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132 lines (106 loc) · 5.76 KB

File metadata and controls

132 lines (106 loc) · 5.76 KB



  • Fix problems caused by bump in analyzer dependency


  • Update README
  • Update pubspec.yaml to support analyzer up to version 0.41.0


  • [BREAKING] Rename classes to avoid conflicts with Flutter 1.22 Router Widget
    • Router was renamed to NuRouter
    • The NuRouter annotation was renamed to nuRouter const or customNuRouter function


  • Fix NPE exception when a old instance of router tries calling some methods on it's nuvigator


  • Fix a NavigationObserver error when the nuvigator is updated. Now we are reloading the inheritableObservers and StateTracker when has an update.


  • Add support for typed screen arguments on deep links. In addition to String, we now support int, double, bool, and DateTime.


  • Update ReCase version support to '>= 2.0.0 <3.1.0'


  • Updates the codebase to flutter 1.17 (stable) version


  • Support query parameters with dashes by converting them to camelCase


  • Downgrade the analyzer dependency to '>=0.38.5 <0.40.0'


  • Fix an exception when the args are null because are passed by the constructor


  • Fix the Nuvigator.of(context) to start the search at the last state instead of root


  • Make initialDeepLink work passing arguments to destination route


  • Allow to pass an initialDeepLink
  • Add new option to pop SystemNavigator on last screen of the Root Router


  • [BREAKING] API Simplifications/Changes.
    • Removal of ScreenWidget and related generated classes.
    • Removal of FlowRoute, now you can use the default ScreenRoute and pass the Nuvigator to the builder function.
    • Removal of GlobalRouter, every Router had it's capabilities incorporated, you can override previous GlobalRouter properties directly in your topmost Router class, and pass it directly to the Nuvigator.
    • Removal of Nuvigator initialArgs auto-passing, now you should explicitly provide the arguments required to the nested nuvigator. The suggestion is to pass it to the Router constructor.
    • Removal of FlowRouters.
    • Nested Nuvigators will not have it's router exposed by the parent anymore.
    • Use extension methods to navigation methods in the Router. Instead of ExampleNavigation.of(context).toRoute() use Router.of<ExampleRouter>(context).toExampleRoute().
    • Use of extension methods to screensMap and routers generator. Instead of passing this to the function, just call the private getter _$screensMap and _$routers in the Router class.
    • Unify Router and BaseRouter, instead of extending BaseRouter you should extend Router directly.
    • Rename getDeepLinkPrefix to deepLinkPrefix.
    • initialRoute is now a required argument to Nuvigator.
  • [IMPORTANT] Router instances should be unique per Nuvigator. The same Router instance SHOULD NOT be shared by different Nuvigator (we advise to create new instances together with the Nuvigator).
  • A bug was fixed were the maybePop method was not consistent with the Android back button behavior. Now the expected behavior is to always pop the Route of the active Nuvigator.
  • Nuvigator now keeps track of it's Route stack.
  • Added debug flag to Nuvigator to log all route transitions/changes.
  • Observers management was moved into the state lifecycle to ensure that inheritableObservers are always going to be considered.
  • [BUMP] Updates to Flutter 1.12.1, resolves some deprecation warnings.
  • A toMap getter was added to Args* classes to serialize them into Map<String, Object>.
  • Added new mixin NuvigatorRoute that should be incorporated by PageRoutes used in custom ScreenTypes. While this mixin is optional, it will guarantee the correct behavior of Android's back button and also make nested Nuvigators Routes present AppBar back buttons correctly based in the overall App state, and not only by the current Nuvigator. (The provided screensTypes Material and Cupertino have already been update to include this new Mixin).
  • Improvement of some error messages that could be misleading or produce unexpected error.


  • Increase plugins version range


  • Fix the bug when Android back button is pressed closing the app. Now, when the back button is pressed, the nuvigator will try to close the current page and will just close the app when doesn't have any pages to pop.


  • Add FlowRouter back, compatible with the new API of nested Nuvigators
  • Increase version constraint of analyzer


  • Fix a bug when trying to call onDeepLinkNotfound


  • Update pubspec.yaml dependencies versions


  • Improve pub description and update packages


  • [BREAKING] Major refactor and API revamp
  • Create Nuvigator navigator widget
  • Make Hero animations work
  • Screen was renamed to ScreenRoute
  • FlowRoute is a ScreenRoute for nested Nuvigators.
  • Make ScreenRoute cary information about DeepLinks
  • Make GlobalRouter able to be created with callbacks and a baseRouter
  • Add cupertinoDialogScreenType ScreenType
  • Provide access to the GlobalRouter through InheritedWidgets
  • Remove the need to extend the GlobalRouter
  • Removal of NavigationService in favor of ScreenRoute
  • Removal of FlowRouter in favor of nested Nuvigators
  • Removal of ScreenContext in favor of BuildContext
  • Added code generation for creating code from a base Router defined


  • Fix transition animation when coming from native
  • Fix transition animation when popping from flow


  • FlowRouter type now extends Object
  • The arguments of push methods was changed from Map to Object
  • ScreenWidget now is generic to set args type (default is Object)


  • Add popUntil to NavigationService


  • Initial version