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Routing and Navigation package.


This package aims to provide a powerful routing abstraction over Flutter Navigators. Using a most declarative and concise approach you will be able to model complex navigation flows without needing to worry about several complex aspects and tricky behaviours that the framework will handle for you.

Below you will find a description of the main components of this frameworks, and how you can use they in your project.

Main Concepts

Basic usage

class MyRouter extends SimpleRouter {
  Map<String, Screen> get screensMap  => {
    'MyScreenRouteName': Screen.card((screenContext) => MyScreen(screenContext))
class MyGlobalRouter extends GlobalRouter {
   List<Router> get routers => [
final router = MyGlobalRouter();

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  return MaterialApp(onChangeRoute: router.getRoute);


Envelopes a widget that is going to be presented as a Screen by a Navigator. The Screen contains a ScreenBuilder function, and some attributes, like transition type, that are going to be used to generate a route properly.



A Router is just a interface that aims to provide a screen for a given route name.

abstract class Router {
  Screen getScreen({String routeName});

  Future<DeepLinkFlow> getDeepLinkFlowForUrl(String url) => null;

Below you will find some implementations of this Interface that can be used to define the Routing in you application.


Basic Usage:

class ChatRouter extends SimpleRouter {
  Map<String, Screen> get screensMap => {
        'test': Screen<void>.card((screenContext) => ChatHomeScreen(screenContext)),

  Map<String, String> get deepLinksMap => {
        '/myGroup/test/': 'test',


  • screensMap

A Map<String, Screen> that contains the mapping between RouteNames and Screens.

  • deepLinksMap

A Map<String, String> that contains the mapping between deeplink path and RouteNames. The keys accept path params template notation, eg: /myFeature/:id/details

  • deepLinkPrefix

A String, that will be used as prefix for every entry key at the deepLinksMaps.

  • screenWrapper

A function that will receives a ScreenContext and a child Widget. Should return a new Widget that wraps this child Widget. The Wrapper will be applied to all Screens in this Router. (this function runs one time for each screen, and not one time for the entire Router).


GroupRouter extends the SimpleRouter so, every option of the SimpleRouter can be used here. In addition to that the GroupRouter supports a list if child Routers to be iterated in the case of itself not being able to resolve the requested RouteName.

class LendingRouter extends GroupRouter {

  List<Router> get routers => [



All from SimpleRouter plus:

  • routers

A List<Router> that will be called in the case of the GroupRouter itself not being able to resolve the RouteName.

  • deepLinkPrefix

Behaves like the one in the SimpleRouter, but in the case of the DeepLink being dispatched to the child routers, it will have this prefix trimmed/removed before sending down it.

Writing Custom Routers


You will find the FlowRouter that can be used as a Mixin for any SimpleRouter subclass this Mixin enables the Router to present it's screens in a nested Navigator as a new Flow in the App. Flow Routers are a very powerful abstraction that enables any Router to easily become a Flow coordinator.


class MyRouter extends SimpleRouter with FlowRouter<void> {
  Map<String, Screen> get screensMap  => {
    'MyScreenRouteName': Screen.card<void>((screenContext) => MyScreen(screenContext))


(All from the extendend Router plus)

  • transitionType

The Transition type that will be used to present the flow with the first screen already mounted.

  • flowWrapper

Overridable function that will provide a Wrapper for the entire Flow. Useful for providing information to the context that will be shared by all flow screens.

  • initialRouteName

RouteName of the first Screen of this Flow, will permit the usage of the method: flowRouter.initialScreen to get the initial screen of this Flow.


Is an abstraction created to help you navigate through Screens. Every ScreenWidget will receive a ScreenContext, that contains an instance of a NavigationService. NavigationService contains custom pushNamed, pop and others methods for navigating inside the Navigators. NavigationService will handle properly Nested Navigators, Flows and other tricky behaviours originated from complex Navigation structures.

Always use the NavigationService when wanting to navigate!

NavigationService can be extended (and usually is encouraged) to include custom navigation methods with already typed params and responses.