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Archiving sample

This sample application shows how to add a UI element to indicate when a session is being archived.

The app builds upon the Basic Video Chat sample app.


  1. Install the required node modules: npm install

  2. For iOS, install the Podfile's dependencies: cd ios/ && pod install

  3. In the App.js file, set the apiKey, sessionId, and token properties to your Vonage Video API key (project ID), a Vonage Video session ID, and a token for that session.

You will need to start and stop archiving using one of the OpenTok server SDKs or the OpenTok REST API. See the OpenTok Archiving developer guide.

For testing, you can use the OpenTok playground to create sessions and start and stop archiving.

Understanding the code

The App.js file includes all of the code that uses the OpenTok React Native SDK.

The this.sessionEventHandlers property includes archiveStarted and archiveStopped properties. These are set to functions that are called when the archive starts and stops for the session.

this.sessionEventHandlers = {
  archiveStarted: event => {
    this.setState({showRecIndicator: true});
    console.log('Archive started -- archive ID:', event.archiveId);
  archiveStopped: event => {
    this.setState({showRecIndicator: false});
    console.log('Archive stoped -- archive ID:', event.archiveId);

The app uses a showRecIndicator state property to track whether to show the "Recording" indicator in the publisher (based on whether the session is being archived).

The OTSession object dispatches the archiveStarted and archiveStopped events. The eventHandlers property of the OTSession object is set to the event handlers object:

  {/* ... */}

If the showRecIndicator property of the state (see above) is set, a React Native Text component is added as a child of the OTPublisher component:

<OTPublisher style={{width: 200, height: 200}}>
  {this.state.showRecIndicator ? (
        color: 'red',
        zIndex: 1,
        padding: 4,
        bottom: 0,
        position: 'absolute',
      • REC
  ) : null}

For more information, see the OpenTok Archiving developer guide.