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Framework Release Notes

Rob Prouse edited this page Mar 12, 2018 · 26 revisions

NUnit 3.10 - March 12, 2018

This release adds a .NET Standard 2.0 version of the framework which re-enables most of the features that have been missing in our earlier .NET Standard builds like parallelism, timeouts, directory and path based asserts, etc. It also contains numerous bug fixes and smaller enhancements. We've improved our XML docs, fixed performance issues and added more detail to Multiple Asserts.

This release also contains source linked PDB files allowing developers to debug into the NUnit Framework. This allows you to track down errors or see how the framework works.

In order to support the .NET Standard 2.0 version, the NUnit project switched to the new CSPROJ format and now requires Visual Studio 2017 to compile. This only effects people contributing to the project. NUnit still supports building and compiling your tests in older .NET IDE's and NUnit still supports older versions of the .NET Framework back to 2.0. For contributors, NUnit can now compile all supported targets on Windows, Linux and Mac using the Cake command line build.

Issues Resolved

  • 1212 Separate AssertionHelper project or assembly
  • 1373 Setting with a null value
  • 1382 Use array argument contents in name of parameterized tests rather than just array type.
  • 1578 TestContext.CurrentTest exposes too much internal info
  • 1678 Result Message: OneTimeSetUp: Category name must not contain ',', '!', '+' or '-'
  • 1944 Removing Compact Framework workarounds
  • 1958 System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException after run finished
  • 2033 Nameof refactor
  • 2202 Best practices for XML doc comments
  • 2325 Retry attribute doesn't retry the test.
  • 2331 Repo does not build in VS without running build -t build first
  • 2405 Improve PropertyConstraint error output
  • 2421 Publishing symbols with releases
  • 2494 CollectionAssert.AllItemsAreUnique() very slow
  • 2515 Retarget Solution to use the New CSPROJ Format
  • 2518 Bug in CollectionAssert.AreEqual for ValueTuples.
  • 2530 Running tests on main thread. Revisiting #2483
  • 2542 NUnit does not support parallelism on .NET Core 2.0
  • 2555 CI timeout: NUnit.Framework.Assertions.CollectionAssertTest.PerformanceTests
  • 2564 Add minClientVersion to .nuspec files
  • 2566 Refactor SimpleEnumerableWithIEquatable test object
  • 2577 Warning in TearDown is inconsistent with Assertion failure
  • 2580 Remove unused defines
  • 2591 NUnitEqualityComparer.Default should be replaced with new NUnitEqualityComparer()
  • 2592 Add .props with ProjectCapability to suppress test project service GUID item
  • 2608 Culture differences on .NET Core on non-Windows causes test failures
  • 2622 Fix flakey test
  • 2624 Prevent emails for successful builds on Travis
  • 2626 SetUp/TearDown methods are invoked multiple times before/after test in .NET Standard targeted projects
  • 2627 Breaking change in CollectionAssert.AllItemsAreUnique with NUnit 3.9
  • 2628 Error during installing tools when running build script
  • 2630 Framework throws NullReferenceException if test parameter is marked with [Values(null)]
  • 2632 Parallel tests are loading 100% CPU when nested SetUpFixture exists
  • 2639 ValuesAttribute causes ExpectedResult to have no effect
  • 2647 Add Current Attempt indicator in TestContext for use with RetryAttribute
  • 2654 Address feedback from @oznetmaster
  • 2656 NuGet package links to outdated license
  • 2659 Naming Errors
  • 2662 NullReferenceException after parallel tests have finished executing
  • 2663 Building NUnit .NET 4.5 in VS2017 fails
  • 2669 Removed vestigial build script helper method
  • 2670 Invalid assemblies no longer give an error message
  • 2671 Ensure that FailureSite.Child is used where appropriate.
  • 2685 Remove Rebracer file
  • 2688 Assert.Throws swallows console output
  • 2695 MultipleAssertException doesn't provide proper details on failures
  • 2698 Syntax suggestions errors as warnings
  • 2704 Add Constraint to test whether actual item is contained in expected collection
  • 2711 NUnitLite: Add support for --nocolor option
  • 2714 AnyOfConstraint enumerates multiple times
  • 2725 Enable 'strict' compilation flag
  • 2726 Replace the ConcurrentQueue and SpinWait compatibility classes
  • 2727 Avoid treating warnings as errors inside the IDE
  • 2734 TestCaseAttribute: ExpectedResult should support same value conversion as normal method arguments
  • 2742 FailureSite not correctly set on containing suites when tests are ignored.
  • 2749 Update Travis SDK versions

NUnit 3.9 - November 10, 2017

This release addresses numerous parallelization issues that were introduced in 3.8 when method level parallelization was added. Most of the parallelization issues resolved were tests never completing when using some combinations of parallel tests and ApartmentState not being properly applied to tests in all cases.

Issues Resolved

  • 893 Inconsistent Tuple behavior.
  • 1239 NUnit3 sometimes hangs if SetUpFixtures are run in parallel
  • 1346 NullReferenceException when [TestFixtureSource] refers to data in a generic class.
  • 1473 Allow Is.Ordered to Compare Null Values
  • 1899 Constraint Throws.Exception does not catch exception with async lambdas
  • 1905 SetupFixture without namespace will make assembly-level Parallelable attribute useless
  • 2091 When a native exception of corrupted state is thrown, nunit test thread crashes and the nunit-console process hangs
  • 2102 NUnitLite incorrectly reports Win 10 OS name
  • 2271 When CollectionAssert.AreEqual do compare each element, it will ignore the IEquatable of the element too
  • 2289 ResolveTypeNameDifference does not handle generic types well
  • 2311 Resolve test projects' namespace situation
  • 2319 Add .editorconfig to set file encodings so that people don't have to think about it
  • 2364 Parallelizable attribute not invalidating invalid parallel scope combinations
  • 2372 Create testing for compounded ConstraintFilters
  • 2388 Parallelization causes test cases to stop respecting fixture's apartment state
  • 2395 NUnit 3.8+ does not finish running tests
  • 2398 NUnit CI spurious failures, NUnit.Framework.Internal.ThreadUtilityTests.Kill
  • 2402 --labels=All doesn't show anything in console output executing NUnitLite Console Runner
  • 2406 Summary descriptions replaced by more detailed ones
  • 2411 And constraint on Has.Member throws
  • 2412 Using fluent syntax unintentionally removed in 3.8
  • 2418 Support equality comparison delegate
  • 2422 Has.Property causes AmbiguousMatchException for shadowing properties
  • 2425 XML doc typo fix
  • 2426 Regression in 3.8.1: ApartmentAttribute no longer works when applied to an assembly
  • 2428 Fix NullReferenceExceptions caused by WorkItemQueue not being thread-safe
  • 2429 Stack trace shown for Assert.Warn
  • 2438 [Parallelizable] hangs after a few tests
  • 2441 Allows to override load-time/execution-time interfaces in built-in tests attributes
  • 2446 CI failure in mono Warning tests
  • 2448 Inherited Test SetUp, TearDown, etc. are not executed in .NET Core if they are not public
  • 2451 Compile RegEx to improve performance
  • 2454 SetUpFixture not respecting NonParallelizable tag on TestFixtures.
  • 2459 [Parallelizable(ParallelScope.Children)] Unable to finish tests
  • 2465 Possible wrong properties are returned by reflection in ReflectionExtensions.cs
  • 2467 Test execution hangs when using [SetUpFixture] with NUnit 3.8.x
  • 2469 Allow RangeAttribute to be specified multiple times for the same argument
  • 2471 Parametrized testcases not running in parallel
  • 2475 Framework incorrectly identifies Win 10 in xml results
  • 2478 Attributes on SetUpFixture are not applied
  • 2486 Message when asserting null with Is.EquivalentTo could be more helpful
  • 2497 Use ConstraintUtils.RequireActual through out the codebase
  • 2504 Support changing test display name on TestFixtureData
  • 2508 Correct divergence from shadowed Is / Has members.
  • 2516 When test writes something to the stdErr there is no guaranteed way to link a test-output event to a target test using ITestEventListener
  • 2525 Remove unwanted space from comment
  • 2526 SerializationException in low trust floating point equality test
  • 2533 Matches(Predicate) throws ArgumentException or Fails when actual is null
  • 2534 SetUpFixture causes NUnit to lock with Apartment( STA )
  • 2551 CollectionItemsEqualConstraint is missing Using(Func<T, T, bool>)
  • 2554 Made TestFixtureData.SetName internal for 3.9

NUnit 3.8.1 - August 28, 2017

This release fixes two critical regressions in the 3.8 release. The first caused the console runner to crash if you are using test parameters. The second issue caused collection constraints checking for multiple items in a collection to fail.

Issues Resolved

  • 2386 Contains.Item() fails for collections in NUnit 3.8
  • 2390 Missing value attribute in test parameters setting causes NullReferenceException in console

NUnit 3.8 - August 27, 2017

This release removes several methods and attributes that were marked obsolete in the original 3.0 release. Support for iOS and Android has been improved.

An issue that caused unit tests to run slower was addressed as was a bug that prevented the use of Assert.Multiple in async code.

The Order attribute can now also be applied to the class level to set the order that test fixtures will be run.

Issues Resolved

  • 345 Order of Fixture Execution
  • 1151 Include differences in output for Is.EquivalentTo
  • 1324 Remove CollectionContainsConstraint
  • 1670 Attaching files to the test result
  • 1674 InRange-Constraint must work with object
  • 1851 TestCaseSource unable to pass one element byte array
  • 1996 Timeout does not work if native code is running at the time
  • 2004 Has.One as synonym for Has.Exactly(1).Items
  • 2062 TestCaseSource attribute causes test to pass when source is not defined
  • 2144 Allow option on RandomAttribute to produce distinct values
  • 2179 Some NUnit project's tests fail on systems with CultureInfo other than en
  • 2195 Contains.Substring with custom StringComparison
  • 2196 Expose ParallelizableAttribute (and other attribute) constructor arguments as properties
  • 2201 Invalid platform name passed to PlatformAttribute should mark test NotRunnable
  • 2208 StackFIlter trims leading spaces from each line
  • 2213 SetCultureAttribute: CultureInfo ctor should use default culture settings
  • 2217 Console runner performance varies wildly depending on environmental characteristics
  • 2219 Remove Obsolete Attributes
  • 2225 OneTimeTearDown and Dispose Ordering
  • 2237 System.Runtime.Loader not available for iOS/Android
  • 2242 Running tests directly should never surface a NullReferenceException
  • 2244 Add KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue> to the default formatters
  • 2251 Randomizer.NextGuid()
  • 2253 Parallelizable(ParallelScope.Fixtures) doesn't work on a TestFixture
  • 2254 EqualTo on ValueTuple with Nullable unexpected
  • 2261 When an assembly is marked with ParallelScope.None and there are Parallelizable tests Nunit hangs
  • 2269 Parallelizable and NonParallelizable attributes on setup and teardown silently ignored
  • 2276 Intermittent test failures in Travic CI: TestContextTests
  • 2281 Add type constraint for Throws and any method requiring Exception
  • 2288 Killing thread cancels test run
  • 2292 Is.Ordered.By() with a field throws NullReferenceException
  • 2298 Write TestParametersDictionary to xml result file in readable format
  • 2299 NUnitLite NuGet package no longer installs NUnit NuGet package
  • 2304 Revert accidental doc removal
  • 2305 Correct misprint ".con" -> ".com"
  • 2312 Prevent crash on invalid --result parsing in NUnitLite
  • 2313 Incorrect xmldoc on RetryAttribute
  • 2332 Update build script to use NUnitConsoleRunner v3.7.0
  • 2335 Execute OneTimeTearDown as early as possible when running fixtures in parallel
  • 2342 Remove deprecated Is.String* Constraints
  • 2348 Can't use Assert.Multiple with async code
  • 2353 Provide additional Result information through TestContext
  • 2358 Get framework to build under Mono 5.0
  • 2360 Obsolete CollectionContainsConstraint Constructors
  • 2361 NUnit Parallelizable and OneTimeSetUp with no namespace results in single-threaded test execution
  • 2370 TestCaseAttribute can't convert int to nullable long

NUnit 3.7.1 - June 6, 2017

This is a hotfix release that addresses occasional hangs when using test parallelization and fixes crashes in NCrunch prior to version 3.9.

Issues Resolved

  • 2205 NCrunch: System.Xml.XmlException: Root element is missing, when adding NUnit 3.7.0
  • 2209 NUnit occasionally hangs when parallelizable TestFixture has OneTimeSetUp and OneTimeTearDown

NUnit 3.7 - May 29, 2017

This release of NUnit expands on parallel test execution to allow test methods to be run in parallel. Please see the Parallelizable Attribute for more information.

NUnit 3.7 also drops the Portable build of the framework and replaces it with a .NET Standard 1.3 version to compliment the .NET Standard 1.6 version. This change enables several constraints and other features in the .NET Standard builds that weren't available in portable like Path and Directory based asserts.

The AssertionHelper class has been deprecated because it is seldom used and has not received any of the updates that Asserts and Constraints receive. If your code is using the AssertionHelper class, we recommend that you migrate your asserts.

Issues Resolved

  • 164 Run test methods within a fixture in parallel
  • 391 Multiple Assertions
  • 652 Add ability to execute test actions before SetUp or OneTimeSetUp
  • 1000 Support multiple Author attributes per test
  • 1096 Treat OneTimeSetup and OneTimeTearDown as separate work items
  • 1143 NUnitLite - Explore flag does not apply where filter to output
  • 1238 Feature request: Print LoaderExceptions when fixture loading fails
  • 1363 Make Timeouts work without running test on its own thread
  • 1474 Several SetUpFixtures at the same level may be active at the same time
  • 1819 TestContext.Progress.Write writes new line
  • 1830 Add --labels switch changes to NUnitLite and NUnitLite tests
  • 1859 ConcurrentQueue is duplicate with System.Threading.dll package
  • 1877 Resolve differences between NUnit Console and NUnitLite implementations of @filename
  • 1885 Test parameter containing a semicolon
  • 1896 Test has passed however Reason with an empty message is printed in the xml
  • 1918 Changing DefaultFloatingPointTolerance breaks tests running in parallel
  • 1932 NUnit Warn class should be removed from stack trace by filter
  • 1934 NullReferenceException when null arguments are used in TestFixtureAttribute
  • 1952 TestContext.Out null when used in task with .NET Core
  • 1963 Investigate removing SpecialValue
  • 1965 TestContext does not flow in async method
  • 1971 Switch CHANGES.txt to Markdown
  • 1973 Implemented TestExecutionContext to use AsyncLocal<> for NETSTANDARD1_6
  • 1975 TestFixtureSource doesn't work with a class that has no namespace
  • 1983 Add missing ConstraintExpression.Contain overload
  • 1990 Add namespace filter
  • 1997 Remove unused --verbose and --full command line options
  • 1999 Author Tests assume ICustomAttributeProvider.GetCustomAttributes return order is defined
  • 2003 Better user info about ParallelizableAttribute and ParallelScope
  • 2005 Exclude empty failure messages from results xml
  • 2007 3.6 Multiple assertion backwards compatibility
  • 2010 Add DelayedConstraint in NetStandard 1.6 build
  • 2020 Better message when timeout fails
  • 2023 Ability to abort threads running a message pump
  • 2025 NullReferenceException using Is.EqualTo on two unequal strings
  • 2030 Add method to mark tests as invalid with a reason
  • 2031 Limit Language level to C#6
  • 2034 Remove SilverLight project - no longer used
  • 2035 NullReferenceException inside failing Assert.That call
  • 2040 Cannot catch AssertionException
  • 2045 NUnitLite-runner crashes if no file is provided
  • 2050 Creation of TestExecutionContext should be explicit
  • 2052 NullReferenceException with TestCaseSource if a property has no setter
  • 2061 TestContext.WorkDirectory not initialized during build process
  • 2079 Make TestMethod.Arguments public or otherwise accessible (e.g. TestContext)
  • 2080 Allow comments in @FILE files
  • 2087 Enhance error message: Test is not runnable in single-threaded context. Timeout
  • 2092 Convert Portable library to .NET Standard 1.3
  • 2095 Extend use of tolerance to ComparisonConstraints
  • 2099 Include type in start-suite/start-test report elements
  • 2110 NullReferenceException when getting TestDirectory from TestContext
  • 2115 Mark AssertionHelper as Obsolete
  • 2121 Chained PropertyConstraint constraints report incorrect ActualValue
  • 2131 Remove "Version 3" suffix from NUnitLite NuGet Package
  • 2132 TestFixtureTests.CapturesArgumentsForConstructorWithMultipleArgsSupplied assumes order of custom attributes
  • 2143 Non-parallel fixture with parallel children runs in parallel with other fixtures
  • 2147 Test Assembly using NUnitLite & NUnit 3.6.1 hangs under .NET Core when --timeout is supplied on command line
  • 2150 Add portable-slow-tests to Cake file
  • 2152 Allow attaching files to TestResults
  • 2154 Fix execution of non-parallel test fixtures
  • 2157 Getting WorkerId inside Assert.Throws / DoesNotThrow returns null instead of previous non-null value
  • 2158 Update SetupFixtureAttribute XML Docs
  • 2159 Prevent crash in .NET standard with log file path
  • 2165 Trying to install NUnit 3.6.1 on .NET Framework asks for download of 20 more packages
  • 2169 Incorrect xmldocs for SetUpAttribute
  • 2170 Cake build fails if only Visual Studio 2017 installed
  • 2173 Remove PreTestAttribute and PostTestAttribute
  • 2186 Replace special characters as part of converting branch names to package versions
  • 2191 System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException with nunit3-console --debug on Mono

NUnit 3.6.1 - February 26, 2017

This is a hotfix release of the framework that addresses critical issues found in the 3.6 release.

Issues Resolved

  • 1962 A Theory with no data passes
  • 1986 NUnitLite ignores --workers option
  • 1994 NUnitLite runner crashing when --trace is specified
  • 2017 Two NUnit project's tests fail on systems with comma decimal mark settings
  • 2043 Regression in 3.6.0 when catching AssertionException

NUnit 3.6 - January 9, 2017

This release of the framework no longer includes builds for Compact Framework or for SilverLight, but adds a .NET Standard 1.6 build. If anyone still using Compact Framework or SilverLight and would like to continue development on those versions of the framework, please contact the NUnit team.


  • .NET Standard 1.6 is now supported
  • Adds support for Multiple Assert blocks
  • Added the --params option to NUnitLite
  • Theories now support Nullable enums
  • Improved assert error messages to help differentiate differences in values
  • Added warnings with Warn.If(), Warn.Unless() and Assert.Warn()
  • Enabled Path, File and Directory Asserts/Constraints for .NET Core testing
  • Added NonTestAssemblyAttribute for use by third-party developers to indicate that their assemblies reference the NUnit framework, but do not contain tests

Issues Resolved

  • 406 Warning-level Assertions
  • 890 Allow file references anywhere in the command line.
  • 1380 AppVeyor Failures when branch name is too long
  • 1589 Split the nunit repository into multiple repositories
  • 1599 Move Compact Framework to separate project
  • 1601 Move SilverLight to a separate project
  • 1609 Upgrade Cake build to latest version
  • 1661 Create .NET Standard Framework Build
  • 1668 Need implementation-independent way to test number of items in a collection
  • 1743 Provide multiple results for a test case in the XML output
  • 1758 No direct inverse for Contains.Key
  • 1765 TestCaseSourceAttribute constructor for method with parameters
  • 1802 Design Multiple Assert syntax as seen by users
  • 1808 Disambiguate error messages from EqualConstraint
  • 1811 Build.ps1 fails if spaces in path
  • 1823 Remove engine nuspecs and old global.json
  • 1827 Remove unused repository paths from repositories.config
  • 1828 Add Retry for failed tests only
  • 1829 NUnitLite accepts --params option but does not make any use of it.
  • 1836 Support nullable enums in Theories
  • 1837 [Request] AfterConstraint to support more readable usage
  • 1840 Remove SL and CF #Defined source
  • 1866 [Request] More readable way to set polling interval in After constraint
  • 1870 EqualConstraint result failure message for DateTime doesn't show sufficient resolution
  • 1872 Parameterized method being called with no parameter
  • 1876 What should we do about Env.cs
  • 1880 AttributeUsage for various Attributes
  • 1889 Modify NUnitLite to display multiple assert information
  • 1891 TestContext.Progress and TestContext.Error silently drop text that is not properly XML encoded
  • 1901 Make NUnitLite-runner Prefer32Bit option consistent across Debug/Release
  • 1904 Add .NET Standard 1.6 Dependencies to the Nuspec Files
  • 1907 Handle early termination of multiple assert block
  • 1911 Changing misleading comment that implies that every ICollection is a list
  • 1912 Add new warning status and result state
  • 1913 Report Warnings in NUnitLite
  • 1914 Extra AssertionResult entries in TestResults
  • 1915 Enable Path, File and Directory Assert/Constraints in the .NET Standard Build
  • 1917 Use of IsolatedContext breaks tests in user-created AppDomain
  • 1924 Run tests using the NUnit Console Runner
  • 1929 Rename zip and remove source zip
  • 1933 Tests should pass if test case source provides 0 test cases
  • 1941 Use dictionary-based property for test run parameters
  • 1945 Use high-quality icon for nuspecs
  • 1947 Add NonTestAssemblyAttribute
  • 1954 Change Error Message for Assert.Equals
  • 1960 Typo fixes
  • 1966 Xamarin Runner cannot reference NUnit NuGet Package

Earlier Releases

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