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The intial intialization very important. This helps in how gradients are calculated and weights are updated matters a lot. Keras uses Xavier golor init policy. pytorch uses kaiminghe intialization policy. Keras does not have Kaihment policy. Here we are using pytorch poilcy of intialization but not using pytorch. Kaihment intialization policy seems much better than Xavier and otehr policies.These small differences matter a lot.

Here classses are written in pytorch fashoin. tensor2.0 has started doing this way

Conv2DBN the init functions has definations. the call functions stich them together

Conv2DBN class name as it has Batch normalization. give cout channels cnumber of filters and intialize with pytroch kaiman intializer

When Conv2DBN function with input layer is called input goes out to conv layer -->deoput layer-->batch norma --> relu activation layer

In Resnet block when is call self.conv2DBN all the 3 above are called

pool is adding part if pool is call then max pooling happens if res=true then resnet block is called

h = h + self.res2(self.res1(h)) number of skip connection

In David net by default it is called 64 channels Maxpooiling is used to improve accuracy insteas of &*7 with stride of 2 And then Conv block is called Resnet block with with 128 channels and max pooling with residual true When res is true skip connection is used Residual block with 256 channels and max pooling without residual connection If Resnet block with with 512 channels and max pooling with residual true And then Globalmaxpooling is done and denselayer connect to final 10 outputs.

Down load cifar10 images ,calulate mean and standard deviation And padded with 4*4 And normalized padded trained images

One cycle policy

Do range test and pick max lr which has lower losss and then pick i/5th of the leraning rate We go from lower learning rate to higher learning rate in step 1 and back to lower learning rate in step 2. the interploation function creates the triangle for One Cycle LR

It divides the lr by 5 and goes to max in the number of steps [0, (EPOCHS+1)//5, EPOCHS] and then come down [0, LEARNING_RATE, 0] Gloabal learning take care of save and infuse it back

Image augmentation The padded images (4040) are randomly cropped 32 32 and randomly fliped left and right.that is what becomes x and y reamin y

Some of the keras functions are wtitten to dynamically load learning rate. TQDM is a progress bar library with good support for nested loops and Jupyter/IPython notebooks. GradientTapes can be nested to compute higher-order derivatives.

In the run you you could see the learning rate increasing from 0.08 to to 0.4 and tehn getting down to 0.0 in 23 epcohs we could reach 93.01% accuracy.