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unnatural unnaturalistic
The more you talk the less it becomes funny
Winter Leninshtine Ihate2factor
Pls Dnt Bully in my temple LGBTQIA++ Gamer Avid Wood Polisher (sometimes antisocial always antifascist 💯 ) #ISTANDWITHISRAEL 🇮🇱 👯‍♂️

Reddit Moderator NY

Simon Phillips tassyguy
Developer, gaymer, traveler, tabby daddy

Simon Says Code, LLC Atlanta, GA

Friende pengyou200902
What we get from Google(search) is shallow and the code must be done by hand.

Boston University Boston

HyperSkys HyperSkys
Java Developer

United States of America

Jacopo Carlini jacopocarlini
engineer in computer science.

@pagopa Italy

crls.gabriell🐱‍👤 carlosgabrielrodriguesalmeida
téc.informática 2/3👾

e.e.e.p zezinho Alto-Santo - ce

Silva emileesilvva
Slap no flap na tcheca Splash, Rocket poc, ploc, ploc, ploc

amo caua famosa no ttk

Miguel Martins omiguelsma
Tech, Data & AI | Simplex & Efficax

Barretos, SP - BR

小丑901 chouge1huao
Prateek Patel prateekp273
APP and Web Developer

team hash foundation India

Arman Mia arman-miaa
জীবন কখনো অনেক সহজ আবার কখনো এমন কঠিন যা আমাদের চিন্তাকেও হার মানায়!