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Pattern ID's

The pattern_id is a unique positive non zero integer, when creating a pattern with .set() a new pattern_id is created and then belongs to that pattern.

Pattern to LED Mapping

The individual patterns are mapped to the led's via the Pattern Map (internal name: pattern_map[8]).

This is a simple 2 dimensional array, the first dimension is currently fixed at 8 elements one for each RGB LED on the TLC5947 device. It is planned to make this dynamically expandable, this would allow you to chain multiple TLC5947 devices in series.

The second dimension is a dynamic array of Integers, the last Integer in each array is the pattern_id of the currently active pattern.

When a new Pattern is created, via the tlc5947.set() method, the pattern_id corresponding to the pattern will be appended to the end of the second dimension of the respective led's that are chosen with the first parameter of the tlc5947.set() method.

The pattern itself containing all the data corresponding to its state is held in the pattern list, this is a simple list containing all the pattern in the order they are added. The individual patterns contain a field for the pattern_id, this is then used to do the mapping to the LED's via the pattern Map.

Pattern Format

# a color in RGB format

This token sets the current color of the LED's to the specified RGB value. Be aware that this cannot be used on its own, see the examples.


This is a simple set color example:

tlc.set(1, "#FFFF00;") # Set LED 1 permanently to Yellow

It is also possible to use dynamic colors:

color = input("Input an RGB color")
    tlc.set(1, "{};".format(color)) # Set LED 1 permanently to the user supplied color

$,, a color in HSV format

This token has the same effect as the previous token, but takes its input in HSV form. See here for more info.


Another simple set color example:

tlc.set(1, "60,1,1;") # Set LED 1 permanently to Yellow

| sleep for n ticks

This is a delay, that can be used to implement more elaborate color profiles. The usage of this token is best illustrated in the Examples.

The delay n can range anywhere from 0 to 65535 (2**16-1). If a delay above this is chosen the integer internally representing the delay will overflow and the behavior is undefined.

The delay is in so called ticks, for an explanation of ticks see this.


This sets LED 1 to Red then is waits for 50 ticks and it changes the color to Green.

tlc.set(1, "#FF0000|50#00FF00;")

\b change the brightness by n

This token changes the brightness of the color currently in use to by the specified amount n. This change is done to the color in the HSV spectrum. This means the color is converted to HSV and the given value (wich can be positive or negative) is added to the Value portion of the HSV color. With a negative value, the brightness can be decreased.

The value has to be within the range -1 <= value <= 1, if the value added added to the current value exceeds the range of the HSV spectrum 0 <= V <= 1 it is automatically truncated.


This sets LED 1 to Yellow then is waits for 50 ticks and it changes the brightness to 50%.

tlc.set(1, "#FF0000|50\b-0.5;")

< push n onto the stack

Each pattern, in its own data, has a stack it is a fixed 10 element array. This token can be used to push a value onto this stack. Wich means incrementing the stack pointer and setting the top of the stack to the specified value.

The stack is only useful together with the [ and ] tokens, see their example section for examples of the stack operators.

The stack is a fixed int16_t array, push/pop are checked to not write over the stack, and values are automatically truncated to int16_t.

> pop a value from the stack

This token can be used to pop a value of the stack. The value is not really deleted from the stack, it only decrements the stack pointer since the only way of incrementing the stack pointer is pushing a new value with the previous token.

+ increment current stack value

This increments the value that is currently at the top of the stack. Its currently only used for creating an infinite loop together with JNZ and the marker.


This is an infinite loop, that changes the led from "white"(#FFFFFF) to "black"(#000000) every 500 ticks. This works by first incrementing the initial stack value from 0 to 1, then it sets up a marker for the JNZ to jump to then it sets the led to white, sleeps for 500 ticks and then sets the color to black and sleeps for 500 ticks again. Because the stack value is not 0 it then jumps to the Marker and the cycle repeats. Since the stack value is never decreased again, this pattern will continue forever.

tlc.set(1, "+[#FFFFFF|500#000000|500]")

- decrement current stack value

This is the same as the increment token except that it (obviously) decrements the value currently at the top of the stack. This has has a lot more uses than the increment token. This can be used to get things similar to for loops, which in turn can be nested using the stack push/pop feature.


This is the same loop from the previous example, but this time a value is pushed onto the stack instead of just incrementing the value from 0. And this value is then at the end of the loop decremented. Once this value reaches 0, in this case after 5 iterations, the loop will terminate and the pattern will be finished.

tlc.set(1, "<5[#FFFFFF|500#000000|500-]")

] Jump to the matching marker if stack value is not 0

This token can be used to jump to a matching [ marker if some conditions are met. It works the same as the ']' character in Brainfuck, except that the check is inverted.


This example sets LED 1 to Red and then in 10 steps decreases the brightness to 0.

tlc.set(1, "#FF0000<10[\b-0.1|10]")

This sets LED 1 to Yellow it then in a loop decreases the brightness to 50% in 50 ticks and after this increases the brightness to 100% again in 50 ticks. This will create a triangle wave going from 100% brightness to 50% and back.

tlc.set(1, "#FFFF00+[<20[\b-0.04|2-]><20[\b0.04|2-]>]")

[ Marker

This token is used together with JNZ see above.

; loop forever(infinite delay)

This is one of the tokens that has been used in most examples before this without being explained, but it is one of the most important especially for simple patterns.

This token acts the same as the delay explained before, but with an infinite delay. This is useful because once a pattern has been completely processed (no more tokens left). The pattern will end and be removed from the pattern list and all corresponding LED mappings.

This simple token, if placed at the end can be used to ensure the pattern stays active until manually removed.


Here we go back to the first and most basic example, the permanent Yellow LED. This would not be possible without this token.

tlc.set(1, "#FFFF00;")

This is the same as above but without the loop forever, and this will not do anything. Because of the way colors in the patterns are calculated, this will set it's internal color to Yellow and then immediately terminate and be removed. This means the LED will never be Yellow.

# This does not work
#tlc.set(1, "#FFFF00")

@ toggle the transparency

Since it is not possible to rearrange the pattern map without deleting and recreating it, there has to be a way of making a pattern that is lower in the pattern map active. This token can help with this.

This token toggles a parameter that is internal to each pattern, its transparency. When a pattern is transparent, it is not considered for the mapping of LED to pattern.

When the mapping the LED's to the patterns, usually the color value stored in pattern with the id stored in the top element of the stack of each LED is taken and put in the buffer that will be written to the greyscale registers of the tlc5947. If the pattern has the transparent flag set, which can be set with this token, the pattern is not considered and the pattern below the current one is checked to which the same procedure is applied.


This example will illustrate how this can be used to layer patterns on top of each other.

tlc.set(1, "#FFFF00;") # Set the LED to Yellow
p = tlc.set(2, "@;")   # Add another pattern on top
                       # this pattern is purely transparent

# At this point the LED is still Yellow

tlc.replace(p, "#0000FF|50@;") # Set the LED to Blue
                               # Wait for 50 ticks
                               # and make the pattern transparent again.

# 50 ticks later...
# The LED is Yellow Again
# And this all without the second pattern
# knowing the color of the first pattern.