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chezmoi how-to guide

Perform daily operations

Use a hosted repo to manage your dotfiles across multiple machines

chezmoi relies on your version control system and hosted repo to share changes across multiple machines. You should create a repo on the source code repository of your choice (e.g. Bitbucket, GitHub, or GitLab, many people call their repo dotfiles) and push the repo in the source directory here. For example:

$ chezmoi cd
$ git remote add origin
$ git push -u origin main
$ exit

On another machine you can checkout this repo:

$ chezmoi init

You can then see what would be changed:

$ chezmoi diff

If you're happy with the changes then apply them:

$ chezmoi apply

The above commands can be combined into a single init, checkout, and apply:

$ chezmoi init --apply --verbose

Use a private repo to store your dotfiles

chezmoi supports storing your dotfiles in both public and private repos.

chezmoi is designed so that your dotfiles repo can be public by making it easy for you to store your secrets either in your password manager, in encrypted files, or in private configuration files. Your dotfiles repo can still be private, if you choose.

If you use a private repo for your dotfiles then you will typically need to enter your credentials (e.g. your username and password) each time you interact with the repo, for example when pulling or pushing changes. chezmoi itself does not store any credentials, but instead relies on your local git configuration for these operations.

When using a private repo on GitHub, when prompted for a password you will need to enter a GitHub personal access token. For more information on these changes, read the GitHub blog post on Token authentication requirements for Git operations

Pull the latest changes from your repo and apply them

You can pull the changes from your repo and apply them in a single command:

$ chezmoi update

This runs git pull --rebase in your source directory and then chezmoi apply.

Pull the latest changes from your repo and see what would change, without actually applying the changes


$ chezmoi git pull -- --rebase && chezmoi diff

This runs git pull --rebase in your source directory and chezmoi diff then shows the difference between the target state computed from your source directory and the actual state.

If you're happy with the changes, then you can run

$ chezmoi apply

to apply them.

Automatically commit and push changes to your repo

chezmoi can automatically commit and push changes to your source directory to your repo. This feature is disabled by default. To enable it, add the following to your config file:

    autoCommit = true
    autoPush = true

Whenever a change is made to your source directory, chezmoi will commit the changes with an automatically-generated commit message (if autoCommit is true) and push them to your repo (if autoPush is true). autoPush implies autoCommit, i.e. if autoPush is true then chezmoi will auto-commit your changes. If you only set autoCommit to true then changes will be committed but not pushed.

Be careful when using autoPush. If your dotfiles repo is public and you accidentally add a secret in plain text, that secret will be pushed to your public repo.

Install chezmoi and your dotfiles on a new machine with a single command

chezmoi's install script can run chezmoi init for you by passing extra arguments to the newly installed chezmoi binary. If your dotfiles repo is<github-username>/dotfiles then installing chezmoi, running chezmoi init, and running chezmoi apply can be done in a single line of shell:

$ sh -c "$(curl -fsLS" -- init --apply <github-username>

If your dotfiles repo has a different name to dotfiles, or if you host your dotfiles on a different service, then see the reference manual for chezmoi init.

For setting up transitory environments (e.g. short-lived Linux containers) you can install chezmoi, install your dotfiles, and then remove all traces of chezmoi, including the source directory and chezmoi's configuration directory, with a single command:

$ sh -c "$(curl -fsLS" -- init --one-shot <github-username>

Manage different types of file

Have chezmoi create a directory, but ignore its contents

If you want chezmoi to create a directory, but ignore its contents, say ~/src, first run:

$ mkdir -p $(chezmoi source-path)/src

This creates the directory in the source state, which means that chezmoi will create it (if it does not already exist) when you run chezmoi apply.

However, as this is an empty directory it will be ignored by git. So, create a file in the directory in the source state that will be seen by git (so git does not ignore the directory) but ignored by chezmoi (so chezmoi does not include it in the target state):

$ touch $(chezmoi source-path)/src/.keep

chezmoi automatically creates .keep files when you add an empty directory with chezmoi add.

Ensure that a target is removed

Create a file called .chezmoiremove in the source directory containing a list of patterns of files to remove. chezmoi will remove anything in the target directory that matches the pattern. As this command is potentially dangerous, you should run chezmoi in verbose, dry-run mode beforehand to see what would be removed:

$ chezmoi apply --dry-run --verbose

.chezmoiremove is interpreted as a template, so you can remove different files on different machines. Negative matches (patterns prefixed with a !) or targets listed in .chezmoiignore will never be removed.

Manage part, but not all, of a file

chezmoi, by default, manages whole files, but there are two ways to manage just parts of a file.

Firstly, a modify_ script receives the current contents of the file on the standard input and chezmoi reads the target contents of the file from the script's standard output. This can be used to change parts of a file, for example using sed. Note that if the file does not exist then the standard input to the modify_ script will be empty and it is the script's responsibility to write a complete file to the standard output.

Secondly, if only a small part of the file changes then consider using a template to re-generate the full contents of the file from the current state. For example, Kubernetes configurations include a current context that can be substituted with:

current-context: {{ output "kubectl" "config" "current-context" | trim }}

Manage a file's permissions, but not its contents

chezmoi's create_ attributes allows you to tell chezmoi to create a file if it does not already exist. chezmoi, however, will apply any permission changes from the executable_, private_, and readonly_ attributes. This can be used to control a file's permissions without altering its contents.

For example, if you want to ensure that ~/.kube/config always has permissions 600 then if you create an empty file called dot_kube/private_dot_config in your source state, chezmoi will ensure ~/.kube/config's permissions are 0600 when you run chezmoi apply without changing its contents.

This approach does have the downside that chezmoi will create the file if it does not already exist. If you only want chezmoi apply to set a file's permissions if it already exists and not create the file otherwise, you can use a run_ script. For example, create a file in your source state called containing:


if [ -f "$FILE" ]; then
    if [ "$(stat -c %a "$FILE")" != "600" ] ; then
        chmod 600 "$FILE"

Populate ~/.ssh/authorized_keys with your public SSH keys from GitHub

chezmoi can retrieve your public SSH keys from GitHub, which can be useful for populating your ~/.ssh/authorized_keys. Put the following in your ~/.local/share/chezmoi/dot_ssh/authorized_keys.tmpl, where username is your GitHub username:

{{ range (gitHubKeys "username") -}}
{{   .Key }}
{{ end -}}

Integrate chezmoi with your editor

Use your preferred editor with chezmoi edit and chezmoi edit-config

By default, chezmoi will use your preferred editor as defined by the $VISUAL or $EDITOR environment variables, falling back to a default editor depending on your operating system (vi on UNIX-like operating systems, notepad.exe on Windows).

You can configure chezmoi to use your preferred editor by either setting the $EDITOR environment variable or setting the edit.command variable in your configuration file.

The editor command must only return when you have finished editing the files. chezmoi will emit a warning if your editor command returns too quickly.

In the specific case of using VSCode or Codium as your editor, you must pass the --wait flag, for example, in your shell config:

$ export EDITOR="code --wait"

Or in chezmoi's configuration file:

    command = "code"
    args = ["--wait"]

Configure VIM to run chezmoi apply whenever you save a dotfile

Put the following in your .vimrc:

autocmd BufWritePost ~/.local/share/chezmoi/* ! chezmoi apply --source-path "%"

Include dotfiles from elsewhere

Include a subdirectory from another repository, like Oh My Zsh

To include a subdirectory from another repository, e.g. Oh My Zsh, you cannot use git submodules because chezmoi uses its own format for the source state and Oh My Zsh is not distributed in this format. Instead, you can use the .chezmoiexternal.<format> to tell chezmoi to import dotfiles from an external source.

For example, to import Oh My Zsh, the zsh-syntax-highlighting plugin, and powerlevel10k, put the following in ~/.local/share/chezmoi/.chezmoiexternal.toml:

    type = "archive"
    url = ""
    exact = true
    stripComponents = 1
    refreshPeriod = "168h"
    type = "archive"
    url = ""
    exact = true
    stripComponents = 1
    refreshPeriod = "168h"
    type = "archive"
    url = ""
    exact = true
    stripComponents = 1

To apply the changes, run:

$ chezmoi apply

chezmoi will download the archives and unpack them as if they were part of the source state. chezmoi caches downloaded archives locally to avoid re-downloading them every time you run a chezmoi command, and will only re-download them at most every refreshPeriod (default never).

In the above example refreshPeriod is set to 168h (one week) for .oh-my-zsh and .oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins/zsh-syntax-highlighting because the URL point to tarballs of the master branch, which changes over time. No refresh period is set for .oh-my-zsh/custom/themes/powerlevel10k because the URL points to the a tarball of a tagged version, which does not change over time. To bump the version of powerlevel10k, change the version in the URL.

To force a refresh the downloaded archives, use the --refresh-externals flag to chezmoi apply:

$ chezmoi --refresh-externals apply

--refresh-externals can be shortened to -R:

$ chezmoi -R apply

When using Oh My Zsh, make sure you disable auto-updates by setting DISABLE_AUTO_UPDATE="true" in ~/.zshrc. Auto updates will cause the ~/.oh-my-zsh directory to drift out of sync with chezmoi's source state. To update Oh My Zsh and its plugins, refresh the downloaded archives.

Include a single file from another repository

Including single files uses the same mechanism as including a subdirectory above, except with the external type file instead of archive. For example, to include plug.vim from in ~/.vim/autoload/plug.vim put the following in ~/.local/share/chezmoi/.chezmoiexternal.toml:

    type = "file"
    url = ""
    refreshPeriod = "168h"

Handle configuration files which are externally modified

Some programs modify their configuration files. When you next run chezmoi apply, any modifications made by the program will be lost.

You can track changes to these files by replacing with a symlink back to a file in your source directory, which is under version control. Here is a worked example for VSCode's settings.json on Linux:

Copy the configuration file to your source directory:

$ cp ~/.config/Code/User/settings.json $(chezmoi source-path)

Tell chezmoi to ignore this file:

$ echo settings.json >> $(chezmoi source-path)/.chezmoiignore

Tell chezmoi that ~/.config/Code/User/settings.json should be a symlink to the file in your source directory:

$ mkdir -p $(chezmoi source-path)/private_dot_config/private_Code/User
$ echo -n "{{ .chezmoi.sourceDir }}/settings.json" > $(chezmoi source-path)/private_dot_config/private_Code/User/symlink_settings.json.tmpl

The prefix private_ is used because the ~/.config and ~/.config/Code directories are private by default.

Apply the changes:

$ chezmoi apply -v

Now, when the program modifies its configuration file it will modify the file in the source state instead.

Import archives

It is occasionally useful to import entire archives of configuration into your source state. The import command does this. For example, to import the latest version to ~/.oh-my-zsh run:

$ curl -s -L -o ${TMPDIR}/oh-my-zsh-master.tar.gz
$ mkdir -p $(chezmoi source-path)/dot_oh-my-zsh
$ chezmoi import --strip-components 1 --destination ~/.oh-my-zsh ${TMPDIR}/oh-my-zsh-master.tar.gz

Note that this only updates the source state. You will need to run

$ chezmoi apply

to update your destination directory.

Manage machine-to-machine differences

Use templates

The primary goal of chezmoi is to manage configuration files across multiple machines, for example your personal macOS laptop, your work Ubuntu desktop, and your work Linux laptop. You will want to keep much configuration the same across these, but also need machine-specific configurations for email addresses, credentials, etc. chezmoi achieves this functionality by using text/template for the source state where needed.

For example, your home ~/.gitconfig on your personal machine might look like:

    email = ""

Whereas at work it might be:

    email = ""

To handle this, on each machine create a configuration file called ~/.config/chezmoi/chezmoi.toml defining variables that might vary from machine to machine. For example, for your home machine:

    email = ""

Note that all variable names will be converted to lowercase. This is due to a feature of a library used by chezmoi.

If you intend to store private data (e.g. access tokens) in ~/.config/chezmoi/chezmoi.toml, make sure it has permissions 0600.

If you prefer, you can use any format supported by Viper for your configuration file. This includes JSON, YAML, and TOML. Variable names must start with a letter and be followed by zero or more letters or digits.

Then, add ~/.gitconfig to chezmoi using the --autotemplate flag to turn it into a template and automatically detect variables from the data section of your ~/.config/chezmoi/chezmoi.toml file:

$ chezmoi add --autotemplate ~/.gitconfig

You can then open the template (which will be saved in the file ~/.local/share/chezmoi/dot_gitconfig.tmpl):

$ chezmoi edit ~/.gitconfig

The file should look something like:

    email = {{ .email | quote }}

To disable automatic variable detection, use the --template or -T option to chezmoi add instead of --autotemplate.

Templates are often used to capture machine-specific differences. For example, in your ~/.local/share/chezmoi/dot_bashrc.tmpl you might have:

# common config
export EDITOR=vi

# machine-specific configuration
{{- if eq .chezmoi.hostname "work-laptop" }}
# this will only be included in ~/.bashrc on work-laptop
{{- end }}

For a full list of variables, run:

$ chezmoi data

For more advanced usage, you can use the full power of the text/template language. chezmoi includes all of the text functions from sprig and its own functions for interacting with password managers.

Templates can be executed directly from the command line, without the need to create a file on disk, with the execute-template command, for example:

$ chezmoi execute-template "{{ .chezmoi.os }}/{{ .chezmoi.arch }}"

This is useful when developing or debugging templates.

Some password managers allow you to store complete files. The files can be retrieved with chezmoi's template functions. For example, if you have a file stored in 1Password with the UUID uuid then you can retrieve it with the template:

{{- onepasswordDocument "uuid" -}}

The -s inside the brackets remove any whitespace before or after the template expression, which is useful if your editor has added any newlines.

If, after executing the template, the file contents are empty, the target file will be removed. This can be used to ensure that files are only present on certain machines. If you want an empty file to be created anyway, you will need to give it an empty_ prefix.

Ignore files or a directory on different machines

For coarser-grained control of files and entire directories managed on different machines, or to exclude certain files completely, you can create .chezmoiignore files in the source directory. These specify a list of patterns that chezmoi should ignore, and are interpreted as templates. An example .chezmoiignore file might look like:
{{- if ne .chezmoi.hostname "work-laptop" }}
.work # only manage .work on work-laptop
{{- end }}

The use of ne (not equal) is deliberate. What we want to achieve is "only install .work if hostname is work-laptop" but chezmoi installs everything by default, so we have to turn the logic around and instead write "ignore .work unless the hostname is work-laptop".

Patterns can be excluded by prefixing them with a !, for example:


will ignore all files beginning with an f except foo.

Use completely different dotfiles on different machines

chezmoi's template functionality allows you to change a file's contents based on any variable. For example, if you want ~/.bashrc to be different on Linux and macOS you would create a file in the source state called dot_bashrc.tmpl containing:

{{ if eq .chezmoi.os "darwin" -}}
# macOS .bashrc contents
{{ else if eq .chezmoi.os "linux" -}}
# Linux .bashrc contents
{{ end -}}

However, if the differences between the two versions are so large that you'd prefer to use completely separate files in the source state, you can achieve this using a symbolic link template. Create the following files:


.bashrc_{{ .chezmoi.os }}


  # macOS .bashrc contents


# Linux .bashrc contents


{{ if ne .chezmoi.os "darwin" }}
{{ end }}
{{ if ne .chezmoi.os "linux" }}
{{ end }}

This will make ~/.bashrc a symlink to .bashrc_darwin on darwin and to .bashrc_linux on linux. The .chezmoiignore configuration ensures that only the OS-specific .bashrc_os file will be installed on each OS.

Without using symlinks

The same thing can be achieved using the include function.


{{ if eq .chezmoi.os "darwin" }}
{{   include ".bashrc_darwin" }}
{{ end }}
{{ if eq .chezmoi.os "linux" }}
{{   include ".bashrc_linux" }}
{{ end }}

Create a config file on a new machine automatically

chezmoi init can also create a config file automatically, if one does not already exist. If your repo contains a file called .chezmoi.<format>.tmpl where format is one of the supported config file formats (e.g. json, toml, or yaml) then chezmoi init will execute that template to generate your initial config file.

Specifically, if you have .chezmoi.toml.tmpl that looks like this:

{{- $email := promptString "email" -}}
    email = {{ $email | quote }}

Then chezmoi init will create an initial chezmoi.toml using this template. promptString is a special function that prompts the user (you) for a value.

To test this template, use chezmoi execute-template with the --init and --promptString flags, for example:

$ chezmoi execute-template --init --promptString < ~/.local/share/chezmoi/.chezmoi.toml.tmpl

Re-create your config file

If you change your config file template, chezmoi will warn you if your current config file was not generated from that template. You can re-generate your config file by running:

$ chezmoi init

If you are using any prompt* template functions in your config file template you will be prompted again. However, you can avoid this with the following example template logic:

{{- $email := "" -}}
{{- if (hasKey . "email") -}}
{{-   $email = .email -}}
{{- else -}}
{{-   $email = promptString "email" -}}
{{- end -}}

    email = {{ $email | quote }}

This will cause chezmoi to first try to re-use the existing $email variable and fallback to promptString only if it is not set.

Handle different file locations on different systems with the same contents

If you want to have the same file contents in different locations on different systems, but maintain only a single file in your source state, you can use a shared template.

Create the common file in the .chezmoitemplates directory in the source state. For example, create .chezmoitemplates/file.conf. The contents of this file are available in templates with the template *name* . function where name is the name of the file (. passes the current data to the template code in file.conf; see for details).

Then create files for each system, for example Library/Application Support/App/file.conf.tmpl for macOS and dot_config/app/file.conf.tmpl for Linux. Both template files should contain {{- template "file.conf" . -}}.

Finally, tell chezmoi to ignore files where they are not needed by adding lines to your .chezmoiignore file, for example:

{{ if ne .chezmoi.os "darwin" }}
Library/Application Support/App/file.conf
{{ end }}
{{ if ne .chezmoi.os "linux" }}
{{ end }}

Create an archive of your dotfiles

chezmoi archive creates an archive containing the target state. This can be useful for generating target state for a different machine. You can specify a different configuration file (including template variables) with the --config option.

Keep data private

chezmoi automatically detects when files and directories are private when adding them by inspecting their permissions. Private files and directories are stored in ~/.local/share/chezmoi as regular, public files with permissions 0644 and the name prefix private_. For example:

$ chezmoi add ~/.netrc

will create ~/.local/share/chezmoi/private_dot_netrc (assuming ~/.netrc is not world- or group- readable, as it should be). This file is still private because ~/.local/share/chezmoi is not group- or world- readable or executable. chezmoi checks that the permissions of ~/.local/share/chezmoi are 0700 on every run and will print a warning if they are not.

It is common that you need to store access tokens in config files, e.g. a GitHub access token. There are several ways to keep these tokens secure, and to prevent them leaving your machine.

Use 1Password

chezmoi includes support for 1Password using the 1Password CLI to expose data as a template function.

Log in and get a session using:

$ eval $(op signin <subdomain> <email>)

The output of op get item <uuid> is available as the onepassword template function. chezmoi parses the JSON output and returns it as structured data. For example, if the output of op get item "<uuid>" is:

    "uuid": "<uuid>",
    "details": {
        "password": "xxx"

Then you can access details.password with the syntax:

{{ (onepassword "<uuid>").details.password }}

Login details fields can be retrieved with the onepasswordDetailsFields function, for example:

{{- (onepasswordDetailsFields "uuid").password.value }}

Documents can be retrieved with:

{{- onepasswordDocument "uuid" -}}

Note the extra - after the opening {{ and before the closing }}. This instructs the template language to remove any whitespace before and after the substitution. This removes any trailing newline added by your editor when saving the template.

1Password sign-in prompt

chezmoi will verify the availability and validity of a session token in the current environment. If it is missing or expired, you will be interactively prompted to sign-in again.

In the past chezmoi used to simply exit with an error when no valid session was available. If you'd like to restore that behavior, set the following option in your configuration file (chezmoi.toml):

    prompt = false

A session token verified or acquired interactively will be passed to the 1Password CLI through a command-line parameter, which could be visible to other users of the same system. You should disable the prompt on shared machines for improved security.

Use Bitwarden

chezmoi includes support for Bitwarden using the Bitwarden CLI to expose data as a template function.

Log in to Bitwarden using:

$ bw login <bitwarden-email>

Unlock your Bitwarden vault:

$ bw unlock

Set the BW_SESSION environment variable, as instructed.

The structured data from bw get is available as the bitwarden template function in your config files, for example:

username = {{ (bitwarden "item" "").login.username }}
password = {{ (bitwarden "item" "").login.password }}

Custom fields can be accessed with the bitwardenFields template function. For example, if you have a custom field named token you can retrieve its value with:

{{ (bitwardenFields "item" "").token.value }}

Use gopass

chezmoi includes support for gopass using the gopass CLI.

The first line of the output of gopass show <pass-name> is available as the gopass template function, for example:

{{ gopass "<pass-name>" }}

Use KeePassXC

chezmoi includes support for KeePassXC using the KeePassXC CLI (keepassxc-cli) to expose data as a template function.

Provide the path to your KeePassXC database in your configuration file:

    database = "/home/user/Passwords.kdbx"

The structured data from keepassxc-cli show $database is available as the keepassxc template function in your config files, for example:

username = {{ (keepassxc "").UserName }}
password = {{ (keepassxc "").Password }}

Additional attributes are available through the keepassxcAttribute function. For example, if you have an entry called SSH Key with an additional attribute called private-key, its value is available as:

{{ keepassxcAttribute "SSH Key" "private-key" }}

Use Keychain or Windows Credentials Manager

chezmoi includes support for Keychain (on macOS), GNOME Keyring (on Linux), and Windows Credentials Manager (on Windows) via the zalando/go-keyring library.

Set values with:

$ chezmoi secret keyring set --service=<service> --user=<user>
Value: xxxxxxxx

The value can then be used in templates using the keyring function which takes the service and user as arguments.

For example, save a GitHub access token in keyring with:

$ chezmoi secret keyring set --service=github --user=<github-username>
Value: xxxxxxxx

and then include it in your ~/.gitconfig file with:

    user = {{ .github.user | quote }}
    token = {{ keyring "github" .github.user | quote }}

You can query the keyring from the command line:

$ chezmoi secret keyring get --service=github --user=<github-username>

Use LastPass

chezmoi includes support for LastPass using the LastPass CLI to expose data as a template function.

Log in to LastPass using:

$ lpass login <lastpass-username>

Check that lpass is working correctly by showing password data:

$ lpass show --json <lastpass-entry-id>

where <lastpass-entry-id> is a LastPass Entry Specification.

The structured data from lpass show --json id is available as the lastpass template function. The value will be an array of objects. You can use the index function and .Field syntax of the text/template language to extract the field you want. For example, to extract the password field from first the "GitHub" entry, use:

githubPassword = {{ (index (lastpass "GitHub") 0).password | quote }}

chezmoi automatically parses the note value of the Lastpass entry as colon-separated key-value pairs, so, for example, you can extract a private SSH key like this:

{{ (index (lastpass "SSH") 0).note.privateKey }}

Keys in the note section written as CamelCase Words are converted to camelCaseWords.

If the note value does not contain colon-separated key-value pairs, then you can use lastpassRaw to get its raw value, for example:

{{ (index (lastpassRaw "SSH Private Key") 0).note }}

Use pass

chezmoi includes support for pass using the pass CLI.

The first line of the output of pass show <pass-name> is available as the pass template function, for example:

{{ pass "<pass-name>" }}

Use Vault

chezmoi includes support for Vault using the Vault CLI to expose data as a template function.

The vault CLI needs to be correctly configured on your machine, e.g. the VAULT_ADDR and VAULT_TOKEN environment variables must be set correctly. Verify that this is the case by running:

$ vault kv get -format=json <key>

The structured data from vault kv get -format=json is available as the vault template function. You can use the .Field syntax of the text/template language to extract the data you want. For example:

{{ (vault "<key>") }}

Use a custom password manager

You can use any command line tool that outputs secrets either as a string or in JSON format. Choose the binary by setting secret.command in your configuration file. You can then invoke this command with the secret and secretJSON template functions which return the raw output and JSON-decoded output respectively. All of the above secret managers can be supported in this way:

Secret Manager secret.command Template skeleton
1Password op {{ secretJSON "get" "item" <id> }}
Bitwarden bw {{ secretJSON "get" <id> }}
HashiCorp Vault vault {{ secretJSON "kv" "get" "-format=json" <id> }}
LastPass lpass {{ secretJSON "show" "--json" <id> }}
KeePassXC keepassxc-cli Not possible (interactive command only)
pass pass {{ secret "show" <id> }}

Encrypt whole files with gpg

chezmoi supports encrypting files with gpg. Encrypted files are stored in the source state and automatically be decrypted when generating the target state or printing a file's contents with chezmoi cat. chezmoi edit will transparently decrypt the file before editing and re-encrypt it afterwards.

Asymmetric (private/public-key) encryption

Specify the encryption key to use in your configuration file (chezmoi.toml) with the gpg.recipient key:

encryption = "gpg"
    recipient = "..."

Add files to be encrypted with the --encrypt flag, for example:

$ chezmoi add --encrypt ~/.ssh/id_rsa

chezmoi will encrypt the file with:

gpg --armor --recipient ${gpg.recipient} --encrypt

and store the encrypted file in the source state. The file will automatically be decrypted when generating the target state.

Symmetric encryption

Specify symmetric encryption in your configuration file:

encryption = "gpg"
    symmetric = true

Add files to be encrypted with the --encrypt flag, for example:

$ chezmoi add --encrypt ~/.ssh/id_rsa

chezmoi will encrypt the file with:

gpg --armor --symmetric

Encrypt whole files with age

chezmoi supports encrypting files with age. Encrypted files are stored in the source state and automatically be decrypted when generating the target state or printing a file's contents with chezmoi cat. chezmoi edit will transparently decrypt the file before editing and re-encrypt it afterwards.

Generate a key using age-keygen:

$ age-keygen -o $HOME/key.txt
Public key: age1ql3z7hjy54pw3hyww5ayyfg7zqgvc7w3j2elw8zmrj2kg5sfn9aqmcac8p

Specify age encryption in your configuration file, being sure to specify at least the identity and one recipient:

encryption = "age"
    identity = "/home/user/key.txt"
    recipient = "age1ql3z7hjy54pw3hyww5ayyfg7zqgvc7w3j2elw8zmrj2kg5sfn9aqmcac8p"

Add files to be encrypted with the --encrypt flag, for example:

$ chezmoi add --encrypt ~/.ssh/id_rsa

chezmoi supports multiple recipients and recipient files, and multiple identities.

Symmetric encryption

To use age's symmetric encryption, specify a single identity and enable symmetric encryption in your config file, for example:

encryption = "age"
    identity = "~/.ssh/id_rsa"
    symmetric = true

Symmetric encryption with a passphrase

To use age's symmetric encryption with a passphrase, set age.passphrase to true in your config file, for example:

encryption = "age"
    passphrase = true

You will be prompted for the passphrase whenever you run chezmoi add --encrypt and whenever chezmoi needs to decrypt the file, for example when you run chezmoi apply, chezmoi diff, or chezmoi status.

Use a private configuration file and template variables

Typically, ~/.config/chezmoi/chezmoi.toml is not checked in to version control and has permissions 0600. You can store tokens as template values in the data section. For example, if your ~/.config/chezmoi/chezmoi.toml contains:

    user = "<github-username>"
    token = "<github-token>"

Your ~/.local/share/chezmoi/private_dot_gitconfig.tmpl can then contain:

{{- if (index . "github") }}
    user = {{ .github.user | quote }}
    token = {{ .github.token | quote }}
{{- end }}

Any config files containing tokens in plain text should be private (permissions 0600).

Use scripts to perform actions

Understand how scripts work

chezmoi supports scripts, which are executed when you run chezmoi apply. The scripts can either run every time you run chezmoi apply, or only when their contents have changed.

In verbose mode, the script's contents will be printed before executing it. In dry-run mode, the script is not executed.

Scripts are any file in the source directory with the prefix run_, and are executed in alphabetical order. Scripts that should only be run if they have not been run before have the prefix run_once_. Scripts that should be run whenever their contents change have the run_onchange_ prefix.

Scripts break chezmoi's declarative approach, and as such should be used sparingly. Any script should be idempotent, even run_once_ and run_onchange_ scripts.

Scripts must be created manually in the source directory, typically by running chezmoi cd and then creating a file with a run_ prefix. Scripts are executed directly using exec and must include a shebang line or be executable binaries. There is no need to set the executable bit on the script.

Scripts with the suffix .tmpl are treated as templates, with the usual template variables available. If, after executing the template, the result is only whitespace or an empty string, then the script is not executed. This is useful for disabling scripts.

Install packages with scripts

Change to the source directory and create a file called

$ chezmoi cd

In this file create your package installation script, e.g.

sudo apt install ripgrep

The next time you run chezmoi apply or chezmoi update this script will be run. As it has the run_once_ prefix, it will not be run again unless its contents change, for example if you add more packages to be installed.

This script can also be a template. For example, if you create with the contents:

{{ if eq .chezmoi.os "linux" -}}
sudo apt install ripgrep
{{ else if eq .chezmoi.os "darwin" -}}
brew install ripgrep
{{ end -}}

This will install ripgrep on both Debian/Ubuntu Linux systems and macOS.

Run a script when the contents of another file changes

chezmoi's run_ scripts are run every time you run chezmoi apply, whereas run_once_ scripts are run only when their contents have changed, after executing them as templates. You use this to cause a run_once_ script to run when the contents of another file has changed by including a checksum of the other file's contents in the script.

For example, if your dconf settings are stored in dconf.ini in your source directory then you can make chezmoi apply only load them when the contents of dconf.ini has changed by adding the following script as


# dconf.ini hash: {{ include "dconf.ini" | sha256sum }}
dconf load / {{ joinPath .chezmoi.sourceDir "dconf.ini" | quote }}

As the SHA256 sum of dconf.ini is included in a comment in the script, the contents of the script will change whenever the contents of dconf.ini are changed, so chezmoi will re-run the script whenever the contents of dconf.ini change.

In this example you should also add dconf.ini to .chezmoiignore so chezmoi does not create dconf.ini in your home directory.

Clear the state of run_once_ scripts

chezmoi stores whether and when run_once_ scripts have been run in the scriptState bucket of its persistent state. To clear the state of run_once_ scripts, run:

$ chezmoi state delete-bucket --bucket=scriptState

Use chezmoi on macOS

Use brew bundle to manage your brews and casks

Homebrew's brew bundle subcommand allows you to specify a list of brews and casks to be installed. You can integrate this with chezmoi by creating a run_once_ script. For example, create a file in your source directory called containing:

{{- if (eq .chezmoi.os "darwin") -}}

brew bundle --no-lock --file=/dev/stdin <<EOF
brew "git"
cask "google-chrome"
{{ end -}}

Note that the Brewfile is embedded directly in the script with a bash here document. chezmoi will run this script whenever its contents change, i.e. when you add or remove brews or casks.

Use chezmoi on Windows

Detect Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)

WSL can be detected by looking for the string Microsoft or microsoft in /proc/sys/kernel/osrelease, which is available in the template variable .chezmoi.kernel.osrelease, for example:

{{ if (eq .chezmoi.os "linux") }}
{{   if (.chezmoi.kernel.osrelease | lower | contains "microsoft") }}
# WSL-specific code
{{   end }}
{{ end }}

Run a PowerShell script as admin on Windows

Put the following at the top of your script:

# Self-elevate the script if required
if (-Not ([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal] [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole] 'Administrator')) {
  if ([int](Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_OperatingSystem | Select-Object -ExpandProperty BuildNumber) -ge 6000) {
    $CommandLine = "-NoExit -File `"" + $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path + "`" " + $MyInvocation.UnboundArguments
    Start-Process -FilePath PowerShell.exe -Verb Runas -ArgumentList $CommandLine

Use chezmoi with GitHub Codespaces, Visual Studio Codespaces, or Visual Studio Code Remote - Containers

The following assumes you are using chezmoi 1.8.4 or later. It does not work with earlier versions of chezmoi.

You can use chezmoi to manage your dotfiles in GitHub Codespaces, Visual Studio Codespaces, and Visual Studio Code Remote - Containers.

For a quick start, you can clone the chezmoi/dotfiles repository which supports Codespaces out of the box.

The workflow is different to using chezmoi on a new machine, notably:

  • These systems will automatically clone your dotfiles repo to ~/dotfiles, so there is no need to clone your repo yourself.
  • The installation script must be non-interactive.
  • When running in a Codespace, the environment variable CODESPACES will be set to true. You can read its value with the env template function.

First, if you are using a chezmoi configuration file template, ensure that it is non-interactive when running in Codespaces, for example, .chezmoi.toml.tmpl might contain:

{{- $codespaces:= env "CODESPACES" | not | not -}}
sourceDir = {{ .chezmoi.sourceDir | quote }}

    name = "Your name"
    codespaces = {{ $codespaces }}
{{- if $codespaces }}{{/* Codespaces dotfiles setup is non-interactive, so set an email address */}}
    email = ""
{{- else }}{{/* Interactive setup, so prompt for an email address */}}
    email = {{ promptString "email" | quote }}
{{- end }}

This sets the codespaces template variable, so you don't have to repeat (env "CODESPACES") in your templates. It also sets the sourceDir configuration to the --source argument passed in chezmoi init.

Second, create an script that installs chezmoi and your dotfiles:


set -e # -e: exit on error

if [ ! "$(command -v chezmoi)" ]; then
  if [ "$(command -v curl)" ]; then
    sh -c "$(curl -fsLS" -- -b "$bin_dir"
  elif [ "$(command -v wget)" ]; then
    sh -c "$(wget -qO-" -- -b "$bin_dir"
    echo "To install chezmoi, you must have curl or wget installed." >&2
    exit 1

# POSIX way to get script's dir:
script_dir="$(cd -P -- "$(dirname -- "$(command -v -- "$0")")" && pwd -P)"
# exec: replace current process with chezmoi init
exec "$chezmoi" init --apply "--source=$script_dir"

Ensure that this file is executable (chmod a+x, and add to your .chezmoiignore file.

It installs the latest version of chezmoi in ~/.local/bin if needed, and then chezmoi init ... invokes chezmoi to create its configuration file and initialize your dotfiles. --apply tells chezmoi to apply the changes immediately, and --source=... tells chezmoi where to find the cloned dotfiles repo, which in this case is the same folder in which the script is running from.

If you do not use a chezmoi configuration file template you can use chezmoi apply --source=$HOME/dotfiles instead of chezmoi init ... in

Finally, modify any of your templates to use the codespaces variable if needed. For example, to install vim-gtk on Linux but not in Codespaces, your might contain:

{{- if (and (eq .chezmoi.os "linux") (not .codespaces)) -}}
sudo apt install -y vim-gtk
{{- end -}}

Customize chezmoi

Use a subdirectory of your dotfiles repo as the root of the source state

By default, chezmoi uses the root of your dotfiles repo as the root of the source state. If your source state contains many entries in its root, then your target directory (usually your home directory) will in turn be filled with many entries in its root as well. You can reduce the number of entries by keeping .chezmoiignore up to date, but this can become tiresome.

Instead, you can specify that chezmoi should read the source state from a subdirectory of the source directory instead by creating a file called .chezmoiroot containing the relative path to this subdirectory.

For example, if .chezmoiroot contains:


Then chezmoi will read the source state from the home subdirectory of your source directory, for example the desired state of ~/.gitconfig will be read from ~/.local/share/chezmoi/home/dot_gitconfig (instead of ~/.local/share/chezmoi/dot_gitconfig).

When migrating an existing chezmoi dotfiles repo to use .chezmoiroot you will need to move the relevant files in to the new root subdirectory manually. You do not need to move files that are ignored by chezmoi in all cases (i.e. are listed in .chezmoiignore when executed as a template on all machines), and you can afterwards remove their entries from home/.chezmoiignore.

Don't show scripts in the diff output

By default, chezmoi diff will show all changes, including the contents of scripts that will be run. You can exclude scripts from the diff output by setting the diff.exclude configuration variable in your configuration file, for example:

    exclude = ["scripts"]

Customize the diff pager

You can change the diff format, and/or pipe the output into a pager of your choice by setting diff.pager configuration variable. For example, to use diff-so-fancy specify:

    pager = "diff-so-fancy"

The pager can be disabled using the --no-pager flag or by setting diff.pager to an empty string.

Use a custom diff tool

By default, chezmoi uses a built-in diff. You can use a custom tool by setting the diff.command and diff.args configuration variables. The elements of diff.args are interpreted as templates with the variables .Destination and .Target containing filenames of the file in the destination state and the target state respectively. For example, to use meld, specify:

    command = "meld"
    args = ["--diff", "{{ .Destination }}", "{{ .Target }}"]

Use a custom merge tool

By default, chezmoi uses vimdiff. You can use a custom tool by setting the merge.command and merge.args configuration variables. The elements of merge.args are interprested as templates with the variables .Destination, .Source, and .Target containing filenames of the file in the destination state, source state, and target state respectively. For example, to use neovim's diff mode, specify:

    command = "nvim"
    args = ["-d", "{{ .Destination }}", "{{ .Source }}", "{{ .Target }}"]

Use an HTTP or SOCKS5 proxy

chezmoi supports HTTP, HTTPS, and SOCKS5 proxies. Set the HTTP_PROXY, HTTPS_PROXY, and NO_PROXY environment variables, or their lowercase equivalents, for example:

$ HTTP_PROXY=socks5:// chezmoi apply -R

Migrating to chezmoi from another dotfile manager

Migrate from a dotfile manager that uses symlinks

Many dotfile managers replace dotfiles with symbolic links to files in a common directory. If you chezmoi add such a symlink, chezmoi will add the symlink, not the file. To assist with migrating from symlink-based systems, use the --follow option to chezmoi add, for example:

$ chezmoi add --follow ~/.bashrc

This will tell chezmoi add that the target state of ~/.bashrc is the target of the ~/.bashrc symlink, rather than the symlink itself. When you run chezmoi apply, chezmoi will replace the ~/.bashrc symlink with the file contents.

Migrate away from chezmoi

chezmoi provides several mechanisms to help you move to an alternative dotfile manager (or even no dotfile manager at all) in the future:

  • chezmoi creates your dotfiles just as if you were not using a dotfile manager at all. Your dotfiles are regular files, directories, and symlinks. You can run chezmoi purge to delete all traces of chezmoi and then, if you're migrating to a new dotfile manager, then you can use whatever mechanism it provides to add your dotfiles to your new system.
  • chezmoi has a chezmoi archive command that generates a tarball of your dotfiles. You can replace the contents of your dotfiles repo with the contents of the archive and you've effectively immediately migrated away from chezmoi.
  • chezmoi has a chezmoi dump command that dumps the interpreted (target) state in a machine-readable form, so you can write scripts around chezmoi.