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API Blueprint

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661 lines (433 loc) · 23.8 KB


API Blueprint Language Specification

Format 1A


  1. Introduction
  2. API Blueprint Language
  3. API Blueprint Document
    1. Sections
    2. Reserved Section Names
    3. Nested sections
    4. Other Markdown headers
    5. Sections without keyword
    6. Identifiers
  4. API Blueprint Document Structure
    1. Metadata Section
    2. API Name & Overview Section
    3. Resource Group Section
      1. Resource Section
        1. Resource Parameters Section
        2. Resource Headers Section
        3. Resource Model Section
        4. Resource Action Section
          1. Action Parameters Section
          2. Action Headers Section
          3. Action Request Section
          4. Action Response Section
  5. Payload Structure
    1. Payload Headers Section
    2. Payload Body Section
    3. Payload Schema Section
  6. Assets
    1. Inline Asset

Glossary of Terms

1. Introduction

This document is a full specification of the API Blueprint Language (hereafter "API Blueprint"). API Blueprint is a Web API documentation language.

Please refer to the API Blueprint homepage for an introduction to API Blueprint.

2. API Blueprint

API Blueprint is essentially a set of semantical assumption on top of a Markdown syntax that are used to define a Web API.

In additional to regular Markdown syntax API Blueprint inherits some GitHub Flavored Markdown features and uses some parts of MultiMarkdown syntax.

Before proceeding with this document please make yourself familiar with the basic Markdown Syntax as well as with the Metadata and Cross-References sections of MultiMarkdown Syntax and GitHub Flavored Markdown's newlines & fenced code blocks.

3. API Blueprint Document

API Blueprint document is a Markdown document where a Web API is described.

The document itself is divided into several logical sections which represent the API Blueprint Document Structure.

3.1. Sections

A section represents a logical unit of a API blueprint. For example an API overview, a group of resources or a resource definition. A section can contain other (nested) section. For example a resource definition might contain a resource URI parameter's description as its subsection.

Sections are recognized by a reserved section name or a URI template in a Markdown header. Alternatively some sections might be recognized by a reserved section name in a Markdown list item followed by a newline.

Each section or subsection has a strictly defined name, meaning and expected content. Anything between a section start and another section start is considered to be part of the section. Avoid using reserved section names – keywords in other Markdown headers but section headers.

3.2. Reserved Section Names

Reserved keywords are:

  • Markdown Headers:

    • URI templates (e.g. /resource/{id})
    • Combinations of HTTP method and URI Template (e.g. GET /resource/{id})
    • Group
  • Markdown List items:

    • Request
    • Response
    • Body
    • Schema
    • Model
    • Header & Headers
    • Parameter & Parameters
    • Values

NOTE: With the exception of HTTP methods keywords the section keywords are case insensitive.

Sections are discussed in API Blueprint Document Structure. Some section names might contain variable components such as an identifier or other modifiers. See the relevant section's entry to find out more about how its section name is built.

3.3. Nested Sections

Some sections might be nested under another section. To nest a section simply increase its header level and / or list item indentation.


# Section A
... Section A content ...

## Nested Section of Section A
... Nested Section content ...

# Section B
... Section B content...

Nested List Item Sections:

+ Section C
  ... Section C content...

	+ Section D
	  ... Section D content...

Which sections can be nested depends upon the section in case, as described in the relevant API Blueprint Document Structure section's entry.

3.4. Other Markdown Headers

It is possible to use any other Markdown header in a section description as long as it does not clash with the Reserved Section Names. It is considered good practice to keep the header level nested under the actual section.

3.5. Sections without keyword

There are two additional sections of an API Blueprint Document that are not recognized by a keyword: The Metadata Section and the API Name & Overview Section. These sections are discussed in detail in the API Blueprint Document Structure.

3.6. Identifiers

Several sections names might include an identifier. An identifier is any non-empty combination of a alphanumerical character, underscore, dash and a space unless stated otherwise. No other characters (e.g. punctation or other whitespace characters) are allowed. An identifier should not include any reserved keyword.


My Awesome Message

-- or --


4. API Blueprint Document Structure

Description of the structure of API Blueprint Document. Every section is, by default, optional. However, the blueprint document should contain at least one Resource Section.

Full API Blueprint Document layout:

+ Metadata
+ API Name & Overview Section
+ Resource Group Section
|	|
|	+ Resource Section 
|	|	|
|	|	+ Parameters Section 
|	|	|
|	|	+ Headers Sections
|	|	|
|	|	+ Resource Model Section
|	|	|	|
|	|	|	...
|	|	|
|	|	+ Action Section
|	|	|	|
|	|	|	+ Parameters Section 
|	|	|	|
|	|	|	+ Headers Sections				
|	|	|	|
|	|	|	+ Request Section
|	|	|	|	|
|	|	|	|	+ Headers Section
|	|	|	|	|
|	|	|	|	+ Body Section
|	|	|	|	|
|	|	|	|	+ Schema Section
|	|	|	|
|	|	|	+ Response Section
|	|	|		|
|	|	|		+ Headers Section
|	|	|		|
|	|	|		+ Body Section
|	|	|		|
|	|	|		+ Schema Section					
|	|	|
|	|	+ Action Section
|	|	|	|
|	|	|	...
|	|	...
|	|
|	+ Resource Section 
|	|	|
|	|	... 
|	...
+ Resource Group Section
|	|
|	...

Layout of a resource section without a parent group:

+ Metadata
+ API Name & Overview Section
+ Resource Section 
|	|
|	...	

4.1. Metadata Section

Optional. API metadata.

This section is recognized as MultiMarkdown Metadata. It starts at the beginning of the document and ends with the first Markdown element that is not recognized as MutliMarkdown Metadata.

This section does not include any other sections.

Metadata keys and its values are tool-specific. Please refer to relevant tool documentation for the list of supported keys.



4.2. API Name & Overview Section

Optional. Name of the API in the form of a Markdown header.

This section is recognized as the first Markdown header in a blueprint document. Its content is considered to represent the API name.

This section can contain further Markdown-formatted content. If content is provided it is considered to represent the API overview / description.

This section does not include any other sections.


# My API Name

-- or --

# Basic ACME Blog API
Welcome to the **ACME Blog** API. This API provides access to the **ACME Blog** service.

4.3. Resource Group Section

Optional. This sections represents a group of resources - Resource Sections.

This section is recognized by the Group keyword followed by a name of group in the form of a identifier. The syntax is as follows:

# Group <identifier>

A Group section may contain further Markdown-formatted content. If a content is provided it is considered to represent the group description.

A Group should include at least one Resource Section.


# Group Blog Posts
Resources in this groups are related to **ACME Blog** posts.

## GET /posts{/id}

## PUT /posts

# Group Authors
## GET /authors

# Comments

4.3.1 Resource Section

Optional. Definition of exactly one API resource specified by its URI OR a set of resources (a resource template) matching its URI template.

An blueprint document can contain multiple sections for the same resource (or resource set), as long as their HTTP methods differ. However it is considered good practice to group multiple HTTP methods under one resource (resource set).

This section is recognized by an RFC 6570 URI template written in a Markdown header. Optionally the header can contain one leading HTTP Request Method in which case the rest of this section is considered to represent the Action Section.

Alternatively this section is recognized by a MultiMarkdown header with URI Template specified in its explicit label.

This section might be a top level section or nested under a Resource Group Section.

This section may contain further Markdown-formatted content. If a content is provided it is considered to represent the Resource description.

If no HTTP Request Method is specified, this section should include at least one nested Action Section.

In addition to any mandatory nested sections this section may include the following additional subsections:


# PUT /posts

-- or --

# GET /posts{/id}

-- or --

# /posts

-- or --

# My Resource [/resource] Resource Parameters Section

Optional. Description of Resource Section's URI parameters. Content of this section is subject to additional formatting.

This section is recognized by the Parameters reserved keyword written as a Markdown list item.

This section consist of nested list items with additional formatting. **Full syntax of one parameter description is:

+ <parameter name> [= `<default value>`] [([required | optional ], [<type>], [`<example value>`])] [... <description>]

	[<additional description>]
	[+ Values:
		+ `<enumeration element 1>` 
		+ `<enumeration element 2>`
		+ `<enumeration element N>`]	

Note the abbreviated syntax can be freely mixed with the full syntax.


  • <parameter name> is the parameter name as written in Resource Section's URI (e.g. "id").
  • <description> is any optional Markdown-formatted description of the parameter.
  • <additional description> is any additional optional Markdown-formatted description of the parameter.
  • <default value> is an optional default value of the parameter – a value that is used when no value is explicitly set (optional parameters only).
  • <example value> is an optional example value of the parameter (e.g. 1234).
  • <type> is the optional parameter type as expected by the API (e.g. "number").
  • Values is the optional enumeration of possible values
  • and <enumeration element n> represents an element of enumeration type.
  • required is the optional specifier of a required parameter (this is the default)
  • optional is the optional specifier of an optional parameter.

This section does not have to list every URI parameter. It should not, however, contain parameters that are not specified in the URI.


# GET /posts{/id}
+ Parameters

	+ id ... Id of a post.

-- or --

	+ id (number) ... Id of a post.

-- or --

	+ id (required, number, `1001`) ... Id of a post.

-- or --

	+ id = `20` (optional, number, `1001`) ... Id of a post.

-- or --

	+ id (string)

		Id of a Post

		+ Values
			+ `A`
			+ `B`
			+ `C` Resource Headers Section

Optional. Specifies the message-headers of every transaction on this resource.

Refer to Payload Headers Subsection for this section's syntax definition. Resource Model Section

Optional. A resource manifestation - a representation of the resource as a Payload.

This section is recognized by the Model keyword followed an optional media type written in a Markdown list item.

The Full list section syntax is as follows:

+ Model [(<media type>)]

The Model defined in this section can be referred later by it's resource identifier from any other Request or Response payload sections, including those of the following Resource sections.

Refer to MultiMarkdown cross references for details on cross referencing.

Refer to the Payloads discussion for a detailed description of this section content.


# My Resource [/resource]
+ Model (text/plain)
		Hello World
## Retrieve My Resource [GET]
+ Response 200
	[My Resource][] Resource Action Section

Expected if there is no HTTP method specified in the parent Resource Section's header. Illegal otherwise.

This section represents an action to be performed on the parent resource. It defines at least one complete HTTP transaction.

This section is recognized by one of the HTTP Request Methods written in capitals as a Markdown header.

Alternatively this section is recognized by a MultiMarkdown header with a HTTP Request Method specified in its explicit label.

This section can contain further Markdown-formatted content. If a content is provided it is considered to represent this action's description.

This section should include at least one Response Subsection. In addition this section may include the following additional subsections:

One Resource Section can contain one or more different Action Sections.


# /posts{/id}
+ Parameters

## GET
Retrieves a **ACME Blog** posts.

## PUT

### Delete post [DELETE]
... Action Parameters Section

Optional. Description of URI parameters specific to this action.

Refer to Resource Parameters Section for this section's syntax definition. Action Headers Section

Optional. Specifies the message-headers of every transaction within this action's context.

Refer to Payload Headers Subsection for this section's syntax definition. Action Request Section

Optional. Description of exactly one HTTP request.

This section is recognized by the Request reserved keyword written in a Markdown header. The Request keyword may be followed by an identifier of this request. In the case an HTTP body is specified the Request keyword (and possible identifier) might be followed by a HTTP Body Media Type (MIME type) enclosed in brackets.

The Full Request Subsection list syntax is as follows:

+ Request [<identifier>] [(<Media Type>)]

This subsection must be nested under an Action Section.

This subsection is a specific type of Payload carried by this request. See Payloads Documentation for details about how to specify the content of this section.

One Resource Section or Action Section can contain one or more different (that is with a different identifier) Request Subsections.


+ Request (text/plain)
		Hello World

-- or --

+ Request Create Blog Post (application/json)
    	{ "message" : "Hello World." } Action Response Section

Expected. Description of exactly one HTTP response.

This subsection is recognized by the Response reserved keyword written in a Markdown list followed by a HTTP Status code. In the case a HTTP body is specified the Response keyword might be followed by a HTTP Body Media Type (MIME type) enclosed in brackets.

The Full Response Subsection list syntax is as follows:

+ Response <Status Code> [(<Media Type>)]

This subsection must be nested under an Action Section.

This section is a specific type of Payload carried by this response. See Payload Documentation for details on how to specify the content of this section.

One Action Section can contain one or more different (that is with different HTTP Status codes) Response Subsections.


+ Response 201 (application/json)
			{ "message" : "created" }

5. Payload Section Structure

Payload sections represent the information transferred as payloads of an HTTP request or response messages. A Payload consists of meta information in the form of HTTP headers and content in the form HTTP body. Furthermore, an API Blueprint Payload might include a description, discussion of its message-body parameters and a validation schema.

A Payload should have its Media Type associated. A Payload's Media type represents the metadata always received or sent in the form of a HTTP Content-Type header.

Following section are payload sections: Request Section, Response Section and Model Section. Refer to the specific payload sections on how to define a payload of the specific type.

The Payload might include following optional subsections:

Example (request payload section):

+ Request (application/json)

	Any Markdown formatted *discussion* might be here.

	+ Headers
			X-My-Payload-Size: 42

	+ Parameters
		+ message ... A message.

	+ Body
			{ ... }

	+ Schema
			{ ... }

If no subsection is specified the content of the payload section is considered to represent the Body Subsection.


+ Request (application/json)
		{ ... }

5.1. Payload Headers Section

Optional. Specifies the message-headers of a Payload section. The content of this section is subject to additional formatting.

This section is recognized by the Headers reserved keyword written in a Markdown list as follows:

+ Headers

The subsection is formatted as a Markdown's Pre-formatted code blocks with the following syntax:

<HTTP header name>: <value>

One HTTP header per line.

This subsection does not include any other sections.


+ Request (application/json)
	+ Headers

    		Accept-Charset: utf-8
	    	Connection: keep-alive
	    	Content-Type: multipart/form-data, boundary=AaB03x

5.2. Payload Body Section

Optional. Specifies the message-body of a Payload section. Usually a manifestation of a resource.

This subsection is recognized by the Body reserved keyword written as a Markdown list item.

This subsection is an API Blueprint Document Asset.

This subsection does not include any other subsections.


+ Request (application/json)
	+ Headers

			X-My-Payload-Size: 42

	+ Parameters
		+ message (string) ... A message from **ACME Blog** API.

	+ Body

			{ "message" : "Hello World." }

5.3. Payload Schema Section

Optional. Where applicable, specifies a schema used to validate this Payload's Body Section content.

This subsection is recognized by the Schema reserved keyword written as a Markdown list item.

This subsection is an API Blueprint Document Asset.

This subsection does not include any other sections.

6. Assets

An API Blueprint Document Asset is simply a resource (not to be confused with API Resource) – an atomic data used in payloads.

6.1. Inline Asset

In its simplest form an asset is essentially a Markdown Pre-formatted code block. The sole content of this block is considered to represent the Asset's data.


# Asset Name
	{ "message" : "Hello World." }
-- or --

+ Asset Name

		{ "message" : "Hello World." }

Using GitHub Flavored Markdown Fenced Code blocks:

# Asset Name

{ "message" : "Hello World." }
-- or --

+ Asset Name

	{ "message" : "Hello World." }