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XDMA Communication

Tutorial for an XDMA-based peripheral FPGA design using dma_ip_drivers.

Table of Contents


PCI Express is a Layered Protocol. With the XDMA Driver (dma_ip_drivers) running on the host PC and an XDMA IP Block in your FPGA project, you operate at the Application layer. You read from and write to what appears as a file but it accesses the AXI Bus in your FPGA project. The XDMA Driver and XDMA IP Block handle the lower layers.

The XDMA driver creates character device files for access to an AXI Bus. For DMA transfers to M_AXI blocks, /dev/xdma0_h2c_0 is Write-Only and /dev/xdma0_c2h_0 is Read-Only. To read from an AXI Block at address 0x12345000 you would read from address 0x12345000 of the /dev/xdma0_c2h_0 (Card-to-Host) file. To write you would write to the appropriate address of the /dev/xdma0_h2c_0 (Host-to-Card) file. For single word (32-Bit) register-like reads and writes to M_AXI_LITE blocks, /dev/xdma0_user is Read-Write.

pread/pwrite combine lseek and read/write. Note the Linux Kernel has a write limit of 0x7FFFF000=2147479552 bytes per call.

#include <unistd.h>

ssize_t pread(int fd, void *buf, size_t count, off_t offset);
ssize_t pwrite(int fd, const void *buf, size_t count, off_t offset);

Software Access to Memory-Mapped Blocks

See Creating a Memory-Mapped XDMA Block Diagram Design below for instructions to re create the simple included demo, xdma_mm.tcl. It can also be retargeted to other FPGAs and/or boards. Configuration bitstreams are available for the Innova-2.

XDMA Memory-Mapped Demo Block Diagram


The M_AXI interface is for Direct Memory Access (DMA) to AXI blocks.

M_AXI Network

The BRAM Controller Block attached to the interface has an address of 0xC0000000 and a size of 8KB (smallest that will consistently work). You can increase the Size/Range up to the maximum that Vivado will successfully implement based on your FPGA's resources.

M_AXI Addresses

The following is some minimal C code without error checking. Observe the buffer is defined as an array of 32-Bit unsigned integers (uint32_t) and is used as such but pread/pwrite operate on bytes, hence the #defines for DATA_BYTES and DATA_WORDS. /dev/xdma0_h2c_0 (Host-to-Card) is opened as Write-Only (O_WRONLY). /dev/xdma0_c2h_0 (Card-to-Host) is opened as Read-Only (O_RDONLY).

#define DATA_BYTES    8192
#define DATA_WORDS    (DATA_BYTES/4)

uint32_t buffer[DATA_WORDS];
uint64_t address = 0xC0000000;
ssize_t rc;

// Fill the buffer with data
for (int i = 0; i < DATA_WORDS; i++) { buffer[i] = (DATA_WORDS - i); }

printf("Buffer Contents before H2C write: \n");
printf("[0]=%04d, [4]=%04d, [%d]=%04d\n",
        (uint32_t)buffer[0], (uint32_t)buffer[4],
        (DATA_WORDS - 3), (uint32_t)buffer[(DATA_WORDS - 3)]);

// Open M_AXI H2C Host-to-Card Device as Write-Only
int xdma_h2cfd = open("/dev/xdma0_h2c_0", O_WRONLY);

// Write the full buffer to the FPGA design's BRAM
rc = pwrite(xdma_h2cfd, buffer, DATA_BYTES, address);

// Clear the buffer to make sure data was read from FPGA
printf("\nClearing buffer.\n");
for (int i = 0; i < DATA_WORDS ; i++) { buffer[i] = 0; }

// Open M_AXI C2H Card-to-Host Device as Read-Only
int xdma_c2hfd = open("/dev/xdma0_c2h_0", O_RDONLY);

// Read the full buffer from the FPGA design's BRAM
rc = pread(xdma_c2hfd, buffer, DATA_BYTES, address);

printf("\nBuffer Contents after C2H read: \n");
printf("[0]=%04d, [4]=%04d, [%d]=%04d\n",
        (uint32_t)buffer[0], (uint32_t)buffer[4],
        (DATA_WORDS - 3), (uint32_t)buffer[(DATA_WORDS-3)]);

printf("\nrc = %ld = bytes read from FPGA's BRAM\n", rc);


mm_axi_test.c contains the above in a full C program.

gcc -Wall mm_axi_test.c -o mm_axi_test
sudo ./mm_axi_test

M_AXI_LITE Test Program


The M_AXI_LITE interface is useful for single word access to register-like blocks as communication is via single Transaction Layer Packet (TLP) requests.

M_AXI_LITE Network

The BRAM Controller Block attached to the interface has an address of 0x40010000 and a size of 8KB (smallest that will consistently work). You can increase the Size/Range up to the maximum that Vivado will successfully implement based on your FPGA's resources.

M_AXI_LITE Addresses

The XDMA Block in the example is set up with a PCIe to AXI Translation offset of 0x40000000 which must be subtracted from the intended AXI address. It is safest to leave the offset at 0 in your designs but useful to be aware of if you are working with other's projects.


The following is some minimal C code without error checking. Note count=4 is fixed for pread/pwrite as each M_AXI_LITE TLP transaction consists of a 32-bit=4-byte data word. /dev/xdma0_user is opened Read-Write (O_RDWR) as it is designed for low throughput control data.

// Open M_AXI_LITE Device as Read-Write
int xdma_userfd = open("/dev/xdma0_user", O_RDWR);

#define XDMA_PCIe_to_AXI_Translation_Offset 0x40000000
uint64_t address = 0x40010000 - XDMA_PCIe_to_AXI_Translation_Offset;
uint32_t data_word = 0xAA55A55A;
ssize_t rc;

rc = pwrite(xdma_userfd, &data_word, 4, address);

data_word = 0;

rc = pread(xdma_userfd, &data_word, 4, address);

printf("AXILite Address 0x%08lX after offset has data: 0x%08X",
        address, data_word);
printf(", rc = %ld\n", rc);


mm_axilite_test.c contains the above in a full C program.

gcc -Wall mm_axilite_test.c -o mm_axilite_test
sudo ./mm_axilite_test

M_AXI_LITE Test Program

Software Access to AXI Stream Blocks

AXI4-Stream is designed for continuous throughput. Multiples of the tdata width (64-Bits for this demo) up to the Stream FIFO depth need to be read from C2H (Card-to-Host) or written to H2C (Host-to-Card).

XDMA Stream Block

See Creating an AXI4-Stream XDMA Block Diagram Design below for instructions to recreate the simple included demo, xdma_stream.tcl. It can also be retargeted to other FPGAs and/or boards. Configuration bitstreams are available for the Innova-2.

Each pair of input (H2C) floating-point values is multiplied to an output (C2H) floating-point value. To account for FIFOs built into the AXI4-Stream blocks, 16 floats (64-bytes) are sent and 8 are received. Data is sent and received to address 0 as it is a stream. The data stream sinks into S_AXIS_C2H_? and flows from M_AXIS_H2C_? interfaces. Check out the xdma_stream_512bit project for a more complex demonstration.

XDMA Stream Demo Block Diagram

#define DATA_SIZE 64

float h2c_data[H2C_FLOAT_COUNT];
float c2h_data[C2H_FLOAT_COUNT];
ssize_t rc = 0;

int xdma_fd_wrte = open("/dev/xdma0_h2c_0", O_WRONLY);
int xdma_fd_read = open("/dev/xdma0_c2h_0", O_RDONLY);

printf("H2C_FLOAT_COUNT = %d, C2H_FLOAT_COUNT = %d\n",

// fill the write data buffer with floating point values
for (int i = 0; i < H2C_FLOAT_COUNT; i++) { h2c_data[i]=(3.14*(i+1)); }

// write data buffer to the AXI Stream - a float is 4-bytes
rc = pwrite(xdma_fd_wrte, h2c_data, (H2C_FLOAT_COUNT * 4), 0);
printf("Write returned rc = %ld = number of bytes sent\n", rc);

// read data from the AXI Stream into buffer - a float is 4-bytes
rc = pread (xdma_fd_read, c2h_data, (C2H_FLOAT_COUNT * 4), 0);
printf("Read  returned rc = %ld = number of bytes received\n", rc);

// print the data in the return data (C2H) buffer
uint32_t j = 0;
float expected = 0;
for (int i = 0 ; i < H2C_FLOAT_COUNT; i=i+2)
    j = floor((i / 2));
    printf("%-2d, %-2d, h2c[%02d]*[%02d]=c2h[%02d] = %f*%f = %f",
            i, j, i, (i+1), j, h2c_data[i], h2c_data[(i+1)], c2h_data[j]);
    if (fabs((h2c_data[i] * h2c_data[(i+1)]) - c2h_data[j]) > 0.01)
        expected = (h2c_data[i] * h2c_data[(i+1)]);
        printf(" -- ERROR, was expecting %f", expected);


stream_test.c contains the above in a full C program.

gcc -Wall stream_test.c -o stream_test -lm
sudo ./stream_test

AXI-Stream Test Program

Creating a Memory-Mapped XDMA Block Diagram Design

This procedure will recreate the design in xdma_mm.tcl, which can also be source'ed in Vivado and retargeted to other FPGAs and/or boards to avoid the following.

Start Vivado and choose Create Project:

Create Project

It should be an RTL Project with no source files to start.

Create RTL Project

Choose the FPGA to target:

Choose Target FPGA

Create a Block Design:

Create Block Design

Add IP Blocks:

Add IP Blocks

Add XDMA Block

Add an XDMA Block:

Add XDMA Block

Run Block Automation:

Run Block Automation

Choose PCIe Lane Width and Link Speed compatible with your target board. Select AXI Memory Mapped for the DMA interface and add an AXI Lite interface.

XDMA AXI Memory Mapped with AXI Lite

Block Automation should add the external PCIe TX+RX, Reset, and Clock signals:

Block Diagram after XDMA Block Automation

Double-click the xdma_0 Block to open it up for customization. Notice AXI Data Width is 64-Bit.

XDMA Block Properties

The PCIe Block Location chosen should be the closest PCIE Block adjacent to the transceiver Quad that the PCIe lanes are connected to on your FPGA board. Refer to the Device Packaging and Pinouts Product Specification User Guide.

FPGA Banks

Set the PCIe ID Base Class to Memory Controller as the Sub Class to Other memory controller.

PCIe ID Settings

A PCIe to AXI Translation offset is useful to make sure the Size of your AXI Lite BAR overlaps the address space of all peripheral blocks. This is useful when a soft-core processor has its peripherals in a sequence at some address range like 0x7001000, 0x7002000, 0x7003000, etc. Leave it at 0 unless you have a reason to change it. It is set to a non-zero value in this example for illustrative purposes so that readers are aware of it when communicating with other's projects. The offset should be 0 or larger than Size: 0x40000000 > 1MB==1048576==0x100000. This offset becomes the lowest accessible memory address. All M_AXI_LITE IP Block addresses must be greater than the offset.

AXI Lite BAR Setup

The XDMA Driver will create a /dev/xdma0_? file for each channel. Multiple channels allow multiple programs or threads to access the AXI blocks in your design.

Memory Mapped DMA Channels

Add SmartConnect Blocks

Add AXI SmartConnect:

Add AXI SmartConnect

For this project only one of each interface is required.

SmartConnect Block Properties

Both the M_AXI and M_AXI_LITE interfaces should have their own SmartConnect block. Connect their aclk input to the xdma_0 block's axi_aclk and their aresetn input to axi_aresetn. Connect the S00_AXI port of one block to M_AXI of the XDMA Block and similarly for M_AXI_LITE.

SmartConnect Blocks for each AXI Interface

Add BRAM Controller Blocks

Add AXI BRAM Controller:

Add AXI BRAM Controller

Add a BRAM Controller for each SmartConnect interface and connect their S_AXI ports to the corresponding M00_AXI port of the SmartConnect blocks.

BRAM Controller Block for each SmartConnectInterface

Double-click the axi_bram_ctrl_0 block connected to the PCIe M_AXI interface and choose a Data Width that matches the AXI Data Width of the xdma_0 block which is 64-Bit for this example. The Number of BRAM interfaces is set to 1 to simplify the design.

M_AXI BRAM Controller Data Width is 64-Bit

Double-click the axi_bram_ctrl_1 block connected to the PCIe M_AXI_LITE interface and choose AXI4LITE as the AXI Protocol which forces the Data Width to 32-Bit. The Number of BRAM interfaces is set to 1 to simplify the design.

M_AXI_LITE BRAM Controller Protocol is AXI4LITE

Run Block Automation:

Run Block Automation

Choose to generate a new Block Memory for each (New Blk_Mem_Gen):

AXI BRAM Controller New Blk_Mem_Gen

A Block Memory Generator should appear for each BRAM Controller.

Block Memory Generator for each BRAM Controller

Click on the Block to Select it:

Select IP Block

Press CTRL-R to rotate the block:

Rotate Block with CTRL-R

Memory-Mapped Block Diagram

The Block Diagram is now complete:

XDMA Memory-Mapped Demo Block Diagram

Address Editor

Open the Address Editor tab, right-click and select Assign All:

Address Editor Assign All

Edit the AXI Block addresses as required. The Range is the size that Vivado will implement for each block and this is where you set it. If the value is too large for your target FPGA then Implementation will fail. Larger sizes may have timing issues as more FPGA resources that are further apart are needed. Even though each Network can have overlapping addresses, avoid this as it can lead to confusion.

AXI Addresses


Right-click in the Sources window to Add Sources:

Add Sources

Add or Create a Constraints File:

Add Constraints File

Create File:

Create File

Name the Constraints File:

Name the Constraints File

Double-click the constraints.xdc file to edit it.

Constraints File

You will need to edit the PCIe TX/RX, Reset, and Clock signals to your board's pins. The TX/RX and Clock signals are differential but only the positive terminals need to be set as that restricts the other terminal. CONFIG_MODE and other BITSTREAM settings may also need to be set for your target board.

set_property PACKAGE_PIN AH36 [get_ports {pcie_7x_mgt_rtl_0_rxp[0]}]

set_property PACKAGE_PIN AB27 [get_ports {diff_clock_rtl_0_clk_p[0]}]
create_clock -name sys_clk -period 10.000 [get_ports diff_clock_rtl_0_clk_p]

set_property PACKAGE_PIN F2 [get_ports reset_rtl_0]
set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports reset_rtl_0]
set_false_path -from [get_ports reset_rtl_0]

set_property CONFIG_MODE SPIx8 [current_design]
set_property BITSTREAM.GENERAL.COMPRESS TRUE [current_design]
# ... rest of BITSTREAM settings ...

Edit constraints XDC File

HDL Wrapper

Right-click on your Block Diagram (.bd) design file and choose Create HDL Wrapper:

Create HDL Wrapper

Let Vivado Manage the HDL Wrapper file:

Let Vivado Manage HDL Wrapper

Generate Bitstream

The source files should now be ready for Bitsream generation:

Sources Ready for Bitstream Generation

Generate the Bitstream:

Generate the Bitstream

Synthesis and Implementation should take about 10 minutes:

Resources Used

Generate a Memory Configuration File and follow your board's instructions for programming.

Generate a Memory Configuration File

Creating an AXI4-Stream XDMA Block Diagram Design

This procedure will recreate the design in xdma_stream.tcl, which can also be source'ed in Vivado and retargeted to other FPGAs and/or boards to avoid the following.

Create Project

It should be an RTL Project with no source files to start.

Create RTL Project

Choose the FPGA to target:

Choose Target FPGA

Create a Block Design:

Create Block Design

Add IP Blocks:

Add IP Blocks

Add XDMA Stream Block

Add an XDMA Block:

Add XDMA Block

Run Block Automation:

Run Block Automation

Choose PCIe Lane Width and Link Speed compatible with your target board. Select AXI Stream as the DMA Interface and add an AXI Lite interface:

XDMA Block Automation Stream and AXILite

Block Automation should add the external PCIe TX+RX, Reset, and Clock signals:

Block Diagram after XDMA Block Automation

Double-click the xdma_0 Block to open it up for customization. Notice AXI Data Width is 64-Bit.

XDMA Block Properties

The PCIe Block Location chosen should be the closest PCIE Block adjacent to the transceiver Quad that the PCIe lanes are connected to on your FPGA board. Refer to the Device Packaging and Pinouts Product Specification User Guide.

FPGA Banks

Set the PCIe ID Base Class to Memory Controller as the Sub Class to Other memory controller.

PCIe ID Settings

A PCIe to AXI Translation offset is useful to make sure the Size of your AXI Lite BAR overlaps the address space of all peripheral blocks. This is useful when a soft-core processor has its peripherals in a sequence at some address range like 0x7001000, 0x7002000, 0x7003000, etc. Leave it at 0 unless you have a reason to change it. It is set to a non-zero value in this example for illustrative purposes so that readers are aware of it when communicating with other's projects. The offset should be 0 or larger than Size: 0x40000000 > 1MB==1048576==0x100000. This offset becomes the lowest accessible memory address. All M_AXI_LITE IP Block addresses must be greater than the offset.

AXI Lite BAR Setup

Each channel has an AXI-Stream circuit: S_AXIS_C2H_? or M_AXIS_H2C_?. The XDMA Driver will create a /dev/xdma0_c2h_? or /dev/xdma0_h2c_? file for each channel.

Stream DMA Channels

Click on the + next to the S_AXIS_C2H_0 and M_AXIS_H2C_0 channels to expand them. Note the tdata width. It is 64-Bits for this demo. Connect S_AXIS_C2H_1 and M_AXIS_H2C_1 to each other for loopback testing.

XDMA Stream Block

AXI4-Stream Broadcaster Block

Add an AXI4-Stream Broadcaster block which will take a 64-Bit=8-Byte input stream and output two 32-Bit=4-Byte streams. Connect its S_AXIS input to M_AXIS_H2C_0 of the XDMA Block. Its aclk should connect to the XDMA block's axi_aclk. Its aresetn should connect to the XDMA block's axi_aresetn.

AXI-Stream Broadcaster Block

Set it up to convert an 8-Byte=64-Bit input stream into two 4-Byte=32-Bit output streams:

AXI-Stream Broadcaster Properties

In the Stream Splitting Options tab, one of the output streams is set up to be the lower 32-bits of the input and the second stream is the upper 32-bits.

AXI-Stream Broadcaster Stream Splitting Options

Floating-Point Block

Add a Floating-Point block to the stream as an example of something useful. Connect its S_AXIS_? inputs to the M??_AXIS outputs of the AXI4-Stream Broadcaster. Its aclk and aresetn signals should connect to axi_aclk and axi_aresetn of the XDMA Block.

Each pair of 32-bit=4-byte single precision floating-point values in the 64-Bit=8-Byte Host-to-Card (H2C) stream gets multiplied to produce a floating-point value in the 64-Bit=8-Byte Card-to-Host (C2H) stream. Half as many reads from C2H are necessary as writes to H2C.

Floating-Point Block

The floating-point block is set up to multiply the inputs.

Floating-Point Block Settings

Full DSP usage is set to maximize throughput.

Floating-Point Block Optimization Settings

The interface is set up as Blocking so that the AXI4-Stream interfaces include tready signals like the rest of the Stream blocks.

Floating-Point Block Interface Settings

Data Width Converter

Add an AXI4-Stream Data Width Converter. Connect its S_AXIS input to the 32-Bit=4-Byte M_AXIS_RESULT output of the Floating-Point block. Connect its output M_AXIS port to the S_AXIS_C2H_0 port of the XDMA Block. Its aclk and aresetn signals should connect to axi_aclk and axi_aresetn of the XDMA Block.

AXI4-Stream Data Width Converter Block

Set it up to convert its 32-Bit=4-Byte input into a 64-Bit=8-Byte output compatible with the C2H port of the XDMA Block. It will use a FIFO to convert pairs of 32-Bit=4-Byte inputs into 64-Bit=8-Byte outputs.

AXI4-Stream Data Width Converter Settings


Add M_AXI_LITE SmartConnect Block to XDMA Stream

Add AXI SmartConnect:

Add AXI SmartConnect

For this project only one of each interface is required.

SmartConnect Block Properties

Connect its aclk input to the xdma_0 block's axi_aclk and its aresetn input to axi_aresetn. Connect the S00_AXI port of the SmartConnect block to the M_AXI_LITE port of the XDMA Block.

SmartConnect Blocks for each AXI Interface

Add BRAM Controller Blocks to XDMA Stream

Add an AXI BRAM Controller:

Add AXI BRAM Controller

Connect its S_AXI port to a M??_AXI port of the SmartConnect block.

BRAM Controller Block for each SmartConnectInterface

Double-click the axi_bram_ctrl_0 block connected to the PCIe M_AXI_LITE interface and choose AXI4LITE as the AXI Protocol which forces the Data Width to 32-Bit. The Number of BRAM interfaces is set to 1 to simplify the design.

M_AXI_LITE BRAM Controller Protocol is AXI4LITE

Run Block Automation:

Run Block Automation

Choose to generate a new Block Memory (New Blk_Mem_Gen) for the BRAM Controller:

AXI BRAM Controller New Blk_Mem_Gen

A Block Memory Generator should appear for each BRAM Controller.

Block Memory Generator for each BRAM Controller

Click on the Block to Select it:

Select IP Block

Press CTRL-R to rotate the block:

Rotate Block with CTRL-R

M_AXI_LITE BRAM Circuit Diagram

Finished BRAM Block connected to M_AXI_LITE. Adding other low-throughput register-like blocks such as GPIO is similarly accomplished by adding more M??_AXI ports to the SmartConnect Block.


Stream Block Diagram

The resulting complete XDMA Stream Block Diagram:

XDMA Stream Demo Block Diagram

Expanded view.

M_AXI_LITE Addresses

Open the Address Editor tab, right-click and select Assign All:

Address Editor Assign All

Edit the AXI Block addresses as required. The Range is the size that Vivado will implement for each block and this is where you set it. If the value is too large for your target FPGA then Implementation will fail. Larger sizes may have timing issues as more FPGA resources that are further apart are needed.

Set M_AXI_LITE Addresses

XDMA Stream Constraints

Right-click in the Sources window to Add Sources:

Add Sources

Add or Create a Constraints File:

Add Constraints File

Create File:

Create File

Name the Constraints File:

Name the Constraints File

Double-click the constraints.xdc file to edit it.

Constraints File

You will need to edit the PCIe TX/RX, Reset, and Clock signals to your board's pins. The TX/RX and Clock signals are differential but only the positive terminals need to be set as that restricts the other terminal. CONFIG_MODE and other BITSTREAM settings may also need to be set for your target board.

set_property PACKAGE_PIN AH36 [get_ports {pcie_7x_mgt_rtl_0_rxp[0]}]

set_property PACKAGE_PIN AB27 [get_ports {diff_clock_rtl_0_clk_p[0]}]
create_clock -name sys_clk -period 10.000 [get_ports diff_clock_rtl_0_clk_p]

set_property PACKAGE_PIN F2 [get_ports reset_rtl_0]
set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports reset_rtl_0]
set_false_path -from [get_ports reset_rtl_0]

set_property CONFIG_MODE SPIx8 [current_design]
set_property BITSTREAM.GENERAL.COMPRESS TRUE [current_design]
# ... rest of BITSTREAM settings ...

Edit constraints XDC File

XDMA Stream HDL Wrapper

Right-click on your Block Diagram (.bd) design file and choose Create HDL Wrapper:

Create HDL Wrapper

Let Vivado Manage the HDL Wrapper file:

Let Vivado Manage HDL Wrapper

Generate XDMA Stream Bitstream

The source files should now be ready for Bitsream generation:

Sources Ready for Bitstream Generation

Generate the Bitstream:

Generate the Bitstream

Synthesis and Implementation should take about 10 minutes:

Resources Used

Generate a Memory Configuration File and follow your board's instructions for programming.

Generate a Memory Configuration File

Recreating a Project from a Tcl File

Run the source command in the Vivado Tcl Console to recreate a project. The constraints.xdc file needs to be in the same directory.

source PROJECT_NAME.tcl

Vivado source Tcl Project

Porting the Design to Another FPGA

If your board and target FPGA are different than those in the .tcl project file, the design can be re-targeted.

Under Tools->Settings, change the Project Device.

Change Project Device

The project's IP will now be out-of-date. Run Report IP Status.

Status of Project IP

Select all the IP check boxes and run Upgrade Selected.

Upgrade IP

The IP should upgrade successfully if it is not too different an FPGA.

IP Successfully Upgraded

Rerun IP Status to confirm everything has upgraded.

Rerun IP Status

Edit the constraints file to target your FPGA board.

Edit constraints XDC File

Generate the Bitstream:

Generate the Bitstream

Install XDMA Driver from dma_ip_drivers

Download and extract the November 10, 2023, commit a93d4a4 version of Xilinx's DMA IP Drivers.

cd ~
wget -O
mv dma_ip_drivers-a93d4a4870e41d152b33aebb3f869eefb11aa691 dma_ip_drivers

cd dma_ip_drivers/XDMA/linux-kernel/xdma/
make DEBUG=1
sudo make install

sudo depmod -a
sudo ldconfig

cd ~/dma_ip_drivers/XDMA/linux-kernel/tools

sudo reboot

Useful Links