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OpenTelemetry Instrumentation



pip install opentelemetry-instrumentation

This package provides a couple of commands that help automatically instruments a program:


You need to install a distro package to get auto instrumentation working. The opentelemetry-distro package contains the default distro and automatically configures some of the common options for users. For more info about opentelemetry-distro check here

pip install opentelemetry-distro[otlp]


opentelemetry-bootstrap --action=install|requirements

This commands inspects the active Python site-packages and figures out which instrumentation packages the user might want to install. By default it prints out a list of the suggested instrumentation packages which can be added to a requirements.txt file. It also supports installing the suggested packages when run with --action=install flag.


opentelemetry-instrument python

The instrument command will try to automatically detect packages used by your python program and when possible, apply automatic tracing instrumentation on them. This means your program will get automatic distributed tracing for free without having to make any code changes at all. This will also configure a global tracer and tracing exporter without you having to make any code changes. By default, the instrument command will use the OTLP exporter but this can be overridden when needed.

The command supports the following configuration options as CLI arguments and environment vars:

  • --traces_exporter or OTEL_TRACES_EXPORTER
  • --metrics_exporter or OTEL_METRICS_EXPORTER

Used to specify which trace exporter to use. Can be set to one or more of the well-known exporter names (see below).

  • Defaults to otlp.
  • Can be set to none to disable automatic tracer initialization.

You can pass multiple values to configure multiple exporters e.g, zipkin,prometheus

Well known trace exporter names:

  • jaeger_proto
  • jaeger_thrift
  • opencensus
  • zipkin_json
  • zipkin_proto
  • otlp
  • otlp_proto_grpc (deprecated)
  • otlp_proto_http (deprecated)

Note: The default transport protocol for otlp is gRPC. HTTP is currently supported for traces only, and should be set using OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_TRACES_PROTOCOL=http/protobuf

  • --id-generator or OTEL_PYTHON_ID_GENERATOR

Used to specify which IDs Generator to use for the global Tracer Provider. By default, it will use the random IDs generator.

The code in needs to use one of the packages for which there is an OpenTelemetry integration. For a list of the available integrations please check here


If set by the user, opentelemetry-instrument will read this environment variable to disable specific instrumentations. e.g OTEL_PYTHON_DISABLED_INSTRUMENTATIONS = "requests,django"


opentelemetry-instrument --traces_exporter otlp flask run --port=3000

The above command will pass --traces_exporter otlp to the instrument command and --port=3000 to flask run.

opentelemetry-instrument --traces_exporter zipkin_json,otlp celery -A tasks worker --loglevel=info

The above command will configure global trace provider, attach zipkin and otlp exporters to it and then start celery with the rest of the arguments.

opentelemetry-instrument --id_generator random flask run --port=3000

The above command will configure the global trace provider to use the Random IDs Generator, and then pass --port=3000 to flask run.
