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Automatic differentiation of Java code using Code Reflection

Paul Sandoz {.author}

February 2024 {.date}

In this article we will explain what is automatic differentiation, why it is useful, and how we can use Code Reflection to help implement automatic differentiation of Java methods.

Code Reflection is a Java platform feature being researched and developed under OpenJDK Project Babylon.

We will introduce Code Reflection concepts and APIs as we explain the problem and present a solution. The explanations are neither exhaustive nor very detailed, they are designed to give the reader an intuitive sense and understanding of Code Reflection and its capabilities.

Machine learning

Let's consider the field of machine learning, which is the science of producing models that can predict what number is present in an image of a numerical digit, or predicts what text a person is saying in an audio recording of human speech.

A machine learning model is really a mathematical function, f say (albeit a possibly complex one with many inputs, outputs, and constants or parameters).

For a model to be effective it needs be trained, and many models are trained using a gradient descent algorithm. This algorithm repeatedly applies known inputs to f, comparing the computed output of f with expected output, adjusting the parameters of f, until the difference between the computed output and expected output, the error, is sufficiently reduced. The algorithm adjusts the model by a gradient vector that is the result of applying the error to the differentiation of f, f'

Machine learning developers implement such models using computer code, which requires an implementation of f and its differential, f', be available for execution.

Consider the following method f implementing some mathematical function:

f(x, y) = x * (-sin(x * y) + y) * 4

The partial derivatives of f with respect to the input (or independent variable) x can be manually calculated and written:

df_dx(x, y) = (-sin(x * y) + y - x * cos(x * y) * y) * 4

(The partial derivative of f with respect to y is shown later as Java code.)

From the partial derivatives a gradient vector can be produced by combining the results of calling partial derivative methods.

Automatic differentiation

Manual differentiation is a very error-prone process. Although differentiation is a mechanical process it's easy to make mistakes that are hard to debug, even for a simple mathematical function as presented above, and the process quickly becomes arduous as the mathematical function becomes more complex. This is especially so for machine learning models. Computers are ideally suited to this mechanical task.

To automatically differentiate a mathematical function written as a Java method, f say, we need to write a Java program, D say, that implements the rules of differentiation and applies those rules to a symbolic representation of f to produce the differential method f'.

Program D can use Code Reflection to obtain a symbolic representation of method f, called a code model. D can then traverse symbolic information in f's code model, operations, and apply the rules of differentiation to those operations. For example, operations may be mathematical operations, representing addition or multiplication, or invocation operations representing invocations to Java methods that implement transcendental functions (such as method java.lang.Math::sin).

D will produce a new code model, representing f', containing operations that compute the differential, which can then be compiled to bytecode and invoked as a Java program.

There are two approaches to automatic differentiation, forward-mode and reverse-mode. For N independent variables, forward-mode automatic differentiation requires the generation of N partial derivative methods, and therefore N method calls to produce a gradient. Reverse-mode automatic differentiation does not have these limitations, although it may be less efficient for fewer independent variables.

Program D could be encapsulated in a Java library. We might ideally use it like this:

double f(double x, double y) {
    return x * (-sin(x * y) + y) * 4;

Function<double[], double[]> g_f = AD.gradientFunction(this::f);
double[] g = g_f.apply(new double[]{x, y});

We annotate our function to be differentiated, method f, with @CodeReflection. This ensures there is a code model available for f, and that it is accessible under similar access control rules as for its invocation . Then we call the method AD.gradientFunction passing f as a method reference. The method reference is targeted to a code reflection type whose instance gives access to f's code model.

How can the library author of method gradientFunction differentiate method f?

Implementing forward-mode automatic differentiation

In the following sections we will explain how to implement the gradientFunction method using Code Reflection. We will focus on forward-mode automatic differentiation since that is easier to understand, but the same general principles could apply to reverse-mode automatic differentiation.

A proof of concept implementation is available as a test located in the Babylon repository. The implementation is far from complete, and is just one of many possible ways to approach the problem.

Differentiating simple functions

Let's focus on the simple mathematical function we presented earlier. It has two independent variables, x and y.

static double f(double x, double y) {
    return x * (-Math.sin(x * y) + y) * 4.0d;

It is annotated it with @CodeReflection. When it is compiled a code model will be generated and made accessible at run time via reflection.

We can also write, by hand, the partial derivatives of f with respect to x and y so we can test against what we generate.

static double df_dx(double x, double y) {
    return (-Math.sin(x * y) + y - x * Math.cos(x * y) * y) * 4.0d;

static double df_dy(double x, double y) {
    return x * (1 - Math.cos(x * y) * x) * 4.0d;

Obtaining a code model

Fundamentally, we need to implement a method that accepts a code model and a reference to an independent variable to differentiate against, and produces a new code model that is the partial derivative of the input. We will focus on this aspect, although it is not as user-friendly as the prior example ( using program D, where we can observe the author only minimally used the Code Reflection API to annotate their method).

First let's assume f is declared as a static method in a class T, say. To obtain its code model using reflection we would do this.

Method fm = T.class.getDeclaredMethod("f", double.class, double.class);
Optional<CoreOps.FuncOp> o = fm.getCodeModel();
CoreOps.FuncOp fcm = o.orElseThrow();

Using the reflection API we find the java.lang.reflect.Method instance of f, and then ask it for its code model by invoking the method getCodeModel. Only methods annotated with @CodeReflection will have code models, hence this method is partial.

f's code model is represented as an instance of CoreOps.FuncOp, corresponding to a function declaration operation that models a Java method declaration.

Explaining the code model

A code model is a tree containing operations, bodies, and blocks. An operation contains zero or more bodies. A body contains one or more blocks. A block contains a sequence of one or more operations. A block can declare zero or more block parameters, values. An operation declares an operation result, a value. An operation may use values as operands, but only after they have been declared.

Using this simple tree structure we can define operations that model many Java language constructs, and therefore we can build code models that model many Java programs. This may appear surprising at first. Readers may be more familiar with term "operation" in a more conventional sense, such as arithmetic operations. However, given the structure described above, there is no need to limit ourselves to this conventional sense. We are free to define an operation whose operational semantics declare a function (instances of CoreOps.FuncOp), model a Java lambda expression (instances of CoreOps.LambdaOp), or model a Java try statement (instances of ExtendedOps.JavaTryOp).

What does the code model of f look like? We can serialize its in-memory form ( the instance of CoreOps.FuncOp) to a textual form.


Which prints the following text.

func @"f" (%0 : double, %1 : double)double -> {
    %2 : Var<double> = var %0 @"x";
    %3 : Var<double> = var %1 @"y";
    %4 : double = var.load %2;
    %5 : double = var.load %2;
    %6 : double = var.load %3;
    %7 : double = mul %5 %6;
    %8 : double = invoke %7 @"java.lang.Math::sin(double)double";
    %9 : double = neg %8;
    %10 : double = var.load %3;
    %11 : double = add %9 %10;
    %12 : double = mul %4 %11;
    %13 : double = constant @"4.0";
    %14 : double = mul %12 %13;
    return %14;

The textual form shows the code model's root is a function declaration (func) operation. The function declaration operation has an operation result, like all other operations, but since it's the root of the tree there is no need to present it.

The lambda-like expression represents the fusion of the function declaration operation's single body and the body's first and only block, called the entry block. Then there is a sequence of operations in the entry block. For each operation there is an instance of a corresponding class present in the in-memory form, all of which extend from the abstract class java.lang.reflect.code.Op.

The entry block has two block parameters, %0 and %1 (corresponding to x and y), each described by a type of double, which model f's method parameters. These parameters are used as operands of various operations. Many operations produce operation results, e.g., %12 the result of a multiplication operation, that are used as operands of subsequent operations, and so on. The return operation has a result, again like all other operations, but since that result cannot be meaningfully used we don't present it.

Code models have the property of Static Single-Assignment (SSA). We refer to variables that can only be assigned once as values (they are a bit like final variables in Java) .e.g., value %12 can never be modified. A variable declaration is modeled as an operation that produces a value that holds a value (a box), and access operations load or store to that box.

(Some readers may be thinking this looks very similar to MLIR and that is by design.)

We can see how the operations model Java language constructs like method declarations, variables (method parameters or local variables) and access of variables, binary and unary mathematical operations, or method invocations ( e.g., to method java.lang.Math::sin).

Analyzing the model

We can simplify this model by transforming it into one that removes the variable declarations and accesses. We call this a pure SSA transform.

fcm = SSA.transform(fcm);

The textual form of the resulting code model is as follows.

func @"f" (%0 : double, %1 : double)double -> {
    %2 : double = mul %0 %1;
    %3 : double = invoke %2 @"java.lang.Math::sin(double)double";
    %4 : double = neg %3;
    %5 : double = add %4 %1;
    %6 : double = mul %0 %5;
    %7 : double = constant @"4.0";
    %8 : double = mul %6 %7;
    return %8;

This is a simpler model, where program meaning is preserved. Since the model is simpler it becomes simpler to analyze in preparation for automatic differentiation.

When differentiating with respect to an independent variable we will analyze the model with respect to that variable and compute an active set of values, those which depend transitively on the independent variable.

For example the block parameter %0 (representing the independent variable x) is used as an operand by the operation that produces the operation result %2 ( the result of a multiplication), and so on.

The active set for %0 is {%0, %2, %3, %4, %5, %6, %8, %9}. Note the value %9 represents the result of the return operation, whose type is void, and whose value is not explicitly shown in the textual form.

The active set for %1 (representing the independent variable y) is the same in this case.

We can compute this set by traversing the uses of values in the code model. The in-memory representation of a code model is constructed such that the uses are easily available.

A simple and naive implementation might be as follows.

static Set<Value> activeSet(Value root) {
    Set<Value> s = new LinkedHashSet<>();
    activeSet(s, root);
    return s;

static void activeSet(Set<Value> s, Value v) {
    // Iterate over the uses of v
    for (Op.Result use : v.uses()) {
        activeSet(s, use);

In practice the active set computation needs to be a little more complex, as implemented in the test code and used later in an example that has mathematical expressions embedded within some control flow.

Reporting programming errors

In general not all Java programs are differentiable, it's a constrained programming model. The author of a Java method, to be differentiated, needs to be aware of the constraints, and the automatic differentiation program should report programming errors.

After computing the active set (or during that computation) we could perform checks and report errors if values cannot be differentiated or if the independent value does not contribute to a result etc. Further, we might want to do additional checks on the model and fail if unsupported language constructs are present e.g., perhaps try statements, or ignore other constructs. The test code does not perform such extensive checks.

Ideally the reporting of such errors would occur when the method is compiled by the source compiler rather than at runtime. Code reflection can also make available the same code model at compile time for such purposes, but we will not explore this capability in this article.

Differentiating a code model

Once we have the active set we can use it to drive differentiation of the code model. The operation results in the active set refer to the operations we need to differentiate.

We can transform the code model, applying the rules of differentiation to the required operations we encounter.

Code models are immutable. Code models can be produced by building, or by transforming an existing code model. Transforming takes an input code model and builds an output code model. For each input operation encountered in the input code model we have the choice to add that operation to the builder of the output code model (copying), to not add it (removal), or add new output operations (replacement or addition).

First lets declare a class, ForwardDifferentiation, whose constructor computes the active set.

import static java.lang.reflect.code.op.CoreOps.*;

public final class ForwardDifferentiation {
    // The function to differentiate
    final FuncOp fcm;
    // The independent variable
    final Block.Parameter ind;
    // The active set for the independent variable
    final Set<Value> activeSet;
    // The map of input value to it's (output) differentiated value
    final Map<Value, Value> diffValueMapping;

    // The constant value 0.0d
    // Declared in the (output) function's entry block
    Value zero;

    private ForwardDifferentiation(FuncOp fcm, Block.Parameter ind) {
        int indI = fcm.body().entryBlock().parameters().indexOf(ind);
        if (indI == -1) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Independent argument not defined by function");
        this.fcm = fcm;
        this.ind = ind;

        // Calculate the active set of dependent values for the independent value
        this.activeSet = ActiveSet.activeSet(fcm, ind);
        // A mapping of input values to their (output) differentiated values
        this.diffValueMapping = new HashMap<>();

A map from input operation results to (output) differentiated values, diffValueMapping is also constructed. This will be used to keep track of differentiated values that may be used in dependent computations. Because the code model is immutable there is no danger that values referred to in the input code model will become stale or be modified.

Next we declare a static factory method on ForwardDifferentiation to compute the partial derivative:

public static FuncOp partialDiff(FuncOp fcm, Block.Parameter ind) {
    return new ForwardDifferentiation(fcm, ind).partialDiff();

This static method constructs an instance of ForwardDifferentiation and calls the method partialDiff, which performs the transformation.

FuncOp partialDiff() {
    int indI = fcm.body().entryBlock().parameters().indexOf(ind);

    // Transform f to f' w.r.t ind
    AtomicBoolean first = new AtomicBoolean(true);
    FuncOp dfcm = fcm.transform(STR."d\{fcm.funcName()}_darg\{indI}",
            (block, op) -> {
                // Initialization
                if (first.getAndSet(false)) {
                    // Declare the zero value constant
                    zero = block.op(constant(ind.type(), 0.0d));
                    // Declare the one value constant
                    Value one = block.op(constant(ind.type(), 1.0d));
                    // The differential of ind is one
                    // For all other parameters it is zero (absence from the map)
                    diffValueMapping.put(ind, one);

                // If the result of the operation is in the active set,
                // then differentiate it, otherwise copy it
                if (activeSet.contains(op.result())) {
                    Value dor = diffOp(block, op);
                    // Map the input result to its (output) differentiated result
                    // so that it can be used when differentiating subsequent operations
                    diffValueMapping.put(op.result(), dor);
                } else {
                    // Block is not part of the active set, just copy it
                return block;

    return dfcm;

We transform the code model using the FuncOp operation's transform method. It accepts a name for the function of the output code model, and a lambda expression that accepts an (output) block builder and an input operation. The transform method will traverse all operations in the input code model and report encountered input operations to the lambda expression.

On first encounter we declare a few constant values in the output model by adding constant operations, instances of ConstantOp, to the output model. Specifically, we declare the zero constant value of 0.0d, which will be used as an operand of subsequent operations we add to output model.

On each encounter, if the operation's result is a member of the active set then we differentiate it, and map the (input) result to its (output) differential value. We apply the chain rule from inside to outside.

The method diffOp applies the rules of differentiation. The method consists of a switch expression with pattern matching whose target is the instance of the operation to differentiate. We show below a subset of interesting switch cases from that method.

Value diffOp(Block.Builder block, Op op) {
    // Switch on the op, using pattern matching
    return switch (op) {
        case ... -> {
        case CoreOps.MulOp _ -> {
            // Copy input operation

            // Product rule
            // diff(l) * r + l * diff(r)
            Value lhs = op.operands().get(0);
            Value rhs = op.operands().get(1);
            Value dlhs = diffValueMapping.getOrDefault(lhs, zero);
            Value drhs = diffValueMapping.getOrDefault(rhs, zero);
            Value outputLhs = block.context().getValue(lhs);
            Value outputRhs = block.context().getValue(rhs);
            yield block.op(add(
                    block.op(mul(dlhs, outputRhs)),
                    block.op(mul(outputLhs, drhs))));
        case CoreOps.InvokeOp c -> {
            MethodDesc md = c.invokeDescriptor();
            String operationName = null;
            if (md.refType().equals(J_L_MATH)) {
                operationName =;
            // Differentiate sin(x)
            if ("sin".equals(operationName)) {
                // Copy input operation

                // Chain rule
                // cos(expr) * diff(expr)
                Value a = op.operands().get(0);
                Value da = diffValueMapping.getOrDefault(a, zero);
                Value outputA = block.context().getValue(a);
                Op.Result cosx = block.op(invoke(J_L_MATH_COS, outputA));
                yield block.op(mul(cosx, da));
            } else {
                throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Operation not supported: " + op.opName());

The first case shows how we compute the differential of a multiply operation, an instance of MulOp, by applying the product rule.

We add the input multiply operation to the builder, which copies it from the input model to the output model, since its result might be used in further computations added to the output model.

Given the input values for the first (left) and second (right) operands of the multiply operation we obtain their differentiated values, which must have been computed earlier, or if not then they must be zero. Then we add two new multiply operations corresponding to the product rule. To do that we also need to obtain the output values that map to the input values of the first and second operands (again these must have been computed earlier when copying prior input operations). Finally, we sum the results of the multiplications with an add operation and yield the result.

The second cases shows how we compute the differential of sin(x) (which is cos(x)x'). We match on an invoke operation, an instance of InvokeOp, that invokes the method java.lang.Math::sin. We copy the invocation operation, add an invocation operation to invoke java.lang.Math::cos, then add a multiply operation, the result of which is yielded.

We anticipate patterns and switches will be used for many kinds transformation and are designing the code reflection APIs with this in mind. We are looking forward to future language capabilities where we can write our own patterns, which will enable more sophisticated tree-based matching of operations ( including on their uses or their operands).

Let's piece it all together and print out the textual form of the differentiated code model.

import ad.ForwardDifferentiation;

Method fm = T.class.getDeclaredMethod("f", double.class, double.class);
Optional<CoreOps.FuncOp> o = fm.getCodeModel();
CoreOps.FuncOp fcm = SSA.transform(o.orElseThrow());
Block.Parameter x = fcm.body().entryBlock().parameters().get(0);
// Code model in, code model out
CoreOps.FuncOp dfcm_x = ForwardDifferentiation.partialDiff(fcm, x);
func @"df_darg0" (%0 : double, %1 : double)double -> {
    %2 : double = constant @"0.0";
    %3 : double = constant @"1.0";
    %4 : double = mul %0 %1;
    %5 : double = mul %3 %1;
    %6 : double = mul %0 %2;
    %7 : double = add %5 %6;
    %8 : double = invoke %4 @"java.lang.Math::sin(double)double";
    %9 : double = invoke %4 @"java.lang.Math::cos(double)double";
    %10 : double = mul %9 %7;
    %11 : double = neg %8;
    %12 : double = neg %10;
    %13 : double = add %11 %1;
    %14 : double = add %12 %2;
    %15 : double = mul %0 %13;
    %16 : double = mul %3 %13;
    %17 : double = mul %0 %14;
    %18 : double = add %16 %17;
    %19 : double = constant @"4.0";
    %20 : double = mul %15 %19;
    %21 : double = mul %18 %19;
    %22 : double = mul %15 %2;
    %23 : double = add %21 %22;
    return %23;

and compare against the handwritten Java code:

static double df_dx(double x, double y) {
    return (-Math.sin(x * y) + y - x * Math.cos(x * y) * y) * 4.0d;

We can immediately see the differentiated code model has more mathematical operations, many are redundant e.g., there are multiplications by 0 or 1, and the result of one operation (%20) is not used.

We need to transform the code model further to remove redundant operations ( commonly referred to as expression elimination). The resulting code model with eliminated expressions is show below.

(We will not get into the specifics of how expression elimination is implemented. It uses the same code reflection APIs and similar techniques we have shown above, and the curious reader may be interested in looking at the code.)

func @"df_darg0" (%0 : double, %1 : double)double -> {
    %2 : double = constant @"0.0";
    %3 : double = mul %0 %1;
    %4 : double = add %1 %2;
    %5 : double = invoke %3 @"java.lang.Math::sin(double)double";
    %6 : double = invoke %3 @"java.lang.Math::cos(double)double";
    %7 : double = mul %6 %4;
    %8 : double = sub %1 %5;
    %9 : double = sub %2 %7;
    %10 : double = mul %0 %9;
    %11 : double = add %8 %10;
    %12 : double = constant @"4.0";
    %13 : double = mul %11 %12;
    %14 : double = add %13 %2;
    return %14;

We could eliminate some expressions in the differentiation transformation, but this will complicate the transformation. Often it is better to keep transformations focused, and separate into two or more transformation stages, at the potential expense of more work.

From this code model we can interpret it or translate to bytecode, and execute it by invoking a method handle.

If we apply the same to the independent variable y we will get two code models, from which we can compute the gradient, and therefore implement the gradientFunction method.

Differentiating models with control flow

In the prior example we differentiated a Java method implementing a simple mathematical expression. In this section we will consider a more complex method that contains mathematical expressions embedded in control flow statements.

static double f(/* independent */ double x, int y) {
    /* dependent */
    double o = 1.0;
    for (int i = 0; i < y; i = i + 1) {
        if (i > 1) {
            if (i < 5) {
                o = o * x;
    return o;

Method f has one independent variable, x. The parameter y indirectly affects computations using x, but there is no direct data dependency between x and y. We can see a multiplication operation embedded within a loop and some conditional control flow. This method can be differentiating using the same techniques we have presented.

Here is the hand-coded version.

static double df_dx(/* independent */ double x, int y) {
    double d_o = 0.0;
    double o = 1.0;
    for (int i = 0; i < y; i = i + 1) {
        if (i > 1) {
            if (i < 5) {
                d_o = d_o * x + o * 1.0;
                o = o * x;
    return d_o;

Notice the product rule applied to the multiplication of o * x, and in source we have to be careful that this computation is applied before o is updated.

(Astute readers may observe that and o and d_o, and x and 1, correspond to the two components of a dual number.)

f's code model will contain operations modeling the for loop and if statements, retaining the structure of the code.

func @"f" (%0 : double, %1 : int)double -> {
    %2 : Var<double> = var %0 @"x";
    %3 : Var<int> = var %1 @"y";
    %4 : double = constant @"1.0";
    %5 : Var<double> = var %4 @"o";
        ()Var<int> -> {
            %6 : int = constant @"0";
            %7 : Var<int> = var %6 @"i";
            yield %7;
        (%8 : Var<int>)boolean -> {
            %9 : int = var.load %8;
            %10 : int = var.load %3;
            %11 : boolean = lt %9 %10;
            yield %11;
        (%12 : Var<int>)void -> {
            %13 : int = var.load %12;
            %14 : int = constant @"1";
            %15 : int = add %13 %14;
   %12 %15;
        (%16 : Var<int>)void -> {
                ()boolean -> {
                    %17 : int = var.load %16;
                    %18 : int = constant @"1";
                    %19 : boolean = gt %17 %18;
                    yield %19;
                ()void -> {
                        ()boolean -> {
                            %20 : int = var.load %16;
                            %21 : int = constant @"5";
                            %22 : boolean = lt %20 %21;
                            yield %22;
                        ()void -> {
                            %23 : double = var.load %5;
                            %24 : double = var.load %2;
                            %25 : double = mul %23 %24;
                   %5 %25;
                        ()void -> {
                ()void -> {
    %26 : double = var.load %5;
    return %26;

We can clearly see that some operations contain bodies at many levels. In this case each body has one (entry) block as in the prior example. The four bodies in the for operation correspond to the nested expressions and statements as specified by the Java Language Specification.

Rather than modifying the diffOp method to know about such operations and their behaviour we can instead simplify and generalize the solution. Code Reflection defines two sets of operations. Core operations which can be used to model a wide set of Java programs, and extended (or auxiliary) operations. The extended operations model Java langauge constructs such as for statements, if statements, and try statements. The extended operations may be lowered into a sequence of core operations within a connected set of blocks within a body.

We can lower f's code model using a lowering transformation and then transform to pure SSA.

fcm = fcm.transform((block, op) -> {
    if (op instanceof Op.Lowerable lop) {
        return lop.lower(block);
    } else {
        return block;
fcm = SSA.transform(fcm);
func @"fcf" (%0 : double, %1 : int)double -> {
    %2 : double = constant @"1.0";
    %3 : int = constant @"0";
    branch ^block_0(%2, %3);
  ^block_0(%4 : double, %5 : int):
    %6 : boolean = lt %5 %1;
    cbranch %6 ^block_1 ^block_2;
    %7 : int = constant @"1";
    %8 : boolean = gt %5 %7;
    cbranch %8 ^block_3 ^block_4;
    %9 : int = constant @"5";
    %10 : boolean = lt %5 %9;
    cbranch %10 ^block_5 ^block_6;
    %11 : double = mul %4 %0;
    branch ^block_7(%11);
    branch ^block_7(%4);
  ^block_7(%12 : double):
    branch ^block_8(%12);
    branch ^block_8(%4);
  ^block_8(%13 : double):
    branch ^block_9;
    %14 : int = constant @"1";
    %15 : int = add %5 %14;
    branch ^block_0(%13, %15);
    return %4;

We can see that the resulting code model (program meaning is preserved) has multiple blocks within the func operation's body. There is no longer any nesting of bodies.

Control flow of the program is modelled by the blocks and how they are connected together to form a control flow graph. In block_9 we can observe a branch back to block_0 which passes values of o and i as block arguments for the next loop iteration. (Block arguments and parameters are analogous to phi nodes in other approaches that model code.)

We need to extend our implementation, computing the active set and differentiating operations, to understand these connections between blocks.

With some modest enhancements we can compute the active set for x and differentiate this Java method. The active set will have block parameters as members, such as parameter %4, which represents the value o for the current loop iteration (since o is dependent on x). The differentiated model is presented below.

func @"dfcf_darg0" (%0 : double, %1 : int)double -> {
    %2 : double = constant @"0.0";
    %3 : double = constant @"1.0";
    %4 : double = constant @"1.0";
    %5 : int = constant @"0";
    branch ^block_0(%4, %5, %2);
  ^block_0(%6 : double, %7 : int, %8 : double):
    %9 : boolean = lt %7 %1;
    cbranch %9 ^block_1 ^block_2;
    %10 : int = constant @"1";
    %11 : boolean = gt %7 %10;
    cbranch %11 ^block_3 ^block_4;
    %12 : int = constant @"5";
    %13 : boolean = lt %7 %12;
    cbranch %13 ^block_5 ^block_6;
    %14 : double = mul %6 %0;
    %15 : double = mul %8 %0;
    %16 : double = mul %6 %3;
    %17 : double = add %15 %16;
    branch ^block_7(%14, %17);
    branch ^block_7(%6, %8);
  ^block_7(%18 : double, %19 : double):
    branch ^block_8(%18, %19);
    branch ^block_8(%6, %8);
  ^block_8(%20 : double, %21 : double):
    branch ^block_9;
    %22 : int = constant @"1";
    %23 : int = add %7 %22;
    branch ^block_0(%20, %23, %21);
    return %8;

We can observe in block_5 the application of the product rule. Further we can observe additional block arguments and parameters required to pass along the differential of o, d_o. In block_9 there is a branch with an additional block argument appended, value %21, that becomes the next value of d_o in block_0, parameter %8