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Özgün Ayaz ozgunawesome
Picture me rollin in my 500 benz!
Cassie Cheung soopyc
18 and counting

Hong Kong, The Internet

Robert Bleattler rbleattler
30ish. Developer-ish. PowerShell enthusiast.


Ssiskskk ssiskskk
@ikyih’s alt account for in school.


Jacob Ford unitof
Tight-end developer.

// no comment LLC UWS of LES

Herbert Bruno Oketa Yot herbertUG
Fullstack Developer(FE heavy) | Angular, React, Vuejs, Nodejs | learning Go

Kampala, UG

mdheller mdheller
Academic background in Quant. Finance with technical competency in Analytics, Big Data, Knowledge Management, Risk Management, and Systems Architecture & Design

@SocioProphet Planet Earth