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This is a strongly-typed binary message parser written in TypeScript. I wrote this a couple of years ago as part of a medium article.

It was a culmination of some of my learnings from working at Senti. The main purpose is to take in binary data from a source (such as TCP, HTTP or file IO) and parse it into usable data structures (JS Objects).


To run the server in a production ready fashion, run npm compile in the current directory, then in the dist directory, run: node index.js. This starts the server. Alternatively, run: npm start which will start nodemon in a dev server environment.

In a separate window, run: npm test:integration which runs the test client. This connects to the TCP server and sends a door message to the localhost on port 9999. Logs can be checked.

Skills shown

  • Performant NodeJS code with minimal external dependencies.
  • Documentation
  • TCP understanding
  • Advanced TypeScript
  • Pipe and filter design pattern
  • NodeJS project architecture
  • NodeJS streams experience
  • Binary protocol development
  • Object pooling
  • Automated unit testing using Jest and integration testing