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This testdata directory contains the following files:

  • unsorted.txt - an example of "raw" output from Postwhite that has not been sorted or uniqued

  • sort-n.txt - original data sorted using sort -n

  • sort-V.txt - original data sorted using sort -V

  • sort-u.txt - original data sorted using sort -u

  • sort-uV.txt - original data sorted using sort -u -V

  • sort-un.txt - original data sorted using sort -u -n

  • sort-untk.txt - original data sorted using sort -u -n -t. -k 1,1 -k 2,2 -k 3,3 -k 4,4

  • sort-tkn.txt - original data sorted using sort -t. -k1,1n -k2,2n -k3,3n -k4,4n

  • sort-tkn-uniq.txt - output of uniq sort-tkn.txt. This is Postwhite's current approach to sorting and unique-ing as of v1.16.

Note that only the data sorted with -u and -u -V resulted in unique rules without any data loss. All other unique sorts combining -u with -n- resulted in valid whitelist rules being removed from the unsorted data.

Using sort -V would be ideal, but the -V sort option is not available on all platforms, so I did not include it as the default option in Postwhite.

Please feel free to experiment with this data, and if you have a suggestion for a better sort option, I'm all ears! :)