phoneDetails d1;//deafult constructor
    phoneDetails d2("Iphone",8,2.8,'1');//parameterized constructor
    phoneDetails d3(d2);//copy constructor


    return 0;



To destroy the object and free the memory.Same syntax as a constructors.Destructors cannot be overloaded since it is destroying the object and no parameter is required.It destroys the every object when the main function is executed. Executes when teh object goes out of scope.Just use the telda(~) sign with the destructo to distinguish it between the deafult constructor and the destructor.



/*Write a C++ program how to write the destructors*/
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class algebra
	int x;
	int y;
    algebra(const algebra&);
	void setData(int, int);
	void getData();
//Default Constructor
	x = 0;
	y = 0;
	cout << "Deafult Constructor should be called:" << endl;
//paremterized constructor
algebra::algebra(int x, int y)
    this->x = x;
    this->y = y;
    cout << "Parameterized Constructor should be called:" << endl;
//copy constructor
algebra::algebra(const algebra& temp)
    cout<<"Copy constructor should be called:"<<endl;
void algebra ::setData(int x, int y)
	this->x = x;
	this->y = y;
void algebra ::getData()
	cout << "The value of x = " << x << endl;
	cout << "The value of y = " << y << endl;
    cout<<"Destructor should be called"<<endl;
int main()

	algebra obj2;
	algebra obj1(1,2);
    algebra obj3=obj1;
    algebra obj4(obj2);

    return 0;


Boosted Material 4

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  • To get the briefly explained and good UI slides on the constructors and destructors get here
  • To get the practice programs step by step for constructors and destructors get here
  • To study more abou t the constructors and destructors go here

Objects Arrays

Every object are same as the simple arrays on each index contain object class. On the time of creation of the objects array the default_constructors should be called.


Basic syntax for the decalaration and initailzation of objects with the default values by calling different constructors :

  • On 0 index initilize the object with the default construtor.
  • On 1 index initilize the object with the parameterized construtor.
  • On 2 index initilize the object with the copy construtor.

Accessing of these objects is same as the simple arrays dot(.) operator for the static arrays and spread(->) operator for the dynamic arrays.

Const in oop

Const Data Members


The data members,state or properties whose value can not be changed during execution time and require value at time upon intialization .


You can not left const memmber uninitialized,otherwise it will cause error!

Ways to declare and initialize

  1. Initializing at time of declarartion.But keep in reminder that some compilers does not allow initialazation of const like this way.

2)Initializing in Initializer list of constructors

Example Code

using namespace std;

class Student
	String name;

	// 1) initializing const member at time of creation
	const int Id=1;
	const double CNIC;

	// 2)initializing const member in member initialization list
	Student():CNIC(123-456789-123) {}


Const Member functions


Tese are member functions of class which allow only memory reading.It simply means we can not change any data member of class either const or non-const data member in Const member functions.The can be accessed by both const object and non-const object.


constructors are also special member functions of class but it is not allowed to make constructors const functions.

Example code

using namespace std;

class Student
	String name;
	const int Id = 1;


	string getName() const
		//Here if you try to modify data member name,it will cause error although it is non-const
		// like:
		// name="Waleed";
      return name;

	int getId() const
		//Here if you try to modify data member Id,it will cause error
		// like:
		// Id=9;
      return Id;


int main()
	Student student_1;
	Student const  student_2;

	//Accessing constant function by Non const-object

	//Accessing constant function by const-object


Const Object


Tese are objects of class which allow only memory reading.It simply means we can not change any data member of class either const or non-const data member.


const objects give their refrence to only const member functions/behaviours.

using namespace std;

class Student
	String name;
	const int Id = 1;



	string getName()

      return name;

	int getId() const

      return Id;


int main()

Student const Student_1;
	//getId is constant member function,Therfore const
    //obj studen_1 give its refrence

	//getName is not_ constant member function,Therfore const
    //obj studen_1 does not give  its refrence
   //  Error---> Student_1.getName();


Static Keyword With Classes


Using the static keyword on a local variable changes its duration from automatic duration to static duration. This means the variable is now created at the start of the program, and destroyed at the end of the program (just like a global variable). As a result, the static variable will retain its value even after it goes out of scope!

Static kewword has two uses with class which are following below:

  • static data member
  • static function

Static Data member


Static Data members in Classes are actually belong to respective Class not to the object,it means it works like Global Variable for the class and class objects.

Declaration and defination of static Data member

  • static members are declared inside the Class
  • static members are defined outside the Class
Reason of Defining outside the class 😉

It makes a sense because static data member belong to class and its memory allocated once but imagin if it is defined inside class so whenever the object of class is being made,everytime memory allocated wich is not allowed

Best Practice 👀

It is best practice to access static data member by class name with scope resolution (::) operartor rather than by accessing object with memory access/dot operattor (.).

Tips 😎

Example code

using namespace std;

class Circle
	int radius;
	static const float Pi;

	void setRadius(int radius)
		this->radius = radius;

	int getRadius() const
		return radius;

	//-----member function-----------
	double calculateArea()
		return Pi * (radius * radius);


int main()
	Circle circle_1;

	cout << circle_1.calculateArea();

Static Member Function


Static member functions can be used to work with static member variables in the class. An object of the class is not required to call them.

Interesting Facts about Static functions ✔

  • this pointer does not exist in static member function,because this pointer belong to the object where static member function belong to class not to object
  • In static behaviour ,we can also call other static data members and static functions
  • static member functions can not be constant.

Tip 👀

You can call static function by object name with memory access operator (.) but it doest not good programming practice.So,it is good practice to access stattic memmber function of class by class name with scope resolution operator (::).

Example code

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class Circle
    int radius;
    static const float Pi;

    void setRadius(int radius)
        this->radius = radius;

    int getRadius() const
        return radius;

    static int getPi()
        // Here,you cant not access any data member and member function directly except static data member and other static function
        //  like
        // radius=6;  -->error
        //  setRadius(5);   -->error

        return Pi;

int main()
{ // Accessing static data member of class through static function with class name and scope resolution operartor
    cout << Circle::getPi();

Operator Overloading

So, the first Question is what are operators?
In mathematics and sometimes in computer programming, an operator is a character that represents an action, as for example + is an arithmetic operator that represents addition.
Why we need operator overloading concept?
The Arithmetic operator (+, -, *, /, %) are already defined for the built in data types like int, float, char etc. But, right now, when we are creating/defining our own data types( class represents a data type), So, we need to write our own operators for this purpose.


Perform operations on class objects (variables of user defined ADTs) as performed on system defined datatypes.

Operators that can be overloaded

+ - * / = == >= <=
> < += -= *= /= & |
% ^ ! %= ^= &= |= >>
<< <<== >>== && || ++ -- ,
-> ->* [] () new delete new[] delete[]

Operators that cannot be overloaded

. .* :: ?: sizeof

Operators Classification

Opertors can be classified into two main categeries.

1.Uniary operators
2.Binary operators

Uniary Operators

  • (minus)
  • !
  • ++ (pre and post)
  • -- (pre and post)
  • ~ ( bitwise not)
  • & (address of)

Binary Operators

  • Arithmetic -, +, _, /, % , +=, -=, _=, /=, %=
  • Relational ==, !=, >=,<=, <, >
  • Assignment =
  • Logical &&, ||
  • Subscript []
  • Member access ->
  • Stream operators can be overload for file stream or command line stream << (stream insertion), >> (stream extraction)
  • Bitwise: &, |, >> (shift right), <<(shift left), ^ (XOR)
  • Memory management: new, delete


Operator as += must be overloaded explicitly because + does not overload +=

Operators Function

When we want to make the overloaded function it is of two type.

  1. Non-static member function of a class.
  2. Non-member function.

Basic Syntax

Operator function header contains
1.return type
2.operator reserve word
3.operator symbol
4.parameters list

Before Starting : Prerequisite (Cascadding Concept)

When we learn the this keyword , we will discuss about the refernce of current object class returing of this.We can use the same concept for the operator overloading.In opertor overloading the Left-hand-Object be overload the Right-hand-object.

int main()
    algebra x,y;

In the above example the object x be overaloded and it calls the y object in its overloaded function as a parameter. Now , suppose we want to add the three objects consectively. like this

int main()
    algebra x,y,z;

In this case the precedence of operators comes,firstly x+y can be overloaded and returns the resultant object of x+y this resultant object now can be overloaded with z.The returing of new object is refer to as the cascading of operators.

Now , discuss the another case and understand more about the cascading. suppose we want to add the x+y and stores into the z.Like this

int main()
    algebra x,y,z;

z is an object of class type algebra so it stores the result only in algebra class type.So, here the cascading comes, we can return the resultant of x+y as same as the dataType of the z.
To put the whole discussion in a nutshell,When we make the overaloded function, then we can make it according to the following instructions
1.Can it just update the current object and no needs to store the updated object into an other object?
Like this,

void operator --()

2.Can it updates the current object and store teh updated object anywere?
Like this,

algebra operator --()
    return *this;

3.Can it just perform the functionality upon the objects, without updating objects and returns the new resultant object and use this resultant object to anywhere.
Like this,

algebra operator +(const algebra& obj)
 return algebra(x+obj.x,y+obj.y);


Better practice is that we should always make opertor overloading functions which supports cascading.Beacuse we don't know actually in the main this operators resulant used .(To make the program more generic)

Non-Static Member Functions

Uniary Operators

Member function takes no argument work on single operand must be the class object.

- (in-uinary)

Converting object to their negative form.

Pre increment --

Pre increment-- ,is increment the object to -1 firtstly so, in cascading we have two options , we can return the updated object or just returns the non-updated object. The best practice here comes is to return the non-updated object because we may use this so object without increment in anywhere.

Post increment --

Post increment--, same as to increment the object to -1 after , cascading strategy is same as above pre-increment.To distugish between post and pre , in post we use the void int as a parameter in the parameters list.Thats easy,

Now Understand by example:
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class algebra
    int x, y;

    algebra(int x = 1, int y = 1) : x(x), y(y) {}
    // Pre increment Operator
    algebra operator--()
        algebra temp(*this);
        return temp;
    // Post increment Operator
    algebra& operator--(int)
        return *this;
    void getData() { cout << x << "  " << y << "\n"; }
int main()
    algebra obj(2, 2);
    algebra preMinus_Obj = --obj;
    algebra postMinus_Obj = obj--;
    preMinus_Obj.getData(); // 1    1
    postMinus_Obj.getData(); // 0    0

Why we use the & sign with returing objects ? and When to use it ?
This is a very interesting question may confuse begginers very well.Now understand firstly why we need and use &? When we update the current object and returning the current object completely by using return *this
Like this,

algebra operator-()
    return *this;

This means that, we are returing the value of the current object completely to algebra and the compiler at that time make the copy of this *this and stores it into the algebra anonymously and then gives it assigns to cascading.So at that time the copy constructor calls and its destructor should also be called.Means our memory is wasted for some period of time.Its not a better way , we can use the *this refernce instead of copying to anonymous.So thats why , we use the & sign with the returnType to avoid the anonymous constructors and destructors calling and make our memory and program more efficient.
Now our next questionn is When to use &? The answer of this question is very simple , when we are updating the current object and returing the current object for the cascading then use it.


Never use & sign when you are returing the non-current class object.Because it gets the address of that object made inside the class and when the function destroys this local object varaible also destroys from the execuation stack.And now you have a refernce of a such object varaiable whose does'nt exist. Error-Becomes.

Binary Operators

Member function, needs one argument right operand can be class object or other datatype.

  • Left operand must be class object
  • When don't Update the L.H.S Object then use the const function.
  • Also When don't update the R.H.S Object pass the R.H.S object as refernce and to safe memory use the alias(refernce) of it. Be like ,
algebra operator +(const algebra& obj) const{
  • All operators can be overloaded through member functions in which left operand is class object.
    for example:\
algebra p1, p2(2, 3);
p1 + p2; //both are class objects of Point class
p1 = p2;
//left operand is class object member function will work
p1 + 3;

Binary Operator Addition (+)

  • Both operands are class objects.
  • Member function takes right operand of operation as one argument.
  • Called on left operand must be class object.

  • Can be called in both ways.
int main()
    algebra obj1(2,2);
    algebra obj2(3,3);
    algebra obj3=obj1+obj2;


Now the other Arithematic Operators like -,*,/ ,% can overloaded in the same way sa above.

Arirthematic Assignment Operator +=

The simple addition (+=) is like :
obj1 += obj2;
We will follow the original definition of the += operator. Here, the += operator adds obj1 and obj2 and returns a current object which is again stored in obj1 or we can say that the value of obj1 will be updated. The operands on the left i.e obj2 remained unchanged after the execution of the statement, and results are stored in obj1 not as a new object but only the current (previous, called) object is updated.


Relating + and += :😢

Now, we are trying to relate + and += operators to make our program more simple( or more complex for some reason ).
If we focus on the above two codes of the + and += operators, we can seet hat actually we are doing exactly the same thing in both of the programs.
The only difference is the object which is to be updated or the object in which the results of addition is stored. In the first case i.e +, we created a new object and updated that object. While in the other case, we changed the current object, and stored the results into it.
Now consider an example of simple numbers instead of the objects of class.
R = obj1 + obj2; // R is the object where result is to be stored and obj1 and obj2 should remain unchanged.
One method to do this is by simply adding obj1 and obj2 and storing it into R.
But, if we have an option of += then we follow another method to do the same thing. First simply let:😎
R = obj1;
We Stored obj1 into R OR in programming context made obj1 copy of a into R
Now, all we need to do is :
R = R + obj2; //Adding R (which is a copy of obj1) into obj2 and storing result into R Or isn’t it simply :
R += B;Hopefully, we gathered the idea that how + and += can be used simultaneously.
Now, coming back to the coding portion. If we implement the same logic with the objects of the class and adding them, The code will be like this :

Note :

All the other Arithematic Assignment Operators -=,*=,/= work in the same way.

Exmple of code is given as :

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class algebra
    int x, y;

    algebra(int x = 1, int y = 1) : x(x), y(y) {}

    algebra operator+(const algebra &obj)
        algebra resultant(*this);
        resultant += obj;
        return resultant;
    algebra &operator+=(const algebra &obj)
        x += obj.x;
        y += obj.y;
        return *this;
    void getData() { cout << x << "  " << y << "\n"; }
int main()
    // Addition +
    algebra obj1(1, 1);
    algebra obj2(6, 9);
    obj1 + obj2;
    algebra obj3 = obj1 + obj2;
    obj3.getData(); // 7  9

    // Assignment Addition +=
    algebra obj4 = obj1 += obj2;
    obj4.getData(); // 7  9
    obj1.getData(); // 7  9

Logical Operator ==

  • Return type is always bool
  • Both operands should be class objects.
  • Member function takes right operand of operation as one argument.
  • Called on left operand must be class object


Logical Operator !=

If logical operatot == is defined then relate it with the != as !(*this==obj)

Other Logical operators like <=,>=,<,> are work in the same way sa above.

Example code is given as :

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class algebra
    int x, y;

    algebra(int x = 1, int y = 1) : x(x), y(y) {}

    bool operator==(const algebra &obj)
        return (x == obj.x && y == obj.y);
    bool operator!=(const algebra &obj)
        return !(*this == obj);
    void getData() { cout << x << "  " << y << "\n"; }
int main()
    // Addition +
    algebra obj1(2, 2);
    algebra obj2(2, 1);
    cout << (obj1 == obj2) << "\n"; // 1
    cout << (obj1 != obj2) << "\n"; // 1

Assignment Operator =

When we don't overload the assignment operator then the our compiler by default gives the overloaded assignment operator.

  • Member Functions are compulsory for assignment
  • Both operands should be the same class objects
  • Member function takes right operation of operation as argumnet
  • Check state of both L.H.S and R.H.S objects data members carefully.
    • If they are pointers address issues, due to different constructors, nullptr or valid memory address.
    • Dynamic arrays size mismatch issues.
    • Self assignment issue with pointer data members

For STATIC-Memory, we can do assigment of values . Our all data-members are on the stack. So we just copy the one varible to other. our data-members are as follows:

    int x, y;

For Pointers,Check L.H.S AND R.H.S objects as;

Left Operand Right operand
nullptr nullptr
nullptr address
address nullptr
address(single variable) address(single variable)
address (Array Size Check) address (Array Size Check)


Subscript Operator []

  • Member function is compulsory for subscript operator.
  • Left operand should be class object and right should be int.
  • Member function takes right operand of operation as argument and called on left operand.
  • It provides access to elements of arrays defined inside objects as private data members.
  • For example: a class myArray is defined here

understand Setp by step in the code,See the code Example

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class myArray
    int size; // Array size
    int *ptr; // Pointer for dynamic 1-D Array
        size = 0;
        ptr = nullptr;
    myArray(int size)
        this->size = size;
        if (size > 0)
            ptr = new int[size];
            for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                ptr[i] = i + 1;
            ptr = nullptr;
    int &operator[](const int i);
    const int &operator[](const int i) const;
// implementation for Normal object
int &myArray::operator[](const int i)
    // check if index i is in range
    if (i >= 0 && i < size)
        return ptr[i];
    // return element by reference as lvalue
// implementation accessor for Constant object
const int &myArray::operator[](const int i) const
    // check if index i is in range
    if (i >= 0 && i < size)
        return ptr[i];
    // return element by reference as constant rvalue
int main()
    myArray a1(5); // creates array inside object
    a1[0] = 100;   // return reference to int element 1 of array
    // store 100 in element 1
    a1[1] = a1[0];       // copy element 1 to element 2
    cout << a1[1];       // print value of element 2
    const myArray a2(3); // creates array of size 3 inside constant object
    cout << a2[1];
    // return constant reference (read only) to int
    // a2[1] = 10;                     // wrong as constant reference is returned for constant object
    // • Not work on pointers to objects directly
    myArray *aptr = new myArray(5); // creates array inside object
    aptr[3] = 100;                  // wrong as aptr is pointer
    (*aptr)[3] = 100;               // first dereference the pointer then access data
    aptr[0][3] = 100;

Non-Member functions

Why we need the non-member functions to operator overloading?
Because We know that the L.H.S object calls the R.H.S object . If L.H.S operand is not the object its dataType is different from the l.H.S operand than what we have to do. Like this,

2 + p1; // left operand is int
cout << p1; // left operand is ostream class object
cin >> p1; //left operand if istream class object

Therefore, Non-member functions can be used for such operations

  • Non-member function cannot be defined inside the class
  • They cannot access the private data members of a class
  • Operators that cannot be overloaded through non-member functions are =, [], (), ->, &(address of operator)
  • All other operators can be overloaded through non-member functions
  • Unary operators
  • Non-member function, needs one argument
  • Binary operators
  • Non-member function, needs two arguments
  • One argument must be class object or reference • There is no this pointer in non-member functions

Non-Member friend functions

friend function can access private and protected members of another class.
friend functions are non-member functions of class.
•They are defined outside of class scope Can only add prototype inside class definition for granting friendship. •There is no this pointer in non-member friend functions.
Properties of friendship
• Friendship is granted, not taken
• Not symmetric (if B a friend of A, A not necessarily a friend of B)
• Not transitive (if A is friend of B, B is friend of C, A not necessarily a friend of C).

Uniary Operator -

Non-member function takes one argument that must be the class object

Can be called in two ways.

Point p1(3, 4);
// calls friend function
Point p2 = -p1;

• Only add one function member or non- member friend to avoid conflict.

Binary operator Addition +

Can be overloaded as a friend in 3 ways;

  • Both operands are class objects.
  • One operand left one is class object.
  • One operand right one is class object.

Must define non-member function.\

Non-member function takes two arguments

Example Code:

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class Point
int x, y;
Point(int x = 0, int y = 0):x(x),y(y){}
//Both are objects
friend Point operator+(const Point &p, const Point &q);
// with int right operand
friend Point operator+(const Point &p, const int &n);
// with int left operand
friend Point operator+(const int &n, const Point &p);
Point operator+(const int &n, const Point &p)
return p + n;
// Reuse code of right operand function
int main()
Point p1(3, 4);
operator+(3, p1);
10 + p1;
// both p1 and int 10 are passed argumnets
int a = 10;
Point p3 = a + p1;
// cascaded call

Binary Operators Stream insertion (<<) and Stream extraction (>>)

  • One operand left one is stream object and right one is class object.
  • Must define non-member function, which takes two arguments
  • First non constant reference of ostream object in case of insertion << operator and istream object in case of extraction >> opeartor.
  • Second const reference of class object
  • For cascading return ostream object by reference from function.

Code Example here:

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class Point
   int x, y;

   Point(int x = 0, int y = 0) : x(x), y(y) {}
   friend ostream &operator<<(ostream &, const Point &);
   friend istream &operator>>(istream &, Point &);

ostream &operator<<(ostream &out, const Point &p)
   out << "X:" << p.x << endl;
   out << "Y:" << p.y << endl;
   return out;
istream &operator>>(istream &in, Point &p)
   in >> p.x;
   in >> p.y;
   return in;
int main()
   Point p1;
   cin >> p1;  // 1,2
   cout << p1; // X:1,Y:2

Summary of Operator Overloading

Imporatnt Tip:

When to use a normal, friend, or member function overload

In most cases, the language leaves it up to you to determine whether you want to use the normal/friend or member function version of the overload. However, one of the two is usually a better choice than the other.

When dealing with binary operators that don’t modify the left operand (e.g. operator+), the normal or friend function version is typically preferred, because it works for all parameter types (even when the left operand isn’t a class object, or is a class that is not modifiable). The normal or friend function version has the added benefit of “symmetry”, as all operands become explicit parameters (instead of the left operand becoming *this and the right operand becoming an explicit parameter).

When dealing with binary operators that do modify the left operand (e.g. operator+=), the member function version is typically preferred. In these cases, the leftmost operand will always be a class type, and having the object being modified become the one pointed to by *this is natural. Because the rightmost operand becomes an explicit parameter, there’s no confusion over who is getting modified and who is getting evaluated.

Unary operators are usually overloaded as member functions as well, since the member version has no parameters.

The following rules of thumb can help you determine which form is best for a given situation:

  • If you’re overloading assignment (=), subscript ([]), function call (()), or member selection (->), do so as a member function.
  • If you’re overloading a unary operator, do so as a member function.
  • If you’re overloading a binary operator that does not modify its left operand (e.g. operator+), do so as a normal function (preferred) or friend function.
  • If you’re overloading a binary operator that modifies its left operand, but you can’t add members to the class definition of the left operand (e.g. operator<<, which has a left operand of type ostream), do so as a normal function (preferred) or friend function.
  • If you’re overloading a binary operator that modifies its left operand (e.g. operator+=), and you can modify the definition of the left operand, do so as a member function.

Boosted Material 5.0

Array Class

If you come from the other high level programming languages background, like in JavaScript you may notice there is something class prototypal inherited functions like Array.prototype.sort(). In C++ terms, you may say them The member functions attached to the class called on array objects. Come back to C++, in C++ you can know create such type of class and attach methods to this class. This Array class will be more helpful when you are dealing with such projects having Array data structure.

Fixed points in Array class

  1. Every Constructor has ist own allocted heap memory of size X
  2. Destrutor always delete the heap allocated memory
  3. Always overload Assignment Operator write and deallocate previous memory and reallocate with new memory
  4. Overload subscript operator [] for the l-value_r-value and const-r-value to get more abstraction

Every Array class has its these prequisite, then attached the other member functions that are necessary for your project.

Making Array Class constructors

  1. Every Constructor has ist own allocted heap memory of size X

2. Destrutor always delete the heap allocated memory

  1. Always overload Assignment Operator write and deallocate previous memory and reallocate with new memory The most important point that is here to understand, in assignment operator firstly we can check there is no self assigning &obj!=this then there is a chance the left hand object having a size different then the size of the right hand object. So if we copy them then the array index out of bounds issues will be created . To resolve these problems we can delete the left hand memory equal its size to right hand object size, then copy them.

  1. Overload subscript operator [] for the l-value_r-value and const-r-value to get more abstraction suppose we hava an array of size=5 in main we are accesing the array element be like arr[8] then what we get ? we are actually accessing the memory position of 4*3 bytes index out of bounds .We may get some garbage collection here. To restrict the user and resolve this problem we will apply the check if(index>=0 && index<size) else get the some alert result. There is some another interesting fact here is when we are re-assigning the array element with the new element in short terms over-writing the variable. Then we will returns the reference alias int & of the original array elementto overrite the image of that index value.

Default Array class blueprint

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class Array
    int *arr;
    int size;

        size = 1;
        arr = new int[size];
        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
            arr[i] = 0;
    Array(const int &size) : size{size}
        arr = new int[size];
        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
            arr[i] = 0;
    Array(const int &size, const int _arr[]) : size{size}
        arr = new int[size];
        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
            arr[i] = _arr[i];
    Array(const Array &obj) : size{obj.size}
        arr = new int[size];
        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
            arr[i] = obj.arr[i];
    Array operator=(const Array &obj)
        if (&obj != this)
            size = obj.size;
            delete[] arr;
            arr = new int[size];
            for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                arr[i] = obj.arr[i];
        return *this;
    int operator[](const int &index) const
        if (index >= 0 && index < size)
            return arr[index];
        cout << "Array Index is Out-of-Bound" << endl;

    // OVERLOADED _SUBSCRIPT OPERATOR(For the L-value and R-value)
    int &operator[](const int &index)
        if (index >= 0 && index < size)
            return arr[index];
        cout << "Array Index is Out-of-Bound" << endl;


    void putData()
        cout << "Put the data in the all array elements of size " << size << ": \n";
        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
            cin >> arr[i];
    void getData()
        cout << "The data in the all array elements of size " << size << ": \n";
        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
            cout << arr[i] << "\n";
        delete[] arr;
int main()
    int a[5] = {5, 4, 3, 2, 1};

    Array obj1, obj2(7), obj3(5, a), obj4(obj3);
    const Array objc(5, a);

    obj4[3] = 9;

    cout << obj4[3] << endl;

    cout << objc[4] << endl;
    return 0;

Object RelationShips

In daily life we see that everyting is connected to oneanother ,like we see that leaves are conncected to the branches and braches are connected to tree. The life of leaves depends upon the attachment of leaves. In same case we see that human has a heart, car uses a volume and Cat is a animal. In programming every class is connected to another realted class wit a different relationships.There are two major type of relatioships in this case.

  1. has-a relationship
  2. is-a realtioship

has-a relatioship

It means to keep the object of one class in another class.It is containership possession. In a has-a realtionship we can say that , Parent class has a child class . The used class totally dependent or independent on the creation or destruction of the main class.This relationship is further divided into two more steps.

  1. Composition (Strong RelationShip)
  2. Aggregation (Week RelationShip)


Like, we early discuss that classes have a relationship between them like in real world. The life of creation and death, ownership depends upon the suiation we uses as it is is has-a , uses-a, is-a etc relationship.In one of them is a named is aggregation.

  • The part (member) is part of the object (class)
  • The part (member) can belong to more than one object (class) at a time
  • The part (member) does not have its existence managed by the object (class)
  • The part (member) does not know about the existence of the object (class)

Basic Concept:

When we want to use some properties and methods of an external class object in a parent class object.The used class has no think about its uses in the class. In this realtionship the parent class knows the presence of the used class but used class does'nt know about it.The life of creation of both classes is totally independent.The parent class destroys but the used class even remains.

When to use

When we want to use same class in many classes as a data member, or want to use the some properties and methods of class.Like an engine of automobile is used in different cars. Like audi, mahran, civiv all three cars uses the same engine then we use aggreagtion of engine class in these cars. Engine is totally unware about the presence of car, but car knows about the presence of the engine.

How to use

Just use the pointer or a reference& of a used object or a pointer * address of the used object.This refernce refers to the used class object in the parent class.Reference or alias & actually have a just differnet name of the original object actually we are using the same address value.When the reference then it does'nt mean that the actual class also detroys, only this refernce varaible having address of refered class destroys.And in pointer pass the adress of the aggregated object .used its address and play with it.

Aggregation by refernce &

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class Engine
    string speed;
    int model;

    Engine(string speed, int model) : speed(speed), model(model) {}
    friend ostream &operator<<(ostream &out, const Engine &engine)
        out << "The speed of the engine :" << engine.speed << "\n";
        out << "The model of the engine :" << engine.model << "\n";
        return out;

class Car
    const Engine &engine;//use reference of Engine
    string name;
    int price;
    Car(const Engine &engine, string name, int price) : engine(engine)
        this->name = name;
        this->price = price;
    friend ostream &operator<<(ostream &out, const Car &car)
        out << "The name of the car :" << << "\n";
        out << "The price of the car :" << car.price << "\n";
        out << "The specifications of the engine :\n"
            << car.engine << "\n";
        return out;
int main()
    Engine engine("200Km/h", 2002);
        Car car(engine, "Mehran", 200);
        cout << car << "\n";
    }                       // this object destroys out of block
    cout << engine << "\n"; // but the engine object still remains

    return 0;

Aggregation by Pointer *

#include "iostream"

using namespace std;

class Teacher
	int eCode;
	string tName;

	Teacher(int eCode, string tName)
		this->eCode = eCode;
		this->tName = tName;

	void teacherInfo()
		cout << "e-code = " << eCode << "\tt-name = " << tName << endl;

class Department
	int dNo;
	string dName;

	Teacher* teacher;	//holds a reference to Teacher : Aggregation (week binding)

	Department(int dNo, string dName, Teacher* teacher)
		this->dNo = dNo;
		this->dName = dName;

		this->teacher = teacher;	//data member teacher holds the reference/address of a Teacher

	void departmentInfo()
		cout << "d-no = " << dNo << "\td-name = " << dName << endl;

		if (teacher != NULL)			//if teacher exists
			teacher->teacherInfo();		//display teacher information

int main()
	Teacher t(100, "Khan");

	Department d(1, "DIT", &t);			//&t reference of teacher


	return 0;



It is case where one object(part) is a** part** of another object(whole).It is also known as part-whole relationship.It is** strong relationship** because ownership is involved.

< / p>

To qualify for composition 😎 ?

  1. The part(member) is part of the object(class).


As in above picture, class B is a part of class A,it means for class B behaves as data member for class or in class A.

  1. The part(member) can only belong to one object(class) at a time.


As in above picture, it is clear that class B is private data member of class A,so it can not be a data member of an other class at the same timeand it makes a sense.

  1. The part(member) has its existence managed by the object(class).


When object of** A** is created object of ** B** is created inside** A** too. When object of** A** is destroyed part object of** B** is also destroyed.

  1. The part(member) does not know about the existence of the object(class).


The creationand destruction of part** B** (data member of class * _A**) does not affect or controll the creation and destruction of object of _ _A _ *.

why there is a need of composition ? 👀

< / p>


In the above picture : Single class * _person _ *controls every thing.

  • Not scalable
  • Error prone
  • Not reusable in other class
  • Redefine all attributes and functions separately for other classes
  • For example student, doctor teacher, and patient

< / p>


In the above picture : -Design separate classes(name, date, address, person).

  • Add objects(name, date, address) as variables in class(** person**).
  • Scalable
  • Less Error prone
  • Reusable in other classes such as student, doctorand teacher, patient
  • No need to redefine all attributes and functions separately for other classes

calling sequence 👀

< / p>

-Default constructor: in * _same order _ *as defined objects in class 1)name 2)date 3)address 4)person

  • Destructor: in * _reverse order _ *as defined objects in class 1)person 2)address 3)date 4)name
  • Parametrized constructor: called in * _order of member initializer syntax _ * : dateofBirth(d, m, y), pname(fn, ln), paddress(city, country, street, house) 1)date 2)name 3)address 4)person
    using namespace std;

class Address
    int houseNo;
    char blockNo;
    char town[30];
    char city[30];

    Address(int h, int b, char* t, char* c) // Parameterized constructor
        houseNo = h;
        blockNo = b;
        strcpy(town, t); // strcpy( ) is a built - in function used
        //to copy one string(character array) to another, However, we can also define our own function.strcpy(city, c);
    friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const Address& a)
        out << "House No:" << a.houseNo << '\n';
        out << "Block No:" << a.blockNo << '\n';
        out << "Town:" << << '\n';
        out << "City:" << << '\n';
        return out;

class Employee
    static int employeeCount; // To Assign employeeID
    int employeeID;
    char name[50];
    Address address;
    int salary;
    // Parameterized Constructor to initialize the Address of the employee

    Employee(int s, char* n, int h, char b, char* t, char* c)
        : address(h, b, t, c)
        employeeID = employeeCount;
        strcpy(n, name);
        salary = s;
    friend ostream& operator << (ostream& out, const Employee& a)
        out << "Employee No:" << a.employeeID << '\n';
        out << "Name :" << << '\n';
        out << "Salary:" << a.salary << '\n';
        out << "Address\n" << a.address; // Calls the stream operator from Address class
        return out;
int Employee::employeeCount = 1;

int main()
    char name[] = "Waleed";
    char town[] = "Johar Town";
    char city[] = "Lahore";

    Employee Emp_1(100000, name, 46, 'H', town, city);
    cout << Emp_1;
    return 0;


Important Points

  • Always pass the aggregated object const because otherwise accidently its a chance to change the aggreagated object properties nad methods by using its public methods.To secure this use const with them

  • From the abstraction point of view, mainly use the refernce & aggreagtion because in main we jus pass the aggregated objec name without adding & sign with it. So the user don't know about the concepts of aggreagation and composition.

  • Never judge the has-a relationship type by just seeing the data types like you see Array *arr; and decide its a aggreagation. No,may be user use this poinetr for the making dynamic compostion this arr=new Array[5] .So for judging we can see the constructor of the class and see here whether the address are copied or used for dynamic purposes.


It is used to create a generic function and classes.


Step by step explain concepts deeply ,proper examples with tested portions, short notes in the form of slides , external material links and much more.








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