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Universal Runtime (UR) Client

Note: The UR Client is being actively developed. Please consider joining the UOR Community to participate!


Please join us in the discussion forum and feel free to ask questions about the UOR-Framework or UR Client.


The Universal Runtime Client interacts with UOR artifacts and is aware of the runtime instruction embedded in UOR artifacts.

To learn more about Universal Runtime visit the UOR Framework website at

WARNING: The repository is under active development and the API is subject to change.



  • go version 1.17+


./bin/uor-client-go -h



make test-unit

Basic Usage


uor-client-go version

User Workflow

  1. Use uor-client-go build schema to build a schema to be used with a collection.
  2. Use the uor-client-go build collection command to build the workspace as an OCI artifact in build-cache The default location is ~/.uor/cache. It can be set with the UOR_CACHE environment variable`.
  3. Use the uor-client-go push command to publish to a registry as an OCI artifact.
  4. Use the uor-client-go pull command to pull the artifact back to a local workspace.
  5. Use the uor-client-go inspect command to inspect the build cache to list information about references.

Build a schema into an artifact

A schema can be optionally created prior to building a collection. Collections can then reference an already built schema or no schema at all.

uor-client-go build schema schema-config.yaml localhost:5000/myschema:latest

Build workspace into an artifact

Execute the following command to build a workspace into an an artifact:

uor-client-go build collection my-workspace localhost:5000/myartifacts:latest

An optional dataset configuration file can be provided using the --dsconfig flag:

uor-client-go build my-workspace localhost:5000/myartifacts:latest --dsconfig dataset-config.yaml

Push workspace to a registry location

Push a workspace to a remote registry

uor-client-go push my-workspace localhost:5000/myartifacts:latest

Pull UOR collection to a location

Pull a collection from a remote registry:

uor-client-go pull localhost:5000/myartifacts:latest -o my-output-directory

Pull subsets of a UOR collection to a location by attribute

Pull a portion of a collection by filtering for a set of attribute:

uor-client-go pull localhost:5000/myartifacts:latest -o my-output-directory --attributes attribute-query.yaml

Getting Started

This guide will walk through several exercises illustrating the use of the UOR Client

Environment Setup

While these exercises can be implemented in any operating environment, this guide will make use of a prescriptive environment for which most users should be able to replicate easily.

  1. Setting up an image registry

Most of the exercises require the interaction with a image registry. While there are several options available, registry:2 is the most straightforward to setup and use.

Using your container runtime of choice, start an instance of registry:2 (docker is used as the runtime here)

docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --restart=always --name registry registry:2
  1. Set UOR_CLIENT_GO_REPO environment variable

Set an environment variable called UOR_CLIENT_GO_REPO with the current working directory within the repository. It will be used when working through the scenarios below.

export UOR_CLIENT_GO_REPO=$(pwd)

Create a directory called examples and change into this directory to begin working on the exercises.

mkdir ${UOR_CLIENT_GO_REPO}/exercises
cd ${UOR_CLIENT_GO_REPO}/exercises
  1. Formatting json output using jq

jq is a helpful utility for managing json content. It will be used to help format the output from requests to the remote registry.

Download and install the tool as described in the documentation.

Basic Collection Publishing

The first exercise creates and publishes a basic collection to a remote repository

  1. Create a new directory for this exercise called basic and change into this directory
mkdir -p ${UOR_CLIENT_GO_REPO}/exercises/basic
cd ${UOR_CLIENT_GO_REPO}/exercises/basic
  1. Create a new workspace directory for the collection called basic-collection and change into this directory
mkdir basic-collection
cd basic-collection
  1. Add the content to the workspace. For example, two images of fishes an a text file.

Add the first photo to the current directory

cp ${UOR_CLIENT_GO_REPO}/test/fish.jpg .

Next, create a directory called subdir1 to contain several additional files:

mkdir subdir1

Now, add a text file and another photo:

cp ${UOR_CLIENT_GO_REPO}/test/level1/fish2.jpg subdir1/
cp ${UOR_CLIENT_GO_REPO}/test/level1/file.txt subdir1/
  1. Create a json document where the value of each kv pair is the path to each file within the directory. Multiple json documents can be used to create deep graphs, but a graph must only have one root. Multiple json docs in a build directory is for advanced use cases which will not be covered in this basic example and most just need one json document.

Create a json document called basic.json in the current directory:

cat << EOF > basic.json
    "fish": "fish.jpg",
    "text": "subdir1/file.txt",
    "fish2": "subdir1/fish2.jpg"
  1. A Dataset Configuration can be use to assign attributes to the various resources within a collection. This file must be located outside of the content directory and refer to the relative paths within the content directory. Add user defined key value pairs as subkeys to the annotationssection. Each file should have as many attributes as possible. Multiple files can be referenced by using the * wildcard.

Navigate up one directory and create a file called dataset-config.yaml to contain the Dataset Configuration for the collection:

cd ..
cat << EOF > dataset-config.yaml
kind: DataSetConfiguration
    - file: "fish.jpg"
        animal: "fish"
        habitat: "ocean"
        size: "small"
        color: "blue"
    - file: "subdir1/file.txt"
        fiction: true  
        genre: "science fiction"
    - file: "*.jpg"
        custom: "customval"
  1. Run the UOR client build command referencing the dataset config, the content directory, and the destination registry location to the local cache. Each of the examples in this document will make use of the registry located at localhost:5000 that was started as part Environment Setup section.
uor-client-go build collection basic-collection localhost:5000/exercises/basic:latest --dsconfig dataset-config.yaml 
  1. Run the UOR push command to publish the collection to the remote repository.

NOTE: Since the registry that was used does not exposed a secure transport method (HTTPS), the --plain-http flag will need to be specified whenever there is any interaction with the remote registry. Feel free to adjust accordingly to the remote registry that is being used.

uor-client-go push --plain-http localhost:5000/exercises/basic:latest
  1. Inspect the OCI manifest of the published collection. The jq tool can be used to format the response to make it more readable. Once again, if the remote registry is exposed using HTTP or non trusted certificates, adjust the curl command below accordingly:
curl -s -H "Accept: application/vnd.oci.image.manifest.v1+json" http://localhost:5000/v2/exercises/basic/manifests/latest | jq -r

Notice that each of the files in the workspace are represented as Layers within the Manifest. In addition, the relative location within the workspace along with the attributes are added as annotations.

  "layers": [
      "mediaType": "text/plain; charset=utf-8",
      "digest": "sha256:8b8843c2c23a94efafa834c7b52547aa2cba63ed517c7891eba5b7386330482b",
      "size": 4,
      "annotations": {
        "org.opencontainers.image.title": "subdir1/file.txt",
        "uor.attributes": "{\"converted\":{\"org.opencontainers.image.title\":\"subdir1/file.txt\"}, \"unknown\"{\"fiction\":true,\"genre\":\"science fiction\"}}"

TIP 1: The two root level keys "unknown" and "converted are important. Unknown is the schema ID used when no schema is linked to the collection and converted is used when the attributes are converted from annotations. You will need this information later when completing queries.

TIP 2: Some other significant schema IDs to know are the following: core-link, core-descriptor, core-runtime, core-schema, and core-file. Schemas are below.

  1. The UOR inspect subcommand can be used to view the contents of the local cache. By default, the cache is located at ~/.uor/cache/.
uor-client-go inspect

Notice the collection built previously is now present within the cache

Listing all references:  
  1. The collection can be pulled from the remote registry to verify the content. Use the UOR pull subcommand to a directory called my-output-directory using the -o flag:
uor-client-go pull --plain-http localhost:5000/exercises/basic:latest -o my-output-directory
  1. Instead of retrieving an entire collection, a subset can be retrieved by creating a AttributeQuery resource.

Create a file called attribute-query.yaml in the current directory:

cat << EOF > attribute-query.yaml
kind: AttributeQuery
    fiction: true

Now use the UOR pull subcommand along with the --attributes option placing the contents in a directory titled my-filtered-output-directory:

uor-client-go pull localhost:5000/exercises/basic:latest --plain-http -o my-filtered-output-directory --attributes attribute-query.yaml

Since the fiction=true attribute was associated with only the file.txt file it was the only resource retrieved from the collection.

tree my-filtered-output-directory

└── subdir1
    └── file.txt

1 directory, 1 file

Collection Publishing with Schema

A Schema can be used to define the attributes associated with a collection along with linking multiple collections.

Be sure that the UOR_CLIENT_GO_REPO environment variable is defined as described at the beginning of the exercises along with the examples directory.

  1. Create a new directory called schema within the exercises directory and change into this directory
mkdir -p ${UOR_CLIENT_GO_REPO}/exercises/schema
cd ${UOR_CLIENT_GO_REPO}/exercises/schema
  1. Create the Schema Configuration in a file called schema-config.yaml to define attribute keys and types for corresponding collections:
cat << EOF > schema-config.yaml
kind: SchemaConfiguration
  id: myschemaid
    "animal": string
    "size": string
    "color": string
    "habitat": string
    "mammal": boolean
  1. Use the UOR build subcommand to build and save the schema within the local cache:
uor-client-go build schema schema-config.yaml localhost:5000/exercises/myschema:latest
  1. Push the schema to the remote registry:
uor-client-go push --plain-http localhost:5000/exercises/myschema:latest
  1. Create a new directory called schema-collection to contain a workspace to demonstrate how a schema can be used
mkdir schema-collection
cd schema-collection
  1. Add a picture of a fish and a picture of a dog to a subdirectory called subdir1:
mkdir subdir1

cp ${UOR_CLIENT_GO_REPO}/test/fish.jpg .
cp ${UOR_CLIENT_GO_REPO}/cli/testdata/uor-template/dog.jpeg subdir1/dog.jpg
  1. Create a json document describing the two resources created within the workspace in a file called schema-collection.json
cat << EOF > schema-collection.json
    "fish": "fish.jpg",
    "dog": "subdir1/dog.jpg",
  1. Navigate up one directory so that the Dataset Configuration file can be created:
cd ..

Create the dataset-config.yaml for the collection with the following content. Notice that the schema previously published is referenced in the schemaAddress property:

cat << EOF > dataset-config.yaml
kind: DataSetConfiguration
  schemaAddress: "localhost:5000/exercises/myschema:latest"
    - file: "fish.jpg"
        animal: "fish"
        habitat: "ocean"
        size: "small"
        color: "blue"
        mammal: "false"
    - file: "subdir1/dog.jpg"
        animal: "dog"
        habitat: "house"
        size: "medium"
        color: "brown"
        mammal: "true"
  1. Use the UOR client build subcommand referencing the dataset config, the content directory, and the destination registry location. The attributes specified will be validated against the schema provided.
uor-client-go build collection schema-collection --plain-http localhost:5000/exercises/schemacollection:latest --dsconfig dataset-config.yaml 

A validation error occurred since the mammal attribute in the Dataset Configuration specified a string value instead of a boolean as defined in the schema.

In order to be able to build the schema, modify the mammal attribute of the dataset-config.yaml file by removing the surrounding quotes as shown below in the updated Dataset Configuration:

cat << EOF > dataset-config.yaml
kind: DataSetConfiguration
  schemaAddress: "localhost:5000/exercises/myschema:latest"
    - file: "fish.jpg"
        animal: "fish"
        habitat: "ocean"
        size: "small"
        color: "blue"
        mammal: false
    - file: "subdir1/dog.jpg"
        animal: "dog"
        habitat: "house"
        size: "medium"
        color: "brown"
        mammal: true

With a valid Dataset Configuration now in place, the collection should build successfully:

uor-client-go build collection schema-collection --plain-http localhost:5000/exercises/schemacollection:latest --dsconfig dataset-config.yaml
  1. Use the UOR client push subcommand to publish the collection to the remote repository
uor-client-go push --plain-http localhost:5000/exercises/schemacollection:latest
  1. Inspect the OCI manifest of the published dataset
curl -s -H "Accept: application/vnd.oci.image.manifest.v1+json" http://localhost:5000/v2/exercises/schemacollection/manifests/latest | jq -r

Note that the schema id is recorded in the attribute annotation within the manifest:

"annotations": {
  "uor.attributes":  "uor.attributes": "{\"myschemaid\"{\"animal\":\"dog\",\"color\":\"brown\",\"habitat\":\"house\",\"mammal\":true,\"size\":\"medium\"}}"

With the collection pushed, you can also revisit some of the other ways of interacting with the collection including inspecting the local cache or pulling either the entire collection or a subset by defining an AttributeQuery. Refer back to the basic exercise for examples of how these steps can be achieved.

Collection Publishing with Links

Collections can also refer to other collection; known as Linked Collections. It is important to note that a Linked Collection must have an attached schema.

Be sure that the UOR_CLIENT_GO_REPO environment variable is defined as described at the beginning of the exercises along with the examples directory.

  1. Create a new directory called linked within the exercises directory and change into this directory
mkdir -p ${UOR_CLIENT_GO_REPO}/exercises/linked
cd ${UOR_CLIENT_GO_REPO}/exercises/linked
  1. Create a schema-config.yaml file with the following contents to define the schema for the collection:
cat << EOF > schema-config.yaml
kind: SchemaConfiguration
  id: myschemaid
    "animal": string
    "size": string
    "color": string
    "habitat": string
    "type": string
  1. Build and push the schema to the remote registry
uor-client-go build schema schema-config.yaml localhost:5000/exercises/linkedschema:latest
uor-client-go push --plain-http localhost:5000/exercises/linkedschema:latest
  1. To demonstrate Linked Collections, start creating a leaf collection by creating a workspace directory called leaf-workspace.
mkdir leaf-workspace
  1. Create a simple file called leaf.txt containing a single word within the workspace:
echo "leaf" > leaf-workspace/leaf.txt
  1. Create the Dataset Configuration within a file called leaf-dataset-config.yaml with the following content:
cat << EOF > leaf-dataset-config.yaml
kind: DataSetConfiguration
  schemaAddress: localhost:5000/exercises/linkedschema:latest
    - file: "*.txt"
        animal: "fish"
        habitat: "ocean"
        size: "small"
        color: "blue"
        type: "leaf"
  1. Build and push the leaf collection to the remote registry
uor-client-go build collection leaf-workspace --plain-http localhost:5000/exercises/leaf:latest --dsconfig leaf-dataset-config.yaml
uor-client-go push --plain-http localhost:5000/exercises/leaf:latest
  1. Build a Root collection and link the previously built collection

Create a new directory for the root collection called root-workspace

mkdir root-workspace
  1. Create a simple file called root.txt containing a single word within the workspace:
echo "root" > root-workspace/root.txt
  1. Create the Dataset Configuration within a file called root-dataset-config.yaml with the following content:
cat << EOF > root-dataset-config.yaml
kind: DataSetConfiguration
  - localhost:5000/exercises/leaf:latest
  schemaAddress: localhost:5000/exercises/linkedschema:latest
    - file: "*.txt"
        animal: "cat"
        habitat: "house"
        size: "small"
        color: "orange"
        type: "root"
  1. Build and push the root collection to the remote registry
uor-client-go build collection root-workspace --plain-http localhost:5000/exercises/root:latest --dsconfig root-dataset-config.yaml
uor-client-go push --plain-http localhost:5000/exercises/root:latest
  1. Pull the collection into a directory called linked-output
uor-client-go pull --plain-http localhost:5000/exercises/root:latest -o linked-output
  1. Inspect the contents of the linked-output directory
ls linked-output

  1. Retrieve the contents of the root and leaf collection

Notice that only the contents of the root collection was retrieved in the prior step. To pull the content of both the root and any leaf collections, use the --pull-all flag of the UOR client pull subcommand into a directory called all-linked-output.

uor-client-go pull --plain-http localhost:5000/exercises/root:latest --pull-all -o all-linked-output
  1. Inspect the content of the all-linked-output directory
ls all-linked-output

leaf.txt root.txt
  1. Pulling by attributes can also be specified when referencing Linked Collections. Create a file called color-query.yaml to content that has the attribute color=orange
cat << EOF > color-query.yaml
kind: AttributeQuery
     "color": "orange"
  1. Pull the contents from the linked collection using the Attribute Query into a directory called color-output:
uor-client-go pull --plain-http localhost:5000/exercises/root:latest --pull-all --attributes color-query.yaml -o color-output
  1. Inspect the content of the color-output directory
ls color-output


Notice how only the root.txt file was retrieved as only this file contained the attribute color=orange


Publish content to use with a container runtime


  1. Create a simple Go application
cat << EOF > main.go
package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
	fmt.Println("Hello World")
go build -o myworkspace/helloworld main.go 
  1. Create a collection
cat << EOF > dataset-config.yaml
kind: DataSetConfiguration
      - "./helloworld"
    - file: "helloworld"
        permissions: 0700
        test: "something"
uor-client-go build collection myworkspace --plain-http localhost:5000/exercises/runtime:latest --dsconfig dataset-config.yaml
uor-client-go push --plain-http localhost:5000/exercises/runtime:latest


collection: a collection of linked files represented as on OCI artifact schema: the properties and datatypes that can be specified within a collection


# core-link
  "$schema": "",
  "type": "object",
  "properties": {
    "registryHint": {
      "type": "string"
    "namespaceHint": {
      "type": "string"
    "transitive": {
      "type": "boolean"
  "required": [
  "$schema": "",
  "type": "object",
  "properties": {
    "id": {
      "type": "string"
    "name": {
      "type": "string"
    "version": {
      "type": "string"
    "type": {
      "type": "string"
    "foundBy": {
      "type": "string"
    "locations": {
      "type": "null"
    "licenses": {
      "type": "null"
    "language": {
      "type": "string"
    "cpes": {
      "type": "null"
    "purl": {
      "type": "string"
  "required": [
  "$schema": "",
  "type": "object",
  "properties": {
    "id": {
      "type": "string"
  "required": [

  "description": "OpenContainer Config Specification",
  "$schema": "",
  "id": "",
  "type": "object",
  "properties": {
    "created": {
      "type": "string",
      "format": "date-time"
    "author": {
      "type": "string"
    "architecture": {
      "type": "string"
    "variant": {
      "type": "string"
    "os": {
      "type": "string"
    "os.version": {
      "type": "string"
    "os.features": {
      "type": "array",
      "items": {
        "type": "string"
    "config": {
      "type": "object",
      "properties": {
        "User": {
          "type": "string"
        "ExposedPorts": {
          "$ref": "defs.json#/definitions/mapStringObject"
        "Env": {
          "type": "array",
          "items": {
            "type": "string"
        "Entrypoint": {
          "oneOf": [
              "type": "array",
              "items": {
                "type": "string"
              "type": "null"
        "Cmd": {
          "oneOf": [
              "type": "array",
              "items": {
                "type": "string"
              "type": "null"
        "Volumes": {
          "oneOf": [
              "$ref": "defs.json#/definitions/mapStringObject"
              "type": "null"
        "WorkingDir": {
          "type": "string"
        "Labels": {
          "oneOf": [
              "$ref": "defs.json#/definitions/mapStringString"
              "type": "null"
        "StopSignal": {
          "type": "string"
        "ArgsEscaped": {
          "type": "boolean"
    "rootfs": {
      "type": "object",
      "properties": {
        "diff_ids": {
          "type": "array",
          "items": {
            "type": "string"
        "type": {
          "type": "string",
          "enum": [
      "required": [
    "history": {
      "type": "array",
      "items": {
        "type": "object",
        "properties": {
          "created": {
            "type": "string",
            "format": "date-time"
          "author": {
            "type": "string"
          "created_by": {
            "type": "string"
          "comment": {
            "type": "string"
          "empty_layer": {
            "type": "boolean"
  "required": [
  "$schema": "",
  "type": "object",
  "properties": {
    "permissions": {
      "type": "integer"
    "uid": {
      "type": "integer"
    "gid": {
      "type": "integer"
  "required": [