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Basic Video Chat sample

This sample application shows how to connect to an OpenTok session, publish a stream, and subscribe to multiple streams for both iOS and Android using the OpenTok React Native SDK.


  1. Install the required node modules: npm install

  2. For iOS, install the Podfile's dependencies: cd ios/ && pod install

  3. In the App.js file, set the apiKey, sessionId, and token properties to your Vonage Video API key (project ID), a Vonage Video session ID, and a token for that session.

For testing, you can use the OpenTok playground to create sessions, publish streams from a web client, and subscribe to streams published from the client using the OpenTok React Native SDK.

Understanding the code

The App.js file includes all of the code that uses the OpenTok React Native SDK.

The app imports OTSession, OTPublisher, and OTSubscriber from the SDK.

import {OTSession, OTPublisher, OTSubscriber} from 'opentok-react-native';

Documentation for these components are at

This application shows the simplest way to publish and subscribe to audio-video streams in an OpenTok session. Simply add the apiKey, sessionId, and token attributes to an OTSession component and add OTPublisher and OTSubscriber components as children of the OTSession component:

  <OTPublisher style={{width: 200, height: 200}} />
  <OTSubscriber style={{width: 200, height: 200}} />

The OTSession component connects to the specified OpenTok session. Upon connecting to the session, it publishes a stream to the session and subscribes to streams published by other clients connected to the session. The OTSession component includes a React Native View that automatically lays out the publisher and subscriber views in a grid.

Check out the OpenTok documentation at