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Test Suite for GAlgebra

It's a 1:1 port from examples/Terminal/, manually change the print() calls to assertion of string equality.

It's only some basic test for class Mv.


We are primarily using nbval to verify LaTeX or enhanced console output for GAlgebra by the Jupyter Notebooks in examples/ipython. See also for examples.

How it works

The test notebooks are used as a recorder of outputs (plain text, color ANSI console output, LaTeX), the author of the test notebook will need to visually inspect the outputs in Jupyter or nbviewer to confirm that GAlgebra is working as expected.

Then nbval will be run as a plugin of pytest in the CI environment for various versions of Python or even of dependencies to ensure the behavior is identical by checking the actual outputs with the recorded outputs. See .circleci/config.yml for up-to-date instructions to run them in CI.

How to maintain the examples

While nbval is an effective way to write and execute tests for a symbolic library that has multiple output formats, it's also sensitive to subtle changes between versions.

When the tests failed due to these subtle changes, if it should be ignored, the maintainer of test notebooks may utilize test/.nbval_sanitize.cfg to sanitize outputs before checking, i.e. replacing outputs by Regular Expressions, or to add a comment like # NBVAL_IGNORE_OUTPUT to a specific cell to disable checking for the cell and still keep it in the notebook.

Most of the time, the behavior do change after modifying GAlgebra and some of the tests will fail, the maintainer should carefully review the changed outputs and re-execute the notebook with failed tests and commit the changed notebook. The maintainer should not re-execute and commit the notebook regardless of whether the outputs are correct.

Jupyter Notebooks is actually a JSON file, when it's executed in different OS or Python versions, the output may be identical, but output numbers, Python version info, cell meta data, line endings will definitely change drastically. In order to keep the diff of a commit with modifications to a notebook minimal ( and can be reviewed by reviewers ), the maintainer should always do the following before commiting:

  • In Jupyter, restart kernel and execute all cells, so the output numbers will stay linear and the same (if no cells are inserted)
  • Shutdown Jupyter, so it won't auto-save and disrupt the following step
  • Visually inspect the diff and revert irrelevant changes such as Python version info, cell meta data
  • Keep the line endings the same as the original notebook, this can be done by replacing \r\n" to \n" or vise versa

These steps might look tedious, but one may compare them with manually copying the outputs to the expected output strings of assertions in test, or reviewing such changes to tests.

Test purposes of each Jupyter Notebook

These notebooks simply execute every example .py file (which are converted from old examples) in the corresponding subdirectory of examples

  • Terminal.ipynb:
    • These examples demonstrate various functionalities of GAlgebra
    • output format: color ANSI console output
  • LaTeX.ipynb
    • Same as the above
    • output format: complete and compileable LaTeX source files
  • Old Format.ipynb
    • These examples calls deprecated interfaces of GAlgebra

These notebooks are to demonstrate individual scenarios of interest and they are added to tests because they help increasing test coverage of such scenarios:

  • simple_ga_test.ipynb:
    • Simple demo for Vector, ∇ operator and Linear Transformation in G3
  • second_derivative.ipynb
    • Second Derivatives in Minkowski Spacetime with signature (+ - - -)
  • dop.ipynb
    • Extensive demo for ∇ operator in G3
  • Smith Sphere.ipynb
    • Smith chart, stereographical projection between G2 and G3
  • st4.ipynb
    • Verify products and inverses of multivectors in Minkowski Spacetime with signature (+ - - -)
  • colored_christoffel_symbols.ipynb
    • Extensive demo for Christoffel symbols of the first and second kind calculation and other operations in G3 and 2D submanifold
    • Demo for colored symbols in LaTeX output
  • gr_metrics.ipynb
    • Extensive demo for Christoffel symbols of the first and second kind calculation and other operations in some metrics from Special and General Relativity, e.g. Minkowski Spacetime Metric, Kerr-Debney Metric, Schwarzschild Metric etc.
  • inner_product.ipynb
    • Demo for the definition and semantics of Hestenes' inner product adopted in GAlgebra
  • verify_doc_python.ipynb
    • Unfinished verification for examples in doc/python/