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VirtLands VitHub
I'm a beginner programmer, mostly experienced with Blitz3D, Pelles C, and some C++ .

NoCompany NoLocation

Dragoș Haiduc drakiula

București, România

Sean P. Myrick V19.1.7.2 seanpm2001
I'm an experienced programmer, with the intent to make the world a much better place, and protect freedoms of the Internet. I am skilled in Python, and web dev.

Self-employed; looking for tips Walla Walla Washington, USA, Earth, Milky way, <Universe>

William McKIE viprip
I'm a Software Engineer who loves to work on distributed systems.


P.J. Finlay PJ-Finlay
Open source enthusiast

Argos Open Tech Chicago, IL

sanyan malloc-realloc
Everything is a file.
Zel duhnk
Computer Science student @ UTSA
David Kasakaitis ddkasa
Python Enjoyer

London, United Kingdom

Procedural is best


Brian Wo brainwo
On long hiatus, but still do something sometimes. I'm so confused. The world is confusing.
Sora SoraTenshi
Reversing is cool and all, but have you tried debugging your GDB script?


AndroBytes androbytes
professional idiot
الصياد Assayyaad
مطور ألعاب | مبرمج أنظمة وأدوات | خبير دسكورد

@DisQada @Anthima-Alaab

João Paulo JoaoPaulo-creator
Developer who likes to build a lot of random stuffs just for fun
Fillipe Meireles fillipehmeireles
from the concrete I'm having roses🌹 Software Engineer | Pentester
*Ariel a3ru
I am a ...


Malix Malix-Labs
Engineer Student & Entrepreneur

Malix GmbH 🇫🇷 Paris / Geneva 🇨🇭

Luca Sartore drwolf85

National Institute of Statistical Sciences Washington D.C.

Gabriel Pordeus Santos gpordeus

SC Clouds Florianópolis


Laugh Tale

Parsa Azari parsaa74

Tehran, Iran

WM ⚡ waynemaranga

Iris Technical Nairobi, Kenya

Tomochika Hara thara
Dad of Twins

Cluster, Inc. Aichi, Japan