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A simple yet easy to implement Role Based Access Control Library for popular PHP framework Codeigniter

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A simple yet easy to implement Role Based Access Control Library for popular PHP framework Codeigniter

Key Features

  • Easy to integrate with Codeigniter Application
  • User Login system with password recovery integrated
  • Easy To Customize!!!
  • Integrated Access Control Management Interface
  • Configurable DB Table name
  • Support Clean Url routing!
  • Easy to adapt existing schema just by editing config file!!
  • Usable with your existing login system!
  • Api to interact with library
  • User meta table include profile data (like: name, address etc)for an user
  • Mailer function override to send recovery email using your own function
  • Configuration and view files can be overridden!
  • Coming more....!!!

Current Stable Release

v1.3.2 Released!

How To Install

Installation of this library is simple 4 steps

  1. Put ezRbac in the third_party Directory of your application (or use composer command)

  2. Run the SQL in schema directory or create three tables in your database manually.

  3. Set $config['enable_hooks'] = TRUE; at ./application/config/config.php

  4. Set $config['encryption_key'] = SOME_SECRET_KEY; at ./application/config/config.php

  5. Add a hook in ./application/config/hooks.php

$hook['post_controller_constructor'] = array(
    'class' => 'EzRbacHook',
    'function' => 'accessCheck',
    'filename' => 'EzRbacHook.php',
    'filepath' => 'third_party/ezRbac'

Map custom actions to access map

Define a public function named access_map in your controller something like bellow:

 public function access_map(){
        return array(

The index of the array is the actual action name, and the value mapped to the access privileges configured as $config['default_access_map'] = array("view", "create", "edit", "delete", "publish")

##Default credential

If you have imported the provided data.sql then the default credential is

password:   123456

ezRbac Specific URL

logout url : /index.php/welcome/index/rbac/logout

acl manage url : /index.php/welcome/index/rbac/gui

If you have enabled the routing(see How to eneable Routing) then you can access all url like /rbac/(logout|gui)

How to enable Routing

Its easy to enable with 2 steps

  1. Set $config['use_routing'] = true; at ./ezRbac/config/ez_rbac.php

  2. set $route['^(rbac)/(.+)$'] = $route['default_controller']."/index/$1/$2"; at /application/config/routes.php (where rbac can be replaced whatever you like by setting the $config['ezrbac_url'] = 'rbac'; )


Most of the customization can be done through setting configuration values. you can customize configuration in two ways:

  1. (The Easy way) Modify the configuration to match with your choice at ./third_party/ezRbac/config/ez_rbac.php
  2. (The Advanced way) Make a copy of ./third_party/ezRbac/config/ez_rbac.php as ./application/config/ez_rbac.php or Create new file to override the default settings. These way whenever you do update the library, you do not need to worry about your configuration values.

You can override the view file also. just copy the view files into /application/views/ezrbac/ and modify as per your need. Currently only views in login directory is extensible.

Configuration Options

  • public_controller
    type: array
    default : array()
    List of public controller which access will not be checked by our library

  • ajax_no_permission_msg
    type: string
    default : You do not have permission to perform this action! Message to return while performing an ajax request instead of viewing the full restricted page, so you can handle the situation by your self.

  • default_access
    type: boolean
    default : FALSE
    The default access for a unknown method TRUE for give access denied otherwise.

  • default_access_map
    type: array
    default : array("view", "create", "edit", "delete", "publish")
    Access Map array Used by the system. You can name these as you like and you can add/remove access name.

  • autologin_cookie_life
    type: int
    default : 2592000 (30 days)
    The time in second to remember user login session with remember me checked.

  • autologin_cookie_name
    type: string
    default : ezrbac_remember_me
    The autologin cookie name used to store user data with remember me checked.

  • redirect_url
    type: string
    default : ""
    The redirect url if access denied for a resource url(should be a public controller). Leave it empty if you are not sure about this

  • login_url
    type: string
    default : ""
    If you like to handle login then set your login url(should be a public controller) here, Leave it empty to let me handle it!! when you handling login, use $this->ezrbac->getCurrentUser($user) to register the user session.

  • login_session_key
    type: string
    default : access_role
    Login check session key name, used to check if a user is logged in or not. Without modification of core library, you may use any of these: user_id/user_email/access_role

  • password_min_length
    type: int
    default : 6
    The password validation rule check for minimum length.

  • password_recovery_email
    type: string
    default :
    The From email for password recovery email

  • password_recovery_email_name
    type: string
    default : EzRbac
    The From name for password recovery email

  • password_recovery_subject
    type: string
    default : Password Reset Request
    The subject for password recovery email

  • auto_login_table
    type: string
    default : user_autologin
    The database table name used to store auto login data

  • user_table
    type: string
    default : system_users
    The database table name used to store user data

  • user_meta_table
    type: string
    default : user_meta
    The database table name used to store user meta data

  • user_role_table
    type: string
    default : user_role
    The database table name used to store user role info

  • access_map_table
    type: string
    default : user_access_map
    The database table name used to store Access Control List as per user role

  • schema_user_table
    type: array

    'id'                  => 'id',
    'email'               => 'email',
    'password'            => 'password',
    'salt'                => 'salt',
    'user_role_id'        => 'user_role_id',
    'last_login'          => 'last_login',
    'last_login_ip'       => 'last_login_ip',
    'reset_request_code'  => 'reset_request_code',
    'reset_request_time'  => 'reset_request_time',
    'reset_request_ip'    => 'reset_request_ip',
    'verification_status' => 'verification_status',
    'status'              => 'status'

The database field map for your existing system. Helpful to adapt your db without modifying the code!!

  • schema_user_role
    type: array default:
    'id'        => 'id',
    'role_name' => 'role_name'

The database field map for your existing system. Helpful to adapt your db without modifying the code!!

  • user_meta_user_id
    type: string
    default : user_id The foreign key name in user meta table

  • show_password_reset_mail
    type: boolean
    default : FALSE Enable showing the email on browser rather then sending it. for debug purpose. do not set true in the production

  • override_email_function
    type: string|false
    default : FALSE You can use your own function to send email. if you set this value to 'name_of_your_function'. name_of_your_function($option) will be called to send email where $option = array('subject'=>'','from'=>'', 'from_name'=>'', 'to'=>'','body'=>'');

  • enable_ezrbac_gui
    type: boolean
    default : TRUE Enable or disable the management interface

  • ezrbac_gui_url
    type: string
    default : gui
    Url identifier for ezrbac gui interface access

  • ezrbac_password
    type: string
    default : hardtoremember Password to access management interface of ACL

  • ezrbac_url
    type: string
    default : rbac Ezrbac specific url identifier.

  • use_assets_within_package
    type: boolean
    default : TRUE This configuration value tell the library from where it should use the resource. if set to true the js/css/images used in the library views will be served from the assets directory in package (helpful for quick setup). For advance user it will be better to copy the contents of assets directory in a web accessible location and set the $config['assets_base_directory']='the/relative/path/of/assets/directory/from/root'

  • assets_base_directory
    type: string
    default : rbac Optional only used if you set the the $config['use_assets_within_package']=false; Then set the relative path of assets directory from root

  • use_routing
    type: boolean
    default : FALSE
    enable clean url for management interface by adding routing rule. if $config['ezrbac_url']='rbac' then you can add $route['^(rbac)/(.+)$'] = $route['default_controller']."/index/$1/$2"; and set the value to true.


To use this library you need Codeigniter 3.0+ For older version use 2.x branch


A simple yet easy to implement Role Based Access Control Library for popular PHP framework Codeigniter






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